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Deefer It is in Bethleham-not on facebook-my life is too boring -thinking of going on dating line is that horrible for a 70 yr, old Pirate I will be there for lunch never heard of chicken franks or sauage sounds great how about turkey chili would that be good. Earl was a bust did not get a drop of rain my son did most of my lawns I am afraid to drive the tractor and my neighbors are glad about that they like there houses in one piece,

Harde...maybe you smell what I have cooking for today's Snack day at work (anticipating Labor Day). I made a spin off on the ole frank n beans. I have chicken hot dogs, smoked chicken sausage, hot smoked chicken sausage, 2 cans of pork n beans, one can of ortega black beans with jalepeno's, 1 can of drained whole corn, 1 can of ranch style beans, 1 large red bell pepper sauted, 1/4 yellow onion sauted. Man it came out hot because of the hot smoked sausage and the jalepeno' I hope they eat it all! I also brought sourdough they can eat with it. It may cool it down with bread to eat with it. All in a QVC #K26685 Thermal I would not have to mess with crock pot....lightweight!

Maxine and Kathy,

Have you tried crocheting mats with fabric strips? The ladies in my quilt guild use the selvages they tear off before cutting quilts. Crafters are very creative with "throw away" scraps.

Maxine, are you on Facebook.

Have a good day,

Good idea! Thanks I will call before I leave. It's a 15 min. drive besides. You can find instruction videos for almost anything online. Don't know what I did before computers. Didn't learn how to use one until I was 47. Had to learn for work. Now I can't live without it.
Last year I learned how to needle felt on You-Tube. I do some crocheting, but knitting is my favorite. I started making felted purses this past winter, and plan on selling them at a couple craft shows that I do before X-Mas. My family and friends look forward to my hand crafted gifts every year. Got to save where you can.
Bethleham, PA. Cool place. Been there a few times. Love Penn. It's a beautiful state to drive through. Been to Gettysburg several times. Can't get enough of the area.
Bath mats are a great idea! Like the sound of the dish cloths with that yarn. Turns them into a scrubby too! Where is Christkindlemart located? I have 2 fairs on the 2 Saturdays after Thanksgiving.
Got to get Mom's lunch going! Kathy

Defer can you call doc's office to see how far behind they are my sister does for some of mom's docs the one who run late we have 4h around here they are a big part of the grange fair every Sept. I heard you can get knitting instructions on line I have to learn stiches from watching someone ans if you do not get it right in crocheting as long as they are the same you can always say you learned a new stitch but can not remember the name I thought I had invented a new stitch then later on found it is a book. I had some rug yarn and make myself a bathmat and that is what I am going to make for Christmas gifts. Last year found yarn wirh plastic in it and made dishclothes and also made washcloths after seeing them at a craft fair anyone near Bethleham PA you have to go to Christkindlemart my sister Pat does wheat weaving and tell her you are a friend I may go again this year starts day after Thanksgiving and goes for 4 THUR FRI SAT and Sundays

I sewed all my own clothes when I was in high school, otherwise it was my sister's hand me downs. Mom made our clothes when we were small. out of necessity. I sewed dolls and quilts when my daughter was small. Now I just do alterations and mending when needed. I'm only 5'1", so everything is too long.
I've got a ton of laundry too. Just the nature of the beast I guess. Folding wash cloths will keep Mom busy for a while!
Have a good break at work!
Thinking good thoughts,

Hi Kathy. I did get some rest last night but it took me awhile to get to sleep. I guess I was overtired or something. I'm starting to have the same problem with Mom when it comes to doctor's appts. & hair appts. Everything takes too long for her. She loses patience. I'm just doing laundry this morning and am going to work on getting me & Mom's filing caught up. It's a big mess on the table in the living room. My mom taught me how to knit but not how to crochet. Mom was an excellent seamstress but I never developed the patience for sewing. She used to make my dresses when I was little. Dad loved red and so I had probably several red dresses with the puckers up high. I forget what that's called. She used to make the same dresses for me and my sister and my sister HATED that. I remember black polka dot dresses with red rick rack. I don't know if 4H is still around. I would bet it is. Take care of yourself, sweetie. Have a good day. :)


Bless your day, ladies!

Bobbie your dream has taken shape and is coming to fruition!

Miz, Did you get some rest last night? I didn't get much and have been up since 5am. Ouch! Mom has a doctor appt. at 2 and I hope we don't have to wait too long. She is very hard to hold down for any length of time. Too easily distracted. It takes a lot of effort just to get her into the office.
Any plans for your morning? Before I left my job, it was my haven away from all the crap going on at home, so I know how you feel. Started on my vest last night. The pattern sounds complicated, but once I got rolling, it's fairly easy. As long as I don't read ahead, I'm okay. My Meme taught me how to knit and crochet and sew starting when I was 5. I did 4-H for a few years and got ribbons for both my sewing and knitting. Do they still have 4-H?
Got to go feed myself. All I have had is coffee since 5am. Need food!!!

Diane, the dads are doing well, considering Alzheimer's is having its way, and Vascular Dementia and old age are too. Ugh! Some days I miss having real conversation with my dad. He escaped. At least he's peaceful.

Good morning Miz and Diane! Just finished curling Mom's much shorter hair. It will be easier to deal with. Bummer Diane, when you can't go to work. We all need the $ for sure. Is b/f still in hospital? How about Mom? did antibiotic do the trick? Mom usually needs to take a second course to make sure it is gone. Make sure they do a repeat urine after she has been of med for 5 or more days. That way you'll know for sure it's gone. Hope you have an easy day.

Diane, thank you. It's another day away from work for you but you still gotta work. That's how it is for me. Sometimes I think my outside of the house job is my time off. :)

Bobbie & Tennessee enjoy your visit together. I hope I'll get to join you one day.

Secret Sis, good to see you. We miss you. We each have our own relationship with God in our own way. We want to be here to share your journey with the dads.

Miz, deef, angie, austin, cc2again, Tennessee, Rip, Rosella and Georgia and anyone else I missed, I hope your day is filled with sunshine and love. I'm without a sitter today, so another day away from work.

Love to you all,

Wow. It's actually happening. One (two) of us (caregivers) are going to the boat!! That's so awesome!! I hope you all have a wonderful visit!!

Hey Bobbie, Do I get a prize? No? Okay!
Just got done hosing Mom down. She was soaked to the gills!!! Then I decided to give her a haircut. Too mush trouble using a curling iron on it every day. Merry can't make it today, so she sent her daughter to help, too bad she sent her over for 9 since she wasn't due til 11. She'll be back. I need her until 7 tonight.
Wishing you all a great visit! It will be nice for you to have company over the weekend.

Tenn and daughter visiting! Your first two are angels?

Checking in, Bobbie and other lovely caregivers! No worries, OK? I'm eager to know who your first guests will be.

I missed several days' worth of posts, and took a while to read them all. Not sure what happened, except spiritual meltdown; upsetting a few. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, but the fool has said in his heart, there is not God. The light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. Can two walk together except they be agreed? Those who choose to walk in darkness will separate themselves or drive the light away.

I've been following news and politics, which is growing increasingly tense, especially concerning Arizona and NYC. Pivotal times we're living in! We're gearing up for the big events this weekend, with Herman Cain speaking to a huge crowd Sunday night for candidate vetting, and 10,000+ people to walk the Mighty Mac on Labor Day.

Genius Deef !!!!

Bet it's Tennessee and her daughter! Please wish her well for me!

OK... I just checked and for sure our first guests are on their way.
anybody want to guess who it is??

C'mon... play along....!


Hey there Boatwomen!
Deef!! you have endured so much
Rip! I love how you write about your folks. Good folks.
Linda! whatta wise woman! i could say wise a$$, i love you!!

i sent a hug to CCSharon so she would hang out with us on the thread:

Hey Sharon!
bobbie with the boat here....
Please hang out with us on the thread!!
If you read my profile and do like Linda suggested and page through the thread you can see that it all actually has to do wil ALL of us. We were/are caregivers and there is the common thread.
We have a few newbies on like kulu and angie and you! and they just join in. You are more than welcome to just join in!
jsome took herself away because she was uncomfortable hanging out with people who believe in God and had a hard time letting go of it all. Live and let live.
We welcome everybody and there is room for everybody on the boat!
The boat is REAL and really cool and is going to be a respite boat for caregivers as well as earning her keep with whatever i can come up with!!
As I heal from my 5.5+ years of caregiving and the death of my beloved mom, I work on this boat with some very talented boat people so she will be pleasant to relax on and help others heal after their experiences.
We as caregivers know that 'outsiders' who have never walked our walk can have a hard time understanding our issues. The boat idea came when we realized that we would be happier in the company of each other rather than suppressing our feelings in the company of folks who don't get it.
You can see the boat come to life in the pages of this thread and she is here now with the full knowledge and blessings of my mom who in her lucid moments knew and approved of what I was trying to do.
I truly hope to meet you in person one day. You are a good sister in caregiving and would be a good friend to us all. We look forward to seeing you on the thread.
How's the back feeling?

Angie! here comes Earl the Pearl. thank God he has moved East. It's gonna blow and get wet but hopefully not a direct hit for you guys.

I talked to Nik late last night and his dad had slipped into a coma with a heartbeat of 160 a minute. that can't last. The whole family is there and they are strong together. His dad doesn't hurt anymore. He suffered and now he is in a twilight sleep and in no pain. I told Nik that he can still hear him, as I knew my dad could hear me when I sat with him in his last days.

Oh,my the coffee.. i can't even remember who wrote it. Please don't hurt yourself over that!! i wish I had crawled in bed with my dad and held him after they turned off the machines. A big regret in my life and I know I can't beat myself up about it. Mama and Daddy are together at last and I miss them.
Oh boy...crying again.

OK. Buck up Bob. Radar goes up on the ast mast today. We will have Doppler!!
i hope our first guests show up today!! Can't wait to see if it happens and then we will both log on and surprise the socks offa you guys!!

Where's SS?? check in girl!! We're gonna worry about ya!


cc2again , welcome to this site . you would understand it better if you start at page one . now its 3615 . lol
bobbie started this thread and some of us gotten to know one to another about over a year now , we always welcome anybody that enjoys each others company and help one to another . i find these ladies so amazing and enjoying to hear about thier days and thier parents ,
its a pleasure to have you here , i ve enjoyed ur stories also .
when somebody new comes on its a hey welcome !!
the boat is bobbies boat . she got them for caregivers like u and me and others . i will one day go meet her and relax on her boat . one day when dad s gone to a better place then i will go find bobbie .
when you have time maybe one day you could start at page one and go thru what you can ? i do it sometimes when i have time .
again welcome CC2AGAIN :-)

Hi Sharon aka CC...... All i know is Bobbie, has a boat and is rehabing it, I apologize..... I am very new to this tool.... sometimes i dont get the message or notices right away , but i do read them and honestly they do make sense. But I will begin posting on your wall... as well...... Honestly, I never want for anyone to feel left out or out of place, I just say whatever comes to mind.... lol, thats just me.... I have been on this journey for quite some time, with no outlet, until here..... It has made such a difference in my life in a short time ....... I so look forward to getting to know to you......

You know what? You all seem to know each other.....I can understand why Jsomewhere, what ever the name is...Feels as they do....Y'all talk amoungst yourselves and we keep getting notifcations and we check it and it has nothing to do with us....So unless is says posted on your wall? I have began deleting them.....Hugs to all.......Sharon aka...Cc

What is the boat thing mean?

I did not ever have any closeness with either my Mom or Dad-my father was very distant and died at 50 yrs old-my mother has been a widow for 42 years. My mother never really liked me -she does my sirter and brothers even though my brothers hardly ever go to visit her and call seldom-but it is what it is. I am glad a lot of you have good memories of your parents, now I am feeling sad goodnight everybody thank you all for your friendship and support.

I too have always had to be here for my parents. I remember one Christmas that my mom was in the hospital. I had already spent Christmas eve with my mom and dad at the hospital and when it came to dinner time on Christmas day, off my sister went to have dinner with her husband's dad and second wife. I blew off my now ex-husband's family dinner so my dad didn't have to have Christmas dinner alone in a restaurant. Why her behavior continues to surprise me some 30 years later, I don't know. Guess I hoped her priorities would change as she matured. While I may complain and get depressed about my responsibilities with no help from the sibs as I care for my dad now, I do know that even when he least shows it he truly does appreciate what I do for him. It breaks my heart when he tells me he doesn't know what he would do or where he would be without me. I know I'll miss him terribly when he's gone but I can't help but pray for him to pass as I watch his continual decline. Even as I write this, I cry as I mourn the dad I once knew and wish he could do even some of the things he used to so enjoy doing.

Actually my dad's health started failing at 46. he had a heart attack right after I got married and he and Mom had celebrated their 25th anniversary. He had by pass surgery 3 days after New Years day in 1974. I remember taking mom to Boston to see him the next day. My youngest brother was about to turn 6, and I had to take care of him too. Back then, you had to go somewhere like Boston for the surgery. I took him to Boston every 6 months to see his doctor. He died of a massive heart attack nine years later, and I've been helping Mom ever since then.
Never really had a chance at a real life. Always had to be here for the family.
I thought at this point in life, I might be able to enjoy things, but....

Man oh man that boat sounds so good right now. Bobbie, come get us!!

Thanks Miz.
Dad has come a long way. Now he is failing in front of me. I feel helpless, like I did when cancer took Mom.
She went into a different zone, I think to protect us. It was odd & really hurt.
Like she was distracted ... not herself. Wishing the disease would go away ...
It was devastating.

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