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Summer colds very nasty. Sorry about car bump Isa, that would give me a heart attack I swear. But then I don't even drive so, what do I know. G is up...7? the other day it was 10, good luck keeping any schedule there. Oh well back to bed after wards. I know about Restless Leg Syndrome too, I feel like I have to keep kicking my legs back and forth for hours, I try to not do it, but the urge makes not doing it more unpleasant that doing it! flush no wash, go spray Lysol on everything....morning everyone...

rush rush zoom zoom . ahh not quite done yet i still have to go to the store . grrrr hate going to the store . money grabbin crap shit high expesnive all made in china ! what the hell !!!

deefer happy birthday to u tmr !! yes u shall swing all u want .

pa s up and sitting in the recliner , lookin lit better . he s been in bed since sunday and is now finaly wantin to get out of it . whew its all good now .
ok shopping time for me , need to wake up my sis so i could go , shes not feeling good today , head colds grrrr . hate them things .
have a good day u all ...

BADDDD night! Mom was fine, I wasn't. Forgot to take my restless legs pill, and didn't realize it until after midnight. It was 2:30 AM before I finally calmed down enough to fall asleep. I was ready to jump out of a window. It is hard to describe the feeling. Legs go crazy and just won't stop moving. They itch like hell and feel picky all over. I could have fallen asleep standing up, but my legs would jerk me awake!
I guess I did too much yesterday. Used my fresh herbs to make foccacia bread, rosemary, lemon and regular thyme and fresh garlic blended with olive oil was the flavoring. A little parmigiano reggiano on top too. Then I made Giada's recipe for orzo salad with fresh mint and basil. Got to use those herbs!
Rip, what would we do without our animals? They are so much easier to get along with than people! Shutup is another good one! If I didn't have my husband to contend with, I'd probably be an animal hoarder!
Rossella, I know what you mean when they are having a good, they seem to know it. Mom used to get real scared when she realized that she couldn't remember even the everyday tasks she had done her whole life. Now she is more accepting simply because she is so far gone most of the time. God, I hope this doesn't happen to any of us! Although, being totally oblivious could be a good thing.
Three cups of coffee and I'm somewhat awake. Have a long list of things to do while Mom is at daycare that I wanted to get done. Tomorrow is my b'day and I just want to sit on the swing with my book while Mom is gone.Merry is off today and tomorrow, so I only have 6 hours to myself. Times a wastin'. Better get to the bank and grocery store, and call in Mom's scripts. Only 4 hours left! I need to find time for a nap!!!

Rossella, yeah for the good moments! We ALL need them.

It's terrible what is happening to their brain. I know it's the 1000th time we say it, but every day you are surprised and shocked about what you see. My mother gets worse by steps: she goes down a step, she stays there for awhile, she goes down another step. The first days of the new stage, I can't believe it and I think she is joking. When I realize she does not joke, I adjust, we stay on that level for a while, and then another step down.
She is happy tonight because she has understood and memorized that we are going to have a guest (a friend of mine) for a couple of days, so she is thinking of the flowers we have to put in the house, to the food we have to buy... When she does these things she is exactly the woman she was before all of this crap began. And I feel even sadder (for myself), and happier for her because I see she is having a good moment!

You are so sweet!
I love the history of pet names.
'Shutup' is one I may share!
My neighbor just adopted a mouthy cat ....
already taking over her home! Love that kitty!

Miz, The job sounds like fun! You'll soon get used to it. Got to show them youngins you still have what it takes!
Rossella, Don Vito is a great name for a bossy cat. Mom lost an eyeglass lens yesterday. I looked everywhere this morning and couldn't find it. She kept babbling about it being on the table, but no such luck. When Merry came, she also looked but could not find it. Finally, she said she tried to think like my mom, and found the lens in a drawer near the kitchen sink. So she knew she didn't want to lose it, and put it in a safe place, just couldn't remember where!
She's having trouble with following simple directions now. If you say sit, she stands. She forgets how to use her utensils when eating. Mostly she does the opposite of what you tell her or simply can't remember how to do the simplest things. It's like a bulb slowly burning out. Sad to watch, but a part of all of our lives. Nothing we can do but hang in there until we can't do it anymore.
Georgia, there is a special job out there just waiting for you. Don't give up hope.
We have a new pet supply store opening in town soon. I was thinking of applying part time while Mom is in daycare and Merry is here, We'll see. Even 15 hours a week would help to pay the bills!
Got to go change Mom's diaper so I can get to bed. Night all. Sleep well!

There is a great comfort in knowing that we are not alone.

Just read your posts... The most pleasant time of the day. Really!
Thanks to all of you for worrying about my bump. It was just a car bump, I did not hurt myself at all. I used the car today and it works perfectly, (I shall have some problems to open the trunk, but it does not matter).
Bobbie, when I say that I like to polish brass (and teak) I mean it. When I am really sad and depressed I do physical heavy work. There's nothing that gratifies me more than seeing things clean, shining, with a good perfume. In normal days, I am not that tidy and the fact that I live with so many animals does not help. When I lost my father I had the cleanest house in the world! I came back from work - I worked in an office those days - and I started cleaning and I went on until 2 in the night, and then I collapsed! Nothing else could help me! When my mother came to my house she could not believe her eyes!
Deefer (Kathy?) The name of your rabbit... Fascinating! I'd like to recycle it, but it does not work with cats (deefec?) and dogs (deefed?) I had a cat whose name was Don Vito, as he was the boss of all cats (and the dogs were afraid of him). He behaved like your rabbit.
One of my cats beated me some days ago. I was sat on a chair in the porch and he started beating me (hard) with his arm. I did not understand why. When I got up, he immediately sat on that chair, so I understood I had occupied his favorite chair and he wanted me to go. If I think that I gave the bottle to him when he was a kitten because his mother had 6 children and she needed help... He beats me, now!
Godhelpus: it's so beautiful your husband goes around taking photos of animals! How I'd like ti see some of them!
Miz: even if the work is hard and you are tired, stick to it! Work is important for us, as we need to do something different from taking care of our relatives, and we need to see someone else apart from the family!
My mother tonight made a very creative thing. I had given her dinner and when she was eating I had to answer a telephone call and I did not watch her for 3 minutes max. When I came back in the kitchen I saw that her dish had disappeared. Of course she did not remember where she had put the dish. I looked for it everywhere (fridge, bathroom, bed, garbage, under the couch... everywhere.). I could not find it. She is a genius in hiding things. I do not worry about the dish itself; I worry because it contained residues of food. Well, in some days we will follow the stench trail and we will find it!
Enough for today. Kisses to all of U! Tks for your support and patience!
Tennessee, yes, see a probono lawyer! HOpe they do not exist just in movies.

Good night all. :)


I bought Dad a squirt gun yesterday! I am his target as well as some cats.
Nice to feel like kids again ... all of us!

Good early morning
for what it's worth. Took the girls for a swim in a creek ... whopeee!
They are damp, filthy dirty, but happier.

The cats are panting from the heat. They have plenty of water fountains & ice pack beds ...
Photos to come ... Lacey with her head stuffed in the catnip jar!

yeah alright. Usual nap in front of the TV. I just woke up.

Rossella ....
Everything OK over there?

GeorgiaPeach, you will find something. That Big Guy upstairs will see to it. :)

Hey Miz! Thank you for your encouragement on the job. Your job sounds like fun. Are they hiring there?!?! LOL! I went out today & beat the bushes, but still no job. I have filled out applications & turned in my resume' to still wet behind the ears kids. Scary to think that they're holding my future in their hands. No actually I have to remember that the Big Guy upstairs is the One holding my future in His hands! I'll go out again tomorrow...

If I don't catch up with you guys again tonight I hope that you all will find restful sleep...

Georgia Peach, I'm so sorry you didn't get that job. I guess it was meant to be and something so much better will come along.

Kathy, I'm working the front counter at our local newspaper. Eventually my hours will be the afternoon shift. 19 hours per week. Right now it's 10 to 2. I'll like it a lot better when I totally know what I'm doing. I'm so tired now. I have to get to bed by 9 or 9:30 to be okay to go to work. Last night it was 8:30 and I went to bed with a terrible headache. Too much stress. Oh woe is me!! ;)


Bobbie, I don't smoke, but look forward to the rest, as I do little of that. Anything near the water sounds good. Great idea for Tennessee;: countersue! She's been through so much emotional trauma, and needs to put an end to it, and be compensated for it. Wish we could all help with the legal fund.

Godhelpsus, thank you, sweet sister!

Miz, what is your new job?

Kathy, hang in there. Linda, Pirate, Georgia, Dude, et all, you, too!

Rossella, a bump on your car is better than a bump on your head. Careful, dear!

Take care, fellow sailors!

Miz, Glad you're better & settling in with the new job. Cholesterol meds can make you ache sometimes. I haven't had any in years...The ones I took then all but incapacitated me. Hope they came out with better ones now.

B321, Wow...Poly over varnish??? The Barbara B is going to "shine like a diamond in a goat's butt" (one of my husband's wierd sayings). LOL. Years ago some friends had a vintage ChrisCraft & I helped refinish the transom sp?. We weren't that meticulous with the layers of varnish & poly though, but it was a much smaller boat & only lake worthy. I guess with the salt water you must be more attentive.

Deef, Your rabbit "Nono" sounds like my "Shutup" cat. 7 yrs later & he still puntures & lacerates me seconds after getting love & chin scratches. He wants to be the other alfa and challenges me for position regularly. 1/2 the time a sweet boy & 1/2 the time an ungrateful little pr..k.
I pray your mom gives up on being combative. It makes the job so much harder. Mine doesn't like to cooperate either, but the less I see of her the better she acts. Go figure. Hub says we're like two cats in a box. The fur flies when we're around each other too much. When the time comes that she needs constant care she will have to go to an NH because we just don't get along. No matter what I say/beg she says OK & does something self destructive just to spite me. Not good for either of us. One cannot tell the queen what to do!! She has been better lately with me distancing myself though.

Rip, Nice looking pup!!! A noble beauty!! Hub was hunting hummingbirds with the camera this morning....the models are not cooperating for him! LOL. "When I come inside he's all over the feeder!". Sorry dear...snicker, snicker.. They sure are fast....80 wing beats per second! Mammals will be a cinch to photo after his practice on birds. The mammals are more dangerous though and I try to be the voice of reason.

Dtflex, Sad news about the ankle...Ice packs & elevation in b/f's future. Hope he's a good patient. GOD give you both comfort & peace.

SS, So glad to hear you have a diversion!!! Keep avoiding your mom dear heart.

Tenn, I'm praying for justice where your reprobate brother is concerned!!! Still a good idea to get an bono as it has already been said. Jesus is our intermediary in Heaven, but down here on earth we need the lawyers in the court system.

Rosella, Sorry about your car. Just another little annoyance. You have the proper perspective about it.

Gpeach, GOD bless your job hunt. My hubby is out putting in apps today also. I think we can all agree....GOD give us a strong economy again soon please. I would like to go back to work myself one of these days in the not to distant future.

Jsome, Get tough dear heart. The battle belongs to the LORD. This valley won't last forever & you will get through / come out on the other side a stronger person for your endurance. Used and abused we all are at times, but what we endure makes us stronger. You will overcome!!

Good Morning Everybody!

Goin' out again today to put in applications for a job...still don't know about leaving husband alone all day.

Bummed...Just found out that I didn't get a really good job that I interviewed twice for. I interviewed with Human Resources & passed their typing test with 99% accuracy & then interviewed with the department supervisor. Don't know what I did wrong! I know! Something better will come along, but when & will it be enough?!?! Things have gotta get better!!! For ALL of us!!!

Bobbie, glad that everything is going great with the boat! Love teak wood!
Rossella, I hope that you're not sore today after your accident!

Hope everybody has a good day!

Bobbie, Just thought I'd let you know. Deefer was our big happy lovable pet lop eared rabbit. He weighed in at 10 lbs. and was a sweetheart! When we got him, my daughter and her then b/f were arguing about what toname him. Finally my husband said he's just a dumb F'ing rabbit. So I went with the initials of that statement and said "What about Deefer?" It was an instant hit. He went on to sire a son and a daughter. She was named Deedee, cause she looked just like him. He was named Nono, cause he was always biting me! He wanted me for himself and hated when I gave the others attention. Until I had him neutered, I had to wear long pants in the house, so that he wouldn't bite my leg as I was walking by. I once stood up from the couch and he lunged and got me in the arm. He was hanging on my arm by his teeth. Still have the scars!! But after he was fixed, he was very lovable and calm.
Have fun with your angels today. Hope I have one looking out for me. I am in the middle of trying to get fraudulent charges removed from my credit card! Make sure you always know what the charges are from on your bills! Found out through the internet that this so called company is screwing people all over the country.
My card is canceled, and a new one is on the way. Now I have to deal with all the bullsh!t forms and phone calls to get the $600 in charges dropped. I have the best luck. Went to the Chinese Buffet with my friend last week, and got a fortune cookie with no fortune in it. I didn't dare ask for another, as I'm sure it would have been bad!!!
Miz, What is your new job? I must have skipped some posts. Glad you are liking it.
Rossella, My car hasn't been washed or cleaned in almost a year, Yet Mom keeps asking me if I shine it up everyday! She was really out of it last night. Nothing she said made sense. Lost a lens from her glasses and I haven't found it yet. Hope it's just the nasty humidity screwing with her. She is very hard to handle right now.
Got to take my meds and exercise. See you all later! Kathy

Good morning to everyone!! Love yas!! Thanks for being here!!

Thank you, Rossella. Thank God you were not hurt. I hope your day gets better. Hugs to you. :)


Georgia and Jsome!

good morning!


Good Morning BoatWomen & Dude:

Linda how you feeling this am? any better? Your pa doing the WaWa?
C'mon, hang in. We got boat time coming!! look at the horizon! It's there waiting for ya!

miz: feeling better? Love ya and have a spot for you as of now when you can make it.

Rip! I'll hollar at a letterwoman after you wake up and get you and your Dad up and going. No pun intended. Your work is beautiful!

1. Get a pro bono attorney with his/her pants on fire for justice and counter sue that Jackass brother of yours and end this insanity. Sue the jerk for 5million plus punitive/emotional damage.
You actually have quite a few arguments way in your favor.
The right lawyer, though you may hate them, will tear this fool's nuts off.

2. call the newspapers and get some sane middle aged woman investigative reporter on your stupid brother.

3. Bake him an Ex-Lax cake.

Pee on useless siblings and I don't even have any... just mad because what many of you are experiencing.

OK: enough of the scatological point of view......

Pirate! Where are ya? dealing with screwballs at work and at home. hang in there baby. It will change. Boat.

Flex... you thinking about trying to get arrested? At least you'd get some rest. I think that's where the 'rest' part in arrested comes from.
Adults giving each other a time out.

Deef! I know you're going through it. think of the boat....

SS! You know you got boat time ahead and I'll moor this sucker in the middle of a nice cove and you can smoke yer boobies off. You and Miz and Linda, smoking and yakking it up in the Cockpit.

We'll take turns wearing the little outfit and making adult beverages.

GodHelps: you are such a sweetheart and we hope to see you on the boat someday. Bless yer heart.

Pamela: what's going on in the B-ball arena? Let me know when you want to come on over.

OK. today there will be 2 boat angels. We have the elcetronic angel and today we get the exterior angel. he's going to spend some time going over the outside of the boat to make sure that the teak decks are sealed and all of the Awlgrip and Paint is caulked. boat no leak now. Want to keep that going.
He's going to buff out the finish too and we'll get a team together for the teak rails and ladders and doors and windows. Boat has a lot of exterior teak and all of it needs to be stripped and varnished. 7 coats of varnish and then 7 coats of polyurethane. Lots of rubbing and loving on the wood between each coat. And it has to be Marine varnish and poly. No going to Home Depot for this stuff.
When we bring the teak back in this fashion, it is maintained easily. No more stripping. That's what i said to myself when i turned 50.

C'mon Rossella!! c'mon over and rub on the boat! I swear it makes you feel better and you won't smack your car into stuff. Please take care of yourself. i would be real sad if you couldn't make it to the boat!!

the 'Miss Frisky', a local shrimp boat is going by here in the channel. Real slow and no wake. considerate.

Deef!! I just like writing Deef!!

Ok. angel knocking on hull. more later.


Yes, it's not a problem. The bump can stay there for a while. I am very lucky I have not destroyed SImonetta's car, I should have repaid her right away!

OUCH !!!! youre blessed with a small one , could have been worst . ouch ..

This photo of the bump on my (very dirty) car will stay for some days to remind myself to calm down before taking the car.
It's a tiny Matiz Chevrolet where I carry 4 dogs!

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