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The maximum I can think about my future funeral, is a chorus of black gospel singing "When the saints go marching in", and in general happy tunes, everybody dancing and singing in the street, drums, trumpets and so on. I shall organise myself, so the people invited to my funeral will enjoy themselves a little bit! Am I asking too much if I ask for Aretha as the solo of the choir?
It is difficult to find all of this in Italy. I could find a chorus of sad and gloomy people singing "Miserere". Oh my!
My brother will come tomorrow for his visit. I will ask him to force my mother to drink 1 liter (half a big bottle) of water when they are out for lunch. SO he will understand a little bit what we have to do every single day. It does not seem important, but for my mother is a question of life/death, and as she constantly refuses to drink, she makes our life very difficult. If by disgrace my mother died out of kidney failure because she has not drunk enough, I know I would have all the family (uncles, cousins) accusing me to have neglected her.
It was cold and rainy today. It spared me the trouble of watering the garden. Happy Sunday to you all!

Pirate, I have a stupid idea but it probably won't work, could you write what you need to say on a tee shirt and walk around with it...or is that a firing offense?

Gross? Everything here is gross, I can't even think...

Saturday-like it means anything. Every morning I wake up and hear his coughing, I am disappointed he is not dead.

hope everyone else is doing OK.

Ran thru sprinklers! Ah ... sounds good right now!
The neighbor kids have a huge inflatable pool with a slip & slide. theres a dozen or so there now screaming & having fun ...

Hi Rip, Yes, I'm glad it's over, too!!! There was a lady there who made some photos, but I didn't recognize her so don't know how to get any of the photos.

It was an overcast 86 today, but last week it was up to 101. What in the world did we do without air conditioners?

Wow Peach!
That sounds like some kind of funeral! Any photos? Thanks for sharing.
I'm glad that is over for you!
It's warm in Seattle at last! Near 90. I set up an air conditioner for Dad came to the cooler lower level to check up on everyone here.

Did SS post about her T party?
I am hoping to hear from Bobbie soon.
Ditto on the 'restful Saturday afternoon!

Well, we're back from the funeral! It does bare repeating...I HATE funerals!!!!!!!!! Reminds me of the past & the future to come...HATE 'EM!!!!!
That having been said, I've been to all kinds of funerals, even a Harley Davidson funeral, for my brother-in-law, where everyone was asked to wear a Harley T-shirt & blue jeans & there were close to 100 motorcycles to lead the processional to the cemetary, but todays took the cake. The gentleman was as southern as the day is long so they dressed him in his custom attire, his overalls, complete with his pocketwatch & checkered shirt & instead of a hurse to transport him to the cemetary they loaded the casket up in the back of his pickup truck & hauled him away! It was redneck, but very fitting...I guess you'd have had to known him to understand...Definately different! His grandson is a minister & did the eulogy & did a very nice dignified service.

dtflex, we're close to Chattanooga, TN. Where are you in SC? My daughter lives in Hartsville. She has also lived in Charlotte & Hilton Head. When I was a kid I lived in Greenville. It would be great to get together sometime!

I'm glad that you've found a good man! They are few & far between!!! After many duds I found a good one, unfortunately now he's in this major physical battle. I can't help but wonder how much time we have left together. When he does something that aggrivates me I try to remember that. And we've all got baggage!

Glad that you had a good visit with your sister & brother. Hope you found a great place for him to rent. Rip lives in Seattle, too!

Hope everyone will have a great, restful Saturday afternoon!

Afternoon all,
Rip, Thanks for the product tips, our boy goes thru alot of litter....what happens when you feed them. LOL
Guys can be stupid, but mostly just inept. Deductively challenged. LOL
Pirate, Yep. I used to design circuit boards. Half the engineers were grateful for my work & just said with it. The other half would want to play interferance, make you jump thru hoops to make themselves look superior. Such a waste. I spent way too much time defending myself and spanking the incompetent. That's why I don't believe in evolution....too many U TURNS. I would laugh but it's not at all funny. Intelligence can be a curse, and what is it with half wits in positions of authority????? LORD have mercy on those of us with some sense!!!
Dtflex, Wonderful that your brother is moving to town. Hope all works for both of you.
GPeach, GOD be with you & hubby. I still don't know what "kind" of Christian I am after 8 yrs. but I do know HIM more each day. Not too concerned with denomination or "belonging" as long as I belong to HIM.
Rose, Blessed weekend to you & yours. Couch can make you stiff? Treat yourself to some real ZZZs in a real bed.
Blessings & gifts to all!!!

Hi y'all,

Just a quick morning hello. It is overcast and gloomy here in SC.

Georgia, what part of the state do you live in? If you're not too far, maybe we can meet up one day.

Rip, after many "stupid" boys I think I have found a good man. Unfortunately he gets to deal with all my baggage. He would marry me in a heartbeat and I swear I won't do that again. He is a sweet, kind man and very supportive of my situation with mom. He has his own past too but has learned some very hard and painful lessons from it.

Today my sister heads back to Seattle. After our little blow-up the second day and her having time to see what mom does, we have had a good time. It was nice to have both my brother and sister here at the same time. Now I have to help my brother find a place to rent.

I have to get going but I wish everyone a beautiful day and a safe journey, whether it be on the highway or just navigating the day's challenges.

Love to all my caregiver friends

Good morning everybody! Hope y'all had a restful night without drama!

We are on our way to the funeral.

Hope everybody will have a great morning!

Hi everybody! I just woke up from my usual couch nap, it's 6 in the morning, I have to start work... I'm still sleepy. Maybe I should transform the couch nap in a bed nap.
Jen I am glad you are well.
Pirate I understand your feelings, I worked in an office for 7 years and I saw many disagreable things. But if you take the positive side, it's a good place to meet people and have a social life. When you work at home you are more peaceful but you are alone!
A big kiss to all of you----------------

Peach ...
I love a romantic man. A simple compliment can make your world light up!
Cherish him ... I know you do.

I love that my Dad is a still gentleman .
His quiet demenor sours the 'well meaning men', who visit, some courting my affection.

I expect anyone looking for my affection to be a person in his own right!

When I discover my back is often stronger than theirs ... I end up doing the work myself when they come to offer assistance. They look at me in in wonder ... as I run my power tools & lift things I shouldn't .. but are not alert enough to see to help.

many single men our age have much baggage. No Sh*t! So do I.
I hate being strong all the time!
But, give me a hand liftng a heavy object!

Years ago a dear friend sent me a greeting card:
Cute cover of Tom Boy girls ...
inside Caption ...
"We learned it all in Kindergarten. Boys are Stupid!".

WOW, after my last episode with a delightful guy who didn't open his eyes .. left me lifting heavy objects & furniture as he stood by bewildered, ... I think the greeting card may be right!

Bless those of you that have wonderful husbands. I hope they never change.
I wish mine hadn't found money & image. I couldn't compete with a Mercedes Benz, important friends & lots of fancy image.

I miss my best friend, the man I once cherished.
I have our pets! Poor him!!!

Oh well ...

Hey everybody! There's been 19 posts while we were gone to the funeral home, so if I forget someone, I'm sorry!

The trip to the funeral home went better than what I though it would, but still very stressful! I HATE funeral homes & funerals!!!!! HATE THEM!!!!!!! The funeral is tomorrow, but don't know yet if my husband will feel like going or not.

Pirate, I'm sorry that you're having a difficult time at work, but in today's market be glad that you have a job! I wish I did! I would stand less of a chance of losing our home if I did. I have put in I don't know how many applications & turned in multiple resumes, but still no job. The job market here really bites!!! I would have had several if I could speak Spanish, but the two years that I had in high school isn't enough to qualify. That having been said, I do understand working for jerks that don't have a clue & that bites! I hope things will be better for you on Monday!

J, I agree with you about pit bulls...they scare me!

Rip, thanks for the info about the cat littler. I love Costco! Don't have one around here, but got acquainted with them on a trip to Alaska years ago...Jamocha Almond Fudge ice cream is the BEST!

Bobbie, glad that you're having such fun on the boat! A cardboard dinghy race sounds like a blast. Will be thinking about you when you have your boat naming ceremony. I know that it will be a proud moment that was a long time in the making!

SS, thinking about you tonight with your party...hope it went well.

GODhelp, thanks for your insight into religion v/s relationship! I totally agree! I hate religion. It's all about the relationship! You can be religious about washing your car every weekend.

d, I think it was, I'm glad that your brother is moving close to you & that he will be able to help you! What a blessing!

If I said anything to offend or upset any of you, I promise it was not intentional!!! Please forgive me. I guess I'm just more tired & stressed than I thought, with the possibility of more fun tomorrow! YEAH!

Rosella, how are you tonight? I like Gone With the Wind, also! My granddaughter's name is Meriella!

I just had a much needed compliment from my husband! He said that I looked very nice tonight! I needed that! Some things we just take for granted...

If I don't talk to y'all again tonight, I hope that everyone of you have a very restful night & a great weekend!

Hi everyone Maxine here-Rossella Italy did you read Scarlette that was written after the author of GWTW had died I thought it was great. Rip I was so tired hearing about my husbands bowels after working all day in the hospital and even getting phone calls during the day for an update and it is easier to clean it when you are getting paid-and you get to go home after your shift. Rip I have gotten that message and thought what the f are they talking about-it is still so hot here in the northeast -if I wanted this weather I would have moved to FLA. Some day your caregiving will be over and you will know you did your best-I know from experience that probably does not help but life can get strange when you least expect it-hope you all have a good weekend and a cool one-can we all do a rain dance it is so dry here people are having their wells go dry-it just never rains anymore.

oh, Pirate!
What a pain in the you know where.
I quit my city job & benefits for many of the same reasons.
But tht was 30 years ago!

My father was in the aerospace industry ... I should be afraid to fly knowing what I do.

The sick thing is that so many people try to do their jobs & corporate & engineering egos stomp all over common sense.
Want to hear a joke?
Do you know why architects aren't admitted to heaven?
Jesus was a carpenter.

They think their high falooting ideas on paper will ride in production.
When a builder adheres to an architect's plan - they are often stumped by the insanity of putting blue prints to the actual construction of placing wood, steel beams & making it work.

My work sucks so much now..I hate coming to work. I cannot believe how they are here. I work for a huge huge huge comglomerate world wide aerospace company and it runs like shit. Amazing....they are totally nazified and George Orwell's big brother. I was on an IM with someone who deals with the new reporting system we have to use. I asked her if I send a specific report to an engineer if they can open it up and drill down the information tabs. No they have to be a registered user they said. Okay fine then I have to send each piece of information seperately I said, which is a lot of confusing information now that they changed everything and is so uber over complicated that it's difficulty to do the job with any kind of expedience. Then the cow says to me...why don't you try another report. I said I don't have hours upon hours clicking open through all reports to see if one works. I did that the other day for hours and got no where. I said where is the labor charge for that....silence on the other side. Then she says well it seems you have everything at hand...????what the f....I only want to help. I said if you want to help why don't you and your folks post on the website all th usefull reports we can use at this division...nothing comes back from the otherside. Multiply this type of shit everyday for the past 2 months and that is the hell they threw to us. THEY ARE DISGUSTING IN MY EYES. I had a vendor call me to tell me she's been trying to call the buyer for days with no answer or no return phone call. This place is so unprofessional it aint funny. For a huge world corporation they disgust me.

So there's the work rant. 4 more years of this hell!

I used to like my job...not anymore...they destroyed that all on their arrogant political own.

Georgia Peach???
How are you both today? I think of you every time I reach for my favorite fruit! Costco has the best ... I know, I sound like an ad for them ... oh well, MicroSoft & Costco were started near me.

Costco was wonderful when Dad was in the institution. I'd buy bulk & divvy it up with several of the other residents so we always had fresh fruit, veggies & specialty cheeses at an affordable price.
The stock is replaced daily so everything is fresh!

Even laundry detergent & things like Baggies were a hot divy item.

Another SignLady secret for those who have cats using Litter Boxes.
The local feed stores that supply horse & large animal supplies, carry a Pine Pellet product called Dry Den.

It's main use is for bedding for animal stalls. Has an enzyme, Zeolite, for odor control.
I discovered it at the cat shelters. I've used it for years & my multiple cats like it.
One of the scary things about clay fillers is that the dust can cause respiratory problems, especailly with kittens. Dust plugs their poor little noses.

Nice thing is after scooping out the clumps ... OK, the sh*t, you can toss the mushy decomposible pellets in the yard as compost or mulch.
A $35 lb. bag costs about $5.

No fancy packaging like the pine & recycled newspaper stuff in the pet stores!
My elder kitty friends at the 'institution' even flushed it. Commercial toilet system.

Hope y'all can find it! Even smells earthy & piney until saturation ...

I agree about pit bulls, for every ounce that is a breed issue it is, %100 a people issue. People who buy them often want them to be viscous, but I still would not get one as a pet personally.

Jsome ... everything is posting & I recieved the hug & back at you girlfriend!
My pets love TV! Especially Animal Planet. I can't believe their attentions span!
Have you seen Pit Boss about the little guy who rescues Pit Bulls? They aren't my favorite breed b.c AH"s tend to own & abuse them, not the dog's fault. Over agressive breeding & insecure idiot owners.
The show is great! I love his ShortyWood Production company for little people actors.

doing ok watching cat videos on youtube...

Hi everyone!

I've had a busy week with my sister in town. Came home on Wednesday to find my brother and his wife here too. The icing on the cake was to find out yeaterday my brother has gotten a job in town and will be moving to SC in the next couple of weeks. I'm happy to know my brother will be moving nearby since he will help me with mom. I know I will still be the primary caregiver, but he should be able to give me a break every once in awhile.

Jsomebody, Pirate, Miz, Tennessee and Georgia, I know you are having tough times, but this too will pass. Take it one moment at a time. I know some days it is too hard to even think of a day at a time.

SS, I'm happy to hear you so excited about your party. Whether I believe in the movement or not, I am happy to see you happy.

Bobbie, have fun with the Barbara B.

I'm sure I have missed some of you, but i'll be thinking of you just the same.

Have a great weekend my friend!


Maybe there's a glitch in the system

Invalid Data Detected

We're sorry, we could not process the information you entered. Please avoid using words and phrases that begin with the '<' character.

That come up when I sent the hug...

try reloading your page or going out and coming back in are you seeing your post on the list? I'll send a hug check too.

It looks ok here...

is anyone else seeing this message after submitting?
My post appear but it's weird ...

"Invalid Data Detected
We're sorry, we could not process the information you entered. Please avoid using words and phrases that begin with the '<' character."

Good idea GHU!

You can buy tinted static cling window film at many auto parts stores like Shuck's & Al's. Cheap for a roll about 18" by several feet..
Easy to install with a mist of water on both sides & squeegee.
Peels off when you decide to remove.
I use on the window in my front door so people can't see in.
Nice for privacy on boat windows too!

Miz, Try throwing a light colored hand towel over that steering wheel. I know how those ouch!!! Hope you can get some rest this weekend. We rise to the occassion....whatever it is. Strange how that works. I think it's a girl thing.

B321, A cardboard dinghy and a six pack sounds good right now. LOL. After all it is Friday! I'd have to share the six pack...two is my limit anymore...I've become a lightweight.

Hello Everyone. I feel soooo out of touch. It seems I have no energy with this work thing and everything else too. I drop into bed by 9:00 and back up at 6:30ish in the morning. PIrate, I don't know how you work full time and do everything else you do. I'm meeting a friend for dinner tonight. There's a Mexican restaurant here that makes awesome spinach quesadillas. Then, hubby and I are going to his parents tomorrow morning and back Sunday by noon. His brother, s-i-l and little nephew are up from Texas. I hope to spend some time by his sister's pool or better yet, on a raft floating around on his sister's pool. Mom is doing okay. She's very subdued now that she's taking this new medicine. I'm not sure that's good. Seems like there has to be a happy medium somewhere. I'm gonna call her doc. Went running around after work today to two different pharmacies and the health food store for my vegetarian vitamins, calcium, and biotin. Man it costs a lot to stay healthy. It's hot as hades here. 98 today. I couldn't even touch the top of the steering wheel. I can't remember a Summer as hot as this one. Well, I hope to get caught up on all of yalll soon. I love yas. Welcome to the newbies. Bobbie, bring on the boat!! :)



WOW! Been thinking about you and asking on the thread... How's Pamela?

How are YOU? How is your mom?

so good to see from you!


I'm good. love God, not crazy about religion. That's why I like the Quakers. Walk in, sit down and shut up.
In your life, try to do the right thing.

Love you guys and godHelps, I know whatchoo mean about the looney toons

WooHoo boat.

There's a Cardboard Dinghy Race this weekend and that is going to be some funny stuff. 2 kids are up at the pavilion right now putting together a pretty good looking little boat.

OK: back to work for me.


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