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jojo, I think you're absolutely right!! I will do that. :)

Miz, I think you want to be on bobbies boat close your eyes and imagine your there drinking a frozen daguari

Hubby found a sea shell in our front yard this morning. odd.

Hi everyone it took me two hours to read all the post since I was last on . So much drama dont we have enough of it at home? Just lets be friends and share out troubles and successes.

from now on I am just going to read the latest If I miss somethng I will eventuall pick it up. How is everyones weekend going I am getting a break this weekend Mom is coming her on Monday it is my sisters turn to take her this weekend usuall I get her Sunday night but since it is the holiday weekend I get an extra day. It looks like the October 1st day to hve mom move in with me is getting pushed up sooner, She bit one of her caregivers the other day and I am tired of getting phone calls from 11 to 2 A.M. everynight when somethings goes wrong at her home I told my sisters that i would be willing to take her sooner if they all would give me a break on Friday & Saturday nights so I can regroup for Sunday through Friday. they all said yes. We will each be sharing a weekend although my younger sister cant handle my mom too well so I usuall spend some of my time at her house calming mom or having mom scream at me so that she doesnt scream at her.
I would like to know where everyone is from if you can just mention it in your post. I am from New Jersey originally from Italy came here when I was six to Brooklyn, from Brooklyn to Staten Island and the last five years here.

Well I think it was deefer, but it may have been dtflex. I can't remember, but I've gotten back into knitting. It feels good and it gives me something to do with my hands when I'm hanging with Mom besides eating. So thanks!! Glad you're all here!! Hi to the newbies!! Keep posting!!


Yay!! I'm excited for you and for them!! And...I LOVE cereal. It's of my fav foods. :)

Good Afternoon Sailors!

Well, Tennessee and her daughter still have not arrived, but it sounds like they have had a great time so far. They went walking in downtown St Augustine with their dog and then popped the dog into a kennel and are now having lunch at Barnacle Bill's Seafood House. they should be coming here after lunch.

I'm having a bowl of cereal...
They're here on the boat!!!


Yumm, deef!! I wish I could have some of that pizza. It sounds like you're having the same weather we are here in Illinois. In regards to the siblings, I have given up on one of mine. It hurts and upsets me and I feel sad for her and Mom but she does not like me. So...that's the way it is.

Miz, Wish my husband would cook. Can't even get him to give me an idea of what he would like me to make! I love to cook, but hate thinking of what to make. Daughter and I have been using fresh herbs from the garden all summer. Nothing like a fresh pesto and veggie pizza. Made a garlic, rosemary and thyme focaccia bread last week.
I think the hot humid weather has sapped our energy even more lately. Today it is a beautiful, dry, breezy day in New England. Almost fall like. Wind chimes haven't stopped yet!
Georgia, isn't it wonderful when the men aren't around? I always feel like I have to entertain mine when he is home.
Angie, Glad to see you gave up on your siblings helping. I have 6 and they are nowhere to be seen. I finally just gave up obsessing about them not helping. One less thought to cause stress. Do what you have to do and leave them out of the picture. It's better for you. Some storm. We didn't even get enough rain to make the ground wet. But the drier air sure is nicer.
Husband had to work today, so I think I'll go outside on the swing and listen to the chimes while I read.

Bobbie, Hope you are having a great visit with Tennessee and the little one. Tell them I said Hi!
Diane, good to talk to you last night!

GPeach, Just how fast can you drive? lol. Great your hub got to go out. Glad you got a little you time.

Welcome invisible, This is an empathetic group of wonderful caregivers. We sprinkle with a little humor & a few guffaws.

Rip, Glad you found some steins. I take in lots of fluids myself & primarily from huge beer steins. I wonder how many cops have seen me drinking tea on the road from my beer steins? If you put a spoon in as you pour hot water, it will absorb the heat & not shatter the glass. If the glass is very thick you shouldn't have to use a judge.
Our baby cardinals are out of the nest....Ha...look like fuzzy iguanas with the protruding eyes & oversized beaks. Good you found a day out & your boric acid too.

B321, Happy sailors!!!! Give Tenn & her daughter our love & best wishes for a great visit. Glad Earl missed you.

Diane, So glad your BF made it thru the surgery well. Healing time goes smooth I hope.

Pirate, Thanks for the article. Confirmation once again.

My mom back to her old tricks again. Got her groceries yesterday. She had told me she didn't need me to come up for the last 2 weeks & when I delivered the food....well the place was totally trashed. Garbage on the floor & stove, stuff growing in the frig, disarray everywhere. The queen is obviously not getting enough attention again. Did what I could while our food was thawing in my trunk & I'll go back to unF___ her apt. tomorrow.

How do I tell her that the reason people run from her is because she uses and manipulates them for her own amusement??? The woman that was coming to see her hasn't been back in a month since mom played her about the colonoscopy thing. The queen's drama pushes people away & it's a vicious circle of manipulation & repulsion!!!
Any ideas ladies?????

SS, Kathy, Rosella, & all others....Hope you have a Blessed weekend & happy Labor Day.

lol angie.

Good for you GP....... Enjoy your peace and quiet and relax... You deserve it for sure...... I will be going to the pharmacy again, have to say hi to my friends, lol lol lol.....

LOL GP. You could try!!

HEY, GUESS WHAT?!?! One of my husband's friends just came & got him to take him for a "field trip" for a little while!!! It's been SO long since I've been here by myself that I'm not sure what to do!!! Wonder if I could make it to the boat & back before they get back?!?! LOL Hhuuummmm...

Good Morning to all Happy Saturday..... I has been a busy couple of days.... Mom and Pop have been behaving lol lol...... My sister came in yesterday for a short visit, mainly to do her laundry....god know's not help out.... But I no longer allow myself to be upset by this, I have asked for help and recvd none. So now I just go about my job as the nurse, the dr, the cab driver, the accountant, the POOP cleaner, catheter changer, the carpenter. lol lol lol......... The sun is shining, there is a new baby squirrel in my yard, my new little friend, i have named him Jack..... So glad the sun is out, makes a big difference for the mood of the day..... I have started to do a bit of yoga, to help the stress. It has been working pretty good. Know I am going to work in my yard and visit with my new friend Jack lol lol...... We have had no accidents yet today, WHOOOO HOOOOO....... lol Thanks for listening everyone..... Wishing everyone a safe holiday weekend and hugs to all......... Angie

Diane, you have a safe and wonderful weekend too!!

Hi Everyone,

Nothing new and exciting but I wanted to check-in and say hello. Welcome to Invisible. If you are on Facebook, you can hook up with some of us too.

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend. Tenn I am jealous that you are with Bobbie on the boat, but I sure hope you and your daughter have a WONDERFUL time.

Pirate, how much chicken sausage and hot dogs do you put in your recipe. I need to go to the grocery today and I'll buy the ingredients. Can you substitute beef dogs and sausage?

I'm always up for good recipes. Please share when you or your spouse, friends, anyone have a good one.

Hugs and lots of love to my fellow caregivers.


Where the heck did I leave my energy? I can't find it anywhere.

rip, you're not hogging the site. I love seeing your posts. :)

LOL deef, I'm sure glad your sweater vest wasn't like almost done. Yep, those dollar stores are great. I like Dollar General too. It's not everything for a dollar but you can get good brand name stuff for cheap.

LOL SS, not vice-president yet. :) I'll have to find out who to talk to about running a column. If I get up my nerve that is. :)

Yes, invisible. Welcome to you!! Good to see you. LOL ;) GP, so glad you got to see your old friend. Wow, it takes a strong good hearted person to have a great attitude and be in her situation. I so admire that. As far as cooking goes, my hubby is a great one. He likes to try new things and add his own touches. He LOVES Tuscan herbs. I have 3 days off from my away from home job. Yay!! It's not much money but it sure helps. I think I need to catch up on some of the posts. Thanks yall for being here. Hugs to all of you!!


Good Saturday Morning Caregivers!

Welcome Invisible!

Bobbie, glad to hear that tennessee & daughter made it! Hope you guys will have a GREAT time! We're all there with you in thought! Hey, how about eat some frest seafood for us whele you're there. tennessee, if you want to, if you're going back on I-75 north going home, plan on stopping in Dalton & we can meet for a meal. It's exit 333. Just let me know.

You guys sound like wonderful cooks! I'm not a real good cook! I cook the old southern favorites...fried chicken, meat loaf, potato salad, pinto beans & cornbread, the old fashined chocolate cake where the icing is like fudge & breaks when you cut it, etc... It'll be so neat one day when we can all get together & share our dishes with each other! Like I said, I'm not a real good cook, so how about if I clean up! lol

Linda, I love potato soup! What are the chances of sending some email?? lol Hope you'll have fun at your bonfire!

Got to see an old friend yesterday! She is now totally blind & has to walk with a cane. She has the best attitude! Really helped me to be around her!

deef, how is Mom & your b/f? How are YOU??

rip, miz, Pirate, SS, angie, Diane, Austin, Rossella, & eveyone else, hope you'll have a great Saturday!

rossella, i'm not a terrible cook. I just don't like to cook. Poor hubby. :)

Just hook up with Ihard and others and you will be Rachel Ray before you know Ihard has a dear Pop to try things out on he has promised not to go to FLA until after his breakfast,

This thread today has become "The club of Grand Gourmets".
Better this than the usual pee and poo
I'm sorry I can't participate. Terrible cook

yes invsibale welcome !! ijust made a commet on ur first post .
am so glad u only had to read few and enjoyed it ...
i love this part of town .
ahh i gotta get to bed , going to be a long day tmr , having couple friends over tmr , am going to make one mean ole pot of potatoe soup tmr out in the open fire and slurp alotta beer .
going to be cold tmr too , bigger the fire is the warmer iget , mmmm
good night you all ! xoxo

No, it was a mantle...

You win the title of the most fascinating nickname... How do you do it? Do you use Harry Potter's cap?

Hi Secret Sister, thanks for the welcome! You folks have lifted my spirits this evening and I'll definitely be back.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

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