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Thanks, deefer. :) You're a dear. I'm glad you're enjoying your night. I plan on hitting the porch soon.

Don't need no stinking corks!! Yesterday Mom acted like she was corked up! thought I was going to have to call Roto Router! She thinks it's the end of the world when she can't poop and drives all of us crazy. Poop soup on the other hand, is an all day thing when her cork finally pops! Got to love it!
Pirate, I'm usually barefoot, and yes, I have had those little balls between my tootsies. It used to piss me off, now I just laugh and clean them up.
Miz, As for yesterdays comments, don't feel badly. Obviously we are all still here for each other. After all, sh!t is what makes the world go round. At least our world, that is.
It's a beautiful night here in Mass and we just watched the Space Station go over again. Stars are out and the moon is rising. And best of all Mom is sleeping like a baby.
Rossella, Glad you had a good visit with your friend. Sorry Mom made a mess for you. Save them corks. You never know what or where you might need one!

Oh yes by all means use the corks as you see lol lol lol lol.

Yes, I did not think of the corks as a plug for the ear. I wanted to plug something else!

LOL. I thought the wine corks were for somewhere else.

Oh man Rosella....then gotta wear them shoes. I thought I was the only one with little shit balls to avoid. Instead of wine corks for your ears get some nice ear plugs...size 34 if you can find them. I need to find some industrial strength ones for when b/f is over.

Thank you, rossella.

Pirate, you are lucky that the little balls are just around the toilet. We find them in every possible place of the house! The idea of wine corks is not bad... I could use them when I go to sleep and I do not have the control of the situation!
Miz, don't worry. I read all the posts of yesterday one after another, and it was not as bad as it may seem. Hope we are all intelligent enough to move on!.

LOL Pirate!!

Wow, Rossella. What a day you had. It's so sweet about the drawing for the cat's tomb.

I guess maybe yesterday did wear some of us out. I feel bad about it all but don't know what to do. I'm trying not to worry about it cause I worry enough as it is. Worry, feel guilty and so on.

Rosella girl you have to start saving those wine corks.........get it? LOL

deefer...yea gods...the whole turd/poo business is the worst...hmmm maybe not..I don't know. I have seen a lot of posts from folks where daddies are peeing everywhere like the unfixed dog in the house. I don't know which is worse. I know my mom leaves little turd balls the size of beebee's everywhere around the toliet that fall of her butt or
Depends that are dried on from not wiping correctly. So I have to make sure I wear shoes into her bedroom. Sigh...this is going to be my house I inherit...have to gut tiles new carpet fresh paint...a whole total cleanout.

We had a poop day here, today. It was not poop soup, but it was everywhere. It happened at 6 in the morning. After shower ot the person,, cleaning of the room, cleaning of the bed, starting of the washing machine, it was almost 7. I went to the living room and I discovered that Daniela's dog (who is here for summer) (Daniela is one of the helpers) had pissed all over the couch! Wash the couch pillows, change the cover of the couch.... Go back to work. Only to find, 2 hours later, another poop, and all over again! How many washing machines do you start, every day? I am glad that it's very hot outside so clothes and sheets dry very quick.
This afternoon I had the visit of Diana, my friend whose cat died when she was here with me, at the beginning of August. She came with her little child (5 years old) who was very fond of the cat. The child draws well, so she made a drawing that we put on the cat's tumb. We put grass and flowers on the tumb. It was very sweet! The child was sad, but she had had the time to digest the fact. Then we went to eat an icecream together, Diana, daughter, my mother and I. My mother was so annoying today that Diana, who met me several years ago, when I was a different person, looked at me and I think she was asking herself when I would explode. She remembered the furious fights with my ex landlord. Well I did not explode. I was as patient as an angel. I guess I have to thank all of you for that!
I found 100 posts yesterday, I found 10 of them today, The inkpots are dry after yesterday's writing frenzy? Are you all tired? Too much poop to clean? I did my share, today!

Jsomebody....gee I would get out my Led Zepelin Live CD and start crankin' it up...ROTFLMAO....HA HA HA HA!

Thanks miz maybe one day...

Hopefully you'll get over that, J. Hawaii is a beautiful and lovely place. I hope I get to go back again.

AT which point I will happily smash it to bits and throw it in the trash...I think I may never be able to go to Hawaii or any major Polynesian Islands due to negative associations...well maybe if I am deaf

I'm so glad you had a good day, angie. You're in my thoughts and prayers too.


I hear that, dad has had them for two days........ Oh what a pleasant experience isnt it lol lol. It has been a good day, I have been able to work outside all day, my sister and two came down for the day to give me a break. What a god send. My daughter and her BF and his two daughters were here all day.... IT was so nice brought some life into my life. Hope everyone had a good day.... All are in my thoughts and prayers....

Yep, she drinks coffee.

Modern medicine...and this is the goal, we all live so liong we are tired, in pain and confussed for the last decade till it is all over..


Mom had one of her sh!t spells yesterday. Merry was glad she had the day off. When I picked Mom up at daycare, they said she was real antsy and acting like she had to go, so after several attempts, she went some. As soon as I got her home, she headed for the pot and spent the next half hour hyperventilating and squirming. I had to tie her to the toilet seat with a gate belt so she wouldn't fall off or take off running! She finally let go after another 20 minutes and I had to put her to bed for a while. Wears herself right out. It's more stressful on us because she acts like it's the end of the world until she goes.
When she has the runs, it's cleanup in isle 3 for most of the day. Go through many pull-ups and wipees!
Nothing quite like the old fart poopy syndrome. Hope I die before I get it!

Could it be the heat? saltines are good too. Is she a coffee drinker, that is a diuretic too.

A cheese cassarole would help, bobbie? J, she's not in pain. Maybe it was too many sweet rolls this morning. It happens every so often. Not sure why. It's either constipation or the runs. Ah well. Another day another 50 cents.

Oh, been there... ran the garbage can out of the house with that..My condolences. Hope she isn't in pain, mess is one thing suffering is something else. Not a great start to the day...

Ahhhh... the runs.

time for a cheese cassarole...

Hey Miz!

I think everybody's resting after yesterday!


Mama had the runs... :(

Ew yuck gross what? I have not been on in hours!

lharde, I'm so glad you get to go out. It will be good for you. I thought I had sent you a friend request on Facebook, but I will do it again. I hope you have a wonderful time!!


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