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Hi Miz, yes the phone call did go well. I had an inkling of the concept that some of the Material Program managers were talking about but no one rolled out the process. At least he finally spoke a little about it...and got some fast work done this eve in prep for more hot work for Monday. At least I got what I needed to get done ahead of time now. I hate not knowing how to do anything especially if it is your job. And I have been around this block for 30 years.....they just have made things more convuluded and complicated than they need to...but that's a big company for you can't see their feet anymore..too big. I am going home now....going to concentrate on dinner and relaxing...tomorrow have to go to mommy dearest house.

Mom's latest rant is she is bored and lonely. She is alone for most of the day except for the 4 hours the caregiver is there and the 3 hours I am there on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and I am over there almost all days on Saturday and Sunday. I wish she would consider going to a NH instead of waiting for the last minute like she's trying to do. I get the I'm so lonely and I'm so bored on Mon/Wed/Friday phone calls. Geesh....she has no friends no neighbors that look her up...only her one sister calls that's it. It's not my fault she does not want to go to any NH or Adult day center or what's left of her family does not want to visit or talk to her cept me or her 1 sis. She's the one who always told me there is no such thing as friends. Well there you have it..youre' alone. She tries to always use as her excuse her flippin she tried to use that excuse for just walking around the backyard...with the caregiver...okay after that I got off the phone in a heartbeat...why go through all that muck with her. She's got years experience with the guilt trip...but you know it doesn't work on me anymore...she's played that out on me way too long now...way too long now. It's now broken and worn out..and doesn't stick anymore.

Pirate, I really wish you could find a different job. I hate to see you miserable like this. Life is hard enough without all that stress and headache. I hope your phone call went well. Thinking of you. :)

If ya'll do a interview don't forget to mention the deadbeat siblings who don't contribute problem.Thats my imput.

Can't believe it he just called..on the phone...with him now

Deef work is just plain hell. I can't tell you how many times I have asked for complete instructions to processes and you get nothing. I call our top manager... nothing. I call an Inventory Mgr....nothing..he NEVER EVER returns my call or emails..HOW UNPROFESSIONAL can you get. Every year we have to go through ethics training because some a$$holes at another site did something bad and so now all the employees have to suffer and they cover going to your bosses for it's incredible how these folks never get back to you. Just incredible one of these days I am going to say it to their faces! Work is continuing to be hell, they dreamed up all kinds of things that stop us in our tracks instead of going forward with production simply amazing...I trully hate the workplace and all those in it that caused this muck and mire!

deefer, I have Raynaud's too. I itch at night and my legs itch after I get out of the shower. I never thought about it being from that.

Thanks miz, I have soo many flowers, it smells like a garden.
How's the job going? I agree with you about animals. I don't know how anyone can hurt any kind of animal.
Godhelpus, I exercise every day, and get no relief from RLS. It is a very nasty disease. I can no longer sit through a movie, or sit still for very long to read. I hate it. Most of all, I hate being tired all the time. I just got my Requip bumped up to 4mgs and am still having problems. Thanks for the advice!
Pirate, I don't have any pain, just the urge to constantly move, and I get very itchy. That is very annoying. I think the itchiness comes from the Raynaud's. When my legs are cold, ie. air conditioning, cold sheets, they itch until I warm up. It's just a hassle trying to get through the day on little sleep. How's work? Hope you have a good weekend.

deefer!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DEEFER!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! I'm so sorry I'm late with my well wishes. I hope it was a wonderful birthday for you.


Godhelpus, I am going to pass on your leg exercises to my brother. He is bothered by restless leg syndrome also. Thanks so much!!

I get so upset over animal abuse. Tennessee, what a dreadful thing...poisoning dogs. This world needs to be so much kinder to the animals. It's a sin, in my opinion. There is so much cruelty going on, by private people and by the meat, leather and fur industries. It makes me ill.

SS, I'm thinking that's a very good idea!! Maybe I'll get my nerve up to talk to the publisher of the paper. He seems like a very nice guy. I'm thinking a weekly column. :)

GodHelpus....I see there is something in the drug store for's an old fashioned medicine in a pink box..quinine...or something..or is that just leg pain. I bought a box of it but never used it. I used to get really bad pains in my legs, sometimes so bad you cannot sleep. Like streaks of lightening constantly going down your leg from thigh to foot...oh man no amount of tylenol would stop it. I haven't had that in a was horrid.

These photos of the wilderness are fascinating... I hope you can make a work out of it. Hope we can see some of them!

Pamela, Semper Fidelis!!!! My hub is a retired Marine himself. The few, the proud. Hoooo Raaaah!
Glad you enjoy playing in the dirt. So do I. Been a rough year here with the heat, but all is hanging in. Lawn has gone dormant but I'm keeping the garden fed & watered. Hub would like to make more garden....less to mow. LOL

Tenn, Still praying for justice dear. Does your brother hate you so much or is he just evil? I would be asking him "What the F?"
Our 25 lb boy doesn't go outside, so the weight came on. He still darts through the house & plays though. He is an armful....last night I was his bathtub....just another piece of furniture to him & yes my arms/legs fall asleep often. LOL Just like an old bear the way he sits on his bum & grooms his big belly.

My hub would eventually like to go commercial with his photos. We will try to do some of the art shows next year...Lots of prep work to do. The field is difficult to break into..but we'll see. We are not big gamblers & taking the plunge will be a huge step for us. I suppose we'll need a website too. Copywrite stuff to check into also. Antoher learning curve.

RE: RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME... My brother says this helps & my legs like to cramp (helped me): Before bed STRETCH...Face the wall toes touching baseboard...hands on wall @ shoulder height, one leg at a time...behind you & touch toe to floor....SLOWLY extend to put foot flat on the floor. This stretches your tendons, ligaments & musles in the back of your leg. Hold for a minute & return / repeat for other leg. Do a few sets alternating legs....Also for front of leg: Hold onto a surface (chair, wall) with one hand, opposite leg...pull up foot behind your bum & hold there (you will feel the pull in your front thigh), repeat sets for other leg....For inside of thigh: Stand with one leg straight to the side (foot on floor), bend other knee slightly & lean in the opposite direction (to the other side) repeat smae for opposite leg. These for the most part are the same stretches that runners/joggers do. I also do these before/after our hikes.
Please give these a try & hope they help those of you who suffer from this.
We aren't as limber as we were when we were kids.

Pray this is a good day for all of you!!!

Hi Rip, I wrote down the E- mail address and then it was gone.I'm not very good with these computers,just learning how to use the thing.I was forced to get one because of my daughters school-they told me I need to come into the 21st century-schools gone paperless,I rebeled and protested,but didn't do me any good-so they think they have made progress with me.Do you think the ladies home journal was legit?Think I'll be turning in soon.

Missed it - sure would be interested!

A day or two ago there was a post saying someone was from Ladies Home Journal and they were looking for daughters to tell stories about taking care of there mom.It wasn't up long- did ya'll see it?

Alberto went to the beach (at last!)

Godhelpsus A 25 POUND CAT THAT IS A BIG CAT.Your leg must go really numb.

Where is William? We are missing you!
Thing OK?

Tenn, I am sorry I do not know enough US legal system to give you all the good advice that the other friends give you... But I feel very close to you and hope you will find a way to get out of this mess. I am sure there must be a way.
To answer your questions, Italy has become a very expensive country. Houses are expensive to buy and expensive to rent! Of course, it is better to buy them, because in the long term at least you have something that is yours. I could buy the house I live in, just because we sold our parents house in Rome. Otherwise, I could not have done it. When I was young, everytbing was much easier! Guess we are all having a difficult period.

Thank you so much for your kind words GeorgiaPeach. Hospitality program is that dealing with restaurants. It starts with the culinary program to the restaurant management program. It covers all aspects of the restaurant business. That's what he does, and loves it. He is enrolled in a Sushi Class that starts next week. Ummmmmm ummmm!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEFER!!!!! Hope you've had a great one!!!

tennessee, how sad that people don't love & appreciate animals like we do & they mistreat them! I also know rednecks around here that use cats & dogs as target practice. It makes me sick! I'm sorry that those creeps are coming in on you & giving you such a hard time on your own land! I'm also sorry that you've got to deal more with the lawyers. I agree that if you can find a lawyer to represent you pro bono that it could benefit you & put that scoundrel on the run so he'll leave you alone! Keep us updated!

pamela, your Mom is blessed to have you to take care of her! I'm glad that you had her with you 3 days last week. I know you appreciated that connection. I'm glad that you've found her a new doc! Please tell your Marine son that we are proud of him & to stay safe & also please tell him Thank You for protecting us!!! Your garden sounds wonderful. What is the Hospitality Program? Take a lap in the pool for all of us, ok?

GODhelp, I'd love to see a photo of your 25lb. baby! Also, ask you husband if you can upload some his camera work.

Rip, sorry I conked out last night! I was SO tired! Have you heard anything back from Dr. Phil?

It's just finished raining here & the sun is out so the humidity is really up.
Husband is watching the Braves baseball game & I've been online putting in more job applications. He didn't have a good night, last night so his tremors are worse than normal, today. Sems they are worse when he's more tired. Sometimes I look at him & he seems so breaks my heart!!! He's still a young 62!!! Life can be SO unfair!!!

I finally got in touch with my daughter today & while I had her on the phone I asked her about the company that she works for that contracts with Apple Computers. She gets to work at home. She gave me some info that I've been looking in to, that may be beneficial to us keeping our home. The company is a clearinghouse, if you will, to other companies to outsource their customer service telephone calls. The hours are flexible so I could be there for husband's doc appts. & would be here if he were to fall or need anything. I'd also be here to make sure that he eats properly. The problem is that I'd have to invest in a new computer, phone, headphones with a mic, would have to have a separate phone line, & couldn't use my WiFi. I'll do some more research, but it is something to think about that might work. It doesn't pay alot, as you get paid per minute that you're on the phone with a customer, but there are some benefits in that I wouldn't have to leave home so there wouldn't be the expense of clothing, travel, eating out, etc. I think it may be worth checking in to some more. Do any of you know about companies like this? My daughter has been doing this kind of work for 3 years & says that it pays the bills. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!

Hope all of you have had a GREAT day & were able to get some rest or to have some time just for you!

Thanks for the probono idea, but unless I'M uninformed about that also-which is possible this area don't have alot of volunteering do gooders.The people that do the legal aid are fresh out of school.Its very limited and specialized in what they can do.My brother purposely created a legal mess.While I was wiping butts, my brother was busy hand shaking-he has friends and pull that I don't begin to have and if you had it at one time,you lose it after ten years of caregiving.My brother is not just a plain ole lawyer,well, he is now, but he was a prosecutor and later a District Attorney.He has a lot of friends,judges,lawyers etc etc.No one wants to get on his bad side.I blame the legal system-the bar association-they know how lawyers operate-a lawyer can't get on the bad side of a judge-they are all in he same boat-different one than ours---theirs is a pirate ship.Deal making-lawyers don't even back up their own legal papers.I had a legal registered,notorized stamp document that got changed.The judge and IRS guy even dropped the taxes for them to a reasonable amount,oh yeah it is diffently about who you know and your financial status.Remember O.J. Simpson-money buys you the court ruling.Mary Winkler[preachers wife] hot shot attorney volunteered for case to get publicity----If ya'll don't remember she shot sleeping preacher husband in back with children in house with a shot gun that you had to pump and she had a jury trail-they thought her to be guilty--We people here in Tenn. knew she would get out of it,we knew her lawyer-the judges and him are tight and he's very popular in that pirate boat. I just met a woman who was taking care of her 89 year old father who abused her during her life-he has parkinsons-she said she has a young daughter she let go live with some in-laws during that period and now she can't get her daughter back-she was very upset.She is learning about the system now.She got a court appointed lawyer-she said since the woman didn't return her calls-she approached the lawyer woman in grocery store-she couldn't believe how cold and rude she was.I thought it was funny-I have thought myself of ambushing them at social functions.I guess I thought it was funny that someone thought a lawyer would be any other way.Not funny HA-HA but funny sad,.Because in a long run lawyers are very sad and pathetic excusses of humanity.Yeap, they are in their own boat in their own world,one without humanity and compassion.Any one who makes there living stealing and cheating people for a living has got the devil running all through them.Lawyers make the dicisions amongst them selves and then go tell the judge whats going on -half of the time they are discussing sports on your dime.Lawyers equal snake under rock.

Hello to everyone. I thought I'd give you an update:

I've been doing a lot of reading preparing myself for the questions and things that we will have for our moms new Doctor. After taking her to her regular Doctor, and sis saying she was disgusted because she felt he was not that helpful, it was time for big sis to step in. I went on line and found specialty neurologist, called got a referral, and bam mom has an apt on September 20th with one of the leading specialist here in L.A. When you make enough noise, people hear.

My youngest son (whom I think I told you joined the Marines) has been promoted to Squad Leader, and EMT in the 1rst BN Delta CO Platoon 1065 and we couldn't be happier for him. He is really doing his thing.

My oldest got a 2nd job, and now works two. I'm still hoping he'll enroll in Cal Poly Pomona for the Hospitality program. My X and I are willing to help him.

ALZ gave me so much info on where to go to look up meds, that I've dedicated a lot of time reading and researching how they work, and what the side effects are. This is like a job, really it is.

I'm still working on moms garden and keeping things nice for her. She use to give me direction after direction but now she just watches. I don't know if it's because she knows I learned from her, or if she even knows what I'm doing but she doesn't constantly tell me what to do like she used too. I suppose at times I kind of wish she would.

Some days are great, and some days are terrible. I had her with me totally 3 days last week, meaning we were talking and understanding one another, then this week I couldn't understand a thing she was saying and when I ask her to repeat her only response is "OK", or "alright".

But she continues to get great care and tenderness, that's all one can give.

She constantly poops, not runny, but solid and she tells us when she has done so. Sometime there is nothing there and she just wants the depend changed. Go figure.

I'm getting ready for my family reunion on my dads side which is the end of the month. I'm excited and looking forward to it.

I'm working on my garden as well and just planted some beautiful Marigolds which are annuals, and take well to the sun. I planted Impatiens and they died, too much sun and I didn't realize they needed shade. This in itself is therapy and I certainly love it. It's sad that long long ago when my mom was trying to get me into gardening, I wouldn't go for it. Now here I am 54 and just loving it. Even enrolled in a Horticulture class. Oh well if I can become the gardener that my mom was I'll carry that on for her and dedicate my entire garden to her.

Hope everyone is taking it easy, it's burning up in my neck of the woods and I'm about to go take a swim.

Have a great day all you wonderful people. Much love, much respect.


Rosella & Jojo, Thanks for the mom stashing tips. My Ms. Vanity has to change her bag to match her outfit....but rarely transfers what is important...her ID & cards, so I get to hunt for those. I use a tiny wallet for myself and only carry a bag for her stuff to & from the doc. Used tissues in her bra too....gross. Anything up your sleeve mom? ALWAYS check the pockets when I do the laundry. Learned the hard way about tissues & cough drops in the wash.
My mom gets real joy out of company too! We even pay a lady to take her out and entertain her. I would do it but she and I fight too much & her vanity/narcissism really sticks in my craw.

Tenn, Probono is like legal aide...they work for free. Whatever the motivation, community service, practice etc.. Some are very good and will be quite dilligent for you. Worth checking out.

Deef, Happy belated Bday!!!!! Sorry, hub & I ran away for the day yesterday. Hub only hunts with a camera & we "shot" hawks, sandhill cranes, butterflies, bees etc. yesterday. The nature reserve we found this spring is local and it's facinating to watch the progression of GOD's little creatures through the seasons. We have learned so much! Has anyone ever heard of a hummingbird moth? We saw our first one yesterday..looks like a mutant bumble bee but on closer examination has a long proboscus to drink nectar with & beats it's wings like the hummer. Too cool!

The Bible even says not to abuse animals! It is a sin!!! It says GOD even watches over the sparrows. What more do people need to know????

Pirate, Sorry work sucks. I'm confident you will find a work-around. It's all about the work-arounds when it comes to operating systems. The systems designers don't understand every application when they build the systems, just a one size fits all mentality. We have to find what works for us...a work-around. I pray you find your's soon & can get on with what you do. Transition is a bite but I'm sure you will prevail.

Rip, Glad you liked "shutup". He really does bitch up a storm & has to ba a part of every conversation. I hope to post his pic soon. Hard to type on the computer with a 25 lb cat on your lap, but it's "all about him" every day. Alot like mom sometimes.

SS, Jsome, B321, all others & newbies......I must ready for mom's doc visit. GOD's best to you.

Good morning everyone.I have another lawyer filled day.I'm not sure what pro bono is unless it is legal aid of some sort. I dread hunting season.People come out Memphis and will shoot at anything,but in particular- dogs.The city people will buy alot of new hunting toys and not have any land.They think everywhere there are woods and a pond they are allowed to trespass.It is not enough game wardens.I've been threatened numerous times on my own property;they will cut the fences-come in on you and tell you to to get out of there face-while they are standing on your property.The city people are quite scary with a gun.I know several people to use cats and dogs as practice to shoot.The animal rescue girl finds most of the dogs homes up north,It seems like there are two groups of people,those who care alot and those who just don't give a damn.Dropping strays off in the country is a big thing,they made a pit bull law because of the dog fighting was way out of hand-then people started dropping off pit bulls every where.Thats how my dad ended up with 22 mutts.He said there are no bad dogs,just bad owners[people]Our own mayor and council men use to give out advice on how to poison dogs to the local residents.Dog poisoning[big thing around here]Very sad-local police encourage shooting dogs also-personally I don't think they care about people either.I'm not a hunter-we have any hunters on here?SS. glad you had a great turn out for your tea party,We might try to make one around here sooner or later.Bobbie,I have low tolerance for drunks also-way plenty of those in depressed type areas -more plentiful than stray doggs.Have you met anymore girl boat captains or are you the only chick with a boat?Rossella is it cheaper to rent a place than buy a place in Italy?Tenn. and MIss. both are cheap to live compared to any where elese-I forget that untill I go some where elese.Rent on houses is 300-400 dollars amonth unless it is in town or something particularly nice.No jobs much unless you are in the timber business. My grandmother thought things were getting stolen.She was accusing a black man of stealing her underware and night gowns.She wore the most ragged nite gown you can imagine and hid the new ones in the trunk of her car,along with the silverware.Couldn't hardly find a spoon for a bowl of cereal ,all out in the car.The man who she was obsessed with stole something from her 30 years before[he was long deceased]but she still blamed him . My dad did not hid things.I have't read all of the posts yet,just glanced over them.Bobbie when you find the magic wand-baseball bat get me one too.

Yes, Jojo's story put me in a good mood for hours. I told my friend about her story and about Aging Care, and about the wonderful people you are, and my friend listened and said: (about Jojo) "She is amazing! She is so creative! You should do the same!" And I said that I am learning a lot, here.
People from countryside? well, I don't know what happens elsewhere, but here they are hateful toward animals. They treat them as if they were things, they do not care if they are thirsty, if they are cold, if they burn under the sun... I lived for 10 years in the "farm" of a SOB nearby, who treated his animals so badly that I had to help and defend them every day. I had to do it by night, because if I saw me during the day building shelters, giving food and water, he stopped me and he said to mind my own business, the animals were his. You do not know how many lambs and goats I bought him to prevent him from killing them at Easter. Then I realized he used the animals to make me upset, because he was a sadistic person and he liked to see me suffer. Why did I stay there for 10 years? Because I did not find another place where to stay. When I said I had 4 dogs and 15 cats, nobody would give me a house to rent!

Rosella, it's 1:30 AM my time. While now is not appropriate, you said my favorite words: "Hope we can go to the beach!" Second to that, Bobbie's boat! :)

Rosella, great insight for Jen. And yes, the realities of dealing with dementia aren't pleasant, like playing with an infant. What's wrong with country people?

jojo, the bra and flower story is hilarious!

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