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Rossella, I used to have a 6lb poodle that would eat the poop of our neighbor's 100lb German Sheppard! Now that is GROSS! She would have poop all around her muzzle and we would have to clean her off. YUCK!!!
The best thing for tiredness is rest, but we all know that's not going to happen. How's your appetite? Getting the right nutrition? You should have a blood test, too. You may be anemic. I was for years. My body would not absorb iron from the foods I ate and I had chronic fatigue for years. Once I started taking 2 iron pills a day, I perked right up.Sorry you are so tired. Wish we could be there to help. Italy, are you kidding? I would be there tomorrow if I could!!
Georgia, Like the SOLUTION for the POLLUTION! Doctor was a comedian.
Tennessee, I'm told the hair color will tone down after a few washes. That's why I just let the grays come! Afraid of the color I might end up with if I ever dyed my hair. Besides, I earned every one!
Everyone have an easy weekend if possible.

Rossella,if you don't eat meat,its more of a challenge to get those vitimins.

Iron and B-vitamine? Good advice. I'll try...
Don't know that wine. Is that a rosé? If you like rosés, there is a very good one, Matheus!

Rossella,Are you iron deficiant-lack of iron and B vitimans can make you tired.Drank a bottle of wine in your honor-small bottle Rosa Regale sparkling desert wine- good with chocolate-have you heard of it.

Georgia,I'm not into sports,but yes, it is leaning towards that hideous orange color.Maybe I will lie to people and tell them I am a Volunteer fan-then I will be cool.Good idea.

Hi Tenn! I like the idea of orange hair! When I was young I watched "Harry meet Sally" and I liked very much Meg Ryan's hair. So I decided to become blonde. I went to the coiffeur. But, as i have brown hair (not too dark, but not too light either), the blond did not stick on me and I had a strange colour which might be defined "orange", too. I tried and tried and tried, there was nothing to do, so I decided to be brown again! Occasionally I had black hair (which was simpler to obtain), I had henné hair... I tried everything!
I'm Soooo tired! I have a big problem of tiredness. I am so tired that when I get up I have vertigos. When I sit on a chair I glue to that chair and I can't get up anymore. I have to bid every single fiber and cell of my body to "STAND UP!" I fell asleep everywhere. What can I do? Do you have suggestions?
I already drink 6 coffees a day (it's like drinking camomile)
I shall go to the doctor and ask him if he has some legal drug that I can take to feel better!
I know I should take a rest, but I can't. I have to work a lot, and next week I will be completely alone with my mother as my two helpers will be both on vacation. They will come back on September 6th, but next week will be very hard!
I am so tired that tonight.... Cocaine, my youngest cat, who is named Cocaine because she is so active that it seems she has sniffed, uses to poop at home. She goes into the garden, she plays, she stays one hour in the garden, then she comes home and poops home. I tried to explain to her that she should make it while she is in the garden... Well, many of you have cats, you know what I mean. Cocaine poops under a kitchen's cabinet; it's her restroom. Lilli, the dog who belongs to Daniela, one of my helpers, is here for summer. Lilli is the dog who pisses on the couch, I do not know if you read another post of mine. Well, Lilli always tries to eat Cocaine's poop. I know it is disgusting, but you are women with a strong stomach. Lilli plunges under the cabinet and tries to eat Cocaine's poop, and I always drag her by her paws and say: "No, Lilli!". Well, this afternoon I said: "Yes, Lilli, go, so I will not have to clean the poop!"
It is true. Disgusting but true.
Have you any suggestion against extreme tiredness?

Hey miz! I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well! I hope that you'll be better soon! I'm glad that your husband is there to help you! Enjoy watching the ballgame with your Mom! Which team are you watching? We're watching the Braves. That's why I'm back on the computer! LOL I know that you know this, but drink plenty of fluids. "The best SOLUTION for the POLUTION is DILUTION!" A doctor told me that a long time ago.

tennessee, is it Tennessee orange?? Now, that would be a hoot! LOL

Hope eveyone else is having a easy going weekend! Glad that we're still here for each other! We gotta be...No one else is! thinkofhteboat...

Miz. You are feeling sick and you haven't even seen my hair!

You are lucky to have such a good husband! Take it easy and rest. Hope you feel better tomorrow! Kathy

Ugh. Feeling sick today. Have a slight temp and no appetite. Hubby is fixing supper for Mom. God love him. I'm gonna lay down and watch the baseball game with her. Thanks so much for the support you all have given me. I only hope I can return the favor. Love you all.


I'm just glad I have orange hair after field trip and not before.This would be o.k. if I WAS 15. I'M glad ya'll can't stare at me-its hard to take your eyes off of - like a bright neon light. Distraction-I GUESS.

Tenn, Hope you both had a great field trip! Any kind of distraction is a good thing. Even orange hair!!!!
Angie, So glad you are having a nice visit and a peaceful weekend. Having little ones around can be tiresome but loads of fun. Enjoy your yard and your martini!

Hey everyone daughters fine,thanks for asking.She has still been reading posts ,has much to say about what she has read,so I have explained alot about despair and hopelessness to her of late. I'm not letting her get smashed like she was once before,though I told her she could pop in to say hi from time to time.Was at field trip yesterday all day-good day.She likes everyone,but I must say that BOBBIE and SS are two favorites of hers.Everyone I run into tells me I need to stay off of grape vines.Getting old is hell.Went to get highlights today,came back with orange hair,not what I had planned.Daughter is making alot of jokes about me looking like carrot.One more joke I WILL CHASE HER DOWN AND TICKLE HER.

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I hope everyone is having a good day......
Miz, just so know I am not offended at all. Just so you know..... I have had a nice but busy weekend. Family was in for two days, it is just so weird, when you are not use to people in and out..... WOW.... I have actually the chance to work in my yard, that is my therapy......... Mom has been good for 2 days, and dad to, only one accident today..... Right now I am sitting in my yard enjoying the peace and of course enjoying a martini. I love this site and as I get the oppurtunity to get to know everyone it makes me feel good, just knowing I am not alone. So I would venture to say that there is very little that offends me, ok maybe a couple of things.... lol lol...... But I enjoy coming on here and reading all the stories, and reading everyone that vents.
Kathy, I so agree with you, if there is one thing I have learned in my life, and that is to be tolerant and try to understand where others are coming from. So I wish everyone a wonderful and peaceful evening.........
Angie.... Love to all....

Get out, darn tension, get out!! ;))

Thank you, Kathy. I know what you say is true. Have a wonderful day.


Tennessee, Almost missed you! Hope you and your daughter are doing okay. Forget about the tension and jump right back in. The water is fine!!!

Miz, we are still here for you, just busy with our own crap! You have not offended your true friends. If there are some of us missing in action, that's their loss. People need to learn to be more tolerant of others, otherwise the world would be a very sad place! Hope you have a relaxing lunch with Mom, and I hope she feels better today.
Linda, try to get some "me" time. You earned it!
Hello Austin, Hope you are well.
Everyone have a great day! Kathy

Thanks, Austin. That's so kind of you. I hope you're having a great day.


Miz I am sure things will go well at work and if they do not do not take it personally-it just means the person teaching you did not do a good job teaching a lot of people have a hard time teaching others -you will do just fine you will ask questions and have a good day-ok girlfriend

Wow, lharde!! You are busy!! It's quiet around here right now. Hubby went to an auction about an hour away. Almost time to fix lunch for Mom and me. Don't feel much like doing anything else. Am doing laundry, if that counts. The runs = lots of laundry. Am nervous about my job. Starting Monday I'll be more on my own. I hope everyone is having a good day and I hope to see you all on here later. Love yas!!


guess its the moon ! moon does make people crazy ,
pa just freaked out said some guy just walked thru the livin room , woke up my grandson , i took my pa to bathroom and he did number 2 and notice blood on his brief from where he peed , mmm
i wiped it nothing came out , so gotta keep an eye on his urine ,
poor grandson he just cried and cried , am babysittin him for the day while his parents and sisters gone to king island ,
got my hands full , lucky my husband is home he can help me out . :-)

I thought being a Christian or Godly meant forgiving others and NOT JUDGING and loving one another. I will continue to post on here and hopefully the ones I upset will understand.

Hey MIZ , I feel the tension also.

More runs this morning. I think and hope that's it for now. I'm feeling down because I feel tension on here. This is such a good escape and comfort for me. I think that's true for others. I hope it blows over. I really do. I'm lonely today.


Thanks, Diane. You have a great weekend too!!

Could the pain be something else? stiffness, rash even, fibromyalgia(?) that is a bad one and hard to diagnose...

Hi ladies,

Luckily I haven't had to deal with poop soup or any other type today. Mom is still complaining about her feet and legs hurting despite the doctor telling her there was no evidence of blood clots.

I hope each of you has a great weekend. Nice to hear from you Rosella, Deefer, Pirate, Jsomebody and miz. Time will heal all hurt feelings.

Hugs to each of you,

Um, not balls here but has been shoes absolutely for at least ten years, at their home now ares. The infamous "peeddle" is ever there. I spritz it and when he is gone we refinish the floors... Today was art day...outline of his man stuff in pubic hair on toilet seat...lovely, I wipe it down about five times a day and never use it if I have to any more...have toilet in basement.

Porch sounds good. Light one up, kick back, and gaze at the stars. Hope you have a restful weekend.

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