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Hi Secret! What time is it there? Guess it's night. It's a beautiful morning here. Hope we can go to the beach!

jojo, best wishes on your journey!

jsome, far far away...and then some.

Miz, I can see you starting a column for ~Caregivers!!! And you could use our stories! You'd be the activist advocate...

Rip, you're a tenderheart! Hugs for you, too!

Happy Birthday to Kathy! God bless you!

Pirate, I hear you on the difficulty keeping up with everyone and all the stories here. There were 22 posts since I last checked. Bummer for your work situation.

Jsomebody, ~ugh! for the headaches. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Rossella, Yeah for friend arriving, for Simonetta finding the plate, and for a wonderful Roman countryside. Wish I were there. Guess your mom wins at hide and seek. lol

People don't care. The animals are just toys for the kids and when they start to become a nuisance, they have to go. Then, you tell a lot of lies to your kids, who cry and wonder where their cat or dog has gone. Then, the kids need to trust their parents, and so they believe to everything their parents say.
It's truly disgusting

I know about that one. But which is worse. People who over breed and abandon animals in the city or take out boxes of animals and abandon them in the country...I swear! People have no shame.

Yes, so everything gets mixed up. Food, crumbs, paper towels, photos, 6 lipsticks, 15 pens, unidentified objects stolen here and there. We have 2 bags! And we always carry them with us, together. We carry them in the bathroom, because, who knows, the cats could steal them. We carry them in the kitchen, everywhere we move they must always be in full sight. The purses are the only thing we never forget!

its time for me to try to get some sleep because mom in coming tom until Monday or tuesday its up in the air when she goes home since she decides one day she wants to go home the next minute she thinks my house is hers,, Good Nite everyone

We have gone through three pocket books in the alst 6 months she rips the lining out of each pocketbook because she cant find anything she puts things in takes them out puts them back in and then she forgets where she put them. This past weekend i got so tired of her looking through her pocketbook for things she put in the compartments that I tore the whold liner of her bag so now when she goes into her compartmetns it all leads to the same place lol

Jojo! The story of the bra is great!
My mother by now puts everything in her purse (I always check there and I find residues of ice cream, too). She carries with her the photos because she thinks they are money and she can buy food at the supermarket, with them.
I am sorry I had to do it, but I stole her several pictures of my father because there are very few of them, and I would like to keep some photos of my father. Yes it is like living with a two years old baby, but they are much less cute and tender... And they do not grow up!

Jen, try not to get hurt from the fact that your mother treats your grandfather well and treats you ill. There are dynamics that started long before your birth.
As far as animal abuse is concerned... I live in the country and you do not have an idea of what happens here. When I will have no more dogs and cats I shall go back to the city because I can't stand this people anymore.

Rosella I know about the brahiding place everytime she is here I have to feel her up to make sure she isnt hiding anything in there she puts everything in there her jewlery box wallet loads of tissues one time she has so much stuff in her bra she looked like Dolly pardon lol I couldnt get her to take anything out so I stiffed my bra with artificial flowers there I was with these flowers sticking out of my shirt and then she said whats wrong with you thiose dont belong there so i told her that i would take them out when she took everything out of her bra thank god she did. I find that you have too do the idiotic things they do to get threw to them Its like taking care of a baby but much worse

I can't stand animal abuse and cruelty. I was thinking about it and wondered when people say what about child abuse and wife/spouse abuse. They are all heinous and deplorable perpetrated by bullies granted but there are more services for human beings and if one can get safely to them or give others an idea they are in danger (they can't always) they can get relief and come to a place of safety. An animal can't tell you it needs help or dial 911 or say this person is harming me. A human being no matter how downtrodden unless mentally ill or held captive usually can ask for help (when they are ready) an animal is just stuck till some one notices and comes and gets them.

I can't watch those ASPCA commercial. I send money when I can, turn in neighbors I know are harming "their" pets...
::::::::::: Graphic animal abuse story:::
Here's one for hypocrisy. My mother used to be very anti-police, over lording authority but since my jerko brother became one they can do no wrong...And he literally tortured my cat, the one I had when I was 13. HE for some reason has come across deformed kittens he "left in the country to fend for themselves" and had one old cat he adopted from the pound (no idea why) and "took it to the country and shot it in the head as Euthanasia"...he says Yes then tells me about it, I think because he knew it would upset me. And if he wonders why I avoid him he is truly OBTUSE! My cat CLEO avoids him too...big surprise.

Maybe living locally isn't the best idea...If I can get away I think maybe I should go FAR away.

I called my grandfathers sister for him to talk to today, he has not dialed a phone willingly in his life. When my mother came home I tried to talk to her she acted annoyed with everything I said and when he came out she probed him endlessly on what she said , how things were etc. I mean the obvious rejection of me is so thick you can taste it.

Yes, far far away.

They gotta rename this post the general catch all for grousing...

p.s. Hiding the money in the shoes was a ruse people used years ago, when the ATM did not exist and you had to carry the money upon yourself.
Look for the "treasures" under the mattress. In the coffea box. In her bra. Those are other good places.

Good luck Jojo... I think you are ready for the days that will come. You'll find your strategies day by day. Everything changes constantly. My friend, who hadn't been here for 4 months, was amazed by the way my mother has changed. Not necessarily for the worse. She's just different than 4 months ago. :-))))))))

sorry havent been on for a while been busy trying to get the house in order for when mom comes to live here. Actually have a very funny story mom was over this weekend and she has been losing her money we had no idea where she was hiding it well we found it it was in her shoes all the way at the top dont know how she was able to walk with all that money in there, Dont know how they come up with these hiding places. We made a date for the move-in October 1, Hope I am doing the right thing and I dont regret it wish me luck everyone

Speaking of Dr. Phil ... I admire the man!
I think his producers would be very interested in our plight. Another Aging Care poster suggested emailing the show for a shot at being recognised.
I agree!

~ Rip

Has anyone seen the post from Bittersweet who says "I need a hug". hug?
I hope all of us Gross friends send her one. A nasty mother.

I had to come downstairs b/c Dad is watching the Dr Phil episode about animal abuse & dog fighting. I can't stand it! Dad is growling at the idiot on the show.

Has anyone noticed posts from So Alone? She is an animal rescuer too. Built a cat hotel on her property! Has several dogs.

Fascinating that all of us tender caregivers are animal lovers too. Makes sense. The kindest hearts.

Restless leg I mean really annoying, you have to know it to know it and I don't wish it on anyone...MMMarscapone cheese cake is what I have on my birthday! I am in Eastern Washington. I think I'd be too scared to leave my mother, sides you don't want to have to take care of me...I am not self supporting and have no money...and still the ER bills come...Send em to Basic Health and hope I am covered for at least some of it!

bobbie, a column is an awesome idea!! What stories we could tell!! Love motorcycles!! Love you all. We get through it all one day at a time...sometimes one hour at a time and sometimes one minute at a time and so on and so forth and what have you and the like. ;)

deefer, i think that job sounds like an awesome idea. I think it's helping me bringing in some money and being around other people. :)

Thanks for the birthday wishes! I hope once I get Mom off to daycare, to just sit and read or do nothing at all. Of course, that all goes away when I have to pick her up from daycare at 3! I can't believe I will be 60 years old next year. Wow!!
My husband is taking me out to eat this weekend. My birthday, my choice of restaurant, not his, for a change.
Georgia, I love to cook! The problem is, I love to eat too. Now I have to be careful about my portions so I can keep off the 16 lbs. I lost. I would love the chance to cook for all of you. I even do the dishes!!! Maybe when we get together on the boat with Bobbie. But my daughter is the real cook. She loves to bake, and has done wedding cakes, truffles, and many of Giada's fancy desserts. My favorite is the spicy chocolate mousse and her tiramisu with the homemade lady fingers and mascapone cheese. I'm getting hungry!!
Pirate, Hang in there.Wish we could be there to take you out for a few drinks! Sounds like you are ready to blow.Hope it gets easier for you.
Linda, glad your dad is feeling better. Those UTIs can really get to them! I'm not a smoker either, but I'd light one up for you if it would help.
J, This may sound awful, but it's nice to know someone who understands restless leg syndrome. It makes me want to scream and cry when it gets really bad! Did you say you don't drive? That's a bummer. If you did, you could ride off into the sunset!!! Where do you live? Probably too far for me to come and rescue you for a few hours, but I'll be thinking about it.
Rip, Always love a good animal story. Damn those ASPCA commercials! Make me cry and want to take in all those abused babies!
Rossella, Thanks for singing to me! You have a wonderful voice!!! Enjoy your friend's visit.
I need to get some things done tonight, so I can enjoy tomorrow. Take care everyone! If I get a cake, I'll try to save you all a piece!!

♪ Happy birthday to you! ♪ Happy birthday to you! ♪ Happy birthday to Kathy! Happy birthday to you! ♪♪♪
Hi sailors! It was a calm day here in the Roman countryside. My friend has arrived and my mother has had a decent dinner! She would have liked more guests (she would like to have 10 guests every night) but she is glad anyway.
Simonetta, my helper, found the missing dish (it was in a display cabinet, among vases and shells). It was easy to see; I had not seen it because my mother is smart and she knows that if you want to hide something, you have to place it in full sight!
I love you all. I have to translate "the bold and the beautiful" and my jaw drops at the idea, but it has to be done!
A kiss from my little animals and me.

Hi Pirate, Work would be ok except for the red tape I imagine. That and office politics, boy o if any thing can give you an ulcer it is that! I had a violently ouchy head ache too I think, while I was asleep but it came and went away and I for the life of me can't remember if I dreamed it or what! That is all I need to Dream of Headaches I mean really!

Hi Sailorettes,
Man my head is killing is total HELL. I cried all night last night. I am dreading another 4 years of this shit. Mom is even a million times easier than what they did to our work systems. I could be blindfolded and did my work before in a with all these convoluted new systems it's like being dragged through the mires of hell. How is everyone doing. It's tough to keep up with all the stories nowadays in here unless you come in every few hours...LOL.

Shout out to everyone and saying HI

hey Job Seekers,

My mind has been mush lately. I've been meaning to mention the easiest job I've had.

School bus driver. It was 25 years ago ... the split shift allowed me time to start my graphic design business. I like it b/c the group of drivers were great, close... yet not too much so, the money & benefits were good, weekends, school holiday's & summers off ... extra events available as you gained seniority, plus driving a bus is a great skill to have.

My biggest mistake was switching to the public bus system. The commute to that bus barn was bad & the hours weren't as generous. It was fun driving up 4th Ave in downtown Seattle every afternoon gathering the poor, exhausted workers ...
there you have it! Another employment idea.

Miz & Tennessee, I like Bobbie's ideas for you both.
Bobbie, I'm looking into the font. I may buy a package. Goint to check the specials. Did we talk colors? *that mushy mind again ...

Good Morning Everybody!

I'm getting a late start this morning...very not pregnant!!! Wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake, though?!?!

Bobbie, their number is 1-800-their-loss! Thanks for saying that you'd call them for me! Glad that you're enjoying the boat so much. I guess you know that we are too through you!!! Love Chinese Buffets! Love motorcycles!!! Used to have a red Mustang convertible until a while back when we had to sell it & Larry's pickup to make it a while longer. Love the wind through the hair. Miss that!

Yeh, deef, I love the rabbit story, too! It's funny how we come up with the names for our furry kids! We have one of those cats that was bottle fed by me & will turn on you in a nanno second. Still love her, though. You are some chef!!! I'm impressed!!

J, I agree with Bobbie in that I wish you could get free too!

Rip ( my sister), Rossella, SS, Pamela, GODhelp (my other Sisiter), Miz, Pirate, Tennessee, William...hope I havent forgotten anybody...I hope yo guys are doing good today & it will be an easy day for you!

Thank all of you for being there for all of us!!! What a team!! Should have said, What a crew!!!

Linda, glad to hear your pa is feeling better. Now for your sis to recover. Don't you get sick!

Jsomebody, hang in there.

Bobbie321, Here's to Chinese food, motorcycles, and bad hair moments! LOL

Rosella, Georgia, Miz, Godhelpsus, Rip, Pamela, Jenn, et al... Pirate, where's Pirate? Austin? Tennessee? Hope you all have a good day today. Thank God for the boat! Love you Bobbie!

deefer (Kathy), would love to taste that bread and orzo! God bless you and Happy Birthday!

Good Morning all you amazing people!

Having coffee and blinking.

Went to a Chinese Buffet on the back of a motorcycle last night. At least my hair always looks the same:
Like someone sneaked up behind me and said BOO!

it is a very sad thing to see our moms and dads lose little pieces of their minds a step at a time. sux.
I think that we just can't wrap our brains around it and we hope and hope that they are joking or playing with us. hang in there and think about the boat. I hope you have a good time with your friend and I am happy that your mom is looking forward to the visit too!

Georgia! what's the phone # of the people who screwed up and didn't hire you? I'll call 'em and them them they're nuts.

SS: Hey there non smoker!! Me Too. Boat's big enough for us to hang out upwind of the smokers and we'll all be happy because I'm hoping for a happy boat!

A boat called the 'Grouper Grabber' is going by in the channel towing a smaller boat. Better than TV.

Deef! Love your rabbit story. I never had rabbits but I have heard that they can be real ankle biters. We have wild rabbits in the yard in NJ. That works for me. Can't pet them or anything but you can see the whole family hanging out in the grass and they don't run from me when I pull the Jeep in and walk to the house. Nik always said that he was going to cook one and I would yell: run rabbit run.
Don't ever fall asleep in Nik's frying pan cause he'll add butter, salt and pepper.

Jeckle and Hyde cats... I know what you mean when you say that the cat is just having a good time getting some love and BoomBoom out come the teeth. I love it when they get the back feet involved and really try to kill your arm.

rossella's cat evicting her from the chair! Rip talking about the neighbor's 'mouthy cat', GodHelps 'shut up' cat.

Miz! i love newspapers! Hang out behind the counter for awhile and then take it over. Tell them you have a great idea for a column and we'll all help you write it!!!
Hopefully in a little while you'll be energized by the job and not exhausted by it and everything else that is going on in your life. Hang in and thinkabouttheboatthinkabouthteboat.

man, it's hot here and I am so glad that the boat has AC. Having almost died from heat stroke earlier when I was cleaning out the building in NJ, I don't have much tolerance for heat right at the moment.

Everyday the boat gets closer to having all of its issues resolved and getting on our way. Still in St Aug. 45 min from Jacksonville Int'l. Boat open now!! Fun to hang out on even tied to the dock.

Tennessee! how is your daughter? We all love you and are incensed on your behalf but are powerless to help.
What I need is a combo magic wand/ball bat.

Linda: how are you today? love you kiddo. give your pa a kiss for me.
Rip: you too....give your Gentleman Daddy a smooch too.

Pamela, Maxine, Flex: how's you b/f's ankle? when is the surgery?

JSome: go on out for that pack of smokes and come on over to the boat!! You don't have to's just an excuse. you could say: going out for a 3 Musketeers bar and I'll be back next year.
fart pants grumpus. After reading some more of your posts, Jen, I now see that it is not remotely funny and I wish you could get free.

ok: boat angel here, more later and love you all.

I can't thank you all enough for your love and support.

this boat's for us.


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