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I don't know how to make moonshine,I wouldn't touch it myself.I know they look for a fresh running stream and I know that it is brown or white-don't know why though,but I'll ask.

I did the crazy four years ago..You know those razor scooters you see ya know KIDS ON! Well I found one that an adult could ride and....well one trip down the broken drive way and I pitched head over heels or was it heels over head actually and some how managed to tuck and roll and although I scared my self to death.I didn't get a scratch! ...Then I gave the thing to my Niece and Nephew (only slightly used) :)

J and tennessee, I used to drink. Sometimes it's tempting with all the stress I have, but I sure don't need the hangover. :)

Where is Rossella????

Boy J, I know what you mean if I were a drinker,I would be a drunk by now,with all of the stress.I'll tell you something stupid I did the other day,I took the notion to swing on a grapevine like I did when I was a kid[bad idea] very bruised up-grapevine broke-forgot- I'M NOT AS LIGHT AS i use to be.

How do you make moon shine? what is the alcohol content? how much does it cost, what is the histroy of it. why is it illegal?

It's funny around her,when they find a field of pot and burn it ,word gets out fast and people drive by the smoke with their windows down sniffing away.Supposely found a field down the road-glad it wasn't planted on me-I have enough trouble. Moonshine is still a big thing around here.I've never run up on either myself.

I don't think I can do beer. I tried to make "Welsh Rarebit" and used Guinness Stout and it was horrid...I think, I am allergic to alcohol any way, which is too bad, there are days, ok weeks, I wish I could just get drunk! And smoke is so yucky so that's out too. What does that leave? pills and Heroin...Ah never mind...

Geez, I leave for 30 minutes to out Mom to bed and get hubby his dinner, add my comment and find I'm way behind once again! So glad to see everyone getting along. I used to have a kid working for me, that would smoke pot on his break. I was so dumb, that it took a coworker to tell me the awful smell on him was pot!!! 59 years old and never smoked a joint! Who knows? It might do me some good. I know my SIL's beer sure helps on Mom's crazy days. He likes all the New England micro brews. Must say he has changed my opinion of beer!!

cussin and dolphins, sound like a good therapy program to me!

Bah not even IN the country here when we get police helicopters it is a criminal on the run they are looking for...and as for pot I smelled that stench coming out of three houses on THE BLOCK last night...

Hey everyone, Dolphin is just the universe's way of telling us all is right with the world once again! By the way, cussin' has gotten me through many a bad day!

oh bobbie ! u said a dolphin just surfaced off the swimstep ! wow ! hey isnt there suppose be a hurrican daniel ? out that way . i saw the news talkin about it the other day and havent heard any more , just wondering . hope ur dolphine protect ur boat !
oh yes i ll be slurping and cussin right along with ya all ! oh yes smokin too . wooohooo! maybe i ll get the dolphine to bark too . lolololol .
how is ur hubby s dad ? i just thought of it . rememebring u said he had to have surgery of something ( shoulders ) ? hope he s all good .
took a walk up and down the road with my dog sheba and hubby . pretty outside and so dang dry too ! wish we could get some rain !
rip ure lucky to have the rain ! sorry it rain on ur daddy s bday , but its good that it rain , wish it would rain over here .
full moon is still out ! its so purtty when it gets big bright orange moon , love that . maybe i ll watch the moon so hard tnite and see dolphine jump over it . wink wink . xoxo u all !!

Hey RIP , A kid sent us those dolphin bubbles they were cool.

Not sure, tennessee. Maybe in California??

I was watching helicoptor flying low today and it appeared to be police-rumour is they are looking for Pot in the woods;is it true that alot of northern and western states have legalized pot for medicinal use.I don't watch tv,so I don't keep up. I was hoping that they didn't mistake my japanese maples for something elese.They sure were flying low.

It is so hard not too. We sit inside our selves and wonder at others lives and the choices and the opinions they have then slam them. It is immature and childish. If we are really sure of our selves and comfortable with our views, well maybe even then. I mean if something is so strongly held, opposition to it does feel insensitive, insulting and personal.

Bobbie ~
I sent you a video of Dolphin Bubbles. Wish I could share with everyone here. Flipper
How amazing they are there with you!

Now's the time of day that they come into this part of the river and look for something to eat. You can hear them breathe and I heard the breath and went out and there he/she was, just browsing the pier.
There is a turtle that comes around and nibbles stuff off the waterline of the boat. He kept working on the pier and I would say: work on the boat!! and today he did our entire port side.


Sure does, tennessee. It's awesome!!

I don't think any of us needs to be judged. We have enough of that in our lives already. We just need support!! :))

Dolphin has good since of timing--------interesting.

Dolphin cool say hi for us.

Yup! 3 cusses so far..... Miz Demi on the Bridge!!

Yes Tennessee! Cussing counts and you and I can hang out in the pilothouse and be a couple of cusses.

Awwww cool bobbie!!!!!! :)) tennessee, I cuss too. I'm sure we'll have a cussing section on the boat.

Jsomebody, I totally agree with that. I thank God everyday for my blessings and for ALL of you that are here to get me through. My sanity is with me because of those two things.


I believe in God,but I can cuss like a sailor-Does that make me boat material.

Can't 'banish' a Force that is everywhere.

Moving up and moving on.
Also known as Godspeed...........

God's funny too. I know that when I look in the mirror. Now THERE'S a sense of humor.


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