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My mom went to the bank and pulled out over 5000.00 and gave it away or threw it away..........She had a ring that was supposed to be mine she had had since before she and my dad were married...She stopped someone on the streets and talking to them..And gave it to them....She told me later when she was coming around one day, she did tell me that someone said they liked it..And she gave it to them....So she gave it to them.....So watch her..there is no telling at this point what she will do....
Hugs to you and blessings too.....Sharon

deefer, Thanks for asking. Actually it turned out to be a lunch that was buffet style and we filled our plates and ate at our stations. Someone complemented me on my cookies. Yep, those refrigerated chocolate chip cookies that you slap on the cookie tray and bake are pretty awesome. ;)

Well I had my first 1/2 day alone at work today. Actually it was just 3 hours. My boss was there for me anytime I needed her. The people there are very nice. I'm still nervous and I have a lot to learn in just 1/2 days but it will be okay I think. I got paid last Friday and it was my first paycheck in 5 years!! That felt really good. It's not much but it helps hubby and I. I'm really tired. How do people work full time and take care of their loved ones? I don't know. I guess I still work full time. 24/7 in a way. Okay, goin' to bed. Thanks for being here. See yas tomorrow.


Hey Miz, How was your office party?

JoJo, My mom is pretty far gone and when she is at the dinner table, she sometimes puts non food items in her mouth. She doesn't know what she is doing. Just make sure you check when she has something in her mouth. She probably has no idea what she is doing. Good luck!

jojo, I would say that if her tummy does not hurt she is probably okay, but...I'm no doctor. I swallowed a dime when I was a child and my stomach hurt really bad and the dime eventually came out. I don't know. I think I would call her doctor and see what he/she thinks. Better safe than sorry I always say. :)


Hi everyone just wondering if anybody has expeienced this. last night I thought mom was sleeping until I heard a bang I went upstairs and she was fiddling with her pocket as usual but then I saw that she was chewing something so I asked her what are you chewing and she said a piece of candy. Didnt think anything of it so I asked her where did you get the candy and she said her daughters gave it to her now I know I didnt give heer anything so I said let me see whats in your mounth she pulled out a piece of plastic it was a piece of the back of my remote control.

Now I know that my mom is missing moeny all the time maybe she is eating that too. Seriiosly anyone experienced this. Should I have her stomache exrayed for foreign objects?

Bobbie, thanks for the invite! If I were free, I'd be on a jet plane tomorrow, or drive. (Love that, too!) And I don't mind a hotel, once in awhile. I'm on the boat in my dreams right now. One day though! When I walk the Mighty Mac next Monday (Labor Day), I'll be thinking of you while looking at all those boats. Maybe one day I'll be waving to you from that bridge! But Florida sounds real tempting during our N. MI winters!!! You could come up to sit in front of our fireplace, LOL.

Good Evening Ladies

Sharon!!!! Yer a genius!! lost her titty and sleeping good with that wine.
I'm gonna get me some wine. Red so it's good for the heart.
I'll get a nice box for the boat!

That or some 2 buck Chuck.

Jsome: well stated
Deef: well stated

tennessee! you're VERY important! i didn't realize your hair had stripes.
Can you get a temp job with the DOT? (Department of Transportation)
Love to your daughter.

Staying in St. A for awhile yet. safer here than outside (ocean) and North

SS! you're welcome! do you want to come to the boat here? We are going to haul her out after 9/5 and she'll be out for over a week to 2 weeks and then back in. don't want to be on her when she's on jacks!
No Raw water AC so it's HOT.
I'm going to try and sleep on someone else's boat so I don't have to get a room somewhere.
she should be back in the water sometime in the 9/15-9/20 area.

In NE florida

Angie! thinkoftheboatthinkoftheboat!!


Hugs, huge hugs for Bobbie and Tennessee! Love you ladies! Thanks :)

Hi Deefer, Thanks for encouragement from everyone. I have 4 siblings so i know how you feel. Although it has been a short time full time, i did this while I was working full time, so it has been a total of about 4 years. Daughters are wonderful. Congrats on yours ! Mine is Emily and she is 20 and in school for medical assisting, when she is not with her BF, she is here. She is a great joy. She was only 3 pounds at birth and hospitalized for 3 months after birth. I sometimes take out her pics, and I am so amazed ....... She is the light of my life for sure. Today was just a tough day. But tomorrow is a new day and I will be up early , go for coffee and donuts and smile. I was able to talk to mom and explain my concerns and she was receptive so we are going to make a plan tomorrow of what she needs to do....... Hopefully that will go well... lol lol lol........... My apartment is so a tornado right now, at one point in my earlier years I use to be OCD about that stuff, now i pick my clean clothes from the basket...... lol........ Emily has commited to spending at least one afternoon a week with mom, even just to get her out for an hour or so..... She is very close to my mom.... She calls my mom and I her 2 moms....... Thanks to all for listening whiled i complained earlier, sometimes it just feels good to get it out of your system.............. I will definitely be looking into unemployment as well as some other options as well............. When I tucked dad in , he was so cute, he said" I love you and mom, " that just made my heart melt. So tomorrow will be bright and beautiful....... full piss and SH** lol, i am sure...... But I am better, thank you everyone for giving me this oppurtunity to vent.. A GOOD NIGHTS REST TO ALL AND SWEET DREAMS..........ANGIE

SS-you are apart of the angel,you have inspired us all from the get -go,as many others have.You have a sick daddy to think about-you need to lighten up on yourself. You already have a heavy load.

Bobbie, thanks for the kindness of your words. I thought the angel was a wonderful gesture, and just felt bad I hadn't thought of it. Wished I had. Guess I had a way to show how I was feeling toward you at the time, other than just writing words here. Like I said, I dreamed of driving down and just showing up, which is why I asked for details. I even Googled the place. Just saying. We were all with you in spirit. Now we're with you on the boat. Now, how do I Google that? Send a link!

Deefer, I could be Mrs tony tiger-I really could-I'll just ride it out-like bobbie did the storm-Thankfully I live in a unpopulated area with nothing too important to attend. Thankfully I'm not important-I would be stressed out if I was. Daughters happy-I'M happy. I've gone to this same girl for 25 years-I don't know what got into her-I THOUGHT SHE LIKED ME.

CC-Mamagrams alone are funny,but thats pretty humerous.Sure seems like there should be a better way to get your breasts checked.Mines coming up soon.

Tenn, Do you like Frosted Flakes? Maybe you could do a commercial with Tony! I think I would go back to the hair dresser and make them fix the orange stripes. They should be able to do some kind of rinse for FREE!
J, I agree. I come here for support and to let off steam. When it started to feel like I had to watch every word I said so as not to offend, I got very uncomfortable about saying certain things.We all need to be more tolerant of others and not step on toes. If we don't like what someone has to say, we should not respond.
I myself have had some great laughs from this thread and hope to continue to do so. If I read something offensive to me, I will just ignore and move on to the next topic of discussion. We are all in this together, so let's keep it together.

LOL, that's too funny CC!! I love it!!

You read it right.......But that is my mom's side of the family's sense of humor...........But you read it right....many hugs to all...Sharon

She lost her what!?

Okay, time to let you all in on why we have to have such a sick since of humor. My aunt, my moms sister, was in her 70's. Her doctor retired and as we all know, out with the old in with the new...Well this doc sends her for her first mamogram. She gets in there and the tech does her thing, all of a sudden my aunt bends down, looking all over the floor until the tech comes over and gets down on all fours and says did you loose something? My aunt said not a word, kept looking. The tech once more approached her and said, what did you loose so I know what I am looking for? My aunt says...And I quoat " My Tit. i know i had it when I came in here"
Okay, now my mom, pastor comes by with his bubbly self.....Brings communion as I had requested for mom since getting her to church is almost impossible without the church smelling like a sewer..Comes in says hello, goes over to my mom and says, "Mrs Betty, we are going to have communion is that alright with you.?" to everyones surprise She answers, "No" my daughter looks at me wide eyed, I said momma, communion? the she says, " I think she is going to insist. So we can have it." LMao the pastor said...Okay let's begin.....So he begins the prayer..My mother desides to say, someone kick him and shut him up. I look up at her, and God love him he says...I think she is ready for her wine..Laughs and gave the Communion to us all. Well my daughters wafter got stuck in the container....So mother says..You do not get any....Finally my pastor says...Wait brandy I have another one..Not blessed but here. Gives it to my daughter she drinks the wine and my mom said.....Is it over? All I could do was turn my head and laugh...trying not to loose what lil bit of wine we get. Finally i turned to him and said, could you bring the whole bottle next time. He said well yeah....I said no for me...My daughter reminds me of the last birthday party we had for momma at olive garden...I ordered the whole bottle of Wine. Took it home. All of a sudden I realized she was sleeping really good....Went in to get a glass and celebrate my chance of quietness, and half of the bottle was gone....
Next day, my daughter says..Meemaw, have you been into momma's Wine? She says, without hesatation. " No I Have been drinking some kind of punch she has in there" that is when we realized my mom had been downing the wine.....I looked at my daughter and said....Well hell she is sleeping and it is red wine so it is good for her....And we still til this day have that wine bottle.....Just as proof of what size bottle my mom decided was punch and drank the whole bottle by herself. I finally said...Well it was her birthday......And we left it at that..
There are so many things we get out done with them on...But look back...Think of your reaction. Then see if you laugh....You will.
Trust me. You will find humor in things that used to piss you off....Those humours days....Are the things that keep us going. so hang on.....we are in for the ride of our lives.....HUGS TO ALL...SHARON

Bobbie,just saw your international orange hair comment--HA-ha.I have been having to explain my head everywhere I went all day. I started telling people I'M getting ready for Halloween---Tiger woman. I am not 20, she should not have done this to me and the orange stripes cost 65 bucks-.People just smile and don't take there eyes off my head-daughter thinks its funny.Man oh Man Glad your missing the bad weather...

I hope that hurricane just dies out or stays away!

How is everyone today? I hope the week goes well for everyone, or at least no more stress than usual.

Pray if you like, if it makes you feel better and connected that is a good thing. I also agree, some one should start a post on their connection with GOD and how important that connection is to you in your life and the support you feel from "HIM". For many people the sense of GOD and the path they feel "HE" set for them is THE main spring in their life and it helps to connect with others for who this is also a deep and profound connection.

For those of us for whom religions and others faith is not central to our concept of the world, it is probably easier to just pass over these remarks, than it is for a religious person to have to do with out the faith based behaviors and comments on them. Truly. The modern world here and now is a far different world in respect to the place religions once held in their respective societies. Where once religions held sway over people with varying degrees of kindness and cruelty, non-faith orientated people suffered ostracism and abuse. Now, when science has seemingly displaced belief as the core of social valuation and modern faith finds itself removed from the assumed and all encompassing legitimacy it once knew, people who are religious feel slighted (and often are) and have a harder time in being accepted by society outside their faiths, where once, they were the final word on all life.

There is room for both i think, but things that bother people bother people on both sides. As long as we don't attack one another we should be able to coexist peacefully enough. Call on our better selves and not create offense where it doesn't need to be and hope for the best for one another. Where we can't, there is nothing wrong with separate posts that support and encourage individual beliefs as needed...The old "if it bugs you stay out of it thing".

In a post like this where it is general, maybe stay more focused on just the day to day of the care giver stresses were all engaged in regardless of other issues?

GRDP's (urologist) app reschedule still set for tomorrow provided no last minute cancellation comes,so next step for here.

That was a hoot! Mom was in her wheelchair, huffing and puffing up a major hyperventilation storm. I figured sundowning, and sat her on the toilet to get her ready for bed. Next thing I know, she's dropping baseballs. I asked her several times what was wrong and do you have to go to the bathroom. Her answer was holding her breath.
Now she is in bed and hopefully so tired she'll knock right off for the night, but lately she has been lying in bed playing with the blankets for hours before going to sleep. that means I have to keep a constant eye on the laptop to make sure she isn't trying to get out of the bed.
Merry and I have put pillows under the bedclothes on either side of her to make her feel like she can't get up. So far it seems to work. They have "scoop" mattresses in NHs that have a hollowed out section for the client to lay in. It makes it very hard for them to get out of bed. If you have a night wanderer, you may want to try this method. I also got a half bed rail a while ago to help her get up when she still could on her own. It can extend out another foot, and keeps her legs in the bed.
Angie, I love to cook too, but can't as much as I used to. I have done all the family dinners for years, but am no longer able to. Now my daughter does Thanksgiving, and my youngest sister had X-mas at her house last year.
I know all about walking into walls. I take care of all our household bills etc. and Mom's too. I have 6 siblings that don't want to take the time to visit, never mind help me with all the phone calls and paperwork that I take care of for Mom. It's a vicious circle that goes round and round until it's over. You have been at this for a short time and have a long road ahead of you. Keep in touch with us and we will encourage and help you when we can.
As for putting things off until tomorrow, if you saw my apartment, you would see I do that all the time. it looks like a hurricane went through it. Oh well, can't do everything. Aren't daughters wonderful! My Alexis will be 30 years old on September 25th. I can't believe it. She has been married for 3 years now, and lives in the apartment above us. I love having them close.
Cheating on supper tonight. I bought a Superbird at the local market and just have to steam some cauliflower and rice. Going to go throw a batch of pissy clothes in the washer so I can go out while Mom is at daycare tomorrow.
Have you checked into an adult daycare for your parents? They might like getting out a few times a week. there could even be funding in your area for this.
By the way, are you collecting unemployment. I did not know this, but if you quit your job, you have a waiting period before you can collect. You have to apply for benefits within 14 weeks of leaving your job.
Have a good evening!

' Osiyo", thats Cherokee for "HOWDY FOLKS",Glad to see folks praying openly again.My spiritualism derives from conventional religion mixed with Cherokee and a few other beliefs mixed in.Its like Bobbie said its all in the heart.Some things can't be explained like a gut feeling.How many times have your gut ever been wrong?.We screw up when we ignore what we feel.

Yes dinner with my daughter was good, excellent actually. Cooking is another one of therapies. I just don't know any more. I am trying my hardest and put against a wall at every point. I am here trying to protect what little material items they have along with their dignity and it is a constant fight. I had a few moments of smiles, then the sundown happens. I am a rock in a hard place, I have no legal standing in this situation and I have explained this over and over and over. The same conversation and it always I am going to take care of this tomorrow and tommorrow never comes..... It is the same story different day. I am trying here... Thinking of the boat the boat. the boat.......

be good all.

Welcome Sharon!

You sound like a hoot. hope to 'see' from you again!


Earl just went Cat4.
The guy on the Weather Channel had an orgasm.


i was just answering SS Sarge! Jeez!!!

thanks for the mom offer but NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Deef... a great move!

I just learned that will be hauling the boat after 9/5. WooHoo now I know for sure. Bottom finished when we are done!! Sweet.

Y'all know what BOAT stands for?
Break Out Another Thousand


Looks like Earl is going to track far enough off coast that we will not have to move the boat.

There's a system moving down the coast of FL and it looks like it may be pushing Earl away from the Fl coast.

It could change. maybe...maybe not. dunno.

Maybe I'll get to see Meatball!

Earl will be a big hurricane and you ladies in the mid Atlantic states please get ready and be careful.

Throw your patio furniture in the pool!!!


Pirate, When I give Mom a frozen dinner, she says not that sh!t again! So now I put the food on a regular plate and tell her I just made it. She always says it's good! Sorry to hear work is still getting to you. Definitely stay home tonight and have some peace for a while.

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