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I was talking about you not receiving notifcations!!!

I am looking for the article.

last comment ever???

Last comment for Bobbie ~
My connection to this site crashed last weekend. Couldn't log on.
They fixed it.
I also had no notifications coming in.
Almost gave me a complex!
Something is going on eith the tech system here.
Let them know.

hey Rip and Linda!

where's this article? i have the NYT up and am looking for it. went back a few pages here looking for a clue but probably too tired to see it.

anyone want to tell me how to locate it?


Bobbie ~
I won't say who doesn't need to hear 'Hang in There ...' ever again, but she is special to all of us!
i'm tired of hearing it too.

Not sure if 'Pull up Your Panties' wouldl apply, but i think she will smile!

There are many people I'd love to say "Don't get your Panties in a Bunch" but they aren't here.

Oh!! I want to stay up but if I do I'll feel like I've been hit by a mack truck tomorrow. Good night my friends!!


Georgia! there you are... hey girl!

jsome, don't worry about any of that. We all love SS and she'll make her own decisions about where she is comfortable. i'm still going up there and hugging the stuffing outta her. Seriously, she could be very busy with an event and just not on the radar right now so don't worry.

Deef! Flex! Rip! Georgia! angie! Miz! Where's Linda?? Where's Godhelps? Where's pirate?
Thanks Maxine for thinking of me with the gang here! You comin to the boat?

Ok, now what's this article? I'm going to read it now.


I never felt I wanted to keep the RV until I met y'all. It was amazing!
1991 Safari Sahara. The dogs all knew the sound of the RV keys! Were ready at the sound...
Stainless Steel siding. Ex said it lfelt like driving a toaster down the interstate. He had a sense of humor then.

White leather captain's chairs. Corrion counters, Berber carpet & a nice bathroom!
Gas appliances, convection/microwave oven ... big fridge & the master bedroom was very pleasant.
Driving it was a dream!
The Oregon Coast from the captain's chairs ... overlooking the ocean ...
Rocky Bichon on the dashboard, cruising the roads ...

Wonderful people in the RV parks ... swimming pools & spas.
I never thought that would be me ... we were younger than most, then ...
The kids loved the parks & activities!
Silly, sorry ex ...

Like Bobbie, I am wondering how we can all contribute to a respite boat / RV to get us to the boat.
Something to consider?

hi bobbie ! was getting readyto go to bed and thre u are !
hvent read anything yet but only yours ,. :-)
wish for u and ur boat and maybe meatball have a safe time down there , think i heard one hurrican after another is comin , bet the ocean is pretty wild right now . u becareful ! wear ur life jackets at all times . ok ??
ill be here for a lit while gotta go read what s happening with everybody ,
love ya bobbie !! xxo

Hello boatmaties!

I have just read through the posts and awww you guys! Thanks for thinking of me.

Rip the RV sounds great! come on down!

OK: we still don't know what track Earl is going to take so the boat and I are remaining in St augustine for the moment. we are ready to go if we have to. I say 'we' but the reality is that I am alone on the boat and will have to pull a whammy if I need to move her. If Earl doesn't mess with us, Fiona may.

We are going to have a good time on this happy boat and I can't wait to meet all you amazing women.

If we don't have to move the boat I might be able to see Meatball this Saturday!

have we heard from Georgia P? If i missed one from her, my bad. i keep thinking about her and wondering how she's doing taking care of her husband. All my respect Georgia!

OK Rip.... I won't say hang in there anymore. how about pull up yer big girl panties and we're here for you? Better? Worse?

I love you guys.... anybody still up?


Going to find article...Found it, yipoo...Hmm showing it to Mom, nothing pisses her off like the possibility that she is screwing up or doing something illegal. Thank you for the heads up maybe we should look into this, maybe we will get paid that would really be something. Boy o. Well I don't handle the money it is not my thing. I owe my mom $2,700 and get a gift of $100.00 a month, Out of which I have Basic Health, $37.00, prescriptions $30.00, and try and pay my mom back and still keep five bucks for a pay per view movie for a lottery ticket. Oh the good life...I was told by the DR I have symptoms of MS Too. Things just keep getting better here...

deefer, read the bites! Figures that they'd come up with another problem for us to contend with, like we don't already have enough to be concerned with!

rip, the rv sounds great...count me in! I'm already packed!

Anybody ever hear from Bobbie??

J, I don't think you started anything. I have not heard from SS.

It is Sunday night, and I think that fiasco I started may have caused a couple people t o literally leave the site altogether. Has anyone heard from Secret Sister?

Hubby talks about getting an rv if we ever get the money. Like win the lottery or something. I tease him that if he naps and has me drive we'll end up at the beach.

rip, that rv trip sounds like a riot. I'm in. :)

Small crowd in here tonight.

deefer, I didn't see the article. What did it say? I can only imagine. :(


J here. I am still the same but I still don't want that some one should come here looking for help and think that is representative of us all. I am pretty radical compared to most people, and for a religious person positively Evil. Yes The D word was used. Sure it is stupid, but I'd rather some one connect with people here and get the help they need rather than feel they simply will not find a supportive voice here. Call it Christian it does not matter to me.
Where is the boat? I hope they are OK.

Rip, I'd love to take a trip with the girls on an RV. I'd be one of your last pick-ups because I think I'm the farthest North and East of everyone else. We'd one hell of a raucous trip. We'd have to bring the leftover diapers, because we'd probably laugh until we peed ourselves. All that pent up emotion that we're hanging onto!
Rossella, The Raynaud's does not bother me much. I've gotten used to it after 20 years. The restless legs I don't think I could ever get used to. Changed Mom over an hour ago and she has been in bed since 6:30. I'm checking her on the camera as I'm typing, and 3 hours later, I think she is finally asleep. She used to go to sleep within 30 minutes of going to bed, but since the full moon and an increase in her Parkinsons med, she is awake longer and longer, but still wants to be in bed early. She's like the energizer bunny all day, non stop whatever. Hands, feet, mind in constant motion. Can't get her to stop or even nap. Hopefully she will get used to the med change soon and be back to her old sleep pattern. If not, this could be the start of long nights.
Merry and I decided to put pillows under her mattress pad and sheets on either side of her body. This seems to keep her from getting out of bed without my knowing. Even with the cameras and sound monitors, she is very quiet and sneaky.
Anyone get the Sunday paper? Check out the article in the Wall Street Journal section about elders compensating family members for watching them . Scary.You can also look it up online.
ENCORE/by Anne Tergesen-Wall Street Journal/Sunday August 29,2010. My husband is having a fit! Lawyer told me to have Mom pay me a weekly room and board fee. I need to call her and ask about the article this week.
I have a feeling my sibs are throwing me to the wolves. Keep your fingers crossed that all of our charges die at home, or the state will be coming after all of us.

My ex 'had to have' a 38' diesel pusher motor home before he NEEDE his convertible Mercedes

The RV was great!
We'd take off for the ocean beaches every Friday afternoon.
It was stocked with everything we needed. Food, clothing & dog needs.

When the winter Pacific storms would hit ... we were in this aluminum structure rocking around. The elements hitting from everywhere, RAIN pounding on the roof & sides of the motor home.
Much like Bobbie described this morning.
Sometimes we were close enough to the beach to have waves run under us, wondering if we'd float soon!

Should have been romantic?
Nuff said ...
His mind was on his work. He couldn't escape it.

Maybe we should rent an RV to visit the boat? Don't know how to afford it but I'd be happy to drive.
I envision cruising the country picking up everyone! Our destination being ... The Boat! Where ever it is!

I miss my RV ... you'd all love it! Wish I had known you earlier ...

I heard from bobbie this morning but not since then.

Special Nigel just went home so I can look at the weather channel now.
Tennessee, no matter what happens, what we can't control ... Bobbie KNOWS we are with her.
I'l see what I can find out

i'm worried about Bobbie and her boat.You folks that live in civilization with the weather channel,'What are they saying about the hurricane?'

Hi everybody! Bobbie, are you alright? Any news about the storm? Please keep us posted.
Miz, Deefer: sorry for your Raynauds. We caregivers we should always be in good health. We have already enough to do with other people's illness! Glad that you take good care of yourself.
Diane, I send a kiss to Jack. You know, when the animals have really loved you, they never leave you, really. Be happy for the fact that he lived a long and happy life! This is what we wish for our animals. And I hope that your boyfriend's operation will be alright. I think I already said that in Italy all medical expenses are free, this is one of the few things I like about the administration of my own country.

Jsome, I don't know if it's right to cancel your thread. Even if you do it, in two months, one year, whatever, a "X"some will arrive and will raise the same kind of questions. I don't remember who, Tenn perhaps, said "We have been to hell and back", so it's almost impossible that at a certain point of our life we do not have some conflicts with God. Anyway, if you decided to cancel the thread, you did it for the right reasons and it shows that you are more attentive to other people's needs and feelings than some of the people that wrote you on that thread. Good for you! If I may tease you, I can say that yours is a Christian attitude...
I have to fight with Bold and Beautiful tonight, (and it is a fight! They say such nonsenses!) so I stop here and wish everybody a good afternoon/night.

Hi Tenn, I have the same problem with barbed wires.... The tattered look in the country comes so natural! I have a pair of jeans which I love and will never throw away, but I cannot wear them outside of the house because they have holes "there" and "there" and "there"... They are very fresh in summer, with all these holes.
My cats don't mind!

I think it's funny when people say, "Keep up the good work." Like the person's gonna stop working good. LOL

Rip, Guess I better not say that anymore! How are you feeling today? Bet your dad was worried about you. As far gone as Mom is, she knows when I don't feel well and tries to help.Hope you have had a good day so far.
Bobbie, How's the weather down there?
J, Did you have a good day? Aren't you near Seattle?

hey J ...
don't worry about it!
You've had you trials, as we all have.
Everyone has a unique experince. Whether religious, political or whatever.
You spoke from your heart, your past, the life that YOU have dealt with ...
I believe that everyone has a right to their opinion. You were strong enough to say yours. It may have helped others!
Why remain silent ? Your frustrations matter! Even if you might not feel welcome .. YOU are. We ALL should be here.

A dear friend recently said: "If I hear one more person say "Hang in There" I'm gonna EXPLODE!!!".

Anyone else relate to that?

No worries, I am still an absolute heretic, but too many people need the support they find here and i don't want to ruin that for them. I hope the sit will honor my request and take it down. Not sure how that works but it is not undo-able.

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