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Thanks SS Calling for the ambulance now, and I will give the best from you to our BFF's, Thanks giving me a smile today... Will keep you updated as the progresses....

Welcome, Susan! God bless your week!

Hi Angie, I am Susan and new to this site. I can relate. I had to call 911 twice in the last month and twicie took my Mom by car to the ER. She just can't catch a break, on issue after another. We get one issue under control and another one presents itself. The hard part is I just went back to work after being out of work for six months. I pray your trip to the ER goes well. I'm not very fond of the ER at the hospital my Mom's doctors are all with. I wish evryone here a good day.

Angie, hugs! and welcome!! Let us know how the ER trip goes. And please say hello to all our BFFs over there, lol.

Good Morning Everyone..... I am gearing for another trip to the ER with dad, mom has misplaced her pocketbook at least 3 times this morning... The ER staff have become my new BFF's lol, we have there 4 times this makes 5 in the last month and a half...... Mom is failing it seems by the minute, the sicker he becomes the worse she gets, sometimes I just feel lost....I miss working , socializing , I feel sometimes like I am in a jail lol lol..... I can't leave for too long, because only god knows what happens. I am so glad I found this site. It makes me feel better to know I am not alone and there alot of people out there in the same situation. So I am off now to get everthing ready for our big adventure to ER.... Hope everyone has a wonderful day.....

Love you Rossella, Miz, Bobbie! Hello to you Linda and Rossella on Facebook!!! God bless you.........A L L............!

wheres rip ??
deefer ! happy birthday wooohoo!

welcome susan ! glad u found this site !!
hope ur mom gets better , seems that they go down hill slowly than getting better ,
my dad has uti and is on antibodi right now . its awful ! use ur nose the next time , sometimes pee smells like amonia or has funny smel to it , and bowls too . theres a strange oder in it . thats how i knwow when dad has uti .
u;ll like this thread , many friendly people here and enjoyable to reach out and have somebody to talk to .
i better get to bed ! ill be dragging tme , dad wants 6 teeth pulled out cuz thats all he s got , cant wear false teeth and patrial anymore , hurts his mouth , so he said i wanna get those last 6 teeh pulled out so i can just eat better , gonna call the dentist in the morning , im dreeding for that day to come , he cant walk and is dead weigh ! oh my ..
good nite my boatmates ! xoxo

Hi, I am Susan. I just found this site tonight when I began looking for help. My Mom and I moved into an apartment together about 18 months ago. She had her leg amputated due to PAD. For most of the time things have been great. Some hospital stays here and there but she ususally bounces back pretty good. That is until this summer. Six weeks ago she got a UTI. The symptoms were so odd I never would have thought it was a UTI. She wsas mentally confused, slurred speech, and terrible muscle tremors. Any way six weeks later and she has been diagnosed with bladder retention and she just keeps getting one problem after another. to many list but When I saw the heading to this thread I had to read. I have just spent the last four hours cleaning my Mom from uncontrolable diareha. I think it's finally stopped and she is sleeping now. I'm surprised I was not grossed out. It's the first time I had to clean her as if I was changing a baby's diapper. I was teasing her it's just like chaning my grandaughter, the parts are just bigger. I tried to lighten up the situation because she gets upset that I have to take care of her like that. I dont' get much help from family members and I was searching the web when I found this site. Even if I can't get physical help it felt good to know there is a place to get some emotional support. I'm looking forward to chatting with others. What's funny is my Mom's excessive burping grosses me out more than the diareha.

Yes Miz, Hotch/Gideon: it was Chicago Hope. Google it!
Beautiful, Chicago Hope. It was just before ER, I think

rossella messina, photo: sat on a mountain, red sweater, little dog

I know they don't mean it, but it's still very hard to deal with. It really brings me to the breaking point sometimes. Where do I find you on Facebook?

Deefer, my job is not tedious at all! Very badly paid, you have no vacations, no Sundays, no free time... But it's so fun!
My mother does not sleep, even with the usual 2 seroquel. Might be the full moon, that's right. She beats me all the time, so there is no difference in that. But she does not mean to hurt me, I am sure. At some level she understands I am the only one who helps her. Tonight she wanted to call my brother (at a time when he usually sleeps). I stopped her from doing it, as I know that he must get up very early. Then I thought: Why? Next time I'll dial the number, so they can talk together at one in the night! He has to take some of this medicine!

Holy sh*t! Watch out everyone. Full moon on Tuesday! Merry left at 5 and I had to feed Mom dinner and get her to bed. Well, she hit, kicked and tried to bite my arm!!!! What the "F"!*!* Then I realized it was time for the full moon. She was a bear last month too. Do any of you have the same problem? I'm exhausted. Almost gave her another sleeping pill when she was still awake 2 hours later. I got her up and onto the toilet and had to do battle again! It was awful and we will probably both have bruises in the morning.
Back tracking a little-
Miz, Ain't Raynaud's a bitch! I had a really hard time of it until the hot flashes started. Are you on heart medication for it? I take 360mgs of diltiazem every day. Raynaud's is one of many complications that I have from autoimmune disease. It seems like something new pops up with every passing year.
Pirate, Glad you got a call back at work. I guess the higher ups are just as confused as you. Hang in there!
Georgia, So sorry you had a panic attack. definitely do the breathing before getting meds. Mom was hyperventilating all the time, and I had to coach her breathing so many times a day, I was getting lightheaded! Zanax can be very addictive if you are prone to addictions. Start out with the mildest dose and only use when you really need it. Mom was addicted to it for years before the Parkinsons showed up.
Jojo, Mom no longer has her purse. I have all her important stuff, including her SS card. She was putting them in a safe place, but then could not find them. The OCD gets worse as the dementia progresses. We try to keep anything important out of her reach, as she no longer knows their importance. Your throwing her clothes out is hilarious. I throw things out on Mom all the time, especially if she obsesses about them.
SS, Glad to see you had a nice outing with your dad, but he is just like Mom. Anything out of the ordinary, messes them up for a few days. If there is too much stimulation during the day, she eventually just shuts down. Then she is very hard to handle and even more confused.
Dtlex, you are right about the breathing exercises. they do help to calm down. How are your patients? You must be so exhausted!
Rossella, liked your comments on J's other thread. I too feel she needs help, not recriminations. I too was a long time fan of ER. I miss it dearly! I watched it since the beginning.Your job sound very tedious, but fun. Going to see if I can find you on facebook.
Linda, How's your dad doing? Hope you are able to get some rest. My friend is taking me to the movies for my birthday tomorrow. I think we are going to see Julia Roberts in "Eat, Pray, Love". Sounds like a fun movie. Maybe better take some tissues with me!
Bobbie, Sounds like you are getting everything ship-shape! Hope we all get to meet ontheboatontheboat! someday!*!
If I missed anyone, I apologize. I have a hard time keeping up with all the posts. Hope you all have a peaceful night! Kathy

Yes I remember the episode of the slaughterhouse. Terrible. The doll episode? A woman kidnapped 3 other women and she transformed them into dolls, a blond one, a red one, a black one, (she used strong medicines to paralyze them) Arghhh!
Maybe it was not Chicago Hope. I will check and I will tell you

rossella, I am watching the old series now, but the new one starts in about 10 minutes. I remember Chicago Hope, but I don't remember Hotch being on there. My niece had a small part on ER on one episode. I was so proud of her. It was a Christmas episode. :) Yes, the pig episode of Criminal Minds was so terrible. Also, the one where they took homeless people to a slaughterhouse. Remember that one? I don't remember the doll episode.

Oh, yes, the episode where the two serial killers fed the pigs with.....
It was terrible! I translated it without watching!
The episode of the woman who transformed other women into dolls was very tough, too!

Are you watching a new series? The last episode of the last series, Morgan had been beaten and chained at a bed, and the serial killer left with the daughter of the cop he had killed. A disgusting serial killer he was.
Please just tell me if you are watching new episodes, or you are watching old ones, waiting for the new series.
BTW I was amused because I discovered, several months ago, that both the actors who play Gideon and Hotch were two doctors in another series (Chicago Hope?) They were much younger, then.
My favorite of all times was ER and I am sorry to say I have not translated a single episode! I will regret it for the rest of my life!

rossella, I LOVE Criminal Minds. It's my favorite show. I know what you mean about Morgan and Reid. :) I like Rossi and Gideon both also. Especially now that Rossi isn't trying to run the show over Hotch. I was worried when Gideon left that the show would go down hill but it hasn't at all. I'm really into crime shows and such. I find it fascinating. Criminal Minds really takes it far sometimes, but I like it.

Miz! You watch Criminal Minds! I have translated 90% of the episodes into Italian. I am crazy about Morgan but the one I am more "fond of" is Reid. What do you think about Rossi replacing Gideon? I like them both!
(I have become one of the most eminent experts about serial killers in Italy...)

Linda, I "friended" you on Facebook. :) Hello to everyone. So tired. Worried about work tomorrow. Overate today. Cried after the Cubs game cause the manager is leaving and he cried too. Hubby says I'm so sensitive. He's right and sometimes it hurts and it's hard on others. Gonna watch a new "Criminal Minds" at 8:00 and then off to bed.


Thanks Bobbie for your words and for your beautiful story (the child who is in me, felt protected and safe against the cruel world!)
I am tired tonight and I have to work, so just thanks everybody for sharing your stories, your feelings, your strategies! I see that everyone of us has moments of dicomfort and rebellion, and it helps too, because you do not feel a monster anymore if sometimes you would like to kill everyone and escape! All the stress that we are having takes its toll, so we become nervous (I am talking about another thread of this site which has triggered a lot of strong reactions, mine included). I think that we have to remember that it's the stress which makes us nervous! If we understand this, maybe we see things in another perspective...
Let's think of pleasant things, ladies! Everyone has his secret island (or his boat) where to go, with his mind, when the situation becomes hard!

GODhelpus, thank you for the above comments! I agree with you about the breathing lesson from Diane! I have used it several times already & it helps you to refocus & regain control of yourself. I like what you said about being able to do it while griting your teeth! Afraid mine would be down to the nubs in a very short while! lol. OH, I thought about you & your husband yesterday when I went outside & had a hummingbird to "buzz" me! We'd still love to see some of his photos!

Diane, thank you again for the breathing technique!

Gpeach, Glad you are better today. The devil puts crap (doubt, lies, fear) into our heads. It's up to us to discard it and not believe. I know it's hard comes from all angles, but we know the truth. We have GOD on our side and at our side. In HIS hand and under HIS wing.

Happy Sunday caregivers,
Rosella, Thanks for the "inventive" but reasonable coaching. That is one of the things I didn't learn as a youngster. I have more of a tendancy to throw myself across the razor blade with blatant truth...hurts both sides. Never considered delicately walking on the edge. Thank you much.

Diane, Thanks for the breathing lessons...we all need to relearn them on a regular basis. IE: Don't forget to breath.....The holding is new to me...tried it a few times just now...Hurray, it works even better!!! If I can only learn to do it while I'm gritting my teeth..LOL.
Similar to the Biblical lessons about the words of our mouth & controlling our tounge...I can never get enough of that!!!!

B321, Love the sand toy story. We can all learn from that. Your mom was quite the diplomat. Like you, folks know right away with me and I am far from subtle. In my family I was jokingly refered to as "The Enforcer"....not the compliment I would have liked but I'm working on improving my delivery. LOL

SS, Linda, Rip, Miz., Pirate, Deef...Hope you are having a grand weekend.

Welcome home newcomers, There is a wealth of knowledge here & a wonderful group of caregivers. Compassion & experience, joy & tears. We share it here.

Hubby is out back with the camera hunting little feathered ones again...Keeps him busy & happy. Says he has the hummingbird's routine down now. Too funny. Such a big guy in a contest with such little birds. They tease him almost as much as they do the cat!

Have a blessed day ladies & gents.

miz , im on facebook . how do i look for you ? im linda hardebeck , pix of me and my daughter together . :-)
good sunday to u all . xoxo

Anyone on Facebook, I would love to be friends on there. Am already there with SS. bobbie, I think Facebook is pretty secure. You have choices as to who sees what on your site and you can block people who you don't want to see you at all on there. I do use that feature. :) I have it set so only my "friends" can see my info and stuff. It's pretty fun.


Hugs to you, angie!!

SS, I'm so glad you took your dad on that outing. It may have been hard on him but I'm sure it was worth it. Those are times you will always remember. Hugs to you!!



A big THANK YOU to all of you who gave me encouragement during the past few days when I had the "panic attack"! I've never experienced anything like it before...don't want to again, but if I do, I now have some "tools" to help me get through it. My favorite is still "thinkofhteboat..."

angie, welcome to the group! This is a great group of ladies & occasionally a gentleman or two, who will listen, support & even help you to figure out what to do in various situations. GREAT group to have met! Feel like we're all family! We have a common "thread" regardless of where we are in the world! LOL!

diane, hope your b/f's ankle is doing better! Hope he's being a good patient for you! Tell him if he's not that we'll rough him up for you! When is his surgery?

ss, STRESS, really? LOL Never would have guessed!

bobbie, i love to read your posts! They are always so funny & insightful, too! I'm sorry that you had panic attacks! No fun at all! We'll help you to get on FaceBook, if you'd like! Rip & Rossella & I are already "friends" & it's fun to "chat" with each other, right then & there & have an actual conversation. Nice story about you & your Mom when you were little! I had a simular situation with candy. People so often overlook kids like they don't matter. Don't know if I ever told you, but I have a sister named Bobbie! You're nicer than her! LOL! She has her good moments, but most of the time she's difficult to be around!

Larry is very nauseous this morning so we didn't go to church, but I still have plenty to do around here so I guess I'd better close for now. Thanks for listening!

Hope ya'll will have a great & restful Sunday!
Thanks for being my friends & family!
Peach : )

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