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I hope you are all right and stay safe

Hey Bobbie ...
Rip & Special Nigel here.
Wondering about the weather there?
Which TV station do you recommend if it becomes serious?
(He rarely goes off the Monster Trucks on Your Tube.)

Keep us informed? Please!!!

I second that, J. What deefer said.

Miz, Love cookies from scratch, but hubby won't let me make them anymore. He has lost almost 40lbs. on Weight Watchers since May, so he won't touch them anymore! You may find you need meds for the Raynauds, someday it will become a necessity. Hope the office party is fun!
J, that was nice of you, but don't let all the hoopla change how you feel.

Hey, Jsomebody here. I have requested that the site remove my "GOD" post, so if it disappears it was me. No worries I am not going anywhere, just feel it was too extreme and off topic for many and apt to upset newbie's who have no idea what it was about.

deefer, no I don't take meds for my Raynaud's. It's funny. I rarely get cold except for my feet and hands. Even then I can't tell my hands are cold unless someone shakes my hand and tells me how cold it is. What is it they say. Cold hands, warm heart. :) I'm sorry for all of your health troubles. It sounds like you are very wise about it and are taking good care of yourself. I'm proud of ya!!

I'm baking cookies for an office party tomorrow. I wish I could say I was baking them from scratch but I'm not. Just not in the mood today or lately. Someday I will be. I love M&M cookies. Mmmmmmmm!!


Miz, Do you take any meds for the Raynaud's? And yes smoking would be a problem. As you know with Raynaud's, cold makes the arteries in your extremities constrict and close off. Thus the blue color and cold skin. Smoking also constricts your arteries and can make it worse. I had problems with a rapid heart rate (120 resting) and 170+ during strenuous activity. All the blood would rush to my heart because it was beating so fast, causing my legs to cramp and chest pain. I am on 360mgs of Cartia XT to keep my arteries open. Diet and exercise have also brought my resting pulse down to high 70's low 80's. Much better now. Also, when you start getting hot flashes, you will not feel so cold. I still have problems eating or drinking very cold foods, and my hands hurt if I'm holding something cold. It's a pain in the arse, but I can live with it. I still love to be out in the cold New England winters, and don't mind being out shoveling for hours. I also have urticaria which is a skin condition brought on by cold or trauma to the skin, ie. burns, scrapes, cuts, cause my skin to welt up for a few hours. I also get real itchy from it. If I eat really spicy food, I get hives in my mouth too. Very uncomfortable.
Diane, It's hard to deal with Mom when she gets so unreasonable about a BM, or a pain. If she has a scratch, she'll pick at it constantly. God forbid you put on a bandaid. She'll have it off in no time. She sit for hours looking at her own arm like she doesn't recognize it. I wish you and your b/l luck, him with his surgery and you with the added stress. So sorry to hear about Jack. At least you know you made the end special for him.
Headed to the original Yankee Candle store in Deerfield this morning. Everything is decorated for fall and Halloween. Beautiful! Lots of traffic on the roads today.

Diane I am so sorry that you lost Jack.

Diane, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your boyfriend.


Diane, I am so very sorry about your Jack. It's so hard losing a pet. I feel your pain, dear.


deefer, my Raynaud's doesn't bother me unless it is contributing to my legs itching. It bothers other people though. They say, "Your toes are purple!!". I'm like, "Yeah I know". I would imagine it would be a shock to those who don't know what it is. Hands and feet are always cold to the touch also. Have yours ever turned black? Doc says smoking makes it worse.

Hey y'all,

Bobbie keep and eye on that weather. I spent too many years as a child watching my mom track storms and listen on the radio to hear how my dad was going to out-run or stay clear of a storm. I had the nasty experience of living through hurricane Andrew when I lived in South Florida.

Deefer, it sounds like you and I are in similar situations with our moms. Just 4 years ago mom was able to dry, clean the house, garden etc. Now I have to help her with the most basic daily activities. She used to do beautiful crochet and knitting and now she struggles with a simple stitch. She used to have an incredible memory and now she can't remember one minute to the next. She can't even follow a story from watching a movie. She has forgotten most of the names of the plants she so dearly loved. She knows she is losing ground and she struggles with it and as a result gets angry with me.

This weekend has been difficult since she is still having the bad leg pain. I called the doctor that was on call yesterday and he said give her a pain pill. That seemed to help her settle down a bit. She gets scared with every pain and thinks it is something life threatening. I think the pain is probably due to the spinal stenosis putting pressure on her spine.

B/F goes to the doctor tomorrow to see if the swelling has gone down enough to do surgery. I am anxious about it because I want to know he gets through surgery okay, plus he doesn't have medical insurance and I know the costs are piling up. With him being out of work for 3-4 months, I'm the only person to really help him get through this. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

I mamaged to catch up on the posts and Bobbie, Meatballs will be an excellent addition to the crew. Also, I can be added to the list of carnivors with Deefer and Georgia. Tennessee, stick with the Vols fans and you will be ok. Jsomebody, I'm glad to see you at least checked in. Remember, one day at a time (I need to heed my own advice). Miz rest up for the job tomorrow. It will be hard, yet liberating to be on your own. Austin, good to hear from you. I can't forget Rosella. Hello my Italian friend. I know I want a small animal friendly farm one day. I really love Alpacas. They are sweet docile animals with those big brown eyes. Rip, I haven't been on facebook for about a week now. I'll try grab a few minutes later and try send you some pics of my darling pets. We lost another dear pet in the family this week. Jack was a sweet big dog with Lab, Chow and Retriever mix. He had bone cancer and lived twice as long as the vet expected.

I know I have missed someone in my list, but know you are all close in mind with me everyday. I remember, it is Secret Sis, Angie and Georgia that I missed. Big hugs to you all.


I hope all of you in the storms path are safe and the storms miss you by lots of miles it is still warm in the northeast.

Tennessee! orange hair! love it!!

hey you guys we're on the boat with some friends from the sailboat dinner having coffee.

the boat is ready for everybody but right now we have to pay strict attention to the weather because it could get very nasty and we would have to move the boat at a moments notice.

Nik's family has never liked me and I'm way over it. can't do anything about it and they can be quite mean so hey! i don't wanna play.


Yes Miz, I am the one with Raynaud's. Lucky me! It doesn't bother me much now because of the heart medication I am on. Before that it was bad.
Bobbie, Ain't coffee great!!! Have to have a cup as soon as I'm out of bed in the AM, even if only for 15 minutes. The Barbara B. must be a rockin'. Take care of her because we are all planning to board her someday. Glad you are letting b/f do what he must. Better to miss him than lose him.
Rossella, Did you get any sleep? That goose must be some alarm clock.
Tenn., Knock 'em dead in church, with that orange hair, or you can wear a hat. LOL
Just got done eating Trader Joe's multigrain pancakes. Yumm! Now I have to clean up my mess.

Good Morning EVERYBODY!!! lol...

I've just been sitting here reading eveything that I missed last night & earlier this morning. Takes a while, but SO worth it! This is the next best thing to being there!

Bobbie, wish I were closer down that way & you could come here to avoid the storm. We're probably about 6-8 hours away if ya wanna come! Sorry to hear about B/F's father. Please tell him that we're thinking about him & you, as you're apart from each other. Meatball sounds like he might be a great match for you. I say goffer it!

Rossella, glad that Alberto was there with you & saved the day & YOU! Awesome cat!

tennessee, I used to hate Holy Communion when I was growing up, until I learned what it represents. Now that I understand I enjoy it! Hope you enjoy yours this morning!

We did establish that we could put gross stuff on here, right?!?!......
Sleep was interupted last night with the cat hurling right in the middle of the bed & then again in the floor! YUCK! I felt so sorry for her! Got up & cleaned it up & then tried to go back to sleep, but it was S-L-O-W in coming.

Husband feels like going to church this morning & already have him ready so I gotta get off from here & get me ready...

Talk to yuns later!

LOL tennessee.

I just thought of something,yesterday first day of hunting season-Orange vests-orange hair-I SHOULD BE WELL SEEN IN WOODS.

Bobbie,what's Nik's folks problem? I didn't get along with Jeff's sister and a few other ones-his mom and I are fine though,She yelled at me once [your daughter has a Yankee grandmother and your Just going to have to deal with it.] I was irratating her at the time,now she pretends to like turnip greens-she hates turnip greens-thats her struggling to find common ground.Indiana,I thought was the midwest.She isn't doing to great right now either,last trip she said would be her last one to come see us,they had a hard time getting up and down-she is still shape as a tack though.We're polar opposites.Welp,gotta get to church,I'm serious about my Lords Supper.

Awww, you guys are so nice to me. Thanx!

Getting bad weather here right this minute. howling wind, gently rocking boat, hot coffee.

have to make a decision on wether we're moving inland later. Waiting to see if Earl turns or heads to the Gulf. I think it's going to turn up the coast and get quite close to nailing us. Hmmmmm....

There's a Crab Shack up the St John's River that some people head to when it gets like this. ride out the storm and get the gout all at the same time!


And bobbie, they're crazy not to like you.

bobbie, it's good for you to be so understanding about Nik's family, especially since they don't like you. You're a good woman.

deefer, are you the one with Raynaud's?

Yay, for a kitty on the boat!! :))

Good Morning Rossella!

A goose and chickens!! i know more work but i think all of us would like to take a few days and play with your cats and the goose and chickens!


Good morning Deef!!

Still up? we had hammering rain last night and being on a boat, you are closer to the elements, so it's an awesome display.

B/F still on West coast because his daddy is so sick. They have a relationship that most of us can only dream of. we are closing the LA apt and he will be moving into his parents' house so while he's on that side of the country they will be closer.
It's good that he's with his dad because he would be sad if I was a squeaky wheel. His family doesn't like me and i need to stay away and they need to be together because it's not looking good for his daddy who is a nice guy and they are tight as father and son.
Nik and i talk many times a day and we are good but we miss each other big time and want to be together. that's all on him because like I said, I won't interfere with what's going on. I pray that everybody there is strong and hangs in there like we do/did and enjoys the time they have together.

making coffee. I'll check back in a little bit.

I no longer recieve notifications on postings to this site. A few days ago they just quit and as of this morning I no longer recieve notifications on hugs. I have contacted the site but so far nothing. Kind of wierd.
Yes, the box is checked.


Nice to see you in a good mood at this time! It's 1.00 p.m. here. I am working. Yes it is true. It's a shell what we are taking care of, and it is very difficult sometimes to be patient. You have to remember 1000 times a day that it's not their fault.
My cats were sleepy this morning, but my friend's goose and chickens shouted because they wanted me to open the garage door! The goose has to take a bath in her basin. I am glad that in a week they'll go back to their home. I love them, but it is one more work!

You Girls were sure up late! East coast ones anyway! Rossella, 6am? No wonder you are tired! I had to crawl into bed before 11. Sometimes my restless leg med makes me very nauseous and woozy. The only fix is right to bed.
Bobbie, Meatball sounds like a wonderful match for you. Has enough weight to hold him down when the waves hit! Dinner on a sailboat, wow, sounds great! You earned the good life you now have. How about the b/f and will you be heading back west?
Miz, I hate animal cruelty too, but try not to think about it when eating. When Mom is gone, I would like to volunteer at a local animal shelter. There are so many animals out there that need love and a home. Think I'll move hubby out and take in more cats!!
Tennessee Ginger, I like it!!!
Rip, Although Mom is now 83, she was still mowing the lawn and shoveling snow up until 4 years ago! Now she is in a wheelchair and in rapid decline form Parkinsons' and dementia. The dementia is very difficult to deal with. You are lucky your dad still has his mind. I know it makes it harder when they know what is happening, but you lose them totally when that is gone. Then you are just taking care of the shell of the person you once knew. Either way, it's a losing situation! On the other hand, my FIL just turned 100 in July and still lives alone. He gave up driving last year when he had a pacemaker put in. Imagine that!
Cats woke me up at 6am with a stampede through the house. Had a coffee and caught up with you ladies. Think I'll go back to bed now!

Hope everyone is feeling better later, nothing new here, still opinionated grouser. Good Night.

Goodnight, Tennessee Ginger!

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