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Yes, I watched the video just after posting my post and it made me laugh. It was nothing of that kind! I have taken a picture of my car and I shall use it instead of Alberto's tattoos for a few days... Don't worry Alberto will come back!
Georgia you are very sweet

I sent you an appropriate video this morning about backing up. Timing is everything. Hope you received it ...

oh sister sister ...
what shall we do?

Rossella, I am so sorry about your accident! I'm glad that you weren't hurt! Cars can be fixed, but it's more difficult to fix a person! Here's a big smooch back to you! Everything's gonna be ok!

Hi everybody! Guess we are all having some difficult days!
I wrote a post which was too long and detailed, yesterday. I was very upset. I was still upset, this morning, so when I took my car I did not see that Simonetta's (helper) car was right behind mine, and I hit it! Luckily luckily luckily I did not harm Simonetta's car, but I made a big bump in my car. Which is quite annoying, because as everybody in USA knows, from Georgia to the state of Washington, I am quite short of money!
It is not a problem, the car works and I can fix it later.
When we are so upset we shouldn't drive. If there had been a person behind me, instead of Simonetta's car, I could have killed her. So what I mean is: we have to take care of ourselves! We have to mind our health, our physical and mental health. It's easier to say than to do it, but we have a burden of stress which challenges us at every level. So we have to make all the possible and impossible things to stay healthy. (Miz, this is for you)
A big kiss to everybody and to Bobbie a special one. I'd like to smoke on your boat, too!

that is to treat alz or dementia . horrible patch ! it was on tv commerical about it few times , saying some died from it some got sick from it , its just a nasty shitty ass patch .

what is the exclon patch for?

hope everybody's had a good day!

deefer12 . yes ure right about the exclon patch ! it was killin my dad slowly . my best bet the safest drug around would be a zannax !!!
load er up plz //

Take up smokin...ha ha ha well maybe...When it COOLS off some!

I'm with you J. Thought about it myself a few times, but I'd be the one in trouble! Been watching Mom play with her blankets for the last 1 1/2 hours. No time to exercise now. Hubby coming home in a few and my daughter just brought me 2 slices of pesto pizza that she just took out of the oven. Got olive oil all over the keyboard. Oh well, it's nice and shiny now. Maybe I can get a walk in later. Good night everyone.

I have had a lot of therapy, but as far as I am concerned once you are an adult you MAKE your own choices. You chose whether to pass forward the abuse and create more harm in the world or pass it back and choose NOT to be "part of the problem" another cog in the system of abuse and betrayal that litter's the world and destroys the lives and souls of so many people young and old. Granted some are not very intelligent and abuse may be "all one knows" but I think people know if they are causing harm to another human being or (any other living thing for that matter) and know what is the correct answer. When intelligent people with back grounds in social work choose the act out heinous abuse, IT IS EVEN MORE TROUBLING. And the beat goes on...

Money and Family...probably behind %78 of all homicides in the world.

I don't think so, SS. It's so much better today. If it starts again or I get anymore symptoms I definitely will. Thanks, pamela. :))

Miz, are you going to have your arm pain checked out?

miz glad to hear about your job, and glad you and hubby got to lay out at that pool.

Thanks, rip!! :))

You take it easy girlfriend!
Always nice hearing from you!

Hi Everyone. I was going to go back and read the about 100 posts that I have missed but I just don't have the attention span. I'm sorry. I will try really hard to stay caught up now. My right hand is hurting a little this afternoon. I got through work okay and it looks like I'll have another week of training which is a very good thing. I think I'm going to like it once I know what I'm doing. I just wish it was more money. I work 4 hours everyday just to almost pay my health insurance. Sucks... Oh well. At least I found a job and don't have to work weekends. I'm just tired. Hubby and I had a pretty good time this past weekend at his home town. It was nice to hang by the pool and not worry about Mom, etc. Bobbie, save a spot for me on that boat!! I love yall even if I don't respond to each of you and your posts. You're always in my heart. So glad you're here. What would I do without yous? K...gonna go have a smoke and then hang with Mom. Doing laundry too. It's an endless process. :)


Diane. We put Mom on Exelon and she went kookoo! It was not good for her at all. the neurologist said it is bad for some people.and there is no way of knowing until they are on it. I went out for errands and came back to find Merry in a tizzy. Mom had messed herself again!*!* and wouldn't let Merry finish cleaning her. She is like an octopus when we try to clean her. She is very strong and will eventually hurt one of us or herself. She is always telling us that her bruises are our fault for being so rough with her. Got to love it !!! Merry finally gave up and pulled up her pants. We cleaned her when I got home. Poor B/F. It's not easy to heal as we get older. That's got to be throbbing like a B!TCH!!! Tell him we are all thinking about him.
Bobbie, So happy for you and your boat!!! Sounds like you are having the time of your life and enjoying every minute of it.
Pamela, Mom seems to be a little calmer with .5 Zanax, three times a day. Other meds like Seroquel and Klonapen made her to loopy and harder for us to handle. Her comprehension level goes down as the day goes on, and dopey meds make her worse. It may take some time to find the right mix for her. Good luck!
Guess I had better get off the computer.e are having a nasty storm right now. Take care everyone.

Tenn, so sorry for your nightmare! What's up with this evil brother? What in the world does he want? How inhumane! Call the police on the creep!

I just found out my brother who won't sign his papers has hired a whole new team of lawyers from Nashville.This is team 4 for him.I don't guess there ever will be a end to this.

Hello Pamela, Diane, Bobbie, Miz, Linda, Georgia, Italy, Austin, Tennessee, and those my early onset is missing... Thanks for your positive feedback, and for all being here!

Hubby, and a few others of us are all planning the next big adventure. We're taking our own city by storm tomorrow, then hosting some bi-partisan debates before the upcoming November election. Right now, we're trying to vet some candidates through iCaucus, and we're also planning a bonfire. I was sitting around the house whining about my mom. Now, I'm learning new things and meeting some awesome new people!

The dads are doing great; well, kind of. FIL fell a few days ago, while in a hurry to get to the bathroom. He's got a bruise, but he's OK. I keep running into my mom, but avoid conversation with her as much as possible. She keeps trying, and I keep it short (Uh Huh, yes, no...), then walk away. She latches on to my husband, asking him what to do with her house. I want to tell her it's exempt and she'd be a fool to sell (even if that were slightly possible), but hubby says, she wouldn't listen. Having a serious conversation with her is not possible, as with any Personality Disordered individual. Avoidance is the only way to go, in our case. Unfortunately, she keeps showing up. She wants to be involved in all the social events we go to with dad, but doesn't give a lick about helping or personal responsibility. Dad doesn't notice anyway. I hate Alzheimer's, and I especially HATE mom's Personality Disorders!!!

Thank God I have a place to vent, and supportive friends. And thank God I have an actual interesting life outside of family dysfunction. Mental health is paramount!

Have a great day, everyone! Stay healthy, and stay sane. Take care :)

DTFlex sorry to hear about your B/F, hope he heals well. You mom's haveing hallucinations wow, we're trying to find a neurologist for my mom now, and looking into meds that will calm her down. She's not as bad as she was a fews weeks ago but still has her bad days.

Just got back from the ortho doctor with b/f. He has two fractures in his ankle and needs to have surgery for a plate to be putin and some pins. Looks like he is going to be off from work for 3-4 months. First we have to get the swelling down before they can do the surgery.

Got home to find mom seeing a man next door that doesn't exist. I have followed the doctor's orders to reduce her Sinimet first, then the Requip. The halluciantions have been less, but still remain. I guess I will have no choice but to get the stronger Excelon Patch and be $250 poorer.

Enough of my bellyachin. I will just get through one day at a time.

Ihard, I hope your melancholy mood will lift soon. Sometimes a good cry is good to wash the sadness away.

Have a good afternoon everyone!

Miz, Glad you're feeling better. Still a good idea to see the doc. if you haven't for awhile. I know we are so concerned with our elders that it's easy to neglect ourselves.....but we know we have to take care of us too.

B321, Linda is so right about wasting time on drunks & idiots. Something I once heard...:"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig". LOL. I'm sure there is a Biblical passage that says the same thing more delicately. Glad you are enjoying all the new toys on the Barbara B. Your mom must be so happy looking down from heaven & watching you have some joy. Seen any dolphins lately?

Linda, Hope you are feeling better soon dear. Eat right, vitamins & excercise. Hope your pa is content too.

Deef, You are truely blessed with your Merry & tech savvy sis.

Dtflex, Hope the b/f heals quickly. Sorry about the ankle.

Rose & Rip, Sorry your sibs are asses. I once forgot to pull a bag of chicken out of my trunk upon returning from the grocery store. When I went to retrieve it from the freezer, it wasn't there (I thought I bought some chicken!!). I had wondered why there was an odor when I had gotten into my car.....It had been warm outside....I realized when I got to work that day......OH NO!!!!...I put it in the dumpster at work....months later...lysol, baking soda & deodorizers the smell was almost gone. Years later & my husband still jokes with me about the "trunk chicken"!!!! LOL..but it wasn't funny at the was horrrrid!!! So I can understand why you wouldn't eat your sil's food or serve it to your beloved parent. We don't want to take any chances...

SS, Glad things are good for you. Praying they stay that way.

Wesands, Mentholatum instead of toothpaste???? OOOwwww that must have burned for a looooong time!

It's a lovely day here & cooling off. Had morning coffee out on the swing & watched our little wild kingdom fight over the feeder (our picnic table). Must get to work now. Be Blessed all.

bobbie , u did the right thing by going into ur boat and closed the door . no point arugeing with the drunks .
bless ur heart .
enjoy and keep on learnin . feed them fish for me too , wink ,
love ya xoxo


I am so sorry that you are feeling in the dumps. I KNEW I missed someone VERY IMPORTANT!!!

i wanted to send you a hug and got side tracked by the equipment showing up.
Love you kiddo and I'm so sorry that you are not having good days. Wish I had a magic wand.
Hugs and kisses back at 'cha.


miz , it prob was a pinch nerve that made ur right arm go numb . i get them sometimes . once i had it in both of my arms and notice when i burp it lessen up some pain . guess i was full of gassy needed it to burp it allout . i felt fine the next day .
but of couirse ya never know !!! it could be a stroke or heart attack , they say women gets em without even knowing they hav eit , or a belly ache or a heartburn .
i get em cuz i know my nerve gotten in the way or theyre stuck .

kept pa in bed and changed him inbed , made it easier on him and for me too . i ask him if he wanted to get up or i change him in bed , he said i wanna stay in bed . bless his heart . poor guy just dont feel good .

u guys have a good day , im gonna go lay down for a nap . still feelin down in the dump . xoxoo

Hello to everyone,

I am alive and still in St Augustine.

getting antsy and want to move the boat but have to be patient for the rest of the electronics install. We already have a new list going for the fun stuff. i just learned about 'Brownie's Third Lung' which is a little engine that runs an air compressor with a 60' tube so you can go under your own boat in the beautiful waters of the Carribbean and look at fish and just generally hang out without surfacing for air. goofy fun. Also learned that lights on the swimstep on the back of the boat will attract fish at night and you can sit there and feed them and still have the wherewithall to get back in the boat if a big fish shows up and wants to eat you.

Jsome: I feel so bad for your misery and I want you to know that you are so welcome to come and spend time on this respite boat so you can heal from the terrors that you are experiencing. Ya know how some people go out for a pack of smokes and never come back?...... You could take up 'smoking'.....

Miz: How are you feeling today?

Rip: present letters on transom measure 60"!!! Love you!!!

Flex! broken ankle? omg. overwhelming. remember to breathe!

William, welcome to the Grossed Out Thread. keep posting and vent on baby bro. Drinkers are drinkers and that's what they do. It's a full time job with no retirement age and absolutely no benefits for anyone. Protect yourself because the vodka is protecting your mom.

GeorgiaP. you are such a welcome voice and I love your changed name. Hope there's less stress in your life, or at least less perceived stress.

SS: how goes it and congrats on a successful party!

Pirate! Tennessee!

Rossella: what great posts. you and Rip have the idiot brothers. I was lucky and didn't have that additional stress. Stressful enough without stupid family members showing their ass.

It was good to see pamela there for a minute and I hope she checks back in.

WooHoo, the boat angel just showed up with the neww SSB antenna and the backup handheld VHF, GPS floating radio. It is good to know that if you have to bail out you have a way to squawk your position and get help!
At least with that and a compass you'll know in what direction to paddle. ya right.

OK... I know i missed some folks... holler at me later. Trying not to get hollered at..... just this minute. Had an episode with a drunk last night here at the marina and retreated to the peace of this boat and this morning (while I was measuring the Transom) he apologized to me and of course I accepted with grace but he's on the stink list. Me no trust no more.
He began to argue with me yesterday evening when I was attempting to explain the respite boat concept with caregivers and it quickly devolved from there. i don't have the energy to deal with idiots. Still beat down from the caregiving job I held for so long and not healed yet, so I removed myself from the equation and got back on the boat, closed the transom door and drew the blinds. Boat closed. Go away. Ahhhhhhh.....

OK, back to work.


Deefer, what a nice post.
Renting the apartment over your mother's? That seems a good idea. We have to help themselves as much as we can.
It is crazy how much money you spend for these aged relatives... They need so many things every day!

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