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I hope that what happens to your mother is caused by one of the things Rip says: hot, UTI meds... and it's only temporary.

Diane, UTI is most likely the cause of her hallucinations right now. Give the antibiotic a chance to work. Mom gets the same way. So far off her rocker, I don't know what to do. By the way, Parkinsons' meds will also cause hallucinations. Mom talks to and shares her food with an imaginary person at the table. Not much you can do but ride it out like any storm. Mom takes a Remeron every night to calm her down for bed. Doc says it's just like having a glass of wine. Guess what? The wine isn't working anymore. She wants to go to bed early, but lies there for hours before she falls asleep.Taking her to the doc on Friday and hoping he will increase the dosage.
Hope surgery goes well and Mom is better.

Sounds like withdrawl from something. Dad had similar visions in the hospital when he stopped drinking. A nightmare now in the past.

Check all the meds! Makle certain none are counter acting.
UTI is another hallucigen.
How hot is it there? Does she have fluids going in? Dehydration causes those symptoms.

Please, call the nurse hot line where ever you are.

Diane. My mom takes an anti-psychotic and it has been a God send. I don't know if your mom could take that or not. Wow, you have so much on your plate right now. I'm thinking of you. Wish I could help more.



I asked the doctor if he could give her something for anxiety and he said he didn't want to do that yet. Right now she is being treated for a UTI and takes her usual meds (8 pills- Parkinsons, HBP and cholesterol). Tomorrow while b/f is having surgery I will walk across to meet mom at another doctor appointment with a vascular surgeon to try figure out why she is having this bad pain in her feet and calves. I am so frustrated!!!!!!


My aunt who is in a worst stage of the illness than my mother has hallucinations of this kind. The only thing you can do is to call the doctor and ask what kind of pills she has to take... I'm sorry. My mother is starting to get worse, too.

Diane, call her doctor. There may be something he can do medicine wise. This situation is horrible for both you and your mom. She needs something to calm her down and/or stop the hallucinations. I don't remember. Is she on much medication?

Hi Y'all,

I haven't read your posts yet, but I am desperately seeking advice. My mom is having a halucination that sand is coming out the shower stall and bubbling and gurgling and she will not believe me that it isn't real. She is insisting I call a plumber, a cost I can't afford. She swears I am playing a game on her why I keep saying it isn't there. She is crying and yelling at me and I have no idea what to do. This has been going on for two days! Help!


Well I got a damn speeding ticket on my way home from work. My first one in my life!! $75.00 that I don't have. You know how many hours I work for that much money? Good thing I was wearing my seat belt. (I always do unless my nails are wet.) cause that would have been another ticket. Day was goin' pretty good too. Until then. Oh well. It could be worse or better. I could have asked him to throw me in the slammer. Then I'd get a break. ;)


Tennessee didn't back out, did she?
Have I missed something?
It's been a tough thread to follow lately.

Does anyone know if posts have been deleted? Browsing thru I found some things didn't make sense.

There is still a sailor missing: Tennessee!
I read all the posts of today (starting from the one where Bobbie said she was very sorry about what happened), and I say: Shall we take a deep breath and forget all of this, and focus on the fact that we are here to help each other? Tennessee? Please! This site would not be the same without you. I want you and daughter in Italy. If we are no more in touch, how can we make agreements on where to meet? C'mon!

I'd love to take credit, but it wasn't me ... I'd pick you a bouquet from my garden if there is anything left after this stupid cold weather squall.

Sorry you guys are feelin the heat! At least we can throw blankets over us here, & the cats have warm laps.
Even my little ACs don't help much when it goes over 9- here. Just so Sir & the pets are OK.
Y'all know I'm trying to send this cool system your direction!

Where did the flowers come from??? I love a mystery!

Sexy stud? Send one my way! I fell asleep watching Mad Men last night.

Did anyone see John Hamm in the Lifetime show "The Division"? with Nancy McKeon set in San Francsico? Nice guy!

It was pretty good at 3 AM when my body refused to sleep. So was Everybody Loves Raymond, Frasier & Malcolm in the Middle.
Humor & cops shows.
Dad enjoys them now.

We can always dream My nephew's girlfriend has been teasing me I said I have hearing from guys from high school from other classes om classmates .com that I did not know even knew me she said maybe I was hot in high school in 59 no one was hot unless it was summer with our felt shirts down to our ankles and our sadle shoes=the good old days

Rip, I'd take your weather right now, over this 90+ heat and humidity!
Has anyone ever received flowers that they didn't know who they came from? UPS just dropped off a gorgeous bouquet from There was no message on the card and the company won't tell me who sent them.
I sure hope they are from some sexy studd who's been admiring me from afar! of course my husband my not like that.
Oh well, I can dream can't I?

I have both colors, depending on the manufacturer. Avery or Arlon.

I'll look into Venice.
I'd still love to swoop the first R down under & back into the cross piece of the last A . Pulls it together.
My computer with my best fonts is still at the shop. His kid totaled his car so the tech can't deliver. i can't leave home long enough to drive into Seattle to grab it. Has my best design program on it too. Bummer.

I can always set you up with standard numbers in black.

I keep envisioning Tennssee hanging out on a bouy with her International Orang e hair! Would the Coast Guard love that? Maybe waving a CareGiver Anonymous burpie (flag).
Maybe someday.

It is cold & raining hard in Seattle. Cats think it's winter & won't leave our laps.

Sir says "Hello!" to everyone!
He also say "Lighten up!". At 91 he has little patience for bickering ....

cheers ~


i don't have a ride!!! it's far away but they will be back this sat. close by.

With a Cuban Accent (Ricky Ricardo):

"Do you have the cat here?"
"No. The cat is close by."
--Catface the Movie

I have been spending a lot of time making calls and preparing the house in NJ for a Cat1,2 Hurricane. speaking of Cats. Cat 3+ would be devastating to that neighborhood.

Thanks for your patience Rip. I did find out that the color is Awlgrip either dark green or forest Green.

Gotta lay down for a bit.


Meatballs sound good, but tacos trump meatballs any day!

go get your kitty! Or another one or two! Cats are good luck on a boat!
How are you doing?
Still waiting to letter ...

but will probably have a taco.


Wish I had some meatballs

OK - so I messed up the lyrics.
If all else fails, hug an animal.
How's Meatball?

uh ... what just happened?

I was hearing a little song in my head singing:
"& the BOAT goes on & on & ON ... & the BOAT goes on". I wish Cher was singing it with us!

I understood Jsome was saying live & lets live. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.
I've witnessed way too much trauma & abuse of others during my lifetime ... Stories I don't share b/c of the nightmarish memories. Blood, stench & tears ... odor of gunpowder after a shootout ... the cries of pain, victims dying & loved ones clining to them. Lots of yellow crime tape ... I've handed teddy bears to several small kids who saw too much.
Enough said.

"Love keeps a ponding a rythm in by brain ... & the Boat goes on & on & ON!"

Peace ~

The above is offensive to some of us and funny to some of us.

Enough already.


Ther once was an old man from Nice,

Who was long past having a piece.

He buggered his hogs, his cows and his dogs...

...til his parrot called in the police.


I agree with lhardbeck. I was new to this site and you had an established pattern of connection. My views are not welcome here and I will stop posting here. I hope you all will understand. It is best for everyone. Why add more trouble to lives already full of hassle, especially somewhere where people hoped to find solace and understanding. I have never been into religion, that will not change. but this is not the place for those views. I am grateful for all the support I have been given whom ever it came from. Thank You.

i didnt say u wear black , i was giving u the samples ,
u know what im done talking to u .
i will not see your name anymore . gonna blindside it .
to me youre trouble and i want no part of it .

I don't believe in the devil.
I am sorry you are in pain.
I never wear black, but if that is how you see me because I do not believe what you believe so be it.

jsomebody , thanks u have started it all . when i see somebody wearing all black and begin a gothic spooky looking , i just smile at them . admiring how they dare to dress all black , black lipstick black eye liner all black i mean .. i dont judge them at all ! that is the way they want to be .
who s religoiuse whatever jevhowitness , catholic , u name it . ok fine happy for them . they can pray all they want !
u knew there is alot of us that says god bless u and i be praying for you . you knew it and damn well had to go start it all up on ur new thread . and causes alot of heart aches .
now thanks to u ! alot of us are sick to our stummy cuz the devil has stir up alot of emotions here , alot of heartbreakin and now bobbie s crying !
now do u see what u have done here . u have done enuff damages here and i say thats the devils work and that is how he wants it done , to causes alot of heart aches and alot of damn f tears !
we respect u in the first place and said we understand where ure comin from , but u just had to go on and on and on about it , so what ever jsomebody . why do u keep comin back for more , u know damn well we all will continue to pray for u , if u dont like us all cuz we re in believin the lord why do u keep coming back ? i dontunderstand it . we ladies has been on this thread wayover past year and then u pop up and started some heartaches shit and now few of us is wanting to leave cuz of u . so whatever . i aint leavin my boatmates here . those ladies are my angels !
love em all . ur best bet is to stay on ur thread and stir up someone eles emtionals , stay out of ours cuz it hurts too much ...

hang on bobbie ! its windy in indiana ! i can only imagin how that wind feels where ure at . hang on bobbieeeeeeeeeee ... xoxoxo

It is a no win. If you say you disagree they are pissed, if you say live and let live they say, "I don't need anyone's permission to pray." What the hell ever.

Oh c'mon jsome gimme break

and another door slams.

goin to love you anyway and your room is here all nice and purty.


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