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Going to work now. You guys play nice. ;)

Hope everyone is well and safe.

Think it best to stay off it altogether. Topic too intense to be any other way.

Secret Sister!!!

I must have hit the wrong button! I had written SS is already on the boat!!!



Thar she is!
Dude: we never even gave away your room!! It's just like you left it!
so's Castoffthelines. room's right there.

Miss Georgia: you all are actually SAFE here. People will vent and there will be a give and take... but let me tell you:
you call out for help and WE ARE THERE!!
And I like it when people pray for me. It's warm and fuzzy. I don't like it when they toss it out there for the heck of it... like you don't like I love you on the first date!!

Personally? I believe in God and I like the way Linda always signs her posts xoxoxox.

OK: Where's Tennessee?, Pirate! Man you are going through it...

Angie, JoJo, Rip the Stitch, Maxine, Jsome!! everybody has a room on this boat

Deefer!! Miz!! Flex!! Rossella! Pamela and KB, everybody has a room on this boat. if i have the early onset and didn't mention your name: You Have A Room On This Boat

Tears are dryin up

Welcome Home Godhelps and Georgia.


Maxine here Castoff you will find as a christian you will be questioned as never before people think when you are a christian nothing bad should happen to you which is wrong we have plenty of strife in our lives we just have someone to give us strength and refuge in times of trouble Georgia Amen to peace we are all on the same page Bobbie I have a Maxine calander so each day I get a chance at least once a day to LOL Nik at least had a good relationship with his Dad -my Dad was so distant I did not even want him to walk me down the isle many years ago when I started going to my church I could now say heavenly Father because I did not have a good earthly father but our pastor did address that and many people are like me, He has good memories to think about in the comming years-I am so proud of my son he is such a good Dad and he did not have a father who he could look up to or any grandfathers to set a good example he is strict when he needs to be raising a daughter these days is not for the faint hearted-well break is over back to work-another hot one today and tomarrow then Earl comes along -keep safe everyone.

I'm a rowin' bobbie!! GP, you really are a peach. :)) My hair lady once told me that of course I was sensitive. Otherwise I wouldn't be taking care of my mom. Maybe that's all in us. Sensitivity. K...gotta get ready for work and eat some lunch. Caregiver came early. They got mixed up but hey, now she can make Mom's lunch. :) Gave me time to get on here too.

OK, I've got a short time to do this in, so hope that I can type as fast as my thoughts...

First of all, Bobbie, I am very, VERY sorry that I did anything to upset you & make you cry! Please forgive me?

I'm sorry to the rest of you, too, for getting upset! I was trying to leave the thread without making a big too doo, & I didn't want to give Christians another "black eye", but I guess I really blew that! It just really stressed me to read whatever others wanted to write about, but then something that I am a part of & that's extremely important to me gets trashed. I kept silent for some time & just couldn't handle it anymore. Too sensitive, I guess! Wouldn't be a caregiver if I weren't! WAY too stressed, I know! This too shall pass!

Bottom line is, I don't want to abandon ship & don't want to walk the plank either! LOL Can we PLEASE go back to being there for each other & supporting & encouraging each other??? I NEED you guys!!! I can't do this alone!!!


Row together Ladies.....


Hey Cool!

Castoff can now stand for Cast Off the Lines!!!

We are Underway!!

great, now I'm starting to feel better. anybody else want to chime in and get back in the boat?


Dear Sailors,

Hey Maxine! you are a jewel and we all love you and your stories.
I love that Maxine character very much.
Did'ja ever see the one about her being a Wal Mart Greeter? I can't remember the punch line but you can write you own.....

Things have just gotten very tedious here what with the door slamming and all.

I just learned the my attorney's mom passed away and today is her funeral. My heart goes out to him. His mom went through surgeries and hospitals and now, peace at last. He's going to be devastated.
He's the one who helped me through my mom's death and the business of death.

Nik's daddy is failing and Nik is trying so hard to stay sane. Like I've mentioned before, Nik has a realtionship with his dad that many of us Wished we had.

There is so much sorrow and loss.

Why add to it....


OK. Done being offended.

I apologized to GOD.

Now I'm apologizing to all of you. Please forgive me for being too sensitive.

We will agree to disagree. I became a Christian only 7 years ago and can remember both sides. Im sure I offended many Christians before I became one. For that I am sorry also.

LORD please create in me a tender heart, but not one that is overly sensitive or easily offended. AMEN.

B321, May GOD shrinkwrap and protect the entire east coast from the storm. May HE protect all of us in all the storms of life.

Hi Maxine here getting some paperwork done today Tennesse you are not stupid when believers say they will pray for you they mean it and it is a good thing praying I feel is our talking to God we learned in church the other night if you do not get what you want it may be you did not ask for it and my dear if I said anything to get you upset please write on my wall and tell I do not want to hurt anyone I have been so hurt both as a child and by my husband who said often he hated me and certainly do not want to hurt anyone at any time. Rossella a lot of things that happen are a mystery to even the most learned men and womem about God write comentaries disagreeing I do not even read those they would make me crazy. Georgia I hope you stay with us we are a family and you know how families can drive us crazy I think we all need each other someday caregivers will be taken seriously but until then we need to relie on each other. Bobby I am sorry something here made you cry I hope I did not have anything to do with it if I did please tell me here or on my wall.

Angie, Isn't it hot!!! Calm before the storm I guess. Looks like a bad weekend for us. You are closer to the coast than I am, so take care! Time to close the windows and put the air on!

I don't understand how people can just up and leave after getting upset on this site or by what others say. I have been upset on here, felt judged, etc. But I would never leave. It would not occur to me. And for someone like bobbie to be made so upset that she's crying and crying, well...that's just a sin.

I definitely think we all need to do something crazy today.... It seems the last couple of weeks for alot of us has been tough. So hang in there all and do something fun. I am going to finish working outside today. The weather here in mass is unbearable, but it always makes me feel good to be outside and enjoy that Vit D that the sun has to offer. So I am wishing everyone here a terrifc day, and hopefully a day to be filled with smiles and laughter. Ok going to feed dad for the second time now, the man is a garbage disposal..... lol lol

Love angie

Bobbie, Go do something really crazy, then come back and tell us about it. We could all use a good laugh!. I was going to stay home and get some work done around here, but I think I will do like you, and get out and enjoy the day. Be good! Don't do anything too over the top.

Yo Deef!

Thanks for the hug. Thanks Angie! Thanks Tennessee!

I'm ok. I really do know that it's not about me but this sh!! is wearing me out!

Screw it. I'm having fun today.


Hey Bobbie! Good morning?
Looks like the hurricane is coming up here too! Labor Day weekend will be a wash for sure!

one more thing:

there is a major hurricane getting ready to hit the East Coast.
It could be of historic proportions.

I'm hoping to see some perspective here.
Talk to you guys later.


Dear Ladies,

Man, I sign off and lay down to sleep and wake up to this.

i don't know if you guys realize this, but I take all of you VERY seriously! When you hurt, I hurt. that is how close I have become with you all.

I don't know what was said to make Georgia and Tennessee so upset as to want to leave.

FYI I meant to hit the 'hug this member' button and instead hit the 'star' button for Georgia's comment. That comment gets no star!! we want Georgia to stay!! And we want Tennessee to stay!!

I Want Both of you Ladies to stay!! This thread has been a great joy to me and has inspired me to want to begin a mission to help caregivers.

What I would like not to do is be in the position of begging folks to stay on the thread because someone who has a different belief has made a statement.

This actually hurts my heart just like it hurts tennessee and georgia's heart. After all we all have been through could we please not hurt EACH OTHER?

I am sorry Tenn and Georgia if I have done anything to hurt you both. c'mon!

i Know that I have promised to not leave anyone as they go on this journey. Why is it so easy for you folks to leave me?

i just woke up and checked in and now I am crying. just walking around the boat crying in grief.

Incidentally, since I am adopted I have an abandonment issue. I know it sounds funny, but it's true. I thought we all were friends... some tighter than others, but I must have been wrong. Oh I hurt.

Sorry to make this about me, but I started this thread and I am Captain of this boat and my heart has been broken so many times.

Tennessee, I liked your combo of beliefs. I love the Cherokee.
Georgia, I like your brand of stuff too!

I'm going to sign off for now. I will not leave you all, but I need to just go back and lay down and cry this out.


Tenn, I prayed A LOT until some years ago. Then I had some bad experiences, I saw too much violence and injustice. Not toward me, (my shoulders are very broad and large), but toward innocent beings. So I started to ask God: "Where are you? Why don't you stop all of that?" I have not lost my spirituality, and, I hope, my sense of ethics. I am just trying to understand things that perhaps are impossible to understand. I liked the comment that a person posted here: "God is not an ATM machine, where you put the card and you get money". Guess it's true. I am trying to understand how God "works".... Is it possible? I don't think so. But I see there is goodness, there is solidarity, there is a very positive stream that fights against the darkness. Let's say that I try to be tuned on that, and I try not to be overwhelmed by all the sadness, the violence, that I see around. So, you see, in the debates about God I am kind of in a middle position... I understand that the subject must come out, it's too important in everybody's lives. I am just sorry that, if God is a Being of infinite love, people quarrel about him! With all the good intentions.

Your a great friend rossella,and your very smart and I BET YOU EVEN PRAY FROM TIME TO TIME.

I am sorry, I do not know exactly what you are referring to. Maybe there is something that I did not read, or understand well. I don't even know who has written the thing that made you angry. Why don't you talk to her (I guess it's a her, we are all women) directly?

THERE IS NO HUMOR IN WHAT I JUST READ ROSSELLA. forgetting stuff is not a option here.You as so many others on here are some truely wonderful people and I AM GETTING TIRED AS THEY WITH THE ATTACKS AND SLAMS.besides i don't need any ones permission to pray.

What's up. Tennessee? What did you read? Whatever you have read, you are a strong woman with a strong sense of humour. Forget it! Do not let it bother you.


Hi everyone-Maxine here I am glad I could not sleep I got caught up on the post Georga -do not leave most of us have gotten someone upset without meaning to over the years I just tell them I am sorry and write a note on their we are from all over this country and some things acceptable in one part ofends others some of us northeastners can be uptight to begin with so please stay we all have a hard row to hole and most do not get upset easily or for long we all need each other to get through this life and I as you need to lean on God more-I am still decluttering my house and found my Living Bible today and started reading it -it is easy to understand and can get the technical stuff in church-when people ask if they can do something for you do not be so proud as I was and say I am ok -ask them to do something-if they do not you will know it is just something they say everyone thought I had it so together when I finally asked for help they did not take me seriously because they were use to me saying no-sometimes a phone call or an email makes such a difference but someone not doing caregiving does not understand how difficult it is.,SS your idea is great I have thought of bringing back the blessing of the day it was helpful to me. I hard -you are a better Christian than most of those who profess to be you have faith and works which is what is required of us so do not sell yourself short. Angie sundown can be a real problem one of my husband's roomates had it and it was so upsetting for his wife even after I explained it to her any nurse that works evenings know about this sometimes having lots of lights on helps. Pirate girl I asked my son talking about my mother -how can one old women cause so much trouble-he will probably say that about me in 20 yrs. CC2 you had me laughing so hard with your stories-0ne Sunday in church I was the only women that gets coffee felowship ready and had to get communion ready by myself and filled the pastor's glass for wine up instead the small amount that usually is put in and got ribbed about that. Everyone have a goodnight -now I will try to get to sleep.

Wow, 40 posts! There definitely are "writing days" and "no writing days!"
The posts were so interesting today that I took notes to be sure not to forget names and situations!
1st of all: (and I will not go back to the subject anymore because it makes me nervous) Do people sometimes say that they want to help you? (and they don't help you, of course?) Well, nobody ever in my family asks me if I need help. They say that I am doing a good work, (but, living with my mother has been my decision, so I don't have the right to complain), and they don't come to visit my mother because they have their own problems. At least, they are not hypocrite!
SS, so glad you are back! Your husband cutting grass with the litlte scissors is such a cute image. Made me smile.
JOJO! Glad you are back, too! Your mother is the spit image of mine. Yes she chews every kind of things, I have always to watch her!
Linda: I go to church because for my mother is so important. I feel like dozing most of the time and I have to pinch myself to stay awake (you all know that I sleep little. Every place which is not very enlightened, where I have to sit for a while, makes me sleep. I cannot go to the movies anymore!) (I slept during the movie of Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the caribbean? Something like that. In spite of the fact that Johnny Depp is Johnny Depp).
Angie: your courage is amazing. Most of us have to deal just with one, you have two of them! Seems your mother is more of a handful than your father... Anyhow, if you read some of the old posts, you know that many of us sometimes use the good old booze (wine, Martini, beer, whatever) in order to cheer up!
Bobbie: I'm glad that you are alright and ready to sail!
SHARON! Please stay with us! You made me laugh so much! Your mother is very creative! I think you must have 1000 open eyes all the time! When they are so active they make you crazy! If wine does not interfere with her pills, why not? It it makes her happier... And it gives you some hours of peace...! My mother used to give money around, as well, We realized she could not take care of her money anymore when she finished all her money in two days, because she gave 50 euros tip to the concierge (three times a day), 100 euros to people who beg outside of the church, (panhandled? I had to see the dictionary) and so on. Then she went to my brother and told him that the ATM refused her card!
How's your giraffe dog? Does he have his family jewels, still? My mother, when she gets impatient, gives my cats and dogs a "Schicchera", Italian word that is impossible to translate. You hit violently the poor thing with your fingers. i don't understand why, they love her a lot, though!
Sooner or later, we will look for our tits also!
Amazing stories. Please continue to tell us!
Bold and Beautiful waits for me! Goodnight to everybody!
It was a cold and rainy day, today! Summer is almost over! AAAAAAAAAARRGGGGHHHHHH! Hope to go to the beach one more time before water gets to cold to bathe! SS, I am like you, a summer without the Sea is not a summer.

Thanks everyone, I guess I have to watch her like a hawk

I don't want to say anything to offend anyone with my beliefs, so it's probably the best if I bow out. Thanks for all of the encouragement that you've given to me. If I can help any of you with anything in the future, please let me know.

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