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Rossella, The movie is called "the Ugly Truth" and it is funny! He sure is good to look at!!!!!!

Thanks! How was your day? No tickets I hope.

Beautiful flowers, deef!!

Oh Yah!!!

Mmh Gerard Butler. I felt in love with him in "PS I love you"
Bello mucho macho.

Commando? Wow, not bad for his age! I know about the pee smell. Got to shampoo all of Mom's rugs when the weather gets cooler and drier. Her chair seats too. She's in pull-ups all the time now. No more accidents!! Yeah!!
Pirate, Plan on watching Chowder tomorrow. Opted for exercise and the pool today, while Mom was at daycare. Lobster ravioli, Yumm! Sounds good. Enjoy your time out. Poor car! Don't you hate it when that happens.
Georgia, Hope you are safe from the storm. I think we will have some wind and rain, but Cape Cod and islands will get the worst of it.
Hello Austin and Castoff!
Going to watch movie with Gerard Butler. Maybe he sent the flowers. Okay, I can dream can't I? Did any of you see him in Phantom of the Opera?

Have tried vinegar, have not tried peroxide. I did have his furniture and carpets cleaned professionally but can still smell the urine when it's humid. Of course, he's always cold and I'm always having hot flashes. The febreze works but only for a few days. I usually douse his furniture and the carpet around the chairs once he goes to bed. It doesn't help that he is still at this time in the pants that he said were wet about 10am. He apparently took off the boxers he had underneath because when he showed me his catheter this afternoon, he was commando. Can you even imagine knowing you're sitting next to an 85 year old that has gone commando all day?

deef...yes def check out Chowder for stress's so zany it will make you forget your current troubles.

Is Hurr. Earl coming ashore Bobbie?

Oh man I have to say I feel sorry for you gals with mommo's who tear apart their diapies....eeeek. When my mom starts to loose it...she is def going into a NH cause I cannot take off from work.

Crap news...when I was leaving yet another F'd up training class for our F'd up new horrid systems....I scraped my car....mmmmmm hoo....on a freaking pipe...why is by the cars? I knew I should not have parked there.....and I thought I was being carefull...damn it all.

B/F is taking me to a pizza place with real italiano owner Nando...I am getting the Lobster is to die for...had it once before...gotta go home now and catch up with b/f.

Hold yer heads up ladies...and laugh really hard tonight while looking at the stars....let it all out...howl if you have to...!

My dad takes hefty doses (80 mg) of Lasix twice a day. During the summer that's enough because of the heat - dehydrates him a little. In the winter I have to give him an extra diuretic that is really strong about twice a week to keep him out of heart failure. He had his aortic valve replaced in January and while he is a little easier to keep under control, he can still become very bad very quickly. I'm not sure if I were him that this would be what I would call quality life. I guess that's not for me to decide tho. As I look at him right now, I can see that he certainly finds pleasure in his nightly bowl of ice cream. Makes me realize our expectations for the good things in life can change dramatically depending on our situation.

Wow, you ladies are hard to keep up with!!!!!
Diane, Please have your mom's electrolytes checked. Lots of seniors have been droping from low sodium/pottasium lately. Hallucinations are part of that. Gatorade is very good suppliment, low cal if she is diabetic. Hope it's something simple.

Kuli, Vinegar works on cat pee odor & we all know how potent that can be. The vinegar smell goes away after awhile.
Peroxide also works GREAT on blood stains. Bubbles them right off. I was amazed when I used it for the first time!!!!
Thanks for the info on caths. Hope I never need it.

Deef, Lovely flowers. Got to get your imagination going, doesn't it?

Linda, You are such a dear. Hope you & your Pa get some joy this week.

Miz, Sorry about the ticket. I am forever running late myself & have to keep a constant eye on the speedo. The whole world is just too busy & hurried.

Rip, Once again....GREAT IDEA!!!

Deef, B321, Pirate, GPeach, early onset 4 me, took in too much tonight....Be Blessed.
Tenn, Please come back dear!!!

Hey Everybody!

Anybody heard from Diane?

How about Bobbie?

deef, love the flowers! I'm sorry that you're having to Mom-proof your home! I know this has got to be difficult for you.

rip, there is a pill that you get from the vet that kills the existing fleas on your dog & will give the Advantage a jump start on working. You're so talented about all of your inventions! Thanks for the videos! They were really good!

Does the peroxide not take the color out of the items? If it does, I guess no color would be better than the smell. There is also a product that you can get at Wal-Mart that is called Outst that has an enxyme (sp?) that "eats" the urine. It's typically used for animals, but don't see why it wouldn't work on human urine, too. Worth a try.

Today has been really unusual...No tears! Don't know if I just cried out yesterday or if I'm getting amune to this situation. I guess tomorrow will tell...

Hope all of you have had an easy day & will have a peaceful night!.

Ihard I think your Dad has a good sense of humor he must get that from you -you are so kind with him and patient I am glad you can joke with each other why are most men easier to get alonf wirh than most women-so far my Mom is doing ok at least that is what she tells me and my nephew knows how to get in touch with me so far I have not had to go out there I was going to make my brothers one or the other take me out-it would be too hard by bus and too long and would have to transfer twice and there is no train service where she lives-I love Goodwill some of the clothes are brand new. Kuli could your Dad take his diuretic ealier in the day so it is not working at night or does he have to take it more than once a day when I was working we had things to secure the tubing to the leg loosly so it would not pull when my husband was in the nursing the PT made a cover for his urine bad I do not remember how he did it. Rosella I mess up emails so much there is a way I can get the computer to write in the address by bringing up the address book it takes a while but saves me from having to send another email esp. when my note is long. The weather people have me so confused about Earl and when it will get here and how bad it will be guess I will change my plans and get errands done tomarrow and stay in on Fri all of you in it's path safety for you all.

Wow, when you say the same thing at the same time you have to say: One, two, three... Flic! (or: Floc) Italian game.

We see your flowers! Beautiful!

I am seeing your flowers!!!
Wow ...

I'll see them eventually! Missing the messages ...

Baking soda is another great product. My poor Bichon is riddled with fleas. Awake all night with her itching & whining. IPoor girl .... I put the Advantage Flea killer on her neck, but am thinking of putting baking soda all over her skin. It should absorb the moisture which is what fleas thrive on.

Years ago their was a company called Flea Busters. They'd come into your home, sprinkle powder everywehre, wait a while & vacuum it up.
Cost a pretty penny, but worked.
I heard that the magic potion was Boraox. Boric acid, sold in drug stores.

We haven't had fleas in years, which is amazing with all my pets.
I thnk I shall go to Home Depot who carries the Borax in bulk, & dust my house.

Okay I give! Loaded the picture 2 times then it disappears when I post!

Let's try this again!

You see a lot of you are now hitting the areas I have already been thru...BTW it doesn't get any better....Bearer of bad news? no Barer of Facts.....This desease is terrible....It robs familys of love, caring, humanity, and what they had been taught as a child and have tried to implement into their families as we grew...Yet here we are....Baby boomers taking care of our aging parents as "THEY" who ever they are...Said we would. So here's to tough times and tough ppl.....Hugs to all...Cc aka...Sharon

Hey everyone, Here are the mystery flowers!

I use H2O2 to clean my teeth from stains of coffee and nicotine. It works and it is harmless. And it kills bacteria. I never thought of using it instead of Febreeze (that I use a lot, too!). I shall try. Tks again for the good advice.
Mary, I have the e-mail block again. Wrote you 3 e-mails that did not leave for their destination. I receive, I can't send. Don't understand why!

No owner of the flowers yet? Very intriguing! I feel like we are iall waiting! Wish you could post a photo of them!
Sorry to hear your mom is where she is.
Tears for you. I can't imagine ....

Hydrogen Peroxide! i had an email that said its better than bleach. The gist of it was that medical offices use it for cleansing. Thats why you don't smell antiseptic & bleach. Made sense.

Yeah, I've designed many inventions.
30 years ago it was the radio activated pet door. A chip implant on the pet collar which would open the door so pet could go in & out.
Keeping raccons & possums outside.
Shared it with an engineer friend ...
It was a no brainer.
They are available now.

Sad you must Mommy proof your home but I understand.
I am curious about the new lady here with the parent protective area.

I'm sorry, Kathy. What a nasty disease, it sucks. In a way, I am getting ready for the days to come....

Geez Louise! Mom sure gave me a hard time before bed, again. I put her on the toilet to get her ready for bed, and tell her to go pee. Well she tries to get up. I ask "where are you going?" She answers "to pee!" So I say "you are on the toilet, MAKE a pee!" We did this for 20 minutes, then I gave up and put her to bed. I didn't even get the covers settled when she says"I have to go crap!" So another 10 minutes on the pot, and nothing! I put her back to bed, and will let the meds take over, Then I'll get her up and try again! Phew! I'm all worn out.
Rip, sounds like you are a little inventor at heart. Maybe you could make some money from your ideas. That would be nice.
Rossella, Yes the cats just love the diaper stuffing. It's the tapioca like filling that I hate. Ever do laundry and find an exploded incontinence pad in the clothes? By the time you get done shaking out the wet clothes, it's in your hair and all over your clothes. Nothing on the flowers yet. If it's a male admirer, I want to meet him! The flowers are beautiful, but no one has owned uo to sending them yet. My mom is already at the point where she can't be left alone unless she is tied to her wheelchair or rocker. The knobs are off the stove and the electrical cords are where she can't get to them. The house had to be Mom proofed! Don't work too hard!

We use only Bard bags for both the night bags and the leg bags. I've found they last for quite some time even when disinfected with a dilute bleach solution after each use. Others have become so porous that once when I pulled in the driveway after work, there was a river of urine flowing from the bag attached to my dad's catheter. That was quite a greeting at the end of the day. Gotta keep a sense of humor!

Mine? is h2o2, Hydrogen pulls up the mess, and take the smell out....I could not live with out my peroxide....Noooooo just make sure you need that spot cleaned....What bubbles up is so disgusting...
Enjoy, And Hugs to all....Cc aka Sharon

Febreeze by the case! Love it!
I gave up on the bed side bags for Dad. Same problem ... dragging it along at night when his bowels call. frequently
He wears the large leg bag 24/7.
I wish the leg bags were designed with a heavier material, like IV bags. The leg bags are flimsy & tend to split with pressure. Do I have stories of his bags splitting ... & family denial ...

I've made wide neoprene straps to replace the rubber band / elastic straps.
They are adjustable with nylon dog collar Velcro straps. His doc wants me to market them b/c many patients have trouble.
I am fine tuning the design in my spare time. The leg straps are wide & don't cut into his delicate legs. Adjustable with the velcro.

My favorite find was 4" elastic wrist straps that I can stretch around his ankle. I sew soft fabric on the inside to prevent chaffing.
Same for under his knee, upper leg.

Its working for us! Took forever to find the Flip Flow valve. We used to have the twisty thing that never quite closed & Dad's fingers couldn't work it.

I found the Flip Flow online after a nurse friend gave me a bag. It's a Bard bag ... if anyone is interested I'll guide you to the site.

I attached a flexible rubber tube to the outflow valve.
When I Drain the Dragon, the tube flops way into the plastic bottle so I don't have to aim. Then I flush the tube with a bleach solution & tuck it back into the neoprene leg band & secure it with the velcro strap.
Drain the plastic bottle of piss into the toilet or shower drain.

Patent pending? Maybe ... who can you trust? Why aren't simple solutions so simple?

Hope this idea helps anyone dealing with urinary capture bags.

Cheers ~
Rip & Happy Sir

Diane, how are things going? Mom? Boyfriend? How was your day at the hospital?
Deefer: Have you found out about the mystery flowers?
My mother tears diapers, too. I find scraps everywhere in the house. And my little cat plays with them. I close my eyes not to see, sometimes....
Sharon CC: your idea of the play pin is great. But, if your mother is so smart as I understand, she'll find a way to get out of it! No matter what! No, I'm joking. It's a good idea and it could be very useful when you can't watch them for 1/2 hour, for example, when you have to water the garden. I know the time will come when I will not be able to leave my mother alone for more than 2 seconds.
Natheaton: Almost nothing surprises me anymore in this crazy world. But I have to say that when I read your comment about the "butt crack" of the fake plumber, I stared at the screen with eyes wide open for 10 seconds and then I started to laugh. My girl, this is pure genius! We should not forget that these aged women are still women, after all!
'night everybody. Gottago work! Diane! Let us know!

Hey Miz, Know what you mean about working in the afternoon. hard to get motivated to do things at home, and even harder to get yourself to work!
How's Mom doing?
Linda, Hate those UTI's! Mom gets them all the time too. It screws them up real bad. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out that's what it is. In the meantime, they suffer. Glad your dad is much better. Tell him Florida sounds good!
Kuli, Nice to meet you. I know all about pee smell. Don't think I'll ever get that out of my brain! And yes, dementia can be good for that very reason. It's hard to have pride when peeing or pooping yourself.
Everyone, have a good day if you can.

My dad has had many scopes. They can do it in the office with a flexible scope and topical anesthetic and my dad insists it's less uncomfortable than a rectal exam. And it's no more painful than having a catheter put in. It won't necessarily tell you anything more about the UTI other than why he's not draining the urine right. When urine stays in the bladder, that's when the UTI's get more frequent.

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