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I don't think God should be banned from this site that is like saying YOU can't be here because I disagree with you....

SS: God not banished from this thread!

Pirate: I totally get your point and I think we are all good, bless yer heart.

SS you say whatever you want and Pirate you say whatever you want and I'm going to have a Jack and Ginger Ale.

Get this: windy right now in St Aug and just now a sailboat was trying to make it to her berth and the wind picked up and put her right in the mud and was trying to shove her into another docked sailboat..
Well, those people in the docked boat figure out that something's up and come out of this 26' sailboat like clowns coming out of a clown car at the circus. 2 adults, 1 kid and 3 dogs. I'm not kidding.
Pat and I get involved and at the end of the situation it took about 8 of us to get the rogue sailboat under control and get her tied up without damaging the 26 footer or the loose boat.
The loose boat guy felt bad and I said: don't worry. This is how we all meet in a marina. Want a Beer?

Then I come back in here and check in and good news because OUR boat is going to be ok.

Tennessee: I'm not going anywhere! I love you and love to your daughter! We've all weathered storms before.
i do know that lawyers should be held accountable but we are entering the argument: what Should be and what Is. What is, is that they will say anything they have to in order to get their way. Sinister.

SS, Miz, Pirate, Deef, Flex, Linda and all You guys got me through a bunch of awful stuff and I'm going to be here when it's your turn to walk your loved one to the Door and hand them over to JESUS!!

told ya I wasn't a heathen, I just don't talk about it much. That's the Quaker in me.


Hi Everyone. I've been at work and then at a doctor's appt. and then ate supper (I didn't get lunch) and spending time with Mom and now I gotta fix her supper. I think my thing is that I don't like being made to feel like I'm a bad person/non-Christ-like because I would appreciate a little help from this wonderful country of ours. I hate to see all of our tax dollars going to wars across the world and not to help those in need right here at home. I'm sure not asking for a free ride. If we ask WWJD, I believe he would help those who needed it and be loving and forgiving and all of the rest that goes with it. I believe in God. I'm a Christian but I'm pretty liberal. Liberal as in accepting of others and those different than I am and being forgiving. I think what we have in here is more of a politics issue and I could go on and on about what bad shape the prior administration left us in. But I won't. We're all entitled to our own opinion. This is a thought to ponder. Our government gives free health (and has for a long time) to veterans. Is that wrong? I don't think so. Just my thoughts on the subject. I love you guys. SS, you are so important to me and I love you. I just needed to express myself also. :))

Well you have to be good with your hands, I have terrible hand writing myself.
I can't even imagine how you "make a sign". What are the materials?

I guess thats why we are Sign Writers!
You guys are funny! Thanks!
We have other fine qualities!

Yeah but polite and clean and good handwriting. ...

typical virgo

Thanks ALL!!! From both Dad & I!
I know ... 2 Virgos in one house!
Hope you all see the video of my special buddy!

SecSis..hmmmm more like when the teacher takes a toy away from two kids fighting over it...better to put the toy away then no one fights..kinda like that :-) fighting is better within a team. We are a team that supports each other to keep ourselves up to the task at hand....caregiving.

Doing out best in rain cold Seattle!
He is comfy here with me & pets.
Nigel says HI to everyone, tho he doesn't read, I share this site eith him.

Happy birthday RIP's dad and many more.Rip, is your dad a typical Virgo?

happy birthday to your Dad.

happy to see our SGT. at Arms is here and our little boat is hopefully happy again. Way to go Pirate.

Jsome, I hear you loud and clear about your view. I had a lot of that and I understand your position.

SS can't wait for the hugs!!
This is a beautiful thing to see us as a group get stronger and defend each other. I love it.


Happy 91st B-day RIPPIES DADDIE!

Happy Birthday to your Dad hope you both have a wonderful day!!

Rip, Happy Birthday to your dad. Hope he has a wonderful day! Hope your friend gets to the Special Olympics!

What day!
Today is my father's 91 birthday!
He says "Hello!" to everyone! We share this site together. Love ALL of you. Our ink to the outside world.

I feel bleesed that he is still capable & bright,, unlike many of you dealing with AZ parents & Parkinson's. So many illnesses ...rarley a cure.
We need to come together & find resources.

I was touched to see the support my Special Needs Buddy had. 3 community leaders rapelled off the Rainier Tower in Seattle to raise funds for him to particpate in Special Olympics.
It was posted on Your Tube:
Over the Edge Seattle, Rainier Tower, 8/14.2010.

I am proud of the gentlemen that did this feat!! You will see my buddy Nigel in the video. Baseball cap, shaking hands & hugging.

He will be here soon to help me in the garden. Truly a special guy with a strong back & a huge heart! Who loves helping his friends, despite his disabilities.
He will make Dad's birthday special!

I don't know. Maybe I like stewing in misery and am punishing myself for my life. What does it matter. I am here to help my mother then I am out of here. At ten the world seems wipe open and children can be very single minded. I just see complication and fear all around.

I think maybe with the controversial stuff it is live and let live. You should be free to discuss god and what Christ means to you in your life and others can choose to not talk about it and move on to issues in common.

J----I'm confused-you stood up to someone as a 10 year old child,but now at 39 you claim to be a coward and let these people use and abuse you at your home-what gives? Bobbie,sorry about the word mix-up-my knowledge about boats ---very limited---ask me about cows or farming-I did watch Johnny Depp in PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN. I yelled Land HO alot on the DISNEY MAGIC AND Wonder,That was fun. I ran alot of trout lines-why is it called trout lines-when its catfish your going after--Well, see there- alot of unanswered questions.Glad to see the captain hasn't bailed on the boat.

SS, I say pass the gin and tonic. We'd all be rolling in tears in no time! Thanks! Sargent at arms We salute you!!!

So Pirate, are you banishing God and all talk of him?

grumble grumble grumble...or should I say radha radha radha...

he he he..passing the word for stress relief

......okay let's leave God outta the thread ...he ain't cleaning no urinals nor no poopie pants any time soon....LOL LOL LOL LOL wink!

Bobbie, yours and other posts have brought me tears. I'm really tired today, and I know God is working on me. Don't mean to pass than onto others in a negative way. So sorry for your deep hurts concerning this woman...who cares not a lick about you. As you know, at some level, I can relate. My deepest sympathy for your heartaches right now, dear friend. Wish we all could help ease it. I pray for your comfort and strength. I was wondering if we'd ever meet, and worried it might not happen. I'll be so relieved to see that boat!!! Hugs aplenty!

Deefer, Austin, Tenn...all, thank you for your forgiveness and understanding. I'm just Chicken Little. Ya all made me cry. I'm sorry for reacting in a huff. Love you ladies, and I am thankful for the boat, cuz it is an interesting crew! Kum-bah-ya, LOL! Think we all need a good hot soak. Now, pass the Calgon!


That's why most folks say you should not talk about god/religion nor politics,,,because there are so many opinions...and folks have to realize that there each person is entitled to their own opinion...let's get that straight. There is really not a God Bashing thread...see how the words get twisted already.. Someone had a post about how they are tired of the God preaching...and I understand what they let's leave it at that..they are entitled to how they feel. You cannot impose your thoughts of religion on anyone nor your thoughts of politics. To each their own and let's leave it that way. You can write all your thoughts about what you like and believe in and if someone writes what they believe in leave it at that. We are all different every single human being. Inalienable rights remember? So if SecSis likes the Tea Party so be it it is her right...I might not agree but it's her right to do what she believes in. If someone writes a post about being fed up with God so be it let them write it..they may have good reason to.

So let's keep open yet leave it off the website if you can. We are all struggling together for one purpose here trying to keep SANE while taken care of an elder that's drivin' ya bonkers.

OKAY Sargent at Arms here over an out...ya hear ladies...KEEP IT TOGETHER RANKS!

If a nations primary responsibility is not to protect it most vulnerable citizens, then what the hell is it good for? Sorry but the "men" are gone and they are not coming back. People can pull themselves up by their boot straps but when the boot company is shipped over seas for Asia workers who get 43 cents a day to do the same job, as Americas lose jobs so corporations can give larger multi-million dollar bonuses to executives...well where exactly is GOD in that? Some how, I got the idea Jesus was all about helping the poor, not condemning them for being so and telling them in a Calvinistic fit "I got mine why don't you get yours". It should be "And the rich will always be with us..." If they were against us.

I am sorry ss but that was a very self interested proselytizing post. It doesn't matter where it is, this post has all kind of stuff, it is sort of a catch all for daily complaints and support, why not add some social political mish mash as well. Maybe it doesn't exactly fit with aging care commentary, but does it matter, it is important to you and you want to talk about it, that is what the site is about.

My offensive post was on being bugged by people "praying for me" and making cliche'd comments about not grumbling cause "God has it all in hand". If GOD does, I have to wonder why some people are so upset things are not going the way they want to think GOD wants things to be? Including Tea Partiers, who are convinced not that they lost the White House but that the whole American Political system was hijacked because they didn't get their way. It is galling for the righteous to lose. I know, "If God be for us who be against us" and all that.

You are upset, you have strong feelings and values, there is nothing wrong with that, but you must remember that there are people who are just as certain that their totally opposite view is correct, as you are of yours.

Does it matter, as long as no one calls names or harasses anyone it is just talking on line. Probably with people we would never meet otherwise as people are determined to surround themselves with people who agree with them and disinclined to seek out people who think their views are wrong.

Maybe November is just coming up too soon.

I feel unwelcome a lot too, but I think it is because some how we assume things we have thought about that make perfect sense to us must also for others, but this is so not true. Nothing is right for every one. No matter ho much one insists one is right and others are wrong, misinformed, confused, sinning, crazy, stupid, or just not thinking very much about it for they have not come to MY conclusion. There are BILLIONS of people in the world, Why int the world should all of them think and feel exactly the same about everything.

And I was raised Roman Catholic, till I refused to go at 10. To me even then it was stupid. That is MY opinion. I am surrounded by people with varying degrees and views on God and religion. I have choose my own. God but not religion. For some people I think, religion and its emphasis on social control and obeying rules is probably a stronger pull that the God part of it. I wonder if they would participate in the religion if it had now answers or tennents or precepts or Thou Shalts. If it was just God..

It doesn't matter. It is culture all over the world. What many people choose to believe. It is who they are as much as breathing. What is unacceptable is when someone tries to cut off another air because they don't agree with your point of view. i think it is almost impossible for very righteous people to even consider that there answers are not everyone's answers. And that ends all questions truly. Think a s I do or you are wrong. That is really un-fair, poorly thought out controlling and well stupid. But I suppose it is inevitable. How can one turn it off when one knows one is right about all things for all people?

Georgia, your 'novel' was good reading.
Thanks for your kind words.


the support of this family means a LOT to me and I'm happy to see the discourse.
You rock, Georgia!


OK, I'm still an hour late & a dollar short! Seems that you guys all worked this stuff out while I was writing my "novel"! I'm glad!

Bobbie, I'm really sorry about the situation that you had to deal with today! Please know that we're all thinking about you & wish that we could take the hurt away!

WOW!!! I, too, am a Christian & I also have a problem with religion...It should be more about relationship! You can be "religious" about washing your car! I have been hurt by church members as well as self-serving preachers. Particularily since my husband's been sick. I, do, however, take my husband to church & will as long as he's able & wants to go. Who knows, I may just get something positive out of it! And I think it was Linda who said that we're supposed to forgive & forget.

That having been said, I think it would be nice for us to remember the thread "title"..."Grossed out? Need to vent..." All of us have used this forum to express thoughts or ideas that don't have anything to do with caring for our ill or aging family member(s). Some have struck a chord with me & some I could have done without! But, we believed that this was a much needed, safe place to blow off some steam & what is the word, oh yes, VENT!!! SS's post RE: God, was no worse than some of the other topics of discussion that have been posted. In fact, it was better than some of the language that has been "camoflaged", on here, by using an exclaimation mark as an "i" or using arsh, instead of the actual word, although we all knew what was meant!

I don't like to be preached at...I've been yelled at enough in my life, but I will defend SS's position in being able to express what is relevant to her & her feelings of what she needed to "vent" about. It made as much sense as some of the other topics that have been posted here! Who knows...just maybe she's right! Seems that what is going on in the world these days isn't working too good! Something to think about!

All of that having been said, all-in-all this has been an excellant place for us to "gather" in support of each other. Some are stuck at home or have very little free time out, so this is about their only connection with the outside world. We're ALL good for each other!!! Somebody else said that if everyone were the same it would be a very dull world. I agree! It takes all of us.

I hope that I haven't ruffled any feathers! That was not my intent at all! I hope that we can move forward & still be there for each other...ALL of us!!! But we all have to understand that from time to time a subject may come up that we don't agree with or that makes us grit our teeth. In that case, you have a decision to make...participate or not!

How important is the support of the "family", on this thread to you?!?! I know y'all have helped me get through some pretty tough times, as I'm sure is true for the rest of you!

Thanks for listening, caring, supporting & encouraging me!

Good to see you back SS. We all have a right to our opinions, just need to be mindful of how we state them. There is no going back once we commit to them. Just don't want to see you or anyone else hurting more than they already are. Once again, welcome back!

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