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SS, you didn't open the can of worms, I did.
Today is the 3 month anniversary of my mom's death and she made me promise not to tell her family (my bio mom) for 3 months. I kept the promise and today let my bio mom know that her sister was gone.

She professes to be a 'good Christian' and informed me that she was 'made aware' of mom's death back when it happened but 'thanks for your note' and added some bible stuff and I think that's what made me upset. I think she's a selfish B!!ch and I know better than to think that she would care at all about a grieving daughter.

So there you go. What set me off? Nobody here.
I love ya SS and you're the reason I'm coming North with the boat next summer. I'm still coming!! i have a new loudhailer and can park outside your house and holler until you get on the boat and hug me to shut me up!!
I not really the heathen that some would like to make me out to be. (bio mom)


YAY SS!!!!!


Mutiny means Cap has lost control of boat and someone else has taken over. I don't see that here.
Boat still here, Cap still here, made executive decision, maybe not right one but I did it, owned it, apologized for it and still have the boat. offers still out there for folks to stay united because forgiveness is part of the whole picture but you need both sides to make that happen.

Let's all try not to make more out of this than it deserves.

i sure don't wanna argue and if this is all it takes to sink the boat, what does that say about all of us?

I truly love you guys and I hope and pray that we stay together.

Bobbie, I did not mean to offend anyone.

Austin, I believe it is I who has opened the stinking can, dear. And some want it capped.

Tennessee, you're right about the policing. It doesn't feel good to be silenced.

Love you all!

I must go pick up my daughter at the bus,she will be saddened over the Mutiny on the boat.

You are welcome!

Deefer it is not so much about my brothers as their enablers[Which is their lawyers] Yes, the bar ass. is run by lawyers also.Right up there with police policing police.Doctors over the doctors-BP over there own clean-up efforts--Whats wrong with this picture-----Oh lets not forget the IRS over the IRS-Priest over priest-this could go on all day. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Tennessee, It can't hurt to do an accounting of what actually happened, to the state bar. Of course that is probably run by lawyers too! It's worth a try to get the greedy b*stard in trouble with the law. I wouldn't care if I got what was owed to me, by I would like to see your brother's b*lls swaying in the breeze! Now that's a thought!!!!

BOBBIE, What I'm saying is if I present all of the lies to the bar ass. will they laugh at me and call me naive,Also if someone is sundowning and a lawyer swoops in to have them sign papers,Are the lawyers held accountable. Are they ever held accountable.

Hey Tennessee!
you have a good point and I respect that! hopefully we'll all recover and the boat will be peaceful again.

Deef! Skinny butt. Takes longer to clean my butt. More soap, time and water!!

Tennessee, lawyers lie and everybody lies and it's hard for those of us that use truth to get through life.


SS I did not mean to open a can of worms. I have been talking to those who come around to ask for my vote in local elections and state offices because of the poor conditions in my county for home care for our parents and spouses and I was reported to APS because I could not aford 24/7 care for my husband and he did not want to be in a nursing and could not get transportation to medicial visits because I did not live 3/4 of a mile to a bus line. Two of the -three of the people were very interested in hearing from me-one was a caregiver for her Mom and had no idea until then the lack of help and one wanted me to go to his office to discuss my thought and one reported the person who stuck APS on me. I was not asking for a handout just a little assistance because caregiving to a sick mentally unstable person was wearing me down-our state pays the highest taxes in the nation and gets very little backfrom Washington or our state. A am no longer a caregiver sinc my husband has died but I feel I can help others and I am not telling others what to say to their elected officials if this bothers them and I did hold down a job and run our home for many years while being a caregiver.

My question for today is---Is it legal for a lawyer to knowingly lie to win a case or would it be considered slander? Are lawyers legally immuned from lying-they are always talking about ethics-Where are the ethics in lying and twisting the truth to serve your purpose? Lawyers are pretty GROSS but they are not funny,never met a funny lawyer.My lawyer told me he use to be class clown, but being a lawyer has taken the humor from him.I personally think when the devil started suckin out his soul -the humor got sucked out of him also.

Hey Bobbie! Was it at least a good butt?
Mom wiped her nose with a tissue at the breakfast table this morning, then proceeded to clean the table with said tissue! As for her eating habits, another story entirely!!
Have fun removing the pig iron. Don't make it oink too loudly.Ha! Ha!

Man, I leave this thread for a moment to fight the demons[LAWYERS] and all hell breaks loose, as imperfect as I am; I like SS preachin,its who she is,she's consistant,I've never felt preached at .She's a mother for God's sake-of course she's concerned about the condition of the world,just as I am. I didn't realize untill I got on this site that some people don't even like their parent that they are takin care of-still blows my mind. I feel they must be a better person than me because I wouldn't take care of someone I had no respect for. My dad got the princess treatment because he was the greatest person I've ever known besides my daughter ,if he was a sorry excuss for a dad,he would be in nursing home.The way I look at it SS preaches,because she cares about ya'll, why elese would she waste her breathe. I thought caring was a good thing.

Deef!! thanks, man. Well said.
OK: speaking of gross:

We have been working in the bilge of the boat.
We found the ballast in the form of pig iron shot in bags in the bow and they were damp and I located a condensation hose from the forward AC that was dripping.
When I had to intervene with mom Nik and I had to clean out the basement. Now THAT was gross. This is boat gross but according to Pat the boat angel, says this bilge is cleaner than an operating room compared to other boats.
His mantra: no dark, dank spooky stinky spots on the boat. Nice.
We have to haul out all of the stinky ballast bags that weigh 100 pounds each and then there's a pile of loose pig iron shot down there (about half a ton) that has to come out so we can see the inside of the hull and epoxy coat the entire thing. What we can reach anyway.
THEN the ballast goes back but built in so it doesn't move. don't want to encounter big waves and the ballast is jumping around in the bow. Good way to sink.
That's the best gross out I have this minute except for the fact that I walked in on a lady washing her butt in the bath house. I didn't see any feet under the curtain!! I swear!!


I think we all need to take a step back and realize God made us all different for a reason. If we all thought, looked and acted the same, the world would be a very boring place!
SS, you have the right to have an opinion as we all do. That's what makes the world such a fascinating place to live in. If we stick to the subject at hand, and support each other no matter our upbringing or background, we can get back to making each other feel good about ourselves.
I'm with Bobbie. Let's lighten up and get back to having fun grossing each other out!!!

Ya! SS! what Linda said!!
c'mon don't be mad at me for having a bad moment!!

hey castoff.....never mind anyway. i don't want to read bad stuff about God.

aww s.s. come on ! ure part of this and have been for sooo long . just isnt fair for u to disapeared and we re wondering about u ! plzz ! sometimes i feel like i dont belong here and other times i do . there is somethings i dont commet on some things cuz it doesnt interest me ,
you want to talk about the bible u should go to jsomebodys thread .
i dont go to her thread anymore cuz i respect her wishes , im not going to preach at her , she done said no and that is it .
there is a place and time for preaching and talkin about the bible .
if my friends doesnt believe in bible then i wont talk about it . if they do then COOL we can talk about it .
just like going to the store or resturant we cant smoke in there . sorry gotta go outside . i too feel insult but i understand theres people cant stand the smell of cigggy or they have breathing pblms , i respect that .
just like school ! cant pray there anymore ! cant do anything about it , gotta respect others wishes not to pray in school . so we do it quitely in our mind .
when people say bless u etc to me . thats fine i smile and thank them and i return that back then we know we one to another accepts it . but when t hey dont say thank u or warn us then we should respect them .
when people have a rough life growing up , horrible parent they had , they dont have the upbringin the religouse ways . i did , u did , others did , alot dont . so we have to respect that .
ss. u are part of this thread and have been for so long and plz do come back ! i love reading you and see and knowing ure ok . that isnt fair to me and to others that u say i feel im not welcome because u are welcome here and made friends here .
bible says forget and forgive for those who hurts u . LOVE PEACE HARMONY !! im ur friend and plz dont leave me . :-(

Maybe at a later time........when the godless get weary.....

Hey Castoff,

Wow, You're right I DIDN'T know! Thanks for setting me straight!

There's a God bashing thread.....?

Hey, I'M Christian, just don't like organized rel. and God has been in this forum since inception.

So Sorry SS!!

Which thread is it? What's the title?


B321, I agree about organized religion, but have you seen the GOD bashing thread on this forum?????
Those of us with pure motives and concern for this group are under attack by other "caregivers" because we are Christian.
If GOD is not welcome, neither am I.
Sorry your thread has been compromised. It was so good and so true for so long.
I don't think SS was so much preaching as she was defending herself.
So be it. You didn't know.

That's right Linda!!


Aw SS,
I'm sorry you haven't felt welcome! You are part of the original crew and we need you!!

We have spoken our minds here and I have always been supportive of that but today just felt overwhelming.

I love God, just don't like religion and what it does to people. Very divisive as we can all see first hand.

I'm probably overly sensitive because my bio mom and a few others were always handing out the bible stuff and it gets up on my good nerve.

I am sincerely sorry that I made you feel unwelcome and I'm sure that you didn't want us to feel like unwashed sinners either. Hence my suggestion to leave that stuff behind but let's stay together as a crew.

SS, hope to see you here and if you need a few days to think it over we all will understand and be happy to see you when/if you post again.


That's OK, since I really haven't felt welcome for awhile anyway... See ya!

thought this site s agingcare is suppose to be about elders .
we all talk about allkinds of things , animals , elders , money , stress , blah and keeping us alive and enjoy this site . here lately its been all about animals , now its all about god , bible . now what do we talk about next ??
theboat theboat the boat ,. wooohooo!!!
have a good day you all .

Bobbie, I agree!!!!!

SS, I love ya kid but I hate being preached at. that's why i avoid churches at all costs.
I'm gald you have a new purpose with the tea party and I am happy that you are at peace with your god but my experience has ALWAYS been negative when someone starts throwing bible verses at me. Let's keep it light and about some funny and let's do the bible stuff on another thread. Whaddya say?
just sayin.

Miz, If Mom is living with you, and paying a caregiver so much, why don't you have her pay you room and board. You would have to declare it on your taxes, but you can keep all your grocery receipts, etc. and deduct them. It would be better to pay you than some stranger. Check your area for an average rate for room and board and go from there. Mom's elder lawyer talked to us about this last year when Mom signed the house over to me. I get a check every week from Mom, since I had to leave my job to care for her.
Is she living in your home? If she is, this could work out for you. Hope this helps!

$19.00/hr. for a caregiver because she can not be alone. I forgot to clarify that in my earlier post.

P.S. My mom pays $19 bucks an hour so I can go work my low paying job to pay for my health insurance.

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