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I prefer white wine in general. The only red wine I really like is "Corvo di Salaparuta" which comes from Sicily. And I like dry wine!
The wine I have in the fridge is a present of a local producer and it's not the best thing I have tasted in my iife, but you never refuse a present!

miz - have you seen the colored sugars and salts for around rims of glasses? I bought some red sugar at a Halloween clearance at Michaels and was putting it on the rim of our margaritta's at a Halloween party we went to last year...we were Vampires.

Rossella you think Lambrusco is I drink that stuff like Kool-Aid.

Okay Rossella try Stella Rossa...that's another Italian wine we had recently found and oh my god drinking that is like drinking sunshine...with it's slight yummy.

deef...then def check out Chowder - total stress relief for me cause it is SOOOOOOOO zany!

miz.....sometimes we make some margarittas from scratch at home with Sauza Hornitos - agave. Yum...last year at the county fair they had a booth, and when you buy the 14.00 drink it came with the shaker (plastic but cute). We then mimicked this same cocktail all year. It was at the Sauza booth. County Fair is coming up...and boy oh boy cannot wait.....gonna get that 1 FOOT LONG CORNDOG...been waiting an entire year. Last year I did not get it.

Well, the men were very kind actually. It's not pleasant to lift a car at 1.00 p.m. under the summer's sun!
I forgot to say Happy Birthday to Rip's dad (I'll write you in 5 minutes). I don't like Lambrusco, it's too strong and heavy. But wine and grass can help you sometimes! Tonight, I would like to take advantage of a bottle I have in the fridge, but I have to work! So, wine is for tomorrow!

And Pirate, I still may take up drinking again when all is said and done. A margarita on the rocks with salt sounds sooooooooo yummy on the boat. I can just picture it now. What fun that would be.

Miz..I don't like people who drive loaded to the point they can't drive and will cause an accident and horrible consequences. I say drink eat and be merry just sleep it off or a drink a gallon of Starbucks before you go out on the road. Best is to party at home with friends and a sleeping bag if you must sleep it! Last week I don't know if you read my post but the girl next to me in a left turn lane got wacked by someone running the red light...good thing it was only her bumper that was ripped off and she was okay.....could have been me...and I am such a rebel I don't wear seatbelt all the time....yikes!

Rosella, Glad to hear all is well with you. Stupid men, they should have helped you from the start of your problem. Glad your car is okay! Fornicating bugs, hmmm, trying to picture this.

hahahahaha Pirate!!

OMG Rossella!! I'm so glad everyone is okay. What a day you had, my dear!!

yeah yeah yeah we know you hit up the Lambrusco!

Pirate, it's my belief that alcohol is worse than pot. I think more lives are lost due to booze than pot. Just my humble opinion. But...I'm not gonna judge anyone that drinks. Just don't like it when people drink and drive.


Hi gals! Hi, crazy Bobbie's crew!
I had such an incredible day! I'm well! Jen, you are a psych (that is, you can "see" things). I had another bump in my car! Well, not exactly. I was driving today, I was tired, I had to turn right and I thought I was turning in another road, instead I had a sidewalk in front of me (hard to explain) and I climbed the sidewalk. The car stuck there, with 2 wheels at one side, 2 wheels at the other side; I cannot explain better, but I was like on a horseback, only it was not an horse but a sidewalk. The bottom of my car was flat on the ground and the wheels were happily turning in the empty space! I should make a drawing. Does not matter, anyway! There was a big man in the street and he asked me what the hell I was doing. I told him that I do not like particularly to climb the sidewalks (it's not a new sport extreme), I had not seen it! His look was very clear: "Women should stay home, knitting and cooking!" Then he said: "Call someone who can tow away your car". And he was going away, leaving me to my sad fate, so I used all the residual charm I still possess, I pointed him my mother (without shame, nor regret) and I said: "PLeeaaaaaaaaaaaase! Help us, those two poor women!!" So he went to look for some friends of his and 6, (six) men lifted my car (it's small, luckily) and they manage to put it back in the street! Thank yous, thank yous, and I could hit the road again. The car is not damaged at all (she is a great little thing) and there was no harm! But, I changed the photo of my profile because I think I need all the help from Alberto, the magical black cat of my tattoo! (Hope you do not think the black cats bring misfortune; for me it is the contrary! Alberto literally saved my life, it's a fascinating story, I'll tell you tomorrow if you are interested)
2nd incredible thing of this incredible day: my house has been invaded by a swarm of millions of little insects who are not ugly or disgusting, they are just soo many! They came to fornicate in my house. They make love everywhere! I am happy for them, and jealous ot them, but nevertheless they are becoming a nuisance. I hope they finish what they are doing and they do not leave me their billions of kids, I could not afford to feed them, too!
3rd thing, and I hope that's all! My mail provider got crazy, so he send me every message 4 times. When I turned on the computer tonight I saw 460 messages! I could not believe my eyes. It took a while to understand what happened, 1 whole hour to clean up the system, another half an hour to read your 100 posts! (what happened, today? 100 posts!!!!!). As I read them all together, I saw the little crisis, and I saw the end of the crisis, so I did not even have the time to feel sorry.
Secret, I liked your posts, all of them. I cannot say I agree with you completely. I am glad to have all the medical assistance I have. I could not literally live if I had to pay all of my mother's bills. She gets free drugs, free medical assistance, she has been operated last year and I have not paid a dime. I think it is great. If we did not have these advantages, I should have asked money around to have her operated!. So I am glad to pay taxes FOR THIS KIND OF THINGS ONLY! I am glad that other people, paying taxes, allow my mother to live quite well, and I am glad to pay taxes to help other needy people when they are ill and they cannot afford a doctor.
Of course I am not glad to pay taxes for many other things, but our social security system is one thing I cannot complain about!
As far as God is concerned, as we are talking about God a lot, lately, I disagree with him on many, many things, but I am grateful to him to have created the sea, and those magical creatures such as Dolphins (Rip sent me a short movie; they make circular air bubbles and they play with them as if they were children with soap bubbles)
Bobbie, you are the captain of our ship and you are also the "mentor" (I don't know if the word is right) of this group psycho-analysis (I don't know if you call it like this. It's that group of people who gather and everybody talks about his/her problems, the other ones listen and say: "Yes! Bravo! It happened the same to me!" and so on. We shall never mutiny, and as far as you are concerned, please stay with us as long as you can! I think that sometimes you would rather have a crew made of men, it would be simpler!
So, all your posts have been interesting and pleasant to read. I'm sorry if I laughed, Tenn, when you said you get bruised while playing with grapewine! That was too fun. Sorry!
I wish that the dolphins and Alberto protect all of you - I love you all

Pirate, I would definitely like Chowder! I like South Park, Jackass, and other stupid shows. It's always good to laugh your a!! off. Might as well be over something totally silly and GROSS!!!
Report guys outta check out Chowder - the cartoon....they have God in the cartoon's pretty funny. We were watching some Chowder the other night and God was up in the clouds tanning in front of the sun...and he rolled over butt up...and the sun did not like that and turned over and showed his butt. Hillarious!

J, You're a hoot! Don't worry about offending me! I can take it. I would be honored to be on the boat with you!
Just came back in from watching the Space Station go over the house. Beautiful, clear night and the Space Station was nice and bright going across the sky. Now that would be some trip to take! We'd all be half way to the heavens!
Miz you are a wonderful person, too! We all are . Warts and all!!!

Hey ain't seen cussing if you haven't seen me cuss. Geez I think I would put sailors to shame..let the F word get out at the end of staff while talking to my boss about the new wretched it just leaked outta me. LOL

White Lighning would love to try...geez ain't it like 100 proof though...ack hard on the throat and tummy....LOL

Pot is legal here in Cali...medical to get a distribution shops...Los Angeles is trying to crack down on them. But seriously Pot is not any worse than will be legalized soon enough...cause the gov can get TAX $$$ out of it. With the extra TAX $$$ it can fund many things in the new health care system. Leave people who want it alone I say...and for those who don't like it they don't have to get it..period. Same old same old with to each his own I say. After prohibition the only reason why it was brought back was for......wait for it.......THE ALMIGHTY TAX $$$$$$$$$...LOL...same thing will one day happen for Pot.


I didn't get off the boat, I was in the bathroom....I'll get the OUST...sorry about that....

naw, J. I don't think you make people mad.
I think you are articulate and insightful and you don't pull punches. some folks are going to balk a little but if they quit bellyaching about it and pay attention they can learn from you.

Not all information comes to us in the style we are used to and it's true and others have mentioned it today especially: we're all different and it's a good thing.

i agree with you on many points and have experienced some of the same things and it is indeed tiring and useless.

Our crew here is a good one. each and every one and each and every voice is important.

I do however, believe that our particular strength on this particular thread is being absolutely silly and goofy to offset the horrors of what we experience on a daily basis.

That being said: y'all say what you want and I'm still gonna love you.

Godhelps! Storm's over. get back on the boat!!



J, so am I. Really. No worries. :)

Well, OK. But no guarantees I am annoying person it may happen yet.

Jsomebody, you have never made me mad. I here for you!! :))

I had a Pina Colada, three sips and I felt sick and my face turned bright red...ah never mind...

so that is three votes yes for dumb things and three for no drinking. Just as well those categories mix all too well. I can't imagine me booze and a razor scooter!

On my own for the evening, long time friend of moms taking her out to the yearly dinner when she visits from Seattle. Well, least she left us Maire Calendars. Left overs was getting old...

I know Rossella seem to be one of the five people who can listen to me and put up with it and still not be mad for some reason. I think I just make people mad.

I bet it is illegal cause the state doesn't control it or get graft from it...

Miz, I was just thinking the same thing! Where's Rossella and her sweet voice of reason?
J, I'm a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Half a glass and I can't walk! I get pretty silly too! As for smoking, tried it, but didn't like it. I like working with my hands to relieve the stress. Besides, alcohol and restless legs don't miss.
Moonshine doesn't sound too tasty, at least they always make awful faces when drinking it in the movies!
As for doing dumb things, I refuse to grow up, and do silly kid things all the time! Sometimes you just have to go for it!

Not sure where Rossella is, been a couple days, Hope she didn't have more than a bump with the car.

Moonshine (also referred to as white lightning, hooch, mountain dew, and various other terms) is a common name for illicitly-distilled liquor. The term is commonly believed to derive from early English smugglers (called moonrakers because of an 18th century legend) and Appalachian home distillers who often engaged in illegal distillation and distribution of moonshine whiskey clandestinely (i.e., by the light of the moon).[1][2]

my dad's family used to make moonshine up in the hills of N. Carolina.
my mom said that daddy took her to see the still and all these wierd looking guys stood up and they had shotguns, etc.
They said: awww, it'sjus HC and his yankee gal.

That's all the moonshine I got.

Hang on: going to Google moonshine, smoke a joint, take a pill and have a cocktail. have to do something because I have the anxious eye, restless thyroid and the weak stream.


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