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WOW! I am SSSOOOOO sorry the other one is so long! Please forgive me.

Hi Everybody! I hope everybody has had a great day! Sorry, this may be a l-o-n-g one.

deefer, glad that the colonoscopy is over for you! Hope you got some rest today! Yes service animals are allowed to go everywhere with their master or mistress, unless it's a private residence, which is what I was thinking about. The ONLY place that we could POSSIBLY move to is in with my 85 year old, ULTRA clean Mother. She hasn't offered & has even said that we'll probably have to rent, although at $475. per month, our house payment is less than anywhere we could rent. Anyway, if it comes right down to not having a roof over our heads, I'll beg Mother to let us stay with her, but Shelbie & Gracie (dilute calico kitty) won't be welcome! Don't get me wrong, I do love my Mother. She's just 85, set in her ways & a VERY negative person, at best!!! Saturday afternoon Larry & I went to visit her & e were both very ready to leave after about an hour. Shame! We could be there for each other. Now you know why I've said that we don't have anywhere else to go. None of the rest of the family have room for us. About adult day care, Larry is a very private person & won't go because he's afraid he'll have a potty accident ( tinkles on his clothes while trying to pull them down) while he's there. At least if he's here he can change clothes & maintain his dignity...he's only 62. We change clothes & mop the bathroom floor alot. I will talk to him about him going again & see if he's changed his mind. We can hope so! It would do him good to get out more while he still can. Getting him in & out of the car is such a bear & I'm always scared he'll fall & I won't be able to get him up.

Jsomebody, glad that Cleo is doing fine! Do you think that her claws will grow back? I hate when kitties are declawed at the's really an amputation as they remove to the first knuckle. Had that done to one of my cats before I knew what the surgery really was. Please don't think that I'm downing you if yours have been declawed, I'm not...I do understand. J, I know that you were really stressing when you told your Mom to bite you! Things will get better. And that was a great idea to pick up the alum. cans! We have several people who usually walk the roads around here & take the cans to the recycler.

Tennessee, fart pants grumpus...LOL!

Rip, Larry has had a pretty good day. The tremors have been pretty bad & he's shuffling more, but he wasn't in as much pain, which is good. He exerts a lot of energy with the tremors & stays very tired most of the time. Sometimes he sleeps pretty good & other times, not so much. Never know how it's gonna be from day to day. He's getting to where he's staying in bed more & more, which concerns me. I know what you mean about the phone systems...they bite! I hate when you're almost where you need to be & then you get disconnected. Poop I've heard everything...LOL! I hope you'll start being able to sleep all night & not wake up & not be able to go back to sleep. You need your rest! Good idea about the newspaper. Someone else suggested that to me today, too. We will need to have a ramp built, but I was waiting to see where we'd be before contacting anyone. The First Baptist Church, here, has a group of men that will build ramps for the disabled. Great ministry! I had heard that there are some companies, like Comcast, that offer inhome jobs, just not sure how to go about finding one. Someone had told me that Apple Computers does that, too. Suggestions? Yay on the steam cleaner! Let us know how that works out. I tried to use one once upon a time...I screwed it up big time...the carpet took forever to's funny now! I have hugged Shelbie for you & she had the biggest grin on her face! She is such a sweetheart! Whenever I cry, which is a lot these days, she will come to me like she does Larry to try to comfort me! What would we do without her?? Hopefully we won't have to find out. We found her online at & went to visit with her & fell in love! She was about 2 years old & had been rescued by the pound & sent to the Humane Society close to Atlanta. She only weighed 42 lbs...she now weighs a hefty 95lbs...and she had massive bite marks & bruises all over her. There's no telling what that poor baby had endured before she was rescued. I couldn't leave her there, regardless if she would make a good service dog or not, so she came home with us! We took her to the vet & got her on some good food & started the bonding process. She had to be evaluated by 4 different groups to see her temperment, personality, agility, smarts, etc. before we could begin her service dog training. She passed all evaluations with flying colors! Then we began the training at a facility, that luckily, was only about an hour away. The training was wonderful!!! It was mainly for Larry & Shelbie, but I got to learn, too so I can keep up with her training. We still have to go walk on different surfaces from time to time, walk around clothing racks, open umbrellas around her, etc. You never know what's gonna happen so it's better to be prepared. I need to change me profile photo to one of her. Can you tell I'm smitten?!?! "And They Called it Puppy Love..."

Bobbie, Rip tells me that you really did get your boat! WOW!!! I am SSSSOOOOO happy for you!!!!! I love when dreams become reality! I'll do whatever you need me to do on the boat, just name it! Congratulations!

I do have some good news...We had a friend to come over this afternoon, to help us decide what options we have about the house & me getting a job. Sometimes it helps having a clear mind to help you...Thanks again to all of you guys!!! Your encouragement & thoughts have helped me to make it through the past few days! Larry's not so good at understanding these days & I've been too emotional. Anyway, the friend is going to help me find a job...he's been at his company for 38 years, and he told us NOT to worry about losing the house, that he wouldn't let that happen!!! Didn't say how, but I'm gonna trust...don't have a choice! He said that worry is counter-productive & that we would plan & work it out together & again, not to worry. He & Larry started 1st grade together! And Shelbie LOVES him!!! Will keep you posted.

Again, I am sorry that this is so long! I promise to try to be better in the future!

If I don't get t talk to you again, tonight, hope y'all will have a wonderful, restful, uneventful night! Love, K : )

I meant Crap & Cruise.

speaking of Poop Soup ~
the morning paper had a brief about Volkswagen introducing a new car that runs on ...
you guessed it ...
human waste.
I thought of us all powering our vehicles on parent poop.
The Carp & Cruise might be a reality after all!

Hey, GodHelpUs, how's the Golden Throne?

Have mommy go face the doctor's staff herself!
I believe you are stuck by the phone & unable to do it yourself.
Could the grandpa call the office himself? I bet he might offer some choice words.

Skritches to Cleo!

I'm about to go down the road to meet with my
$250. dollar a hour Fart Face Grumpus to see about getting a little girls toys back to her.

No call yet...Yes still my fault.

It is demeaning but sincere....and I don't say it TO him.. so who cares.

fart pants grumpus

omg too funny.


YAY, Cleo!!!

Last week I left 6 messages with Dad's urologists before I heard back!!!. They have a new phone system for the spreading hospital & the dozens of satelite offices - nobody is getting thru! The staff & patients are really ticked!
Reaching a person is a series of push buttons, holding & often disconnected.

Hey ya'll. Jsomebody here...CLEO doing fine, doesn't like the foot spray but she is healing. Still have not heard from the Prostate specialist to even set up an appointment...Mom is trying to find ways to blame me. Before she LEFT for work leaving me here with fart pants grumpus she made sure to remind me that we have an important LIFE THREATENING CALL COMING and that she couldn't get a hold of anyone on Monday, the day I had the emergency trip to the vet...Thanks ma, real nice more guilt. Bite Me!

RIP's idea about adopting out pets to nursing facilities is a good idea, cures loneliness boredom and unnecessary killing of cats and dogs that so many people treat like disposable toys...(neighbors).

Glad your job is going OK miz, wait for the pay check that will make it really worth while!

dreamed of lottery numbers last night went and played em here they are if any one else wants to give it a whirl. # 6,7,13,38,50, 8 and/or # 1,2,10,30,59, 32. Hope somebody wins something. I saw so many aluminum cans along the way I went back down the alley and bagged em! THAT is money on the ground! Though not as lucrative as three years ago, still...

Pirate, We know you are out there. Your stories are great and your trials are many. I think you would make a good first mate. Sure hope I can be chief cook and bottle washer. Bobbie, do you need a cook?
Had the dreaded colonoscopy this morning, and came home hungry as a bear! Had a bit to eat and am going to go to bed for a while, to see if I can shake off the remnants of anesthesia.
Have a good day everyone.

Verystressed, Aren't there laws for service dogs? They are usually allowed everywhere their master or mistress has to go. I sure hope you can find a way to keep your home. As with all of us, money is a big issue and the hardest to deal with. Would your husband be interested in an adult daycare program? I'm in central Mas. and there is a program that pays for Mom's 3 days a week, with her only having a small co-pay. This would get him out to meet new people and you could look for part time work while he is there. Just a thought. Contact your local senior center where there is someone on staff that can find you the organizations in you area that can help you. It's worth a try. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Good Morning Everybody!

Hope y'all had a restful night! I woke up about 4 & like to have NEVER went back to mind's working overtime, I guess!

Bobbie, you're welcome! I have a question, though...Did you REALLY get a boat?? You deserve it!!

Miz, glad that your job is going good!

Rip, I have talked to my husband about the media & he said to go for it, so I'll contact them to see what they say. We also have a friend coming over tonight that we can talk to & maybe give us some ideas. I had thought about the dog training & even checked into it, but you have to have qualifications, certifications & licenses that I don't have. Thank you all, again, for your care & suggestions!!! I'll let you know what I find out about the media prospect.

Hope y'all will have a very blessed day! K : )

Bobbie, it's almost as if we're living out the adventure with you. We're blessed to be part of such a great group! Pirate! You're first rate, mate! :)


I am sorry that you were hurt. I didn't mean to leave your name out or anybody's name out!

You'e not alone and you KNOW it when you are dealing with those of us on this thread! Whassup?

We have a great crew that has grown and grown. What I need is a paper next to the computer that has the list of names that have posted on this thread. when I holler out a list all I'm doing is giving a shout out.

Pirate: you're sgt at arms, member?

Very Stressed, thanks for the condolences for my mom. Hardest thing I've ever done. All you guys can do for me right now is remember me and my mom in your prayers.
I have reached the end of my caregiving for a human being and am now a caregiver for a boat. I would like this boat to be a respite boat for caregivers just like we all talked about all through the time that the plan was set right here on this thread. Nothing has changed.

There's something absolutely peaceful on the water (unless it's not due to weather) and regenerating to the soul and I hope that I can share this with my friends on this thread and the others who will follow.

The dingy's name is: Now What?

OK: the electronics guy is here and we are going to work on the last of the list that will bring the boat into the 21st century Navigation/communication wise. Very necessary. He's a sweetheart and knows what i want to do with the boat is is not charging me the 'usual' rate which I could not afford. Blessed.

ok my maties, please do not take it personally when i forget a name!!! I am learning many things and am doing the best i can.

Love you all more than you know,


Hi Everyone. I don't have time to read all the posts this morning but wanted to let you know the job is going fine. I'm really tired but I'm sure I'll get used to it. It's been so freakin' hot here. I think that's part of it. I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected. Love you all!!


Go Rexy?

I have watched the video of Carolyn and Rookie. Who looks into your eyes the way only a dog can do?

Lady ... you do need a break from your loving husband.
Just now & then ... a breather ...
Shelbie will be with him.

We need to find resources for you. NOW!
Since Shelbie is such a stellar dog, would it be possible for you to train other service dogs as a source of income? The local women's prision trains assistance dogs.
Must we be incarcerated to find a job?
I feel bewildered by your situation, why this wonderful country isn't quite there yet.
If you do choose a job, make certain it is close to your heart.

oops ~
Carolyn & Rookie
Doesn't stop there.
International dog loving community!

Yes, there will be their signature or their brain on that piece of paper...

Google Carol & Rookie, the dancing dog.
She has post polio syndrome & started dancing with Rookie for exercise.
I hope everyone finds them & enjoys!

Hi All...

Yep, Diane, it's me! Thanks for the info. I'll do a Google search & see what I can find out about the group. I've even been putting in applications to go back to work, but no luck. I HATE the thought of leaving my husband alone all day...don't think that he can handle it...he can't even feed himself & I have to help him in the BR, but we don't have a choice!

Rossella, thank you for the offer to help us with Shelbie! We'd make them an offer they can't refuse, huh?!?!

Love it, Rossella!
Hawkeye would have led the pack!
Stressed ... some how we are going to help you.
Think about a move to Seattle.
But I know .... you love your home.
Somehow, we will find a way.
Have you contacted the media yet? You said pride was no longer an issue, & frankly, these storeis come & go, then are forgotten.
Please give it a try?
What's to lose?

Verystressed: If somebody says you cannot keep Shelbie, tell me and I will come with my friends from Sicily and a lot of big guns. They will change their mind and they will say that you can keep every dog you want, even an elephant, if you like.

Miz, how's your new job going?

Hugs, all!

Hi everybody! Hope everyone has had a good day...uneventful!

Rip, I love your ideas about the animals & seniors! How much joy they would bring to each other! My hubby has a medical service dog, named Shelbie. She is a full-blooded collie that is a Humane Society rescue. We adopted her & she was evaluated for temperment, etc. to enter the service dog program. She passed & we began our training together. She can go everywhere with us & she has been shuch a blessing to my husband!!!!! She is very intuitive & knows when he's having a difficult time, when the tremors are worse. She goes to him & puts her head on his knee. He then pets her relieving some of the tremors. She also helps him with mobility & they have physical therapy exercises that they do together. This is another problem that I'm dealing with in respect to us losing our home...can we take her with us? It would break my husband's heart to have to give her up!

Hope y'all will have a great night! Get some rest! K : )

Hi gang,

Looks like everyone has been very chatty today. Verystressed I was thinking of you on the way home. If my memory is right, you are the one facing foreclosure. I heard an ad on the radio for a company called Home Ownership Resources. I'm not sure if it is just a SC program or available in other states. It is somehow connected to HUD.

Secret Sis, you would have plenty of guests if your Tea Party event was in SC. I'm not sure how much of SC's Tea Partiers are motivated by political change or simply race. Personally I am not involved in the movement.

Rip, you have some terrific ideas! Unfortunately so many people and organizations stop thinking "outside the box" because of liability issues. Law suits and insurance seem to dictate everything.

I hope Cleo is recouperating well.

I know I haven't addressed everyone, but you are all terrific people with kind and generous hearts.

Have a good night!


so what happened at his doc appt? UTI?
Has he had a day care visit yet?

More important ... How's Cleo?

Bored? I thought she was 86 not 16? Bored...oh lets not do that...I am starting to notice the touch of paranoia coming on with my grandfather...he accused my mother of "putting something in his filtered water." Because he chokes on EVERYTHING!!! He will say you put salt on this, you put spice on this...that what ever and she hasn't he just doesn't chew won't use denture cream and doesn't swallow as well as he used to...So everything is someone elses fault. beh when will this end?

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