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I Haven't watched TV in months,didn't even know there was a hurricane a coming.Going to bed also,goodnite-sleep tight-say your prayers and don't let the bed bugs bite. God Bless everyone and goodnight.............

That's great. I did not know that cats liked to live on a boat. I thought they were scared of water.... If other people have already tried it, and it works, that's ok!
It will be a very good company! I vote for Meatball.

Hey Miz! Hey Tennessee and Tenny's daughter!

Rossella, I don't want a dog because i don't want dog mess on the boat. A lot of people have cats on boats and they do really well. You have to get the dog off the boat to do his business and a cat can have her litter box in the tub in the guest head and it would be clean and contained.
After what I've been through I can't take anything else to the toilet. whatever lives on this boat with me has to be able to take themselves to the toilet!! I don't mind cleaning out a cat box.

we had dinner on a big sailboat tonight and they have a cat and she was a rescue kitty and totally in her element. She catches bugs on the boat and keeps the birds from sitting on it and squirting toothpaste everywhere.

Kitty! WooHoo.
maybe the Meatball kitty will be the one.


Nice chat. Good night!

Night Everyone. Thanks for the conversation. Love yas!!

Goodnight Miz and Rip and Deef and Rossella and everybody that already signed off for the night.
time for me to go to bed.


I honestly can't imagine a cat living on a boat. A dog, maybe? Do you like dogs?
Rip, I think you should be happy that your father is mentally well. I am very glad that my father died when his mind was a sharp as when he was 20.

bobbie, i think a cat on the boat would be awesome. They're so snuggly.

Miz-mental stress is much more draining than physical stress.Its hard to sleep soundly with so much on your mind.My daughter likes to listen to spa music to relax her at night while she sleeps.I like highlights,but this is in 2 inch blocks of color-bright color,guess I'M not very adventerous-it'll fade-just weird having folks looking at my head smiling.

Rossella, I know. I don't always get 9 hours and it doesn't give hubby and I much time together. I talked to my doc and we are gonna reduce one of my meds. So, if I don't go crazy, that could be a good thing. We'll see.

Oh Rip,

chin up girl. remember the good times and enjoy todays moments.
Hang in there and I know how sad it all is. we all do.
Your dad is amazing and so are you. Whatta pair!!


Wow Rossella, what a precious animal Alberto is. That's an awesome story. Reminds me of Lassie.

Hi Rossella,

glad you're not blue.
yes an Able SeaCat. Maybe Meatball!

I tried Iron and got plugged up.


GP, the Braves have one of my favorite players now. Derrek Lee. He is a very classy guy.

The TOUGHEST part of living on this wonderful thread???

My ass is latey parked in a chair in front of my computer with one or two cats settlled on me ...
I am not up & roving like my body wants! Like I used to be before Dad's dosabilities hit home.

I miss movement! Dad was very active! Running miles on trails. With our dogs. Up tp five miles a day! What a guy! He'd stop by my shop, gather my dogs for a run while I worked.

Until age caught up with him, not that long ago.

Has anyone else suffered that kind of loss? When your best friend & animal friends or lover can no longer move?
I need to be with him now, help him with food.
Help him to bed ....
The days of running the trails with dogs weren't very long ago ...
I thought...
Now is today. I'm not sure how ti handle it all.
Dad being disabled, dependent ....

Thanks to all of you!

Hi Bobbie! Will you carry cats aboard?
I am just tired, not blue. People here suggested me to take iron. I shall do it and see what happens!

deefer, you eat whatever you want. :) We shall not hold it against you. I have no problem with it. I just hate the animal cruelty that exists in this world. But that's all for another thread. ;)

Maybe I have what my mom had. It would not surprise me at all.

rip, we could so easily dine together. I love your food choices.

9 hours of sleep every night? You are luuuuuuuuuuuuuucky

rip, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. It does sound like a bug. Feel better soon and Happy Belated Birthday to your dad!!

hello Angels,

I had no idea that Miz and Rip are sick and feeling low. I'm so sorry ladies. here's hoping you're feeling better very soon.

Rossella: you're feeling tired and blue too?
I love the Alberto story. smart cat.

Deef: I love the west Coast tour idea. Truly beautiful.

Almost got a cat today. another lady swooped in and got her. Adopt a cat at the Pet Smart.

They told me about a cat named Meatball. All the Shelter Ladies said: ooohhh... you and Meatball are a perfect match.
It's hard to know how to take that when you're standing there in Pet Smart with your maternity top on and you're 59.
so it looks like Meatball is around 17 pounds and if he lays around the boat, he'll be actually laying around the boat.
The Shelter Ladies said that he likes to lay around on you. It's pretty hot here. A 17 pound furnace laying on your lap will turn your goodies into crab cakes.
I might get to meet Meatball next Saturday if we don't head outta here because of weather. Might have to tuck in way inland to get away from the ocean.
Earl can/will become a Cat 3 by thursday and will not be that far off the coast. the Atlantic is really warm right now and this is the time for drama.

Cat or hurricane or a Cat 3 hurricane. i would just like to see the kitty and not the cat 3.

love you ladies!


Hahahahaha Rossella. I love your sense of humor!! It's like mine. :)

I started highlighting my hair in my 20s cause I was getting gray. Finally, many years later a guy I was dating said why don't I just go all blond. I've been blond ever since except for the time I went red at my hubby's request. That didn't last long.

tennessee, you are so right about stress draining you. I feel pretty much constant stress and I require 9 hours of sleep a night to feel human the next day. Sometimes mental stress is more tiring than physical stress.

Rip, Hubby talking about driving down the West coast next year. Wants to see the sun set into the ocean before he dies! We see it rise over the ocean all the time!
Have a good dinner with Dad.
Good night!

Watching the hurricanes can't help you recover your good mood!

I am going to tell you the story of how Alberto saved my life, in 1998. I worked in an office, I had a work which was as frustrating as Pirate's, and when I went home at night I was very tired. I lived alone in the country, my mother was in Rome, she was well, then.
One night I put on the burner a pot full of water to cook pasta. When the water boiled, I poured the pasta in the pot. Then I sat on the couch and fell dead asleep. I woke up because I felt a great pain in the arm. I opened my eyes and I saw Alberto's olive green eyes staring at me. He seemed scared. He had stuck his claws in my arm. When I really woke up I saw grey smoke in the house (the pasta had burned/charred and the water of course had vaporised). There was a strong smell of gas. All the other cats and dogs were sound asleep, I think they were already under the effect of the gas. I think Alberto had gone for a walk, and coming back, he understood the danger and woke me up because I had to do something. If he had not been there, i would probably be dead, myself and all the other animals. It was winter and all the windows were closed, so the situation was really dangerous...
This is not the only thing Alberto made to protect me, but it is the most striking one!

tennesse, you could be a University of Illinois Fighting Illini fan. Their colors are orange and blue. :)

Rossella, wow...what a fix you have with your animals. I'm sorry you're so tired. It could be anemia. My mom has it and she eats meat. I'm surprised I don't have it. I take a really good vegetarian vitamin though. It's too expensive but my health is worth it.

The sad part about Katrina, is that the devastation should have been better taken care of by now. I don't know how those people have made it this far. It's just not right.
Good night Georgia. Get some rest.
Good night everyone else too! I'm fading fast and still have to change Mom. Same time, same place, tomorrow, ladies!

G'Night Dear Deef ...
Earlier here, I'll be cooking Dad's diner as the sun sets in the west.
Sounds poetic, but happens every night & i love it!

Thank you every one for being here!

I'll have to check the nose job later. Is there a link?

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