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Happy Friday caregivers,
Rip, Tear jerk about the wallabee...breaks our hearts when they leave us.
This is also Aroura Borealis (sp?) time 'til late Aug. if you are near the north.

I'm not NRA either although we do keep a large can of bear spray near the front door for the unwise intruder, and Hubby was in the Marine Corp. so.....

Jsome, Yet a little while...Stay strong dear. You are well worth your future when this is over....and it will be. It's so hard not to become bitter, but as long as we are able to let it go when it's over....we'll be OK.

B321, Glad the electronics are in good hands.
Please don't reject GOD because of religious mutants. People have been twisting HIS word to suit their own lunacy for eons. Please not to let them turn you from HIM. Religion is the worst thing to ever happen to Christianity. It's about your own personal relationship with HIM, not someone else's idea of what you or any of us should be. True Christians know this and NONE of us are fit to cast any stones.

Blessings & gifts in abundance to all.

Hello everyone. Just popped in to say hello and hope everyone is doing well. Fox News, well I will have to read about that SS unless you want to give me an update on my profile.

Bobbie how've you been?

And everyone else Hello to you all.


Bobbie, there were 900 Tea Party Patriots House Parties scheduled last night (8/12 for the 9/12 march on DC); don't know how many tonight. I'd say the media is busy trying to cover them all. We'll take movies, and maybe do a YouTube?...if I can find my charger. Ugh! Though the camera's working just there will be lots of photos.

Jsome, hang in there. There is life after that mess. You just take care of you, please!!! Caregiver stress is a fearsome thing.

hey Jsome,

i'm so sorry that you have all of that on your back. It Will Pass so try to leave a little energy to focus on your future.
I can relate because I almost tried to get myself arrested for the weekend to catch a break and I was only dealing with one. not Two. omg. You are a very strong person to be able to even wake up and face that sh!!.

Keep venting and get that stuff out of you!!! There's a future where you will be safe and happy!!! I am proof!!!!


Have a great time SS.
I love throwing a party, no kidding and with all of the media attention you're getting I should tune to Fox News to see if we see you!

btw, I'm the NRA also but hate killing living things but will commit caniside,bottleacide and love target shooting.

I had to commit insecticide earlier when i saw an ant strolling across the cockpit like he owned the place and last night I committed arachnicide when a spider showed up on the ceiling of my room.
Kept looking for the spider after i smacked it and realized that it was stuck to the bottom of my flip flop.
They both just got on the wrong boat.

Chartplotter installed. The boat angel is working his magic.

OK: got the Fox news on just to see if SS gets some Satellite time.... call the affiliate SS!! invite them over....they'll come! slow news day and you may be able to catch air!

checking in later...


Thank you all, for all of your concern. Due to Grandfathers DR app. I was able to squeeze one in, I can smell my mothers desperate resentment of it. MA where else do you expect to get free 24 7 elder care huh your mentally ill, home bound daughter is a blessing in an annoying regrettable package eh? What ever. Got a dr. app for 24th when they are at the specialist finding out if he is dying of Prostate Cancer, fine with me.

Rip I am sorry about the wallaby. That is the one picture I clicked on in the link too. Makes me feel weird. Poor little thing. well no more suffering. But a lot of pain for the loving workers who make homes for their animals there.

Hope everyone else is doing alright. I feel like much better today, just from being away from him for five hours I can't say!

Jsomebady here. I am NOT having stroke. I even had a cat scan to verify it. So one less worry, Got a shot of Ativan to calm down before the test and you know what. Just having my Grandfather out of the room calmed me down plenty! GOD he stayed in there, mothers insistence while I disrobed, sat there coughing and stinking up the space for four hours, when they finally left. I insisted because they are both Diabetic and needed to go home and eat and take pills, I felt the weight of the world of my shoulders. Literally, I had not felt that good since my trip in the ambulance to go have myself committed three weeks ago. Didn't take, all beds filled but emergency respite was a relief!!!

GOD that says something. I feel happier in an ER than at home...DR/Nurse asked standard intake questions..."Do you feel safe at home." I lied "yes" what was I gonna say with them in the room. Yeah I feel safe and MISERABLY. Whatever. Well, I am home sore and tired, regular routine but I see alight at the end of the tunnel here. And I think, I could work in a hospital. I have been cleaning up piss and blood and shit and throw up and spit up for years now. I can imagine doing it and getting PAID for it.
Get up 7 in the morning, fart pants wants breakfast. he says"Morning, How are you feeling..." "Tired." and he shuts up. What do you think you f-ing pervert. when I get up I listen and if i hear you I say to myself "Not dead, shit." And on the routine goes...

Ah but the light is there.......Some how, some way, someone is gonna get free of you, you rotten old bastard. I will get away!

The boat sounds marvelous, Bobbie! Hope you're thoroughly enjoying her!

We're putting up gazebo/awnings and setting out tables and chairs for tonight's big event. Making tea, lemonade, last minute countdown. 7 PM EST. More AM Radio publicity this morning, and lots of RSVPs are coming in... We are excited!

Hope you ALL have a great weekend! Hugs!


Happy Birthday next Thursday and you are an inspiration.

I always tried to tell my people: quit being a jackass, life is short and let's have a party.

I still have to resolve my birth mother drama. she's a mess and I feel sorry for her and I am starting to feel strong enough to deal, but I know that the outcome will be the same. All Quiet and then I don't conform to her biblical standards and here we go again.
I would probably give more credibility to it all if the 'books' that the women wrote were included in the tome......

On the boat and I have issued a new edict: Hands Behind your Back and Point with your Nose.
The guys in the marina are fascinated with this boat and when they show up they want to play with the equipment. No go. I know that they wouldn't go onto a guy's boat and act like that so I have learned to do some bud nippin and nip that sh!! in the bud with the above quote. they turn immediately into cute puppy dogs and become very respectful.
Do Not Diddle My GPS.

More later. New antenna being mounted; going to watch. With my hands behind my back........ so our electronics angel can do his job.

Denaming Ceremony for Boat in 1 day!!!!!
Have to have a partay and get the boat ready for her new name:
Barbara B
Rip the Stitch is doing the lettering!!!! so happy to have you guys as friends.




Bobbie, I agree with your quote. I don't ever want to grow up! I will be 59 next Thursday, but no one believes me. Even when I am so tired I can barely stand, I refuse to go out of the house without makeup and nice clothes. I know we all don't have a lot of time to care for ourselves, but I believe that thinking and acting young, helps to keep us young. And definitely laugh as much and as often as you can. That alone will add 10 years to your life.
For all you gals in the NRA, I say good for you! I do not believe in keeping guns in my house. Too many murders in the cities up here. Too many people killing their own families. Times are really tough right now, and things can't be solved by using guns. I believe in protecting what is mine, but not with guns. Sorry!
SS, Hope your party goes well. I'm with Pirate. No time or inclination for politics, but it sounds like you have lots of fun!
Pirate, I love Earl Grey tea! It has been my favorite for 40 years! I'm down with the macaroons too!
Rip, we could have a tea party and watch the meteor showers all night! Saw 2 in less than a minute on the first night. Last night it was cloudy and raining. Weather looks like clouds for the next few days, so we may not be able to watch the show. I have trouble keeping my eyes open past 10 anyway.
Rossella, Good advice for J. Regular doctor visits are very important, especially for us, who are under lots of stress. My doctor is very concerned for my health. Luckily my husband decided to finally join Weight Watchers to lose weight. I have never been overweight, but this past winter I went up to 165 lbs. I am under 5'2". I have since lost 16 lbs. and my husband has lost 30. I try to exercise every day and that has brought my blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol all down to an acceptable level. It's hard to find the time to exercise and with the heat, it has been too hot to walk outside. It's also a lot of work to cook, as I also have to make Mom's meals. But in the end, we need to take better care of ourselves so that we can enjoy life, once we are free!!!!
J, Please listen to Rossella and call your doctor if you are not feeling right. You have to take care of yourself!!!
Tennessee, Your brother is a lecherous bas!ard. He will have to pay for this someday. So glad your daughter is feeling better.
Georgia, Shame on the children! No matter what, you are their parents and deserve better. Just by reading the posts, we can see all of the offspring that care for their family members even after they were treated poorly by them for years. Time to pitch in and try to make amends.
Everyone try to have a good day. Have to get rid of the bag of shitty diapers, and wash another load of pissy clothes. And see if Mom has another present for me, in her pants! Ah!!! What a wonderful life!!!!

Good Morning Everybody,

Rossella: I understand the Ashley Wilkes syndrome but I have chosen not to participate!

Heres one:

You will never be as young again as you are THIS MOMENT! Therefore act accordingly!

OK: got to make some coffee and work on the boat.

love you guys,


BTW I suffer from the "Ashley Wilkes syndrome", which is, you regret the time that is gone and will never come back again. You hardly accept the life how it is now.
let's shake it off!

I found this site out of pure coincidence, because I was looking for the meaning of an American expression.
God bless my work!

I am feeling happy tonight.
Waiting for the sky show of shooting star, wonderful memories of my childhood which involve Dad, now safely tucked into bed ...we used to share the meteor showers together.
His vision is shot, his body betraying us both. He can't enjoy the sky show, but longs to ...

I am happy b/c all of you are here to join in the sh*t we deal with!

We bitch & moan here ... it's our only outlet!
God help the people who are dealing with declining parents who haven't found this site.

I think, in desperation, I entered a google search about my Dad's bowel movements ruling my life.
Somehow, I ended up here.
I never thought my Dad's sh*t would open a new world of friends for me!

Rocky, in photo, needs her medication for allergies.
Be well every one!!!

Hi gals!
1st of all: JEN! Don't make me angry so I have to shout at you as I do with my mother. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH! I understand that your life seems so hard to you that you don't care, but you are young, you have many good years in front of you. You have to think of your future and damn, try to be healthy when the future comes! I have high blood pressure and I have taken pills for the last 10 years. That's why I did not have strokes and heart attacks. Some of my friends had the same problem, they did not take pills to lower the pressure and they had heart attacks! And now they have to be very careful about everything. I can still bathe, run in the fields... thanks to my wonderful life saving pills. Next time you write, I want to know that you have seen a doctor. OK? PLease don't make me worry, I have already many things to worry about.
Georgia, Georgia on my mind! Love your name! I read "Gone with the wind" at least 5 times and, as it is a 500 pages book, it is not so easy. Liked the movie, but loved-loved the book. My name is Rossella which is the translation of Scarlett. (rosso = red)
Tennessee: if it's true that your brother did not give your daughter her toys purposedly, you are right, this is no more greed, this is a mental problem.
I am amazed by the number of nasty relatives I am hearing about. Brothers that give the hell to their sisters, children who refuse to forgive their father for things he made 20 years before, people who stick to the relative who has more money.. In the best cases, indifference and selfishness..That's family! Sh*t.
I see that many of you have artistic skills. The artists are generous people, who live in their own (better) world, that have an open attitude toward life. That's why their "practical minded" relatives take advantage of them!
Deefer: I have noticed my mother sometimes plays the game with me and she understands more than she wants to show, because it's the way she keeps control on me. But it's hard to understand when she does so. Tonight, I felt I was falling asleep in front of the TV so I gave her a sweater, and told her: "If I fall asleep and you are cold, put it on". When I woke up at 4 in the morning, local time (I slept 6 hours on the coach) I found her on her armchair, shivering, she had not put her sweater on. She did not make the mental connection "I am cold, I have a sweater close to me, I put the sweater on". This is another thing I have learned tonight; next time I'll make her wear the sweater before falling asleep.
Linda: I don't think you can take an infection just smelling your mother (father?) pee. The idea made me smile, anyway!
Pirate; yes your mother IS nasty. My mother is a pain in the neck, but when I take her for a ride she is always happy and she enjoys it, and if I tell her: (for example) "If you drink that glass of water I am going to take you for a ride", she drinks, because she wants to go out. So I guess she is more reasonable than yours. So you are very right in keeping some spare time for yourself. (in Italy we have a nice saying which goes: let her cook in her own broth, which means more or less: let her take her own medicine). If she wants to make her life more miserable, it's her choice.
That's all! Rip, sorry for your friend's wallabee!
Kisses to ya all- Tomorrow is another day!

Love you ladies, and will try to catch up with you after the big event. Thanks for your encouragement. I'll try to take notes and keep up, but right now, my minds in planning party mode. I keep reading about dogs and cats and...poo. My how this group has grown! Hello to all you newbies! Welcome!

Yes I have to pass on anything tea party unless it is a real tea party. Don't want to get into politics in here.

A real tea party....dear please try some of this yummy earl grey with your egg salad tea sandwich....and oh do try some of these yummy macaroons. LOL!

Yes will be seeing mommy dearest soon enough. The caregiver called me and said my mom is pissing and moaning about being lonely etc etc etc. Her sisters don't visit my useless cousins don't visit, she has never had a friend. The neighbors don't care about her she made enough enemies on the street, so she makes me the scapegoat in her life. It's a terrible burden she tries to put on me, she won't go into a NH...but guess what when she is even more feeble she will have to, cause there is no way I can quit work. There will be no way for a caregiver to pick her heavy butt up. So the caregiver who is feeling sorry for her said she will take her for a drive around tomorrow and she was still pissing and moaning about that. The caregiver said I will take you for a drive after you have a bath, and she was pissing and moaning about taking a bath, and the caregiver said well no bath no driving around. This is insanity cause I am too practical and common sense a person to keep this merry go around going. It's ridiculous that she want's to stay in her stupid, but she has never ever ever ever been rational about certain if she want to croak there I don't flippin care, but I doubt it....she's hanging on like the evil witch's fingernails in Snow White going down the chalkboard. Gotta make my life miserable to the last second.

Home from the doc appt! A new cath inserted! Our MA is an angel ~ was upset he didn't get my phone msgs & PSA blood results. Dad cath was tough to pull pout since it had been so long. Just sat him down with a beer & cig in front of the news while I log on here for mental relief.

Received a horrible email ... Teresa, our friend at the Monroe Funny Farm, just lost one of their Wallabies ... Yahoo. The vet couldn't pull him thru some kind of poision, I think.

Please find her site, log on & give her prayers.

Dad calls ... so much for a rest.

Hey Rip..

wasn't fast enough

Pirate, Deef, Rosella, Tenn, All in ther with you & the mom that makes you scream. That's my mom's favorite source of amusement. She made me scream for years shortly after I became a Christian and wanted to be more quiet. She finally agreed to a hearing aide but now it's become habit & I am too loud & repeat myself as much as I hate it. I'm working on it though. Hubby says he's seen her put the phone up to the wrong ear.....yeh that's helpful!
Rip, The queen is quite fond of her new golden throne!!! Befitting of her royal self! She still isn't elevating her feet enough & upon our skin graft visit to the doc today I saw that one foot is swollen again & trying to get infected. The doc put her on antibiotics again. She only has one graft left and I hope she hasn't blown it with neglect. She nods her head and says OK but doesn't DO what she knows is right! Her decision. If she want to waste everyones time & money it's her call, but you can see how infuriating it is for me. WASTE!!!!! She thinks it's some kind of game to get attention & tweek me! If they have to amputate her feet it'll be too late. I'll say OK you win it's off to the NH for you!!!!! ....vent, vent...sorry.
Tenn, I'm still praying for justice. Glad your daughter is better. You two must be a sight in your pink farm girl outfits. I'm quite fond of coveralls myself. Sorry you lost your tractor. Hope you get a brand new pink Deere!!!
B321, Prior to laptops; my brother used one of the heads on his boat as a computer room. I had a little brass plaque made that said "egg head". He loved it.
Brother just visited this last weekend. Mom was on her best behavior & my bro's new love is wonderful. Had hub's dad's Bday here last night & it was also a success. Most company we've had in two years & all in one week!! At least now our house is clean! LOL
GPeach, Our condolences on your loss. GOD give you comfort & peace.
Linda, I don't think UTIs are contagious but I don't know for certain. Maybe call the doc & find out?
SS, Hope the party is fun for you & family. Pastor is in the Tea Party? I would find that a little scarey, but maybe he's able to keep a balance.

GOD bless & keep us safe in HIS hand & under HIS wing.

Georgia - I'm in West Tenn. opposite end of state.

SS, I hope all goes well with your Tea Party. We were asked to go to one not long ago, but because of my husband's illness...crowds make him nervous, making the tremors worse, not knowing about the setup, etc. we chose not to go. I'd love, like I'm sure we all would, to have a normal life again! Hope y'all have a great evening!.

Hi everybody! Hope y'all had a pleasant day! I'm sorry for the ones that have had challenges! I hope tomorrow will be better!

J, are you ok?!?! Sorry that you had a crappy day! Hope tomorrow will be better!

tennessee, how close are you to Chattanooga? I am so sorry that the items that you gt back weren't the right ones! I hate it when somebody tries to pull one over on me! GGRRRrrrr! We're also members of the NRA.

Rip, love the photo of Rockette! What a sweetie! I'm sorry about Hawkeye!

Hey Pirate! Glad you're here! Sorry that you had a difficult day, too! I hate guilt trips! Glad that you filled the caregiver in. Smart move!

We had one of those calls this morning that we all dread. My husband's B-I-L passed away this morning so we'll have funeral home visitation tomorrow night & the funeral on Saturday.

Supper time so I'll talk to ya later. Do you guys ever get to eat your food while it's hot? What's that like? I don't remember!

HMM yes another crappy day. But oh well. CLEO seems all better. We heard from nurse she said call and schedule the app yourself as they are understaffed at the urologist, so app. set for him for 24th. mom will come home early to take him. He didn't even know he HAD a problem...Yes that is what the blood work was for. Elevated PSA...Yes you are not perfectly well. Mr Thinks he is as fit as a horse..Yeah, an 89 year old incontinent, diabetic, horse suffering from dementia that can't stand up for more than twelve seconds at a stretch...Yes, healthy as THAT horse maybe.

Pass on The Tea Party. I am a Democrat. Might be nice to have a gun though...sit on the porch and clean it...Bet the neighbors would stay the hell out of our yard from then on....stop throwing garbage in our yard...

MM the horse is out of the stall, doing terrible things to the toilet...why wash yer hands yes we all loved having symptoms of E-Coli last spring, that were fun that were...

Hope everyone is well. I am having symptoms of stroke here I think. Don't know don't care. So if i stop writing it might be health or death not rudeness or mom not liking me talking about family stuff on line...

quoted from Deefer "I can be a b!tch to Mom too! It's so hard that sometimes I just snap!! You are right. It's the repeating yourself over and over and over----- that's the most aggravating to us and them. Mom will just sit there and act like she doesn't hear me, so I talk louder. Then she shushes me and says she's not deaf and be quiet, do I want the neighbors to hear. I know she can't help herself some of the time, but a lot of the time, she is playing me on purpose!!"

Oh yes....exactly what I go through mom playing on my feelings. On the nights I don't go over I think she tries to make me feel guilty but I won't go there not anymore. I told her she can go to a NH where there are people around all the don't whine to me about being lonely or bored. She has a caregiver that comes 20 hrs a week, I come 2 to 3 hours on Tues/Thurs nights after work, and am there for 8 hours + on both weekend days...what the F more do you want from me. I have to work for a living everyday. I just filled her caregivers of some of the nightmares my mom put me through in earlier years 81 - 85 of just a couple of her psychotic stunts with she can have some background of why I am so stern with my mom. My mom put me through a lot of selfish stuff so I don't think it's too selfish of me just to have 3 workweek nights to myself. (not like I am alone have to deal with selfish b/

... the name would be on the boat if Rip knew the dimesions, where to send it, etc.

The new photo is RocketteBichon the dancing girl. Well, used to be. She turned 13 in June & is slowing down. Having lost Hawkeye our Husky last onth we are all feeling sad. His photo wil replace her's soon.

Passing time waiting for Dad's doc appt. Grumbling how slow AOL is lately...

Bobbie ~ I keep looking for you. ripleymcknight

Hardebeck--Is your sister sick? Bobbie,when are you pulling out-do you actually have the name on the boat yet? .Secret S. I hope tomorrow is a great day for you.

Tea Party anyone? We're planning, mowing, cleaning, decorating, calling, and I am very excited. One more day...then let the partying begin. We have top notch speakers, and about 35+ RSVPs to date. A former Tea Party Primary Candidate did a local AM radio interview Tuesday, inviting the entire listening audience to our event. Pastor announced it in church last night, being he is one of our honored speakers. We've also heard from people in 5 different counties, from other Tea Party groups who are coming; some from 1-1/2 hour away. Can you imagine all this in my back yard? Fab firstborn loves a party, and this one is the talk of the town and radio. No secrets here, lol!

TENN , horray for us , we too are a memebr of nra . my husband said he die first before he hands over his guns to the law . i dont own any guns i just let my husband own em , i do know where theres one if i ever need it . im a damn good shooter too . bullseye everytime .:-) makes my husband feel like a tiney man . lol

oh tenn , sorry that ure going thru a nightmare with ur brother . thats a terrible thing anybody could go thru that . praying for you .
hi bobbie ,, sounds like ure havin a wonderful time , u deserve it ! ill get mine when all this is over . my oldest sister wants me to be her caregiver when her boyfriend passes away . ugh i dont know if im up for that again . i just dont know ....
dad has a chronic uti again , is on antibodi everynight now . he s getting heavyier and heavier to lift up . i dont feel too good myself . i wonder if i can get UTI from smelling his piss ? just a thoughts .
you all have a good evening and im gonna go get supper going . blah . xoxoxo

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