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I love to walk! I walk 6-7 miles a day everyday. It helps to keep me in shape, also helps clear my head. Are you in Italy? I was there in the Navy in 1983 I went to the Catacombs, Pompeii, and to the Vatican. Had a private visit with Pope John Paul. In the Sis teen Chapel. I have a photo of his holiness reaching for me. Also went to the Colosseum and walked where the lions were let out. It was a fantastic time!!!


I'm watching now another movie, Burt Lancaster in jail who tends little birds. Beautiful! They pass a lot of good movies in summer.
Good night William, be proud of yourself for what you do for your mother. You can't help her more than you can do. That illness is an ugly beast! 'Night Georgia Peach! 'Night to all of U that are still awake! Rip, go to bed!

Thank you. I feel more support tonight than I have for months. It is unfortunate that my family is not supportive. I can be very silly! I am the comic in the family! I look forward to more conversations. What is POA? I wish you sweet dreams.


I am in Northern California. I act in movies and T.V. and commercials. Yes I am artistic. I write and draw and paint. I love to read (a book every day or two) love to do theater and perform in plays all the time! I am creative and expressive and love to perform, unfortunately I have not been able to help my mom so far!


Wow! Great! I love Dustin Hoffman and I love American movies in general (old and new ones). I translate scripts of movies and TV series, from English into Italian. So I always keep the TV on, and I work and watch it in the same time.
Of course, when I have some spare time, I un-glue my bottom from the chair and I go out for a walk!

WOW! Caring AND talented!!! Nice combination!

A POA will help you to do what will be best for your Mom! Hope she'll agree to it soon!

Glad that you have a good friend support system! Welcome to the club in not having supportive family members...I'm sorry that they're not there for you! Maybe they will have a heart change.

This has been a great support family for most of us who talk on here on a regular basis! Sometimes we even get silly. It helps to alieviate the stress that each of us are going through!

Well, it's finally time to retire for the night! Hopw you'll have a restful one, too!

we need to know you better, brother William! Are you in LA?
Most of us here are animal lovers & artistic ... acting is an art.
More about you?

I love that movie!! I am an actor as well. I have been in a few movies, a T.V. show and some commercials. I have worked with many actors such as Dustin Hoffman, Samual L. Jackson, Sharon Stone and Benjamin Bratt (my latest film "La Mission") I love to read and even more to watch a great movie.


William I am afraid you will need a very FIRM and DETERMINED caregiver... But I agree with you all, an evaluation is the first thing to do!

Thank you for considering me a brother! I need a helpful family!


I do not have power of attorney yet, but working on it. I cannot stop the alcohol from getting to her. The more she drinks the worse she gets! I just stopped by and had her put her feet above her heart as they are very swollen! I am nervous about her and tried to tell her to be healthy for her grandkids. I do not think she cares enough!


I am working, reading your posts and watching an old movie in the same time. It is the movie where Tony Curtis and Sidney Poitier are two fugitives, tied by a chain. I just watched the end, where Sidney Poitier sings a blues to the guard that has come to catch them.
Great, Sidney Poitier!

We have a real brother now!!!
YAY William!
Welcome to our family!
It can be a blessing, can really be a blast as you get to know us!

We love you, too, Rosella!!!

The ladies that write on this site are my second family and they are much better than the real one!

Sounds like she'd just call & order more. Do you have a power of attorney for her so you can have her evaluated? I hope for both of your sakes that she'll let you help her soon! I agree with Rip, so happy that you've found us on this site. We are a pretty close group & here to help in any way that we can! GREAT place to vent!!! Welcome!

Thank you rip. I am always amazed that my mother is still ticking! She has been drinking since I was a child and I honestly do not know how she still functions?! I beg her to stop, but she will not listen. I only pray that God takes her and ends her suffering! : (

She calls Safeway and has it delivered. I pour it down the sink when I find it, but it is not enough. I know she will hate the experience, but I cannot have her continue the way she is! Take care and thank you for the kind words.


Hi William & Peach!

Dad, Dad was a drinker too. Amazing he is still alive. His mom did her share. Upbringing?
William ~ so happy to have you here on the thread!!!

Sorry, Kaye, Dad wa having a cow upstairs ...

Hi William! WOW, 1/2 gal per day is a lot! How does she get the vodka? I'm sorry that you're having to go through this! I wish that I could tell you someting that would help, but I'm glad that you're going to call the hospital & see about having her evaluated! Let us know what happens!

My mother drinks too much and not sure if it is that or her dentures that do not fit well. But she gags all the time. I come to visit and she asks me to take a bowl to the sink for her. It is filled with vomit, but more like dry heaves as it is clear but smells bad. I beg her to stop drinking and she will not listen. She drinks 1/2 gallon of vodka every day! I am having difficulty watching her deteriorate. I am going to call a hospital and have her evaluated.


My dad is the real Stitch!
Once his bladder was drained He had the whole ER singing at 4 AM, using pencils as drums sticks, everybody making up new words & trying harmonies ....

Anyone read Janet Evanovich?
Quick read & a fun romp. Hilarious characters! Especially the grand ma. I wonder what it would be like to care for her in old age?

Fannie Flagg is another gem. Fried Green Tomatoes fame.

"Under the Rainbow" is wonderful ... small town 50's, soft & lyrical about a mother who runs a daily radio broadcast from her home.
Old fashion community intoxication ... aromas of fresh baked pies, herbs from the garden ....neighbors being kind & caring to each other.

deefer, the Tea Party was awesome! See earlier posts.

Rip, you made me laugh with the DEEEEEE hydrated song :)

Rossella, don't worry, we love love love love love love love your OCD. It's just taking care of an out-of-control parent with it that is for crazy-making.

Dear Deefer, I know Nora Roberts. I read a very good mystery written by her. If you like victorian mysteries, have you tried Anne Perry? I read Gone with the wind when I was a teenager but I re-read it many times when I was not a teenager anymore!
Yesterday night I finally got in touch with my friend who had just come back from Germany. I told her about her cat Melly. I talked for one hour, explaining everything to her, and she cried for an hour. I was sure she would take it very badly. It was very difficult and I had nightmares all night long. I don't know how she will tell her daughter who is even more sensitive than she is. At the end of the telephone call she had almost accepted the idea of taking another kitten. but she will think it over. I shall never accept to take care of another person's pet, from now on. You feel guilty whatever you have done!
On a lighter note: why do you all speak so badly about OCD? I have an OCD, I adore my OCD. All the containers in the fridge must be transparent with a blue lid. If my helpers recycle an empty cheese container to store olives, tomato sauce, for example, I get crazy and I transfer the olives immediately in one of my standard containers. My drawers seem a mess, but they are not. Everything is where it has to be; I have two drawers of "useful things"; one of them contains the useful things I use every day, one of them contains the useful things I use less often. If I am wrong in classifying them, I start to get nervous with myself. I could go on for hours! That's bad! I will become a terrible person when I am older! (all of this started when I was very young and when I walked in the street I never walked on the joints between the stones of the road paving. I guess OCD starts very soon in one's life! And it only gets worse)

UTIs & fluid intake:

Dad sings a silly little song he composed to the medical staff when they lecture him on the dangers of dehydration & encourage him to drink fluid ...
he waves his crippled hands like a maestro & sings:
"I am DEEEE Hydrated... so DEEEE Hydrated ..."

Taking him to the doc is always an adventrue. Fortunately he always brings a smile to everyone, even when in pain.

Georgia, I feel the same way about funerals! They just mean more pain for those who are left behind.Some of my siblings and I have already decided not to have one for Mom. She doesn't want it, and we don't need the extra pain. As for the sibs who don't pitch in or visit, we figure they would put on the biggest boohoo show. So we are not going to give them the opportunity. As it is, they will have to live with the guilt of not being there for her.
Mom didn't do too well when I got her up this morning. I think she may need a change in her Parkinsons meds. She was very stiff and had no clue as to what was going on. So I washed her and got her dressed, then fed her and gave her the meds and put her back to bed. That seemed to do the trick! She was back to her annoying OCD self. Thank God Merry came at 11. I had had enough by then. I wish you could all have a Merry! I don't think I could have gone on without her.
Pirate, Your job really sucks, but this is not the time to lose it! I know when I was still working, a new company had taken over, and my boss was a thirty something OCD male shit! If I hadn't left to care for Mom, I would have been fired by now. I was always telling him what an asshole he was! Hang in there. It has to get better. After all, this is exactly where we all thought we would be at this point in our lives. NOT!!!!
SS, How did the tea party go?
Dtflex, Know what you mean about cleaning sh!t. Sometimes we have to clean Mom 6 or 7 times in one day. I wish my nose didn't work anymore!
It's been nice here in central Mass the last 2 days. Dry, breezy and in the high 70's. still have to water my plants every day. Tomatoes are small.but sweet and we have red raspberries on the one bush my sil planted this spring. The concord grapes are already turning purple and I should be making grape jam in a couple weeks.
Rip, I have been married to a helpless man for almost 38 years! I picked up where his mom left off ( I was young and STUPID) and let him be spoiled. Now I just ignore him and he has to take care of himself. Don't know what I would do without my cats!
Rossella, Definitely try to get some sleep in your own bed. You deserve it! Have you told your friend about her cat yet? I read "Gone with the Wind" when I was 12 years old. I loved it! I spent most of my teen years reading books from the library. Lots of nurse romances back then. But I also enjoyed Pearl Buck's writing and Tolstoy,s Anna Karenina. Now I mostly read romance novels. Nora Roberts, Catherine Coulter, and Amanda Quick whom I discovered last year. She writes Victorian romance mysteries. I can't sit and read for too long. Either Mom needs me, or my restless legs won't allow me to sit still. I refuse to give up my daytime coffee!
Bobbie, Thanks for the birthday wish. Sounds like you are having a ball with that boat. Hope we can all meet you someday.
J, Get out and do something for yourself! Please! Do you have any hobbies or like to read? Something, anything, for a diversion from your Hell.
I like to walk at night, and as soon as I do the dishes, I'm heading out for a 2 miler. Last night the crescent moon was going down with Venus in the western sky. It was beautiful and peaceful. Thank God my husband decided to stay home. I would rather walk alone. Should be an even better view tonight. And, it's in the mid 60's right now. BONUS!!!
Have a good night all, and try to step out for a few minutes of stargazing tonight. It's the best medicine in the world!

A catheter would be a nightmare in my situation. When she is at the hospital my mother pulls everything away, the catheter, the I.V.... You have to stay close to her and keep her hands still, 24/7. When we were at the hospital last year (they removed her kidney) we made shifts and we could sleep only 3 hours a night, when she slept, and always with an eye open... I don't want to do it again!

jsomebody, hang in there, sweetie! Can't you somehow get away for a few, and do something wonderful for YOU? Hugs to you in your misery. One day, you'll have your wish.

Pirate, bummer of a work situation for you. 4 more years of that? How about advocating for reorganization? Just a thought...

Miz, how are you, friend? Are you getting any rest, and is the job better?

Tenn, hugs you to and daughter!

Bobbie, post pics somewhere, so we can see you and the Barbara B!

Last night's Tea Party was incredible! We had 50 people + kids. We ended up with 8 speakers, and special music by kids of family, who did a Patriot medley. A fund was started for future events, and plans are being made. The radio coverage helped, and they were even talking about it on the AM station today! Facebook is abuzz with details! We're excited that so many were inspired and motivated. What an awesome start for our first endeavor! We're thankful for the opportunity. God blessed!

Good morning, Rossella!
I know what you mean about drinking water! I'm dealing with the same here. "I don't want no #$@%$!! WATER! Put something in it! Like vodka!".

The first time his pecker was plugged & I raced him to the ER they drained almost 2 litres from his bladder! Can you image being that backed up?

That was the last time he was without a catheter. We tried a couple of times put the prostrate was too large. It works for him. Easier than hitting the can every 15 minutes, then dripping & cussing
I am concerned today b/c his void has a red tinge.
Don't we talk about fun stuff?

I hope your brother becomes aware of all you do ... I know mine pretend to understand ... but ... they are much comfort to either Dad or me.

My laptop is back online so watch for more pet photos.
MandaPanda & Pip Squeak are sharing my icon today. One of these days I'll go further with Face Book , figure out how to do it. I''m not very social, especially now with Dad here.

I hope you enjoy some solitude today!

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