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Alberto ...
Love him ... & you.

We all fotunate to be here. Dad & I watched the Katrina Hurricane aftermath last night. Dateline, or another news channel. Not sure
Devastation everywhere ....
Our hearts were in our throats.

miz, the Braves are winning over Florida 12-1, but I told my husband that they still had time to lose it! LOL The other night they were winning 10-1 & still ended up losing 12-10! Hope your team wins! I stopped caring about watching baseball as much when they did the strike for more money...Just how many millions do you need to get paid to play a game?!?!

deefer, I am a TRUE carnivoire!!! I LOVE meat!!! The redder, the better!!! For beef, that is...Everything else I like well done. Don't eat much pork. Mostly chicken...more affordable.

And deefer, my husband was switching back & forth between Lawrence of Arabia & the Braves game & we both know which one won! I'd rather have watched the movie! Hope you'll enjoy it for both of us!

Rossella, hope that you're feeling better soon! Wish energy were contagious!!! Never thought about lack of energy being because a lack of iron or vit. B...makes sense! Worth a try! Gotta do something! I FINALLY got enough energy this afternoon to vacuum...

tennessee, this might be a good time to start being a Vol's fan! lol Bet you hair looks're just not used to it yet. And they're right that it'll tone down as you wash it. I used to color mine, but because of finances I stopped & now am a BIG part gray...wonder why?? Hum...Couldn't be the stress...Nah, that COULDN'T be it! lol

Rip, you'll feel better soon...we're all pulling for you!!!

I've known of dogs eating cat poop before, but thankfully Shelbie hasn't picked up that habit! I had heard that the reason for them doing that is because the cat hadn't digested the food good so there was actually nutrients left in it that the dog was smelling...I still say OOoo gross!!!

I'm TOO tired, ladies, just TOO flipping tired!!! Thank y'all for being there for me & making me helps!!!

Rip, How about that nose job on Anthony Quinn?
Rossella, You'll have to teach us your brain splitting technique. It could come in handy, but I can't remember what I was doing 2 minutes ago!!!

Alberto wanted his own space

I split the brain in different areas. And they work in the same time! It kind of protects me from thinking the same thing all the time. It protects me from sad thoughts.

Eastern time zone. I'm in central Mass. It is 9:44 pm. Almost time to get Mom up to change her diaper, then it's off to bed for me.
Rossella, I don't think I could concentrate enough to do both. I have troulblr finishing the dishes in one session!

There is Alberto!

I have watched "Ghost town", a very sweet movie with Thea Leoni and Ricky Gervais (Englishman, the author of "The Office"), while working and posting in the same time

deefer ?
Dad is watching the same movie! What time zone are you in?

Thank you sister Rossllea...
It will pass. Usually I feel confident to be alert to Dad's needs.
The last few days I have felt my body is a heavy weight which I need to drag around.
He calls for me & I drag to him. His funny humor & silly dragon.

Every movement is an effort. Like his body is.
I think I am OK mentally, just exhausted & missing what life used to be & still can be.

Poor Mary Syndrome ... I doubt my lethargy is anything else. Dad is safe. That's all that matters for now.
oh... guess not! All the cats & dogs, birds & squirells have good food too!
The gathering of the animals, both domestic & wild ....

So true Rossella! We are soo for down, it doesn't take much to put us over the edge. Just have to keep on plugging.
Watching Turner Classic Movies. Peter O'Toole day. "Lawrence of Arabia" is on right now. Good movie!

Rip I am sorry that you feel down. I am afraid that if we don't react immediately, we go down a slippery slope... Which we can't afford. I grab the edge of the ravine every day, because I know that if I fall, I end up with both broken legs.

Darling Deefer ...
Its OK! Eat whatever you want! I can't digest it ... you don't want to know the results when I eat it.
Ok ... My stomach Knarls with meat inside. Tells me I am not to introduce it to my tender digestives. Nasty screaming enzymes or something. They yell & scream like an Alaka Seltzer ad!

Dad will have Pot Roast tonight. I'll mash some potatoes & add broth ...& that GD brocolli!
We will laugh as he eats. I am lucky ...

Tenn. I do believe you and your daughter could start a new hair trend!
Rip, The blues, isolation? What are those? I'm being a smart ass. I felt very lost and lonely, earlier in the week. All the hoopla gave me back some spirit and made me want to make everyone else feel better about themselves. Nothing makes you stop feeling sorry for yourself like trying to lift someone elses spirits!

I read a post of "Little Tennessee" a while ago, where she said that she wanted to go to the hospital to see her ill relatives because she was strong enough to face it. (More or less, I read iy a while ago and I do not remember anymore where it was)- It was a really good post and she is a rocking little lady

Thanks Deefer ...
yeah, been feeling really lousy! Can't understand why.
I guess sometimes life & our future becomes overwhelming ...

but I think it's a virus.
I can usually kick off the blues ... especialy here ... with my friends who understand isolation & also miss the outside world.
Wish i had my energy ...


Am I the only carnivore among us? Nothing like a rare steak! Although since Weight Watchers, don't eat much beef anymore. Had grilled swordfish tonight. But I do love my veggies and grains, just with meat on the side!

LOL tennessee. I like the way she thinks!! :))

MIZ. mY daughter said I should add some pink and I WOULD LOOK LIKE A SUNSET.

Rossella, Start out slow with the iron. A lot of people get constipated when they take it. It gave me the opposite. By the way, good pun.
Tennessee, Got to love daughters. Who else would tell you exactly what they think.
Rip, Sorry to hear you are also not feeling well. Could be you have what dad has. I know every time Mom gets the soups, from the flu, I end up with it too. Can't help it when you are elbow deep and breathing those wonderful toxic fumes! Not happy you are sick, but glad that's the reason we haven't heard from you. Hope you both feel better soon.
Anybody heard from Bobbie?

RIP-the flu already,its still summer,darn.I hope you feel better soon.Its hard takin care of yourself and someone elese. I told daughter of your suggestion-she laughed-not sure what that means.First time she posted she got accused of being me posing as a ten year old---twisted folks---she took it as a compliment that someone thought she was fifty or were they saying I sounded ten....tooooo funny.LOL

For crying out loud!
Dogs champing away in the litter box is universal? My dopey dogs are unusal?
What don't we know about their instinctive dietary needs?

One vet suggested adding Brewers Yeast to their diet. I don't know .. she also suggested it repells fleas ...

Something is supposed to be a common nutritional need, like when they are outside grazing on grass.'
But they find it in cat crap??? I don't get it.
Guess we need to do some research to cure our puppies with kitty litter breath.
I also don't dine on meat but iron supplements, or any other minerals, don't agree with my system,. I felt like a metal robot the two weeks I added 'supplements'. The flavor in my mouth was awful!
I went back to my standard diet of greens, oats & pasta ... with lots of tomatoes ...
Ice Cream!!!

GP, we're watching the Cubs play the Reds. Cubs are winning right now but the game is close.

tennessee, i bet you'd look good with any color hair. If I didn't have an office job I might try purple. :)

Iron will be! Do I have to use demineralized water? Do I have to press the "steam" button? Do I have to lay on the ironing board?
That was a very bad pun!

Rosella,iron kicks in fast if that is the problem-I don't eat alot of meat myself,so I have to take iron or I'm wiped out.O.K. daughter told me I'm ready for Halloween-then she explained its a compliment.

It's Rip again ...
Miz ~ I to ohave felt like I am ill the past few days. Physically. My mouth seems to be filled with cobwebs, no appetite, completely exhausted ... Aching body ... oh... Poor Me Syndrome attacking?

I hear there is a flu bug going around.
Since I don't subscribe to Flu Bugs International, I rarely know whats out & attacking.
My neighbors with kids all acknowledge the symtoms & deal with the illnesses. Those poor kids who go to school & pick up many new bugs,
their parents on the couch for days along with sick kids..

My immune system is usually OK these days.
I remember chicken pox & measles. I suffered many spring vacations with bronchitis! Stuck home alone on the couch under blankets when I should have been running, biking & playing.
I was best at that!

I hope everyone feel better soon ....
at least enough to post.
I haven't felt up to doing much of anything, especially thinking, the past few days.
Dad AKA Sir says Thank YOU all for his birthday wishes!

Dinner didn't work so well ... like many of you experienced, he had the squirts that night too.]
Long night on the throne & in the shower. Freshly laundered sheets for his bed. Y'all know the drill.
He probably would be ashamed that I shared it with you , but on the other hand ... he knows how close I feel to everyone here.

Tennessee ... how about your daughter starting her own thread? TJ - Tennessee Junior, or something.
Did anyone see the post from the 12 years old grand daughter trying to get her Grandmother to drink?'
What a kid!

Time to grdually see what works for Dad's digestive system this evening ... another long process ... he is a grateful participant!

Cheers ~

SH*T!!! I even need spell check with every word! Not my style!

TKS Deefer and Tenn. I think I eat enough and well, and I am used not to eat meat. So I think I will try with the iron and the vitamins. Maybe I just need an extra help!

Deefer ,thats what the girl told me it tones down fast,she said I am getting grey hair-I know who gave me those! Right now its a sight to behold.My dogs like cow poop and then they try to kiss you.

Of course, constant stress always drains you no matter what.

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