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hey Bobbie you can HAVE MY questions asked...LMAO!

Oh man are there fights in here again...geezus leave what upsets folks outta the posts here DANG!

Okay real caregiver crapola....- yesterday Sunday...I was so tired at my mom's house I could not take a nap on the Lazy Boy it was still killing my I figure let me take some cat naps and then do all the chores and leave early. Well around 6pm I am done I tell her I am done and I am going to go does she want dinner. She says yes but does not say what so I nuke one of her tv dinners..well she does not like that and she starts wailing that I am leaving early...what the F. She now has gotten so spoiled when I leave around 9 or 10 pm on Saturdays and Sundays she wants to make me prisoner to that timeframe. I left her screaming away in the kitchen...figured it was a childish temper tantrum. When I got home she called and wanted me to come ridiculous is that...yeah let me come all the way back for a few hours of just sitting over there. Damn control issue with her. She just lays up in the bedroom with the same tv channel on for a year now while I am just out in the patio...really lame. I don't know how much I can take with this demented old woman. She then had the nerve to ask if I was coming tonight....just because I left over there a few hours early....a righteous "B" she is. They were so right about NPD' (narcissits) they will be the way they are till they are DEAD!

Also the workday is crap again. Over an hour with the helpless help desk on resetting passwords...those are all honked up now...and again another horrible process they dreamed up which I had gotten to work finally in the last several weeks now again does not work...and the useless help desk for just that stuff doesn't even answer the phone...and I already left one message. I have called 3 times and no answer..this place sucks so bad...and the sad thing is it is a world giant company...very sad..I hate them. I will hate them for the next 4 years..LOL!

LMAO ARE you seriuous? Hon do not feel bad...Mine stuffed all the toothbrushes down the sink. Then it fell apart. So it was fixed in two areas at one time...Got a lot of tooth brushes back and the sink fixed too...
Are u from ga? I am...I am from Columbus...Not right now...I am in sc..But Columbus will always be home. Where i was born and raised until I was about 11.
Hon, find humor in it. If we don't? we will loose it.....When we found the tooth brushes my daughter said....Ohhhh mommmmm I started laughing and said...well she doesn't need one anymore why should anyone else. I said...Now I can clean the grout in my bathroom.....I got omg MOM.
So see.....We all see things we wish would not have happened....But there are places that give tooth brushes away.....I have two here un opened....
Need it? ROFL.....I know it is not funny to you? but compaired to what we have been thru? that is a hoot....Yesterday, My mom will lay in bed and say I am going to the bathroom, is anyone going to help me. My first thought was help you up? then I realized she meant to clean her up....
I called my daughter...who so sweetly took her in the bathroom and momma had poop on her hand and smired it all over my daughters arm.
She came out saying....Ugggghhhhhh mommmmmmm I gotta get in the shower...she just rubbed s**t all over me.... LMAO I had to laugh. Poor brandy had a look on her face you could not explain...So see? A tooth brush is not as bad as you can get....Pray she doesn't clean herself with it. LOL.....Yeah i A sick sense of humor...My mom used a fork to brush her hair...Thank god I had just washed her hair.........I understand more than you think I do....the dog was grabbed by his private parts and did not dare move....He looked at us like help here...She is going to rip them out. LMAO POOR PUd......he takes it all in stride....He is a dashound. She carries him by the neck,. I think he is going to be a girraffe before it is over. So hang tight.....I will update more later...Hugs.....Sharon

Hello My ladies!

Angie, what you are dealing with is awful. i would get so overwhelmed i think sometimes I wasn't even conscious, just on autopilot.
I would log on here too to see what's up and know that there were lots of us suffering and wondering how in the world we were going to get out of bed the next morning. dinner with daughter sounds great.

See? now I could be jealous of you! I would love to have dinner with my mom!! lolol

hang in....never mind.

SS! you're worrying too much!! you have never done anything wrong and when tennesse and her daughter sent that angel, they sent it on behalf of everybody. That's how I took it!

I was standing in front of my mom's casket and a lady came in carrying it and I was struck immediately with how beautiful and peaceful it was. She handed it to me and I just held it in absolute wonder and read the card. Tennessee and her daughter and I could see them in my mind (but not with International Orange Hair) and I could see EVERYONE on this Thread.

i was so grateful. no kidding.

That Angel represents all of the love and caring and support that I recieved on this site leading up to and after my mother's death.
You all saved my life and got me through this.

That's why i won't leave you now.

SS: you were one of the first people to talk to me and our conversations go back months.
Don't you even waste another second worrying about that Angel or saying I'll pray for you. I wasn't talking about you in that post!!

Here's the deal: actions are not always material.
SS,you have displayed more positive action in my life than most of my 'friends'. I love you and am grateful to you and for you.

Grateful for all of you Ladies.



ok. here's what I'm going to do from now on.

When you want to say something to someone who is suffering and you know it and can't help them and you don't want to F up and say 'hang in there...' Say:


Someday we will all meet the boat at some time and place. each and every one of us! That will be the kicker. We will actually do this.

so han..... thinkoftheboat ladies.


Well I am jealous Bobbie.... I can feel that breeze when I close my eyes. Glad you are safe, and I would love to feel that rocking again. One of these days. Today my day has been filled with Dad and his constant accidents, mom unable to get out of her own way. I had to talk seriously to mom about her affairs and how we need to handle things. It went pretty well considering. I am sitting outside under my big tree, did some work on the furniture I am refinishing. Dad is sleeping and mom is puttzing around the house doing her thing. When I begin to feel overwhelmed by own situation, I log on to this blog and I realize I am not alone and sit outside and take in the nature. And I know that at 5pm I will have my daily Martini in my fav Martini Glass. making my daughters favorite dinner and hopefully will be able to spend some time with her.
My friend Don was here for a visit yesterday. He has been a god send to me. Because our lives we dont get alot of quantity for time, but we do have quality time, which helps me a great deal. Definitely agree with the less talk and take action theory...... Well I am now off the store for the 2nd time today, it is my escape lol lol lol...... All in all I am glad that I am able to be here for mom and dad. As much as they try my patientce, when I look at them I cant help but to smile , most of the time that is. lol........ I am doing my best to give to them a quality of life during this last journey of their lives........... I know that they appreciate all that I do and have sacraficed..... so that is a comfort. This also a journey for me as well, as all of you know first hand.... Take care all and take sometime today to something that makes you smile..... All are in my thoughts and prayers always....

Bobbie, my post was being written and came up after yours, so it appears I insensitively blasted right past your comments, but didn't see them till just now. You can't know how bad I felt when a couple ladies sent you an angel...and "all I'd done was pray..." So, because of my procrastination, even though I thought of driving there, or sending flowers, or etc., but did nothing but say, "I'm praying for you!" makes me feel like a crud, especially when you wrote that. Little late now, but sometimes we can't always do what we want. You know the ladies here, whether they are church goers or not, have their own battles to wage. I understand lots of people have been hurt by church members, and so-called Christians, but shouldn't reflect on them all. Conviction makes people call names, too. This makes true Believers really uncomfortable, because it's the devil's tool. When godly people get attacked, they wipe the dust and leave...and Satan has a party.

i agree some chruches are just too much for me . i dont like the yellin screamin prachers pointin fingers and blast his eyes at me .
tried a diffrent church and theyre runnin around the room flipin floppin , dancin , screamin . ahh thats not for me .
some is ok church and im thinkin uhh i rather be at home . my mom would make me go with her till i becme old enuff to say NOOOO I DONT WANNA GOOOOO ,
thats the last time i went to church . my believe is if u have jesus in ur heart and talk to the lord then im good , my house my home is the lord s house and his home too .
i dont feel that i have to go to church in order to get to heaven , nanana
i talk to the man upstairs every chances i get and i know he knows what im doing and what im thinking ,
im not a bad person , i may do things thats wrong in the lord s eyes , like smoking and slurrping , im abusing my body , and say bad words , cussing swearing , he knows im a good person . :-)
i do go by the 10 commaments , well sometimes ,
bobbie im praying that u and ur boat will be perfect once the storm goes by , i know ur mom and her angels are guarding ur boat and u with thier wings . xoxoxox

You would love this right now. Boat is gently rocking and swaying in the wind.
I have the door open to the cockpit and the breeze is coming through..

At Peace!


Bobbie! Let me at those waves! I love a moving boat! :) or even an inflatable raft...LOL. Yesterday was hubby's bday, and I remembered to wish him a happy one on the way out the door for church. I can't find his gift I hid a few days ago... Early onset? Heaven forbid! I tried to invite DH and DS to the beach today; an overnight on Hwy2, to shop for a hotel room before next weekend's Mighty Mac 5 mile Mackinaw Bridge walk...along with 10,000 other people. I wanted to go to the beach! But hubby said he's gotta work tomorrow, and yada yada. My house husband is also cleaning carrots, and doing wierd housewifey things since he retired. I caught him trimming grass with little scissors and teased him. Summer's almost gone, and we have hardly been to the beach at all. What a shame; we gotta go soon! DS started homeschooling today :( and I'm wondering where summer went.

Godhelpsus as castaway? Good question! I was wondering about the rest of that story myself!

I was thinking that sundowners needs a gentle approach. Though a sharp hand clapping may jolt one out of taking a chunk out of your arm. Ever hear of Eden Alternative? They practice some of that at the dad's nursing home. You ladies would love the animals therapy part of it. They also do gardens, water fountains, birds, fish tanks. You wouldn't believe how much seniors love those things, and can be calmed by them. Just some thoughts to help us out...

Anyone heard from KB?

Here's one to consider and I use this a LOT:

being grateful. Last night I'm standing in the cockpit of the boat with the wind blasting me in the face and I'm saying Thanks to God.

Church people can be a pain and I have always found my Church to be Nature and that's just one more place that I see God. Don't care if it doesn't fit into someone else's vision. Works for me. Next.
The goofiness comes when folks want to assume that I am 'godless' because I just don't see it their way. boring.

We all have our own Spirituality. rock with it!

Man I also get it when it come to the cliches. hang in there when people come up with the cliches! lol

It is true. we don't know what else to say.

My pet peeve when i was underwater with mom 24/7, 5+ years, was when folks would ask what they could do and I would TELL THEM:
1. sit with mom for an afternoon and let me do a months worth of grocery shopping!
2. visit mom! talk to her! don't forget her!
3. bring a cassarole and we'll all have dinner together!
4. hit me in the back of the head with a ball pien hammer!

bottom line, when people asked what they could do I would tell them what I needed and NOT ONCE did any of these people EVER do ANYTHING!
But EACH one said: 'I'll pray for you.' No kidding.
THAT'S why some of us are just tired of hearing it because we know it comes from insincerity. Just another cliche unless it comes from a real loving person who backs up what they say with ACTION! Like you ladies here!!!

'A little less talk and a lot more action....'


boat moved and I hit the wrong key!

thanks Georgia! and everybody!

here it comes:


Good Morning Ladies!

working on the boat right now. Boat angel is here and there's more stuff to install, but the boat is ready to go even if that stuff is still in the boxes! the irony is that at the moment Earl is taking dead aim at NJ!! Boat safer here than there!! Divine Humor!

Tennessee! no way you're alone in praying! When God is in your heart you're praying all the time!

SS! good to see you! did you have a good weekend? glad your dad is getting beefy. good healthy appetite is very good. yes, it will come soon enough when he forgets how to chew and swallow. Enjoy your moments!

Deef and Angie! yes your moms are getting the sundowner thang. Mom tried to claw at me a few times and so the biting is just part of the deal and so is the nasty disposition. Bark a little bit and see if you can't snap them out of it.
You can always adjust the timing so that the household is moving in accordance with the sundowners and they are tucked in before they know it.

Godhelps is Castoff?!?! cast offa what? oh c'mon! did she cast herself off? boat's here if she wants it. i thought she was part of the crew!

Touche' deefer! Thank you to all who pray and/or think about me! Didn't mean to discredit anybody! And I DO thank all of you for your encouragement! You guys have helped me through some difficult times! Thank you!

Georgia, Whether we are praying for you or thinking about you, it's all for the same reasons. We care about you and want to be there for you, however we express it! That's why we were all made different. Life would be sooo!!!! boring if not for our differences. You know how us women love to gossip. If we were all the same, the word gossip would not even exist. Neither would the dictionary for that matter. Black and white are just not as pretty as all the colors that surround us everywhere!
We know you are very busy. Just chime in whenever you have a moment. We'll be here.
Back to shredding paperwork!

GeorgiaPeach, you are a special lady! Go for it in starting a new thread. I was just telling Miz this morn that I was thinking of doing the same...something like, "Christian Caregivers," (I know...corny!), or the like. But for those of us who rely on God for strength, or need to be reminded to, it would be nice to have a thread where we don't get ridiculed for doing so. So if you build it, I will come! God bless you, sister! Hope your day is not too stressed, and know you are covered in prayer!


To any of you who do pray for me, Thank You!

I'm sorry, to begin with that this one is kinda long...

Bobbie, I'm here! Glad you found me! Thanks for being concerned & for looking! Hope you're doing ok with the weather. You ARE in my prayers!!! Like it or not! LOL If I say it, I mean it!

tennessee, miz, angie, ss, & any others that pray, you're not alone in the prayer department! I pray so much that God says, "Oh, it's you again"! I even thought about starting a thread dedicated to people who ARE "religious"...I still hate that word! It's about relationship with God & His Son, not religion! I know that I've been "VeryStressed", but I can't imagine how much more stressed that I would have been if I hadn't had the Lord to talk to & lean on! I don't like flying solo! I wouldn't even want to try! I made a decision, yesterday, at church, to trust Him more!!! Couldn't hurt...Might help! SMILE!

OK, rip, thanks for protecting me, but folks, it was me who made the comment that if another person told me to "hang in there" that I would explode! That, too, was the stress talking! I know that people say that sometimes because they don't know what else to say, but I've just heard it so much! Have heard all of the cliche's! I know that people mean well, though! OK, I've even said it, too, but just what is it supposed to mean?? Keep trying? Don't give up? Things will get better? I guess that I'd rather have someone say "hang in there" than to just stare at me! lol It would be nice to occasionally hear,"How can I help you" or "Can I do something to make it easier", "Is there anything that I can do" or even the "I'll pray for you" if someone means it!

I have another one that bothers me..."Love ya"! That's flippant! But that goes back to some of those hurtful church people that didn't really love me when I thought that they did! If I love someone I tell them I love them, or will even shorten it to love YOU, but not "love YA"! I like the way that Bobbie signs off, "lovbob". That's genuine! By the way, I have found out that not all church folks are the same!!! Some actually do love ME!!! That's special.

I hope that I haven't upset anybody! If I did, I'm sorry! We still need to be here for each other! I may not respond to a lot of the posts, but I do read every one of them. And I do pray for each of you!

Love you,

deefer, thanks for asking. My dad's doing really well lately, considering Alzheimer's. He has been healthy, and ambulating, and eating (too well). I think I'll buy him some more new clothes, in another larger size, because healthy eating is better than wasting away, which they tell me will come... But he's in great spirits, mostly. He either doesn't understand what I'm saying, or can't hear me, and I definitely can't make sense of his "conversation." I'm listening for the lilting, and the tones are good, so he seems content. A smile now and then is good.

Ya all have been busy around here! Hi RosaItaly, RIP, Tenn, et al... Who's MIA? Pirate, Pamela, KB, and several others... Hope you all are doing well.

Looks like I missed some posts. Had trouble loading site today. Angie, SS in right. Mom gets really nasty around supper time because she wants to go to bed. She has even tried to bite me lately. Patience comes in handy, but most of the time nothing works. Just get her ready for bed and make her comfortable.
SS, Good to hear from you again! How's Dad doing?

Looks like I was first to bed again last night!
Tenn and Miz, Keep praying all you want. We all need something to get us through.
Rip, RVRVRVRVRV!!! Yeah! It would be fun.
Linda, What's up? Miss your stories! How's Dad and the rest of the family.
Georgia, Some article don't you think? Can't get information or answers to our questions when we need it, but can always find negative feedback on the subject everywhere! Keep us posted on B/F's surgery.
Bobbie, Keep that boat and you safe. We're going to need it someday.Look at earlier posts from last night for info on how to find article we are talking about. Godhelpus is now Castoff. I don't think we will be hearing from her on this thread.
J, Just keep being yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. You are who you and we all love you! Don't change to make someone else like you.
Rip, That RV sounds great. You must have hated to lose it. Didn't get much sleep last night. Little bugger cats were tearing back and forth through the house from 3AM to 4. Butter, the male, weighs close to 12lbs. and likes to coo and chirp constantly while he is running. He even jumped on top of us a few times. Got to love those pets. Couldn't live without them.
Rossella, you are absolutely right. Even after they are gone, pets remain in our hearts forever. Hope you are getting some rest and feeling better.
Angie, Did you have a good family visit this weekend? Get ready for the heat. It was 54 here this AM, but supposed to be 90 by 5PM! God, I hate the heat, but hope it lasts so we don't have to turn the heat on until November. The fuel bills for this house came up to $6500 last year. Yikes, don't know where the $ is coming from to pay that this year.
Sorry if I missed anyone. I'll catch you later. Got to finish shredding paperwork before the trash pickup!

Angie, sounds like sundowners your folks and you are dealing with.

Tenn & Miz, keep up your prayers! Bobbie, how goes the ship?

Thank you wonderful ladies for your notes on my wall and on Facebook! God bless you ALL! You're not alone; I'm praying for everyone on this thread, too. Hope you all have a great week!

Definitely, not alone when it comes to prayer.... I think everyone prays in their own way.... So do not feel you are not alone. Everyone here is in my prayers everyday. Well, about time to get dad up. Mom is the same, although it appears after sunset, her mood becomes very very nasty and she does not see it. If left alone with dad, she brings him to the break of tears every time, I am so at a loss, I dont know and I am not sure how to handle this behavior. UGGGGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... lol Last night a friend of mine came for dinner, he usually comes down on sundays, as he is hrs away and has three boys. But Sundays are our time. Well Mom was her usual self with dad. Mean..... right after sunset.... I dont know how to handle this... Can anyone offer some insight on this.

Hope everyone has a great day. Bobbie, be safe

tennessee, you are not alone in prayer on this site. I pray too. :)

I'm praying that Bobbie and her boat will be o.k.,but for some reason I feel like I'm alone in prayer on this site now.The more prayers the more powerful........but I'll continue praying and praying and praying some more.........goodnite.

You are going to bring her in the channels inland? A friend of my cousin's had a boat and when an hurricane came (in the Caribbean sea, several years ago), he set I don't know, 1000 ancrages and he wrapped up all the boat as if it were food. Then he moved inland with his family and crossed his fingers. After the hurricane, he found that it had worked and the boat was perfectly well! I hope you do not have this experience, even if it ended up well.

Hi rossella!

Not a naive question. that is an option but once she is hauled out i can't move her because she's on jacks and stuck. it's expensive and no guarantees that she'll be ok.
i think that we may just move her inland with some other boats and moor her away from other boats so if THEY break away we won't get smacked.
there'll be a big old storm swell here.

Of course I am doing my homework by watching hurricane stories on the Weather Channel and reading about boat wrecks due to weather. duh.

We've already had a few windy crazy days and that was from Danielle and you can see how far away she was.

past midnight here and I'm supposed to be a boatwoman and in my rack already!!

love you guys,

Maybe it is a very naive question, but can't you shut the boat somewhere, in a very safe place and wait until the situation is calm?

Hey Jsome.

i wish he would but Earl is going to be a Cat3 probably by tomorrow and will affect the east coast of Florida where we are. I am a little nervous, not going to lie. The next 2 days will be deceptive here. Sunny and calm. We will decide tomorrow where the boat is going to ride out the storm.

Love ya kid. keep grousing. MS really!?! sux.


We found the article in the business section of our paper.

Glad your are safe. Hope Earl peeters out.


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