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Rossella i know about the drinking I have to force her to drink also sometimes she does sometimes she doesnt. Today was the day mom was supposed to go home for three days but when my sister called her to tell her to get ready she said she was already home so she she called me and I told her to let her stay. My daughter in law stays with her while I am at work until I come home. I pay her just like we pay the caregivers at her house she is more comfortable here because even though she does not know who we are she knows that she recognize us and not stangers. Yesterday after giving her 2 zanax she was still awake at 12:30 AM had to finally go lay down with her she kept asking me where her daughter joanne was and I kept telling her I was right here she kept telling me that I wasnt her daughter after awhile I just said she went to the store and will be right back. I had my 9 month old grandson here yesterday and she was pretty good she actually had a conversation with us I wish my sisters could see that sometimes she is herself and can smile since they havent seen this side of her in months all they see is the hateful hurtful person that she has become. Every once in a while she will come back even if its for just a little while and that is what keeps me going

This is very evil to say, but when my mother is at the ER, taken care of by doctors and staff, it's the only moment that we really relax! What's more important, we take a mental rest because we know that someone else (qualified) is taking care of her. So we can chat, smoke in the garden, drink coffee.... Nice!

seeing if I can post again.
You will have good coffee in the ER? & new friends?
No fun at all!
But I often ran Dad & his lady friend up there. The staff were more supporive than anyone else.

Hi Angie! You fit right in! Happy you're here!

Welcome angie

It's one of the works that I prefer... I follow it from the end of the first season! Next one should be the 6th
How's your mother doing? My mother does not want to drink anymore, so she takes a sip and then she pours the rest of the water on the floor! She is fed up with us asking her to drink. If she continues like that, either I will have to literally force her to drink, otherwise we will end up in the ER again!

Rosella the tv series you are talking about with hitch is criminal minds I watch it all the time its a great show

Ah, I understand now. It's just a bad day. It will pass. We are as strong as hell!

Georgia what on earth are you talking about?

I know exactly how you fell Georgia, I have been thinking this all day.... I just dont have a choice, and I am just so down ....trying not to be

Do you ever feel like your life is just over?? I don't wanna do this anymore, but I don't have a choice!!

stay outta the way of the bus!! C'mon jen!! hang in there!!!

Everybody you have my respect and Georgia that's a great post. Thanks for being here!

Bob on the boat here.
the wind is howling through the rigging of the sailboats and we are showing our 58' beam to the blow so we are rocking a little and it's pleasant.
We have all the forward bilges open and are moving fresh air through them with the forward hatch open and the back door open.
The electronics boat angel is working in the pilothouse and we now have the Hailer with loudspeakers fore and aft. The Hailer is where all the bells and whistles are. Literally.
Like for fog: there's a brass bell on the forward mast and the lady that sold us the boat said: 'you run a string from the clanger in the bell into the pilothouse and pull the string to ring the bell.'
I said: Whaddya nuts? Sit here and ding a bell by hand?? what do i look like? Quasimoto?
With the Hailer, it's already programmed to make a bell sound every X minutes/seconds depending on where you are, fog, tsunami, aground, at the mall...whatever you got.
1. Look it up on card
2. push button
3. make sandwich
it will also make horn sounds and has a microphone which might or might not be a good idea for someone like me.

If all the electronics go down we still have the good old paper charts, compass and a string for the bell dinger. For a depth sounder we'll use 2 boat hooks duct taped together.

If the electronics are on, we can see fish under us and we can heat up the frying pan. fish gutting takes place on the swim platform, little salt water rinse and back to clean.

Going to be here for a few more weeks while we haul the boat out and do the bottom job and some brightwork.

Take care of yourselves caregivers. Lke I've said before, I'm still not right and it's been a few months. Take better care of yourselves than I took care of myself.
Do me that favor, will ya?


Well my day has just really sucked in plain english, dad is doing ok, i let him sleep until 12 today, since his big outpatient surgery yesterday, everytime he gets a new infection he loses any strength he gained. He is 175, and I lift him at least 6 times a day, I call him the Daddy Gym lol lol ...........
Got him up and fed, and of course he had an accident, once again I am covered in SH##. lol My mom she is another story, she is showing signs of early dementia/slash alzheimers. I find it so hard to have patience with her. I do though, i dont know how sometimes. Today has been pretty depressing nothing but rain, so I cant even escape out to the yard, I AM IN JAIL..... lol anyone have a get out of jail free card lol lol
I miss working so much, I miss the interaction . Now my new friends are the pharmacy staff, the er staff, the clerks at the market and of course the liquor store staff too and dunking donuts, what a life, but when i have these days, i try to remember the good parents they have been. Although mom makes me near crazy, she has been a good mom and a great nana to the grandchildren ................. THank God for all of you. This 700$ laptop has been a godsend lol my key to outside world.....
Take care all!

tennessee, I am so sorry that I didn't include you in the other post, but I hope that you're having a wonderful day, too!

If I missed anybody else, I'm sorry. I'll catch you next go 'round.

Georgia...yes a bit better, it depends on the day. If it is a task we have to perform that they did not figure out the process or the instructions are horrid, then it's a bad day. If it's something I already kinda figured out...well then not so bad a day. The worst is i feel stuck to this chair all the time. Me arse is getting sore and lower back. Everything is online, we attach many things we used to have to go get signed or printed out now is all online...ack.....need to get up and go for more walks now. mom is trying to use an old rant all over again. A couple of years ago I took her to a whole series of doctors for her eyesight which is slowly failing and will continue to fail. It's just life...she does not get into her head that there is nothing more to do. She's 86...what do you want a new eye. She already declined the cataract surgery...did not want anything to do with any surgery. So I am not about to waste time running all over to hear the same shit again. It's like she dreams up stuff to keep the focus on's the Narcissism. I need to save up some time so I can take off to get her roof fixed. There is a leak right over her bed and I need to address that before rains come. That is more a desperate situation than her eyes which are just going to fail due to aging. She is a very trying sort, she does not care on how much she extends upon you...just does not care...tunnel vision with Narcissists! Last night she tried to pull the Guilt complex issue...she's done that all my life...well I am done with it now. After 12 years of having to run after her ass for anything she needed done...I am now done. On the evenings I have away from her she is trying some type of guilt statement on the phone. Last night went like this...oh and she's back to her famous phone calls that are repeated one after the other if you don't answer. For the past several months she could not use a phone...oh and now...oh I guess she can use a phone again. Craziness! Well last night she called...I was mentioning it was really hot...she says oh she's not experiencing it as hot...hmmmm okay. She calls back within 20 minutes...I'm so hot, I don't know what to do. I said go into another room where the sun isn't hitting the house...oh that's the same..she says. I said well what do you want me to do about it. Every evening that I don't come over she comes up with something to whine about just because I am not there. It's back to the Narcissism. It's the control...she wants control...I feel like she has her scrawny creepy ugly hands around my neck like a horror movie. I called her out on it. I said you are beginning a routine...every Mond, Wed, Fri night you give me some crap about something. Okay the days and nights I am there...she doesn't talk to me, just do this and do that for me. She could care less about me or my day or how I am's just the fact that I am there. Well one day will all be over. No more control and I WILL BE FREE!

Doggies we just had an upset here. Dr is a surgeon and had an emergency surgery so had to cancel grandpas appointment today at 3:00. Mom took the call, I knew what it was before she picked up the phone. Grandpa will be glad, mom is understanding of the dr situation but a bit annoyed she took half a day off work and she hates doing that. Then she asks me"I don't suppose your doctors office called to cancel your appointment?"


It is not my fault, and I waited a year to GET a doctors appointment, you want to go back to work, you can take DDDAAADDDEEEE YOU !!!

So everything is up in the air, no setting up Elder Day Care, a reshuffling of three other appointments (not mine of course) her dentist his feet reg dr...and more waiting stuff.

What ever, maybe it will turn out to be a good thing. Maybe I will get run over by that bus I have to find where to get on due to road work...

Good morning family! I am so thankful for each of you! Even if it's just checking in on the post & seeing a new thread, that connection is there & you don't feel quite as alone! I check several times a day, as time permits, just to see what's up with you guys. I know that y'all understand being sequestered & being shut off from the rest of the world. Thank you!
I hate it, but I have to admit that I'm enjoying going out to look for a job, just to get out of here for a little while. Still not the same as having friends to share things with, though!

I hope that you all had a great night! Ours was pretty good. Seems like the tremors are getting worse, though. He expends so much of his energy because of them. Still no job, but going out again today.

J, glad that you had an easier day! It was so thoughtful for you to take him to see some men stuff again. They are puting new poles up around here, too, but no where to be to watch besides in a car riding by. I hope your doc visit goes well. And how wonderful that he'll get to go to adult day care. That'll be good for both of you.

Diane, yes that is me on FB. Wanna be my friend? I hope that you got a got a good nights sleep & are rested this morning! How is b/f's ankle?

Rossella, you brighten our day, as well. Thank you for all of your insights & encouragement!

Rip, glad that you're back on here! Enjoyed last night's conversation! Give Sir & Ratzo a hug for me & Shelbie.

Angie, I'm sorry that yo had to go through the ER trip. I hate to go to the hospital for any reason. It's always hurry up & wait. Hopefully you won't have to go back for a long, long time!

Pirate, how was the job yesterday? Better I hope! And I hope it's even better today!

Bobbie, what's going on on the boat today?? You know that we're living vicariously through you! Thank you so much!

Deefer, Susan, SS, Linda GODhelp, hope you guys are having an easy day...thinkoftheboat...

Deefer, thank you for your words. My attitude toward this situation is called "survival"!

Good Morning to all my new friends,
Well it was a long day at the ER yesterday, but dad is home. These trips happen at least every 4 to 6 weeks. Spent the night making sure mom ate, changing dad's bed at least 3 times. I was able to catch up with my 20 daughter, for about 10 min..... I miss having time with her the most, It is hard for her to understand, but she tries. Of course mom got lost at least 3 times at the hospital, I felt like I did when Emily my daughter was little and i was chasing her. Now I am reprimanding mom not leave my side lol lol How funny life is........ But today is a new day and I am getting ready to do this all over again today.... WHOO HOOO lol lol
So I wish everyone here a truly wonderful day!!!!!

Diane, I think they call that the EASY BUTTON, like staples has lol...
Nice to meet you to Deefer....
Rosella, I have learned now, I pack my own snacks and drinks lol, the selection at the hosp stinks..... I am on a first name basis now with everyone there.....

I wish everyone a great day...

J, So glad you finally had a positive day! Being outside can do that. I've had 2 rough nights. Mom usually goes to bed around 6:30 and sleeps through the night, but the full moon has her hopping until midnight. She refuses to go pee before bed, then gets soaked and tries to get up on her own. She has not been able to walk around by herself for months now, as she can't without falling. She was never a mean person, but is getting more so lately. She tried to bite my arm the night before! Not sure how much longer she will be able to stay at home.
Diane, how are you holding up? How's b/f"s ankle?
Pirate, Are you hanging in there?
Linda, Bobbie, how are you?
Angie, Susan, Nice to meet both of you!
Georgia, Hope the stress has gotten easier for you.
Rosella, Love to read your posts. You are very good with words! Your English is perfect! Your attitude about your situation is amazing. Hope you and Mom are doing well. Did you have a good visit with your friend?
Sorry if I missed anyone. Have a good day!

Secret: love you too! You are so positive and active and you give a lot of energy with your posts.
Angie: I know very well what you are talking about. We go to the ER so often that everybody knows my mother and asks her "What's up today?". I love the ER drinks dispenser and I have tried all the 20 types of coffea. It's like to be home.
Jsome: your idea of carrying your grandfather to see something that interested him when he was young is great and I will use it with my mother, too. You had several hours of peace, too. And the fact that you can bring him to a center for some hours a day will make you feel much better.
So thank you all for the inspiration you give me. My way of dealing with mom has improved a lot since I met this amazing group of people (you). Everybody can give good advice, each one of you in his (her) way...

Angie I sure understand that feeling! I swear there must be a button on my ass that rings so my mother know to call me every time I sit down!

Welcome Susan. This is a wonderful "family". We are here to listen to the good times and the bad times. We can all relate.

Rip, I'm so glad to know you and dad are okay. I was worried when I didn't see you online.

I am tired tonight so I'm going to turn in early. Have a good night everyone!


Had a nice day to day, no big messes and due to the power being cut off to install/replace a telephone pole. I took grandpa down the block and we watched them put in a brand new pole and re attach wires and cut cables and do major electrical stuff and it was very cool. I stood there for three hours he sat in his chair and enjoyed seeing some work men type stuff he used to do in his younger days(though not lineman). We shifted with the sun to find shade and various angry dogs in yards and saw the process from begging to end, well half way, they will do the other side of the block tomorrow.
Mom is filling out his new patient form for tomorrows Dr/Urologist app to see what he is looking at, death, or just another life hassle. I managed to get my first doctor app in a year as well, because my mom will be home half the day from work to take him to his app. When things are settled, he will be set up for two days a week at an adult day care center, interaction, exercise, cognitive work and lunch two days a week and free time for me.
I hope every one is doing well and your burdens are not too heavy. Thank you for all your support and concern for me in my situation, it means a great deal to me.

Thank you GobBless....... I am so glad that I have this place to come to where my feelings are understood

Ok Finally home and settled from my trip to er with dad, mom was a mess, I could not even let her go to the restroom because she gets lost. It was a long trying day.............Another infection for him..... We do these visits every 6 weeks or so...... Its not easy but I am hanging in there the best I can, mostly thanks to this website... Sometimes I just want to scream " what about me " lol lol Hope everyone had a great day..;... A big hug to alll.... Angie

Rip, Cheers indeed! I've had to secure Linday's help a few times, and I agree, she's tops!

Bobbie, hubby, boy and I just walked down to the lake. They ran ahead for the drinking fountain. Hubby turned back, and said, "Guess who's here!" I looked for your boat. He laughed at me. He was talking about a family of swans. Bummer, though I like swans. I was hoping my ship had come in! Where are you today, my friend? We also saw a big mink! While that was cool, I'd rather had seen the Barbara B! Calgon...!

Wow, Pirate, you're not bored!

hey, Linda ...
Thanks for checking on me. Something happened & I was logged off. The site didn't like my password so I was without comment all weekend.
Sniff ... nice to know I was missed.

Dad & I are are a good as can be flying tandem in this venture.

I continued reading your posts! WOW! Some serious stuff! I'm glad we have the ability to share all opinions.
Next we'll be swapping recipes.

I spoke with Lindsey on the AC staff this afternoon. Nice lady! I'm impressed about how much the staff is dedicated to us, as we are to the site.

I suggested having the last posted page listed first . Having the "Earliest, Previous, Recent" tabs moved to the top of the page.
Many new people, like I was in June, don't realize how it all works. This is myfirst experience 'posting' on line.
Even simple me caught on finally, but I still am frustrated seeking & scrolling.

Nearly 3,000 hits on Grossed Out!


Rip the Stitch

Hope they get the hit and run jerk! Hope everyone has a good week.

Speaking of full moons...this is a bad careful everyone...last Thursday when I was leaving my mom's house around 9:15 I always take a short cut behind the mall. At the left turn lane there was I and another girl in the inside left turn lane - well someone ran the red light and beaned her. Her bumper went flying into the lane in front of I had to manuever around it and decided to pull over. People are so rude many just drove around the bumper and went on their merry way. A couple of guys stopped and picked up the bumper out of the street. Another fella who was making a right turn and was closest to the HIT AND RUN driver also came over to where we where. My cell phone was out of minutes and I asked the girl if she had a phone she was too stunned so I asked the two boys and they handed me their phone while I talked to the police and then handed their phone to the one boy who saw it all. I am glad that at least a few people did stop. The cops finally came and took information. The girl was okay but shook up. I left her in the hands of two really handsome young policeman. Real creep that did the hit and jeep with a black top I hear - must have some left front end damage. I hope they caught the bast@rd - cretin.

Susan & Angie, The ER is no place to be. I had my ER visits in Dec, Jan, & Feb of this year with mom. She's been happy / healthy since then and hope all works as well for you two. Rehab really helps to get them back on track after a legnthly stay at hosp. (if required).
Watch out for Colitis Difficultus (C Diff) if they are or have been on IV antibiotics. It's reached epidemic proportions is the past few years and can really harm the elderly.....push the yogurt (lactobaccillus) and sachromices (healthfood stores). The problem is marked by explosive diahrea for an extended period of time.

Dtflex, Hope you find an answer to your mom's combativeness. Does she take any Zoloft? It has a calming affect.....not familiar with anything else. I know we try to avoid over-medicating but I wouldn't want to hear of injuries to either of you.

SS, Miz, Gpeach & all...You two are such a blessing...thank you.

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