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Wow, Bobbie you are truly an inspiration. As I am new to this, I love reading your comments. I am about to start my day, I let mum and dad sleep in, selfish of me lol...... But I treasure these moments of peace. The day will begin with putting the coffee on for mom, getting dad washed dressed and into his wheelchair. Taking all his vitals, breakfast , a trip to the bathroom and then down for his nap..... As I do this Mum will be just going in circles, we will probably the same conversation over and over. I have great childhood memories, they certainly were not without lots not so pretty ones to. But all in all, Here I am...... The toughest job in the world, i think. Thanks to you and everyone here for giving me the ability to vent when I need....

Good morning everyone,

Nothing new, just wanted to say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you all. I think I used up all my energy yesterday. Need a few more cups of coffee and a few stretches to work the kinks out. Maybe I should try some of the cats catnip since they are having a blast with it. :)

Have a good day my friends!


Good Morning Boatwomen!

Hey Thanks Rossella! Sweet nice words and you know we can all do with some sweet nice words! Thank you thank you.
You are correct about the razor's edge. The disease is both fascinating and horriffic. I have mentioned before that my mom had long moments of lucidity and we could communicate even though she had a very difficult time speaking.
Now that both of my parents are gone, I concentrate on remembering the times before daddy drank so much and mom got more nuts. I still think that I might have saved the day somehow but I know that is unrealistic and unfair to me. Doesn't stop me from crying about it though.

Good memory:
I remember being in Ocean City, MD with my mom and dad and we were walking on the boardwalk and there was a sand toy I wanted. You put damp sand in it and it made little blocks. Mom said, yes and gave me the money, 1 buck, and I went in and she watched from outside. I was standing in front of the counter with the toy in one hand and the $ in the other and the lady at the register just took everybody but me and just ignored the short customer with 2 eyes looking over the counter and the toy and a buck totally visible.
Well, mom comes in and gives the cashier lady and everybody else a lesson in whassup and said: 'her money is just as good as everybody else's.' Sand toy and civics lesson all in one.
My mom was one that could chew you out and you'd get all the way home before it dawned on you. I'm not like that. When I'm chewing someone out, they are fully aware before, during and after.

Diane, you're amazing. Can't wait to get to hang out with you on the boat. We have a big Davit so we can lift your b/f off the dock and into the cockpit, broken ankle and all.

OK: maybe you guys can educate me a little: I have never screwed around with Facebook, My Space, My Face or Spacebook, Linked in, linked up or locked up so i don't really know where to start. it seems like I am always hearing negative news about losing confidential info, etc and it makes me nervous. I'm sure it's ok..... someone walk me through this?

SS, I would love to be able to go and visit your site but I am coffee drinker, not tea! Still want me?
One of the reasons I wanted a boat is because i don't like what I'm seeing in this country that I love so much and i don't think any of the solutions are easy, except legalizing drugs, taxing them to finance our health care and education and in doing so put all the drug cartels out of business and therefore eliminate a lot of the bs with Mexico, Columbia, Jamaica and yes even Afganistan among others.
Too many people make their living defending the 'war on drugs' which is a joke, but they need to continue to make sure they have an income.
So tired of it all.

OK: so much for 'staying on topic', but politics is Gross, is it not?
You've probably heard this one:
Definition of politics:
Poly: meaning: many
tics: meaning: bloodsuckers.

more later,

Hey Y'all,

What a busy day! I went for my mammogram, did some errands, made lunch for my patients, mom & b/f, mowed the front lawn, did some laundry, cleaned the bathroom and went to b/f's to clean-up a little. I'm exhausted now! Of course any second that I actually stood still mom had to ask for something else.

Stress and feeling out of control will definitely cause panic attacks. I used to have a terrible time with them many years ago. A good shrink, some "happy" pills and getting a divorce took care of them. My shrink gave me a little exercise to do when I was having an attack that was very helpful. Inhale through your nose to the count of 1,2,3, Hold for 1,2. Exhale through your mouth to 1,2,3,4,5,6. Keep repeating the exercise and you will calm yourself down. It brings you back to the moment. Drinking water helps too for some reason.

Bobbie, I gave Aging Care my contact info for the interview. If they contact me I will definitely tell them to read this thread and get an amazing insight to eldercare.

Well gang, I am tired and mom will be up early in the morning. I've made contact with a few of you on Facebook. It would be great to set up a chat time like we tried on Cafemom.

Take care of yourselves my fellow caregivers and get a good nights rest.


Sh***t! I had written a long post, I pressed the wrong thingy and it all disappeared! Let's try again.
Godhelpsus: (about lies).
My mom today asked me again about all her dead relatives and I told her again "They are on vacation on the mountain", because if I said "They are on the beach" she would be too jealous. She does not like mountain so much. (BTW I called her sister who actually is on the mountain and my mother was happy to hear her voice) (by mother has one brother and one sister dead; one brother and one sister alive) (Italian families!)
Then she started to ask me what they did exactly, and i started to invent. All over sudden I realized from her look that she could not believe what I said, (probably with the rational part of her mind she thought "how is it possible that I can't even walk and they, who are older than me, are so well that can climb mountains?" I know my mother too well. I think she does not believe lies if they are not BELIEVABLE. 2 minutes after the conversation about my 120 years old grandfather free-climbing on the Alps, she asked about my brother, she asked me about his work. This time I told her the truth, she listened and answered properly and said sensible things. I'm amazed and fascinated about this illness, even though I would have liked not to know it so closely. I have to remember that my mother is confused but she is not silly at all, so I must not exaggerate! I love that Indian saying, the way of truth is as thin and sharp as a razor's edge (more or less), In this case, if I want to learn how to deal with her and make her life less miserable (and survive, myself), I must learn to move along that razor's edge...
Jojo, when she did not want to take a shower today and she said that she wanted to leave me and go to her parents, I told her "your parents would force you to take more showers than I do!) (!!!)
Bobbie I love you too 1) because you have not abandoned your friends even if you are not technically a caregiver anymore 2) because you keep a good memory of your mother even if you had to work a lot for her. 3) because your boat makes us dream... 4) because your posts are like a burst of energy!
Be well, all of you, and if a little pill can help, let's take it!

Where is that Calgon, please take me with you. lol........ My dad has not had a good week, his parkinson's has really progressed, the late stages. Mom is now showing signs of early alzheimer's. Sometimes I wonder how do I do it all everyday........................ But it is those little moments with both of them or individually that I am reminded that even at 42 I am still their little girl. Thank you all so much, when I read all these comments, I dont feel so all alone... This website has been a godsend in such a short period of time............ A big HUG to all

J ---You don't sound like a coward to me.

if ya won the lottery u could have send ur gpa off to a nursing home . so u can enjoy ur life ! we;ll go to bobbies boat ,
ohhh wouldnt that be great ?
maybe ya can buy u a boat and ride along with bobbie ! race !! woohoo.

I think I am too much of a coward to confront any one about any thing. I worry if I were to win the lottery I would become a total jerk after all I put up with and no longer having to and finally being the one in power. I am just a wuss I guess.

Today is a better day finally got mom to take a shower told her the doctor told her it would make her feel better she said she is wants to kill the doctor i told her she could kill him when she sees him but for now she needs to take a shower. We are now listening to Andrea Boccelli that I taped making her feel a little better listening first she said she didnt want to listen since she can sign too I told her to sing along with him Thank God its all italian music hopefully she will enjoy it since I am

SS ... im with you !! jump in the van and go find bobbies boat , calgon take us away !!!!

God bless you all, and praying you wonderful ladies have a good weekend!

Bobbie, you can't know how many times I have just thought of jumping in my van, solo, and driving to your boat. O, what joy that would be! O, how I dream of just driving away; then sailing (boating) away! Delicious Calgon dreams.

Here I sit, busy, happy, and not even going to the beach, which is close, and which I dearly love. I am feeling productive, though. Started a new Facebook site Wednesday, and already have over 100 friends excited about it!!! I'm amazed! It's a political oasis for me, and encouragement to them. What a blessing! I am thrilled by the reception, and hoping for greater success! Let's just say I've found another niche...

We went to an annual picnic with the dads yesterday. The usually non-participating community came out in droves to our local Nursing Home. Hypocrites! Then trouble arrived, (mom and her "new family" paid transport "friend." Or should I say Double Trouble!-? Mom's contempt is transparent, and her bitter spirit quite infectious! I pray I can react with grace, even though... Lord, help me! Dad was quite the sport. I managed to maneuver him outside through crowds of leeches, and over to the bounce house, where he enjoyed a moment's recognition and admiration for his favorite WONDERFUL grandson. I love those moments! Dad was slipper-clad, with unsure steps, and wearied easily. He became overwhelmed quickly, and wanted to go back in. We didn't make it very far, as the exertion, and shortness-of-breath got the better of him. I secured a wheelchair for his return ride, but he refused it, sitting in the lobby, awhile, instead. Poor papa! He managed to walk back to his safe haven with me, but was put off by another resident lying on "his" hallway sofa. "Da*^ her," he spat, pointing. Manners flee with Alzheimer's. We found a more peaceful spot to park. I probably pushed him too much, taking him outside for the circus. The loud band didn't help at all; even I loathed it. Fortunately, we didn't have to deal with mom, as she was more concerned with feeding her sour face. Unfortunately, my parting was tainted by a brush with her caustic "greeting." Driving home to my haven was heavenly. I love my dad, and enjoyed holding his hand on our walk. Wow, for all the pain I suffer from mommy not-dearest, I am filled with emotion, and thankfulness for these moments with dad. I am once again, his "little girl," but also grown, loving, and devoted daughter. ~sigh~

I take anxiety meds. Have for a long time now. Even before all of this stress. Doc says I need them, so I take them. It's just how I am. I'm an anxious person. Thank God there is help for it if we need it.

I keep Mom's purse in a drawer next to her bed. We never take it out with us. I have all her stuff (SS card, medical insurance card, etc.) in my purse. She doesn't seem to mind this and I think it's safer that way. We won't lose it.

lharebeck, I'm so glad you have a wonderful husband. That helps so much!!

jojo, i'm so sorry about your day. Too much of that would drive anyone nuts. I hate to keep giving my mom more meds but the one she is on now is very helpful with her crazy thinking. I don't feel bad about giving it to her because I think those days and nights of crazy thinking are exhausting for her and can't be fun for her mentally and emotionally. She still obsesses on stuff like money and this being her house and such but she's so much better. Just a thought. :)

Rosella & Jojo, When you wrote of finding a new way to communicate with our elders....Sounds like you two know exactly how to communicate!!!! LOL I'm honing my new skills as I write this! Now I'm thinking if I get just as irrational as mom it will throw her off guard! Soooo worth a try but I'm not much of an actress...Too much Popeye as a child..."I am what I am & I'll never tell a lie". It's gotten me into some messes; being at the other end of the pendulum.

Pirate, Try to keep in mind that your co-workers are probably just as baffled by the new OS as you are (if not more so). They are probably so insecure they won't admit it for fear of their stature.
I do understand especially with big corps that the new directive seems to be.."If it works, break it". Slick salespeople and no one wants to admit that they don't understand what they are selling. It's nuts!!!!! The software designers go off on wild tangents and we all suffer for it. Almost sabotage! But the real profit is in the "tech support" they have to provide forever to unF their programs....A vicious circle. Problem is that it's happening everywhere and no employer seems to be exempt from it. Too many managers that don't know what the workers have to overcome to accomplish anything. More hoops to jump thru & less accomplished because of it. It's exasperating!!

Gpeach, Some days are just overwhelming. HIS grace is new each morning. We fall down but get right back up, press in & move on. I take half a Zoloft each day, 25 mg. It helps alot & keeps a lid on my temper.

Jsome, Do you ever tell him off? Would it do any good? Sounds like everyone in his life has been enabling him forever. Sooooo sorry you are being subjected to this. I wish we could rescue you. I pray for your deliverance from the wicked & abusive people in your life.

Tenn, Deef, Dflex, Rip, B321 & all others.....Be blessed today...You are a blessing to so many others. May you reap 1000 fold all the blessings you have sown.

Thanks for the tip on the dad used to take it but I never knew what it was for.

Good Morning Future Boatwomen,

Georgia! i had panic attacks. thought I was having a heart attack. Many times. not funny. Xanax. Next. 1 at bedtime really worked for me and if there was insanity that i could not deal with during the day, maybe. Rarely had to take one in the day because my coping mechanism was in better shape with the Xanax than without. I know because I tried and the stuff works.
Doesn't have to be forever, but for right now you are in a highly stressful situation and you must cope so use all the tools at hand. Prozac if you need it, Xanax for anxiety.
Once you bring your anxiety under control, and you will no worries, you'll be able to see your way through the rest of the crap: financial, etc.
We love you Georgia and we're going to be here and help you through this.

Tennessee: There are other women who own larger boats and the electronics guy said that right now his two big customers are both women and in his 25+ years in the business he can't ever remember that happening before.

We'll be hauling the boat (out of the water) in the next week or so for additional repairs. Nothing serious but there's enough of a reason to haul her and fix her on land because divers would be more expensive and not do as good a job because of the limitations of the environment.

We have a line on a tender (dinghy), the future SS Now What? and will be going to the south side of Jax to have a look hopefully this afternoon. when you have a dinghy you can go all over the river system where the boat is docked and check out stuff and fish.

JoJo, so glad to see from you. great stories.
Rossella love you my italian friend. I start buffing soon and will be thinking of you.

SS, Miz, Deef happy birthday and please come and make some of that you were talking about.
Flex, Pirate! glad your manager finally got onthe horn with you. Little communication goes a long way.

Has anybody signed up for the interview request? I know Linda isn't interested and that was a funny post lharde.

more later, my ride is here.

GeorgiaPeach, I've had some panic attacks in one form or another. I think what you described is probably one. I think you did the right thing by getting away for awhile. You are overwhelmed and that's understandable. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Just take it one day at a time, one hour at a time. Love ya!!


BOBBIE, You still in St. Augustine? Have you met anymore girl boat captains or are the only one?.

Georgia, I'm sorry for your bad moment. You are naturally a good balanced person, so you'll get over it! You are strong!

Jojo, oh, my! At least, you have solved the problem of your cats' clothes for winter.
I am sure that when you did that, your mother thought you were crazy. My mother thinks I am crazy, too.
She (my mother) is very offended now because I tell her that her mother, father, brother, sister (all dead, poor ones) are on vacation on the mountains, and she is sorry she has not been invited! I tell her "yes you have been invited, but we cannot go because I have to work" she looks at me as if I were the source of all her miseries!
If your mother fills up her bag with her clothes, I think it's because she wants to leave (to go back home)-. My mother is always ready to leave to go home! Her favorite sentence is: "When are we leaving?"
And I fear these are days I will regret, when she will go worse!

Pirate, time to tell that company to hit the gang plank! And you, dear friend, need to be on Bobbie's boat. To the beach!

GeorgiaPeach, it's called S T R E S S ! ! ! ! !

oh jojo , u made me grin and smile . i know its not funny but it is anyways , i sure hope for ur sakes tmr will be a better day and plz try to hide ur momma s purse !! , i be havin heart attack if i see dogs and cats wearing ur momma s clothes !! . :-)

bobbie where are you !!! ure not lost outthere in the ocean are ya ?
stay away from drunks and ride more of that harley cycle wooohooo!! u got it made down there ! i ll be joining ya one day . xoxo

yes i got email about wanna interview me , naahhh i delete it , dont have time for that stuff and im not people person anyway , journal just gonna have to get hd of somebody eles that likes to talk .

had a good time this evening and bonfire and a bud . it sure was nice , i was down in the dump all day and my husband just comes along and perks me up , i love my husband , hes the best thing that ever happen in my life . love him so much , smack ....
goodnite u all . xoxo

Pamela, My son was in the Army from 1998 to 2008 was one of the first to go to War in Iraq was the worst time of my life. Came home for 6 months and he went to afganistan, got hurt and is out now on disability was due for another tour to Irag Tell your son how proud you are of him every day and Thank him from the bottom of my heart that what he is doing sacrificing all for our freedom is appreciated by all.

Im glad everyone got a kick about my bra story have many more to tell sometimes I surprise myself as to the things I come up. Today was not a good day for me went to pick up mom she of course had her pocketbook filled with clothes that she never changes, She went in her bag and looked at a blouse and said it wasnt her told her it cam out of her bag she said she would never wear something like that I told her it wasnt mine she kept insisting it was hers so I threw it out the car window (you have to understand she made me mad she tried to open the car door and throw herself out about 1/2 hour before that thank god I have safety locks that automatically lock or she would have been thrown from the car) Then we get to my house and she is insisting it wasnt my house told her yes this is my house she stopped at the steps she looked in her bag again and insisted the clothes werent hers so I threw them on the lawn told her the cats and dogs need clothes and if she didnt want them I would leave the cloths for them (Mind you all these clothes are winter clothes and they dont fit her anymore since she lost so much weight and they probably havent been washed for ever and they needed to be thrown out). Lost my temper I usually dont but she really upset me by the car issue. I have to stay calmer tommorow

Georgia', i'm sorry you had a bad day,I've had a few of those days,combination of too much stress and hotflashes combined for me.When I get overwhelmed with my troubles I just think of the here and now and live in the moment and try to make every moment count. My kid helps me live in the moment,but its like she told me tonight,no matter how bad things seem we always seem to pull through it and I'M sure that applies to you also. I'm sure after a good nights sleep tomorrow is another day.

Has anyone ever had a panic attack? Think that's what was wrong with me today. Very ansy...very nervous...couldn't stop crying...squirmy inside. Just thought I was absolutely gonna lose it!!! It was awful. I just got to thinking about what's still to come with my husband being sick & about the possibility of losing the house & me not being able to find a job & I just got overwhelmed! I couldn't stay here. Kissed my husband bye, got in the car & took off. Thought about not coming home. Now I have the headache from hades. One that even Excedrin Migraine hasn't touched! Don't know that I can do this anymore!

GODhelpus, please tell your husband thank you for protecting us!

J, sorry that you're having a difficult time with your grandfather.

Pirate, sorry things have been hectic at work & glad that you had a good call with your manager. Hopefully things will start to get better on Monday.

tennessee, I agree with your sugestion about the comments about the dead beat siblingss in the article.

Rip, hope your back's better...get some rest!!!

Hope everyone else has had a good day & will have an easy night!

Grandfather making stupid comments here, is a two part-er. I asked if we could order something for dinner, just for a change, we have not done that in.......I am thinking four months. Anyhow, fart pants saw it and the delivery guy who dropped off the sandwiches, and than he said to the dog supposedly..."What do ya think it is yer birthday?!!!" He doesn't like sandwiches. I have had to put up with over cooked everything, stuff that can be mushed into oblivion, things DDDAAAADDDDDEEEE will like for four years and he thinks it has to be a f in holiday for me to have something I Would Like....Tonight we had leftovers...he says "that was a good dinner.." Kiss My Ass old man! yes we should all be happy to live on over cooked meat coated in gravy, which he practically licks off the plate, then he goes on about how unhealthy other people food choices are..IE anything HE doesn't like. He would eat ice cream and cookies every night of his life if it were possible, but any one who likes french bread is making bad food choices. Dr visit Tuesday. I hope it is inoperable what ever it is.

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