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rip . thank u for fillin me in about ur dad s cath , im thinking it wont be long my dad will may need to use it .
dr wants him to go see a urineoligst (sp) , he has been to it twice and those 2 times the specialst wanted to put a scope thru his penis , he growled n said noooo . so we;ll never know what s causin him to have so many of uti . i ask the dr if there was another option to ck himout without the scope , he said no . so never mind then pa said noo .
have a good day with all ur love ones , im gonna be a slavery here in a bit .
have a good day to you all !! xoxo

The catheter has improved things overall. My dad's on huge doses of diuretics because of CHF and so the urine flows constantly. One of the biggest issues we continue to have is that when he gets up at night, he forgets he has it and either drags his walker behind him with the catheter bag attached to the walker or steps on the tubing and pulls the catheter out just enough that it won't drain right. I've tried every kind of securing device out there and we still have the problem from time to time. Of course, when the catheter doesn't drain right, we are back to urine, urine everywhere. Just this morning he called me at work to say it's leaking and when I asked from where, his response was he couldn't tell through his pants but knew his pants were wet. I feel bad for him because if he were still all there, he would be mortified. I guess there's something to be said for dementia, right? I almost wish I had the dementia as well. It'll be me up close and personal again tonite as I remove and reinsert a new catheter. I NEVER thought I would be doing this to my own father. But I also try to stay positive and be happy I can do it myself. Do they sell Febreze by the case????

Linda, you are so wonderful with your dad. You are giving him a very happy life. I have way too many clothes too. I just don't know what to toss out.

hi miz . im ckig in .
sorry aboutu gettin the speeding ticket . i ve had 2 in my life time . my daughter is 19 and has 3 already . rushing will only get ya in trouble . last night i had a cop followed me all the way to town . i try so hard to stay at 30 but everytime i look down its 35 ! shit slow down woman ! try not to weave a lit bit , suks i hate cop follwing me around , lol
dad s feeling better . dr said hes uti FREE ! woohoo , now he feels like a brand new man . told me last night that he s going back to fla . i said oh im notgoing , im staying home , he said i ll get up middle of night and be gone to fla . he was smiling and gigglin when he said that . i laugh and said oh pa i wont be able to make u no bfast in the morning then . good ole breakfast , yum yum .
this morning he ate his bfast all smiling happy and said im going fla after i eat , i said oh ok i wish u a safe trip and winked at him . now he s nappin on his recliner chair . :-) he s a sweet heart , i dont know what i do without him when time comes . i know i'll prob cry me a river .

windy outside got some storm comin from out west . then it'll disappeard once it gets here . uhh we need rain bad , our ground is turning into dust , grass is brown . suppose get rain thurs , i hope so , shal do some indian dance !

am going to clean my bdrm , i have clothes everywhere that needs put away well i dont have room to put them away so its tellin me i have wayyy too many clothes . time to toss out bunch and haul em to goodwill or salvation army .

hope bobbie and barbara b is safe and sound ... xoxoox

Diane, how is your mom doing?

Good Morning Fellow Caregivers and Friends. I hope everyone is safe and sound. I'm wishing you all a good stress-free day. No speeding tickets or nasty messes or hallucinations. I'm feeling tired today. It's only 9:40 am and I gotta work at 1:00 pm. It's like waiting all day to go to work. I wish I was still on 10:00 am to 2:00 pm but oh well. At least I get weekends off. Although, sometimes work is less stressful than my job at home. Everyone please check in. You know how I worry. :)

Hi Everyone,
Cath's are a life safer, my dad had one for about 2 yrs, but the scaring from the prostrate was too painful, then his urologist put a supr pucbic in place , this has been a LIFE SAFER.......I drain his dragon twice a day, he pee's like no tomorrow, which i am ever so grateful lol

We meet again with similar circumstances. How lucky to have a urologist in the family.
Dad too has a full time Foley & it is a life saver! His many UTI & bathroom trips were endless. He has Prostate cancer so little room in the uretha.

It's awkward but he lives with me now & I handle draining it. I pour water in him now which helps.
Need to drain his dragon before he settles into bed. Nice hearing from you!

My father also hallucinates when he has a UTI. He had infections so bad his urine was like sludge. The urologist he was seeing at the time recommended he catheterize himself 2-3 times a day. He can't even remember to take his medications without an alarm. Seriously I don't know what this doctor was thinking. Luckily for me, my b/f is a urologist and we put an indwelling catheter in him last April. Not one UTI since! Not to mention that he is no longer soaked with urine constantly. Problem is getting the urine smell out of his furniture. Can't even begin to tell you how many bottles of Febreze for pet smells I've gone through. Not to mention that I never imagined I would be so up close and personal with my father. I try not to think about that part too much because it truly is just gross. Anyway, see if your mom clears up in a day or so of the antibiotics.

Yours pulls it apart too? I have found they need something to do with their hands....So here is an idea I came up with that until she gets out done helps...One a rubix cube....... second buliding blocks....I have something in the works that hopefully will help us all if I can get the pat. paid for for 20 years....The ppl are ready to take it to production, but can't until I pay for the patent. on it...I have paid 200.00 on it...only have 400.00 more to pay...I will get kick backs from it but not why I am doing this...Pray it works....
We put children in play pins right? I am designing a play pin for older ppl so we do not have to clean up as big of an area.....So pray for me it flies and soon. I need to find funding for this to get it into production faster...But when I do....You will get it thru a medical supply house and the doctor will have to write an rx for it but it will have alarms on it so we do not have to worry about what they are getting into...Has a pull out tray for eatting...a chair can be added for them or if they get tirred? Put a pillow in there and they can lay down and take a nao...So to let you know I did not think of just me ...I thought of us all druing the designing of this.....HUGS TO ALL...Cc aka Sharon

Oh man! Just went to get Mom up to change her diaper, and she had pulled it apart. Her nightgown and bed were soaked and she had pulled the stuffing out of part of it. Got the stuffing all over the rug, and my feet. What a mess! Got more laundry for tomorrow. Never know what you will find.
Pirate, I found Chowder on Direct TV. It's on at 11am and again at 2pm. I'm going to DVR it in case I don't have time to watch.
Naheaton, Butt crack should do the trick! Best idea yet.
Poor Merry, every time she is washing Mom's bottom, Mom farts in her face, then laughs. I guess the kid in us does come back after all!!!!

I just read about the 'sand in the shower' that the mom is seeing. Ask one of your men friends to come over with a plunger, pipe wrench or whatever and make sure your mother sees a good amount of 'butt crack' while he bends over that shower. He tells her that's he has fixed the shower, problem solved.

Pirate, Your meatballs sound good either way. I love tomato sauce, but I also love mushrooms, peppers, and onions.
I really have to look for Chowder. I could use a few good laughs.

Rossella, I agree with Mom when she gets frustrated. If she insists on something, she just gets more aggravated if we try to correct her. Been there with the people in the closet and under the bed too. Didn't have an answer when she tried to convince me that Dad was in bed next to her! He's been dead for almost 30 years.
Unfortunately it is going to get much worse, but increasing meds can help.

Looks like we may get the tail end of the storm by the weekend. I'm in central Mass, so will get lots of wind and rain. It's the coastal people that we have to worry about. One of my brothers has a boat docked in Rhode Island. I'm sure he'll head down on Friday to get it on dry land.
Yeah Bobbie, Love the flowers, but would like to know who sent them!

My goodness, Bobbie!
This is what I shall have to do in a while????

I thought that what happened tonight was already bad. My mother asked me where my husband was. I have never been married. I told her, and she insisted. After 10 minutes of that, I understood that she "wanted" me to have a husband (so she would be less worried about me being alone). And I answered: "My husband is abroad, he is working". She seemed contented and she memorized the information, For the next half an hour we talked about my non-existing husband. She asked me what kind of work he had, and, to justify his absence, I said he was an airplane pilot, and he had to travel a lot. If you are interested in my non existing husband, he is travelling in US now. He will come back in a week, then he will go to Asia and this time he will stay there for a good month. The most incredible thing is that we started a delusional conversation where this phantom-husband had a very important part. My mother compared him to her husband, and told me "your father travelled a lot, too". And she started saying a lot of true and real things about my father. She was very happy, she was just sorry that she could bother me as I wanted to be alone with my husband. And I said, "don't worry, he is far away now, you can stay. When he will come back, he will have to leave again, so it's not a problem!" It was a coherent conversation that we had, the first one after many months, and this was based on a non-existing person!

It made me sad, but seeing her happy reaction I understood that you have to do like this.
I plan to have 4 or 5 children in the future, they will all be studying abroad!

Diane, I will think of you tomorrow... Be brave!

GRRRRRRRRRR! See that's why I said leave Politics and Religon out of the posts...ack. No more fighting...just leave it on the sidelines.

DT--- ack....sand coming out of the shower...I would be going apeshit Hope your mommy gets some meds to stop the hallucinations.

Speakin o meatballs. I made a whole bunch this Saturday. Some I put in marinara sauce for me and the italiano b/f did not want sauce he hates sauce (american sauce...even if it was barilla) I had to make sauteed mushrooms, bellpeppers and onions to go with his meatball sandwich like a philly steak sand....go figure...he's wierd! LMAO!

Bobbie...I hope that Earl leaves you alone!!!!!! (Ever watch My Name is Earl...hilarious)

[You know I have been hooked on the cartoon 'Chowder'...the funniest parts are how they have God integrated into the cartoon. The other day they had God opening up the fridge at night and getting a carton of milk out and drinking from it and putting it back in the fridge...hilarious!]

Deef!! Flowers!!

I love flowers. enjoy, enjoy you deserve it.

Love floating in the pool too!

oh yeah. weather.


Still don't know who sent the flowers! Oh well, something to fantasize about. At my age, a good fantasies don't come often! LOL
Rip, Mom always gets Cipro for a UTI, as she is allergic to sulfa drugs. She is also on 50mgs of Macrodantin every night, for maintenance.
Just covered the pool to keep the water warm. it's not often that I can get in it in September. Think I'll float around while Mom is at daycare tomorrow.
Rossella, Sorry Mom is getting worse. Mine is too. I don't know how much longer I can keep her at home. She can't walk on her own anymore and is easily distracted from the task at hand. Getting her to eat or take meds or even get her dressed is becoming more and more work. It's so hard!
Bobbie are you having coffee on the sailboat again?
Peach, The flowers came nicely packed with the stems in wet floral foam. Now that are relaxing, they are gorgeous. There were 2 packs of the preservative included. Thanks for the suggestions!

Georgia, it kind of does roll off the tongue:

have you met my cat? Meatball?

We have to haul the boat out and I won't have a place to keep a cat for 2 weeks...... what a happy problem.
We'll sleep on the dock next ot where the boat used to be. Not.

Good to see us here..

ok, weather.


Oops, I mean GP. I appreciate the thought. I got the name wrong. I'm sorry. :( Not my day.

That's some awesome advice, bobbie. Why did I not think of that? How many on here are close to the storm? I need to know who I should worry about. Rossella, I really appreciate the thought, sweetie. We'll be fine. It's just a pisser, that's all.


Good Evening All,

Do some Playhouse 90 with your mom. If she says there's sand in the shower, show up with a big dustpan and broom and say stuff like:

Well! We're not going to put up with THAT!!!

Make a big show out of beating the sand back and tell your mom:

See? See? have a garbage bag there and scoop some 'sand' up and then rinse out the shower and get her to rub the tiles.
No sand.

Time elapsed: 10 minutes MAX. on to next distraction.

my mom would see people in the closet at night. She would call out to me and say:
There they are!

Well, I would do about 90 seconds of hollering and shaking the clothes and telling the people to get the hell out of my mother's room or I was going to rain down some shock and awe on 'em.
I'd leave the room and come back to check once more in maybe a minute and rattle around in the closet for a few seconds.
'See? See? they're too scared to come back. They know I won't have any of that. You're safe and sound in here. Go to sleep, you're in good shape."

It really worked for her. she would tell me that she was seeing people or whatever and i would go and get a ball bat and wave it around a little and she was good. Ball bat, flyswatter, big spoon... didn't matter.

They're going to hallucinate, it's part of the disease.
Mom only took Aricept, namenda and enalapril for bp

Find your inner improv actor!!

I had a nice nap and now some putz is running a 2 stroke engine at full speed. It's not in the water, just on the back of a dinghy with the prop out.
Goofballs. Starting to sound like a steer bellowing.

OK...have to do my boat weather homework and I'll check in later.


You amke me smile, Lady!
Thanks for being here! We are all doing our best!

Diane, I am so sorry that you & your Mom is experiencing this! I wish that I knew of something to tell you that would help, but I think these ladies already have it covered with their wonderful suggestions. I know that you've got to be really stressing more so now than normal. Please wish your b/f the best for us for tomorrow. I know that we'll all be thinking about you & will be anxious to know the outcome of the surgery & what the doc says about your Mom, too. You'll have so much on your plate & if you can't write tomorrow, to let us know, I know that we'll all understand! I know that this is a lot to think of right now, but please see if you can get some rest...You gotta take care of you!!! I know, easier said than done! Wish I could be there to help you!

miz, I'm sorry that you got a ticket on your way home! Wish I had the money to pay it for you!

Rossella, I'm sorry that your Mother isn't doing as well as she was.

rip, i was really touched by your post about your past experiences & my heart really hurts for you! Just the part that you described would be hard to deal with! You have a good heart, too, helping the kids! I liked your version of the boat did it better than Cher ever could have!

Bobbie, did you get to do something fun today? Hope so!

deefer, hope you'll enjoy your flowers! Maybe you'll find out soon who they were from. I was a florist for years & still love 'em! Suggestion, if they weren't in a vase when delivered, snip the ends off of the stems at an angel before putting them in water. If they didn't come with the stuff to add in the water to make them last longer, you can add a little sprite to the water in the container.

angie, & everybody that didn't give up on me, thanks for the encouragement!

tennessee?? SS?? Pirate?? Meatball?? I'm sorry if I missed anybody!

I just checked his last ER records.
They swapped his last meds to Keflex, from Cipro. Seemed to work as did a 18 catheter insert. (ouch, larger in his pecker, as he says)
Not UTI's since.

I have taken Keflex (cephalexin) for hand injuries. I use lots of sharp knives in my work. From what I understand it is an antibiotic geared to flesh wounds & infection. I qualify! Lots of scars. Surgical repair. I laugh now ... but am glad my hands still work.

Going to look for the Bobbie Storm now ...
Hoping eveyone is battened down for the blow.
I have rain ... lots of drizzling cold rain.
Almost want to bellyache about my area ....
but it has fine qualities, like everywhere else.

Dad was on several UTI meds from both Urologist & regular physician.
Over the years.
Doxy, Sulfa, Keflex & Cipro.
Some brought relief.
Eventually his prostate took control, thus the cath.

Before that, he refused tyo drink anything but coffee, a diuretic. He was always dehydrated ,,, as his song says.
However you can, keep fluids going into that lady!

Dad says water rusted his pipes. i now tell him when i see the rust in his piss. He conceded & tries to drink the dang water. Fluid of life.

Think I might need a beer after today

Diane, Make sure she drinks a LOT. The meds need to be flushed out of her liver, which is where such antibiotics end up.

Thanks everyone. At the moment she is sitting calmly with the b/f in the backyard. She is seeing imaginary people in the woods, but is calm about them. It's the sand in the shower stall that is freaking her out. Her neurologist had me reduce her Sinimet by one dose and reduce her requip, but still the hallucinations. The primary care doctor changed her antibiotic because of the type of bacteria causing the UTI. I am going to hope and pray it is the UTI and she will do better. If I can just retain my sanity until it kicks in.

Thank you again for all the good advice. Hell, maybe I'll take up drinking and we will have a party of imaginary people!

Hey Rip, Husband came home and flowers weren't from him! He jokingly asked if I had someone on the side, and I said when would I have time for that?
If it is some hunk, I'll send him your way. I already have one man too many.

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