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Bobbie's last was 2 hours ago. If she doesn't answer I believe she is in St Augustine FL... so you won't worry about her & the storm.
Like we don't all wory about each other every minute! I think she & boat are safe.
Waiting to hear about her b/f (husband?) Nic's father.

....oh yes early last year when she was driving me crazy over and over again about my dad's old cars car insurance papers she had me so crazy from her constant calling over and over and raving that I called the Adult Protection services and was crying my eyes out to some lady on the phone who took at least the patience to listen. They did nothing...but she did listen.

Bobbie what state are you in.....worried about you and Big Earl coming on shore.

Oh Pirate, I know what you mean. I cried and cried and called places and even ended up calling the sucide hotline because i truly didn't know how i was going to cope with it all.

thinkoftheboat, Pirate! We love you and want to hang out with ya!!!!

Love you Pirate and am grateful for all of you ladies and this site. It'll work Pirate! I'm LIVING proof!!


Hi Pirate,
I know exactly how you felt..... There is very little help for people in our situation. But we do have each other, and that is the best.........We are here to listen, laugh and cry when you need it......

Good for you Angie!

be safe and man, Be Safe!!

glad the boat is here instead of there. have to respect that weather!

There's a kid fishing off the swimstep for baitfish. He's got a net and the whole deal. Wants me to come out and throw the net.
I figure I'll pull something and don't want to throw the net.
The kid is trying to get work around the boat so I'll give him my beat up rubber dinghy. I can't give him the dingy before i replace it and he's offered to scrub the boat down. (A lot of scrubbing) and I think I'm likeing that idea.
I don't have the patience to fish, i don't think. there are rod holders on the back of this boat and I'd only have patience to walk out there and see if dinner showed up yet. Right now I only want to fish in blue water.
Set the poles up and go.

I like all the fishing doo dads and there's an excuse to go broke.

Kid's coming back with a different net. I warned him that I'm a bad influence. Warned his parents too. They just laughed at me.
I think tomorrow the kid can clean the boat.
kid doesn't read for fun. If I can hook him up with that, I'll leave a good thing behind in that kid.
that's what mom did in that little town. She taught people how to read. Once you've got reading down, you can do anything.

The boat angel is almost finished setting the radar on top. he had to run a LOT of cable but we are near the finish line for electronics. Want to do a test drive this weekend.

Hopefully, in a few days,we will have our first guests from here to stay on the boat. Don't know for sure but am excited and hope so.

man, someone is grilling something very tasty and I am salivating.
We are one step ahead of the wolves.


I can't tell you that thinking about all of you here and others here on this website with all their specific scenarios of oh my gosh some reall horror stories gets me though each day. I know now that I am not alone. When I started the worst part of this journey with Mommy Dearest a year ago I was crying so much one day when I was on Family Leave because of her. I had run the gamut of trying to call help angencies around the city and nothing was of any I found that out the hard way just like may folks here reaching out for hope and help. That day I was crying I was sitting on a garden bench in my my mom's yard (bench was mine that I had bought and put in her yard) I was crying my eyes out thinking where am I going to get help. I felt so helpless and so tragic. It's a shame there is not a better agency that will help you with most of the agony you have to go through especially if you are a sole caregiver. I am thankful again for all of you....and the many others and their struggles here at Aging Care.

All I have to say to everyone here is CUDO's to all of us, in our situations. I love the fact that I get to hear other's that are or have experienced I am. It is a tremendous feeling to know you are not alone. I think " theboat theboat the boat" as I sip on my early Martini.... lol lol. Today was a pretty good day, I did some PT with dad, although he was very tired, he did well. Mom was in good spirits. I know that she appreciates all that ihave and continue to do. And I am so thankful for my Daughter emilyl, she is the best....... ;She is my sanity at times........ Ok I am going to prepare for the storm.... Check in later,,,,, HUGS TO ALL....

Bobbie, Poor Nik, he must be missing you and you him! Good to see the storm missed you. They have the coast up here getting ready. Angie is on the southern coast of Mass. in Fall river, and I am right in the middle of the state, just east of Quabbin Reservoir. Expecting strong winds and heavy rain, which we could really use. I'll send some your way Linda. Hope you get rid of your headache.
Diane, so happy your B/F is no wimp. Makes it easier on you. Now if Mom will just cooperate!
Castoff, Mom has almost been thrown out of daycare several times now. She is always trying to escape and has fallen a few times while under their "watchful eyes". They have to call her doctor and fill out much paperwork when she does fall. I always feel like I'm getting called to the principals office. I had to order her a special walker in order for her to stay. It's called a MerryWalker and is used in institutions and hospitals. It cages them in and is supposedly tip proof. Wrong, Mom has tipped it many times now. It sells for around $600, but they wouldn't keep her without it. Wasn't Margaret O'Brien in that movie?
Angie, Make sure you batten down the hatches where you are! Had similar problems with my nephew, stealing checks, cash and jewelry from Mom a few years ago. Cost my brother $20,000 to get him drug free! It's a bad situation no matter what. 2 of my brothers wanted him arrested and thrown in jail. At that time, Mom was still with it enough for me to explain the situation, and she decided that my nephew would pay back the money he had gotten from forging her checks. The bank was involved and that was the only way to keep the police out of it. I told the rest of the sibs she couldn't possibly live with herself if she had him arrested. Just when you think you have things figured out, something else gets in the mix! Good luck with the storm.
Pirate, watched a bit of Chowder, but am recording them for when I have "free"time. Sounds like a good idea for a tat. I could put it under my other one.
Take care everyone, including those I might have missed . Got to make sure Mom is not in trouble. Supposed to be tied to her wheelchair and reading the paper!

Bobbie which state are you in? North Carolina? New Jersey? Florida? Earl looks like he's going to sideswipe the eastern seaboard.

Rip - "Chowder" is a cartoon from Cartoon's so zany. Watched the episode "Mr. Fugu and Chowder" last night oh my crazy!

Hey maybe we should get tat's that read "I survived Hurricane "Mom" a joke

They had 50 foot waves out in the ocean yesterday!!!

dtflex , glad ur b/f s gonna be healin up real soon . bet he aint going to worry about ur pond anymore now ugh ? wish him a quick recovery and get back to old routine .
headaches suks ! i always pop them excedrine for migrian , seems to help alot better than other meds . sometimes i have to lay down and take a nap to get rid of em . lights hurts my eyes so i go take a nap . at least try to if pa lets me .
seems like he knows when im going to lay down thats when he gets real loud and a hollarin .
glad the hurricane didnt hurt u bobbie . thought theres another one behind it , mm must been over by now .
hope hurricane stays out of the in state ! and stays out there in that water .
suppose to get rain while ago and am betting we wont get a drop grrrr . some parts of indiana got em but not this part of indiana , every livin thing is dried up , my sis said u nee dgo water them i said ugh water everything then i wont have any water for us , nana cuz i dont know how much water is in my well . need to keep as much water i can so i can wash pa s stinky wet clothes and bedding . blahh
good day you all !! xoxoxo.

Linda, thanks. He's really a good guy. Bless your heart.

glad your b/f is out of surgery! Yay. now you can look to the future and know that he's on the healing road.
sorry about your headaches. no fun.


Hi ladies,

Just wante to let you know b/f came through surgery and is doing fine. I am amazed at his high tolerence of pain. Me on the other hand, I am a wimp these days. Between stressing out about him and mom's fight over her hallucinations, I have worked myself up to a migraine. I am online just for a minute because I am bored, but my head feels like it should belong to someone else. Does anyone else suffer from chronic headaches?

Have a good day my fellow caregivers. Deef and Miz, you're in MA right? Keep you eye on Earl. Looks like SC is going to escape him unlike our friends in NC.

Love ya,

oh bobbie i am so sorry for nik s dad . prayers for them both , and for u too . i know u wish u could be there to hold both of thier hands .
do it in ur mind that u are there . im sure they can feel it .
so so sorry ...

Oh Ladies,

Nik just called and his daddy is getting worse. Today may be the day......
He called from the hospital crying and I started crying and told him to go back upstairs and hold his dad's hand and hand him over to Jesus. Tell your daddy everything you want to say. this will be the hardest thing for you to do and it will bring you the most peace. It did for me.

Those that think good thoughts, please think good thoughts.
those that pray good prayers, please pray good prayers.
Those that do not believe, please be silent for a moment of respect for a good man, good father, good husband and good friend. Nik's dad.


Thanks Miz,
You truely are blessed to have a loving mom. I am so happy for all of you that have good relationships with your parents. Makes me smile & touches my heart.
Cherish the love.

Castoff, hey, about the green hair...I say go for it!! Maybe I'll go purple!! I'm so sorry about your mom troubles. Every time I read about a beligerante and/or manipulate loved one I feel so blessed to have a sweet, caring, loving mother. She is so grateful. Don't let that social director get to you. She has no right to be like that. I hope this is a phase and your mother starts another good month. Hugs to you.


RE: Orange hair. I try to keep mine dark auburn for hubby, but after awhile it tries to go orange too. I would just as well let it go white like mom's but for hub's sake (I look old enough already). There's a cashier at the store I frequent that has the most vibrant well couffed white hair.
I have also dreamt of trying green hair. A nice emerald green would work with my freckles.LOL. Has anyone ever seen the old black/white movie of the 40's..."The Boy With Green Hair"? I think Father Flannigan starred? Good flick. A prelude to tolerance.

Mom's good behavior ended yesterday. Long story..the walker she ruined when she fell in Jan.; my hub retrofitted the queen's backup walker with the inside wheels from the old & a new foldout tray. Well she has now got the social director at her building to jump thru the hoops for her & get her a new walker (which I offered to get back in Feb but she declined). They placed the tray on wrong & her highness had them drill holes in the tray so she could tie it to the walker. I have to untie it to colapse & get it into the car. Nothing is ever good enough for her. The social director also shot me a look when I went to pick her up like "Why aren't you taking care of your mom?". If I tell them what she is really about they may kick her out. It's not the service that she cares's manipulating folks to DO for her. Wits end again for me. For a 90 yr old that is in pretty good health to be so wicked and self obsorbed. OK everyone...jump thru those hoops!!!! Princess isn't getting enough attention!!!!
I am grateful for the good month I had, but missing it now.

I'm going to cool off & wait for better weather to visit her again. See what kind of damage she did in her apt.. She told me weeks ago that she is capable, but after yesterday........

Stregnth & endurance to us all.

Hey Miz and Angie,

Angie, that's what would get me down. just feeling like I was cleaning up mess after mess. Whether it was real estate, $ or poop. Clean clean clean. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHH.

Glad you and your mom have that give and take relationship.



angie, you babble all you want. That's what this thread is for. Venting!! And you have every right to, with what you are/have been going through. You go girl with that Martini. Whatever gets you through the days and night. :)

Good Morning All,
Well it is another HUMID HUMID DAY HERE in mass., although the rain is due in later today and through tomorrow. I agree with all, I so never feel rested. I do have many unfinished projects. I love to knit and I have three afghans in progress lol llol.... I love Panera Bagels , they are so yummy.... and so worth the indulgence lol.... It has been a tough couple of days here. Mom is doing a bit better, we are now dealing with trying to make heads or tails out of her finances, UGGGGGhhhhhhh... lol A slow process, but in progress..... Dad had a busy day yesterday we had PT and OT here, today the nurse will be popping in. The last two nights, I think I had a breakdown of sorts, everything just reached me. My brother whom is a drug addict, 4 years ago, took my mother for a financial ride, along with making a mess out of the property and one of the apartments. The last two nights, i just felt like, all i do is clean up after everyone's mess. Honestly I think I needed to vent that out to MOM, she was very understanding poor lady..... She is my best friend....... We have been on this journey with dad for quite some time together, and we can get mad and yell at each other and in 5 min we are hugging........ So today, I am trying to keep my attitude positive and allow myself a bit of breathing time....Sorry, did not mean to just babble here, but I did lol lol... So today I will get the outside ready for the crazy wind coming our way and tend to dad's need's and definitely enjoy my 5 pm Martini lol lol So I hope all stay safe , take care of yourself's and smile. Thanks for listening.

Mom used to love to read, but now holds the book upside down, or tears the pages out! When she is lucid, she does like to read the newspaper, but more often than not, she just shreds it to pieces.
My cats steal my yarn all the time! If I don't put it away in a secure spot, I find it all over the house in the morning.
Nothing holds my attention for long either. That's why I have so many unfinished projects laying around everywhere! I think part of it is stress and the other part is us waiting for the other shoe to drop!
I agree, Panera is the best. I like the Southwestern Turkey on foccasia bread with a salad. Yum! Making myself hungry.
Have a good day.

Kathy, mmm I love Panera. I do like to knit. I have lots of scarves that I have knitted in the past. I also have lots of yarn so maybe I will take it up again. You're right, it's a good distraction and it keeps my hands busy so I don't eat at night. My fight will be with the cats. You know how they love to play with yarn. :) I wish Mom would knit. Once when I wasn't looking, she picked up my knitting and knitted all the way to the end of the yarn. So...I started a scarf for her and she showed no interest. Weird!! She has so little that she likes to do. I love to read and that's a good distraction, but I think I have ADD cause I can't stick with it very long. Even if it's a really good novel. Have a fun day!!


Miz, I feel the same way. Seldom do I feel rested and stress free. When I do get a chance to lay down, my restless legs won't let me! We're supposed to get the wind and rain up here on Friday- Saturday. Looks like it's going downhill. I sure hope so.
Do you craft at all? Knitting, painting and making jewelry are a good distraction for me. The downside is finding the uninterrupted time to do it! Knitting is the best because I can do it in front of the TV or while watching Mom. Although I've made some doozy mistakes from having to drop my knitting for her.
Daughter has the day off. Going to see if she wants to go to Panera Bread for a quick lunch. Try to get some shut-eye before going to work.

We are getting lots of rain here. Almost 2 inches in the last three days and more to come. We do need it. Have yall noticed how stress can wear you out sometimes even more than physical work? As you all know it's tough to get a good night's sleep whether it be due to being woken up several times or by only sleeping lightly due to listening for our loved one. It's only 8:15 am here and I am already tired. I need to start taking better care of myself. Many days I say I will start tomorrow and tomorrow comes and that goes well... you know. Anywho, be safe everyone. Love yous!!


Linda!!! and gang!

I fell asleep earlier and just woke up. that'll teach me to have a beer when it's still light out. Big drinker. Not.

Earl is off the FL coast and we are having sunny days and just a little wind. The rip currents are amazing. Go in to your waist and get your feet sucked out from under you. Next thing you know you're 150 yards off the beach and heading to Cuba.

I hope I have the house in NJ ready. I have a little crew and they have cleared the light stuff from around the house and we got a generator yesterday so if the power goes out I don't lose the sump pump in the basement. House is unbearable when the basement floods. finally have it dry and healthy and don't want to take a chance.

I love you guys. I am well, just made the mistake of eating a hot dog and having a beer with the gang up the dock. The beer knocked me out and the hot dog gave me the heartburn. Now I am awake and blinking and catching up with the weather channel.

Man, those Weather Channel guys get SO excited about a hurricane. Funny as all get out to watch. This IS a major hurricane and I hope that no one suffers and they all get out when told and don't try to be heros.

BOAT now has an ice maker!! Goofy looking little cubes, but hey! you can get margueritas out of them! Boat drinks!!

Georgia P! glad you had a tear-less day. They just come up on you and you're overwhelmed and then you get a little break.

Tennessee! looking forward to seeing you and your daughter! hope you're still coming!

Rip (nice currents), and you ladies with the urine collection!! You all have my absolute respect. What inventive minds! Geniuses!
Deef... that's what my mom would do on the john. She would go into the bathroom and sit down on the toilet with the lid closed and her pants up. Then I could get her to stand up and take her pants down and then she would try to sit on the lid. If i put it up, she would put it down.
She would forget that she was going to go while she was getting ready to go and would fight me because she would forget in a second that i was trying to help her take her pants down so she could sit down and pee. she would get all huffy as in why are you trying to take my pants off and it goes around and around. I would just try and make her laugh and tell her that no worries, I gotcha here, but you DO have to take your pants down and sit on the pot.
she'd sit on the pot for a minute, forget why she was there and sometime take all of her clothes off or whatever.

The picking or shredding of fabric is a fascinating behavior. If their hands are constantly going they need a little stuff to do. I got mom a load of pretty fabric napkins and she would fold them and pat them and stroke them. She said it felt good on her fingers.
The alzheimers has a lap pad that has a big zipper, and big buttons and a shoelace, etc and my mom LOVED it. You crafty ladies may be able to make one. Velcro tabs that were attached to fabirc and when you open it up there's a picture! little surprises under the buttons, etc.

Let me post this so Linda knows I'm safe and sound and looking forward to the day we meet!!
Love to all of you ladies,


deefer !! purtty flowers ! wow . still dont know who send it ? man cant ya think who would send u flowers ? was it ur birthday not long ago ? i know somebody had a bday , mmmm . ure just so special ! u deserve it .
where s bobbie ?? praying she s in no harm .
rip . im sorry to hear ur dad has prostate cancer . what is the dr going to do about it ? chemo etc ? i think thats why dad keeps saying no about going to specilist , prob afraid to hear bad news .
man thats sad .
good night you all . hope to hear from bobbie tnite so i can go to bed knowin shes safe . cant sleep when im worrywarts .

Rip, I have Direct TV and it is on 296 at 11AM EST. The channel is CNe HD OR 298 BOOM.
I like doing the crosswords, word jumble and Cryptoquip which is my favorite! They all work the brain and keep it from turning to mush. I also like to read Get this, romance novels! Like historical ones the best, but am reading Amanda Quick Victorian romance mysteries. Like the time period.
Tomorrow I'd like to get out for some yarn. Got a great sweater and vest patterns I want to try out as soon as the weather cools down. Got some new purse patterns to knit and felt too. Just too hot for knitting right now.
How's Sir tonight? Still raining out there?

Is Chowder on TV? What channel? I love the daily newspaper comics.
Anyone else? I work the crossword puzzles too.

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