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Rossella, it's so good you had that time with your dad. He understands about the coffee I am sure.

RIP, I so can understand your relationship with mom, I am sorry about the loss of your mom. As much as mine can make me crazy, I can not even imagine my life without her....... She is truly my best friend. We have shared many laughs, tears, arguments, etcc.......... So here is to all the mothers and daughters....A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. ~Author Unknown
OK I am really going to bed now all lol lol....

deefer, I'm so sorry you went through all that.

Deefer ... you were in that condition, staples in you, & had to handle all that?
I am so sorry.
Wish we all had been there for you!

I'm so sorry, rip. Hugs to you.

You're right, deefer. We never really get over it. But it makes me feel a bit better knowing that Dad's up in heaven and things don't bother him like they used to. He's totally happy and waiting for Mom.

Yeah, Miz.
It is a mystery. She was active, healthy, never smoked, grew & ate organic long before it was mainstream ... fed Dad the best meals ever ... for his heart condition ...
Now he lives on Mac & Cheese.

What a tragety

Cancer is such a terrible thing. My bestest friend's dad has it now. He went from looking very healthy to looking like 20 years older. He's fighting it but I'm afraid it might be winning. And he never smoked or anything. Her mom did but she has quit.

Know what you mean about dads. Mine died when he was only 54. My youngest brother was just 13. I heard a bang about midnight and my 17 year old sister came knocking on my door to tell me dad had fallen on the floor. It was all over an hour later. I was the oldest at home(31) and had to call all my other sibs, 1 in Texas, 1 in Virginia and one in Boston. It was really hard. It's something you never get over.
As bad as Mom is, she remembered that we didn't put flowers on his grave on Memorial day last year. I had just had shoulder. surgery and 22 staples in my skin. I was supposed to wear a sling for 6 weeks, but it was off in 1 week so I could deal with Mom. Only had help from the sibs for 4 days!
Hi Miz, How did your day go? Got my yarn!

rip, I know what you mean. Dad seemed strong as an ox. The doc could not believe he went before Mom.

This sounds kinda trivial right now but I was so stressed at work today and 3 and 1/2 hours seemed like at least 8. I didn't even stop to go to the bathroom. And then...I gave Mom some Senacot this morning and that was a big mistake. It seems like the stool softener doesn't help her painful bowel movements at all but anything stronger brings on wicked diarrhea. What a nasty smell!! So gross!! So, I dealt with that tonight. I'm getting ready to tuck her in and get ready for bed myself. Tired.


sept 6 will be 21 yrs since mom pass on to a better place , i miss her badly .
gotta babysit my 3 grandkids tmr , just for couple hrs they say , ah thats ok , i get all the huggies and kisses and get to play with em , love em and enjoy em for few hrs and then its bye bye come back and see mamaw now ya hear ??? lol .
deefer ,, maybe one of ur siblings sent ya those flowers , apprecating for takin care of thier mom ?? ugh ? man i know its gotta bug the crap outta ya , i would go nuts if someone did that to me ! sure hope u find out asap /
whatever happen to that william guy ? i was enjoying readin what he had to say , busy man , oh he s going to go see rosella ?? lol he said he s going to paris , lalala

MIZ!!! I understand more than most can imagine!

Mom & I were so tight .. we wore the same clothes ... if I found a decent pair of jeans that fit, I'd but several for both of us.
Same with boots. I still have Dexter & Fryes in my closet which fit us both. We traded off for special ocassions.
I still reach for the phone to share something with her ... we were together or on the phone several times a day. Fun stuff ... laughing ...
I really, REALLY miss her! Especially with all the Dad stuff!

He should have gone first with all his health problems ... we always were concerned about him.
Then BLAM!
Ovarian Cancer -
That was in 97 ...

Bobbie, So sorry to hear about Nik's dad. Never an easy situation.....
Rosella, thanks for the advice I definitely connect well with nature for sure. Get that from Dad. I definitely find a sense of calmness when I just stand and take a look at my yard, the flowers, the leaves and the trees etc... Spent the night here in Mass with my daugher batting down the hatches before the storm. It was nice to have that little time with her. Now just resting before heading off to bed. The dog has already claimed his spot on the bed lol lol as he always does. Mum and Pops are settled in, it was a nice evening. So good night to all my fellow boatmates....... All of you have been a saving grace and thanks for being the wonderful people that each and everyone of you are..

Sweet Dreams to all....

deefer, i have never knitted anything but scarves. I wish I had someone to teach me how to knit a top or something. I got some books but I get impatient with them. :)

I lost my dad 5 years ago this month. It still feels like a knife stabbing me at times. I think about something I want to ask him, or something I want to apologize to him about and on and on. It hurts.

Bobbie, So sorry you can't be with Nik, but your probably right about staying in the background. You and the boat really lucked out with Earl. Angie will get some bad weather tomorrow evening into Saturday Morning. We'll most likely just have winds and rain. We need the rain like everyone else.
Linda, Tacos are my favorite! Isn't it funny that with all we have to do, we can still be bored? I can't figure that out. I guess our brains are always do stimulated by all that's going on, we don't know what to do when things get calm.
Maxine, I just bought yarn today for 2 projects. I found a sweater and a vest pattern that I wanted to try. I started the vest tonight and it is done in one piece with the short row sequence technique. Should be easy and fast. That is if the cats don't tear it apart on me!
Rip, Is your dad well enough to go to a day program? They are trained to take care of people with catheters, etc. He might enjoy the company. You do need to get out. Believe me, I was a prisoner of Mom's for the first 1 1/2 years. Took a toll on my marriage. Check the local senior center. They could have names of people they could recommend to relieve you.
Pirate, the financial, medical, day to day stuff is very overwhelming. My husband goes to work every day. That's his contribution. The rest of the time he would sit and sulk because we couldn't leave the house. God forbid he go somewhere on his own! So I take care of all of our stuff and Mom's too. I spent hours, days, weeks on the phone, trying to get help for me, for Mom, and nothing. It;s a vicious circle of names and numbers, but no answers. I'm hoping Mom goes at home. I hate to have to account for all her expenses to the state if she has to go in a NH on Medicare. I could lose everything. Something else for my hubby to crab about. The 6 other sibs knew what they were doing when they asked me to stay home with Mom.
I wish there were more services out there, but there aren't. I've spent 3 years jumping through hoops to prove it.
Enough of that! Okay, who sent me the flowers?

lhardebeck, if I only could I would be right there. I'd love it!!

bobbie, my prayers are with you and Nik and his dad. Life can be so damn hard sometimes. I'm so sorry.


I rarely get headaches. I have a really good friend that gets migraines all the time. Awful stuff. :(

Diane, so glad your boy friend's surgery went well. :)

Diane, I'm in Illinois. We're getting thunderstorms and rain but nothing like Earl.

Diane: I know you are offline, but I'm glad everything is Okay.
Angie: I know very well the feeling of having all the world on my shoulders. Many times a day "I wanna fly away" (sometimes I start to sing that song ( Nicole Kidman - Moulin Rouge) under the shower and after a while I realize what I am singing!) because it seems to me that the rest of the world (my mother, my animals, my brother, almost everyone) is literally sucking my energy away. So what do I do????
I recharge the batteries staying in contact with nature. I kind of re-draw energy from the nature. I try to be a Native-San Bushman-Aborigine (wise people!). I go out for a walk, breath the wind, let the sun warm me (if the day is sunny, of course), try to feel the contact of my feet with Mother Earth (I'm kind of a pantheist,,,) and water! Water is okay. Whenever you have water, play with it! Think of the babies playng hours with water. Why do they do it? Because they are wiser than us. I try to stay tuned with the Universe's energy. There is no other way for me, there is no other way to keep my mind sane. Give it a try, when you feel very stressed. Guarenteed you will feel better! A short walk in the garden, or in a city park, can be enough, if you don't live in the country.
Bobbie I know very well the feeling of losing a dear father. I still miss my father after 15 years from his death. You are very right when you tell Nik to stay with him as much as he can. Those moments are precious. I spent the last night of my father's life at the hospital with him. My mother and brother were home. I sat close to my father's bed and I dozed a little bit with my head on his bed. But most of the time I was awake and I looked at him. I had his last smiles. I still regret I did not give him a cup of coffee in the morning when he asked me, because the doctors told me I could not give him coffee. I still regret it because he loved coffee (I am his daughter!) and two hours after he was dead! But I feel my father is still with me, (like Alberto the cat) and when I am in serious need for help I go in the nature (again!) and call for him. When I am alone, I call him loud! In a way, he answers because I feel much better after. My father was the leader of the pack of wolves which was my family, And you always miss your leader when he is gone! So, my thoughts are definitely with Nik.

That's all for tonight. Love you all. You ladies are my 2nd source of energy!

Man, I could chow down on some of Linda's tacos!!

Pirate....I remember now. I had to get the house in NJ ready for big wind and rain. I'm still in FL and so thankful I didn't move the boat to NJ when I wanted to. Better here because repairs still going on and

I've texted Nik and haven't heard anything yet. I don't want to call for the obvious reasons. he is devastated and he knows it's coming.
told him I would come out now and he said that he doesn't want me to see his dad like this.... remember him the way he was and I just lost it.
All he has to do is tell me come and I will. Just don't want to be the sore spot for the family so I think I will have to cool my jets. Nik will know what to do. so sad.


Maxine here the weather people got me so crazy I went out and did my errands instead of joining my friends at the senior center and now we are getting 1/4 of a inch of rain and some breeze so I will probably mow the lawn tomarrow before that big storm hits. Angie I am so sorry for all you are going through has any one told you God only gives you what you can handle did you want to deck them like I do. I am so glad you and your Mom can hug and be friends after a disagreement -my Mom gets so mean we are fine with phone calls but I hate to be in the same place as her what is with ladies in their 90's some of them my aunt is 93 and is so nice but can't be around her 91 yr. old sister for long or they would kill each other. I crochet now I use to knit but got tired of my husband calling me when in the middle of a row or when I was counting so started crocheting the knitters in my group made hats for the service to wear under their helmets-a friend gave me yarn her mother had before she died so I am making a lap robe for my friend using her Mom's yarn my cat is not at all interested in yarn my Mom's cats try to eat yarn, Hope everyone will be safe from Earl.

what !! gastons coming ? damn it all ,

sorry pirate Girl!!

I'm in NE Fl and Earl the Pearl passed it right by and now we get to worry about Gaston!


bobbie s smelling something good a cooking somewhere . bet s shes over there somewhere eating . lol
man im so damn bored !! dont wanna do dishes dont wanna clean house , thats all i ever do ! . hubby gone to bed early ! damn what does that leave me ?? bored to death grr grr grrrrr .
playin game's on compture gets old real fast . blahhh guess i ll go lay on the couch and flip millions of channels and never find what i wanna watch ,.
maybe i ll go outside and wait for miz to come over so we can smoke .....
dream on , think i ll walk on over to bobbie s boat and feed her tacos .
oh dang it im daydreamin again .....

Rip thanks...the reason why I asked is bobbie was saying something in anticipation of the storm and saying throw all the furniture in the pool. So I guess yes it missed her already.


I keep hesitating to find respite care for Dad. We are good room mates but I do go crazy being trapped here.
His lady friend at the institution had people come in who were impatient & edgy. One was pretty viscous in caring for her. Afraid of her kitty, Lacey!
Barely spoke English & Helen was afraid of her.
I made sure she didn't last long.

I realize thats not all of them, especially since I was a caregiver to my special pal, but its exhausting trying to think about it.

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