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She named the dinhgy "What If" ...
teasing. I'd be bummed too. Being off her list is a let down.
You were absent for a while, weren't you?
I got you a life raft here! You're on board with me!
Bobbie Beware!
Pirate & the SignLady together???

How are things there, Pirate?
Dad is in the can doing his thing. Then I serve him dinner.
I am gald you're all my family!
Who else could understand the snail pace when there is so much to do?

Cheers, ALL!
Especially poor Pirate ... sniff ... wink!

I have just finished to read all your posts of today. Great posts, great people! I loved all your stories, but when one of you (I don't remember who she was, sorry) said that her mother used to fry an egg for the morning breakfast of the cat, I took a deep breath of satisfaction. We are SLAVES of these little aliens, the cats, and we are happy to be! I feel very close to all of you in your problems with lawyers, brothers, but I see that you always manage to deal with these problems with sense of humour and levity... I am so glad to be part of this wonderful community of wonderful women. (We want some men! Caregiver men, show us you exist!)
Rip, your ideas about elders and cats/dogs are great. I remember I saw a couple of cats in an hospital (in Rome). It was a normal hospital, (with a big garden where those cats lived) but the principle is the same. The hospitalized people loved these cats who walked through the lanes, and gave them food, they petted them... The nuirses and the doctors closed an eye because they saw how much joy these cats brought to the patients. I remember one of the patients welcomed the cat and said: "How are you, today, Romolo?" and gave him a piece of cheese of something. It was so sweet!
I spent a nice day on the beach with mother, mother's helper and her two kids so I'm Ok.
A big hug to every one of you!

Hi Maxine here the grand-daughter is flying off to see her young man someone bartered for her ticket she is a good great young lady and he is an outstanding young man Defles thank you for your poam -how true Rosella -loved your cat and mice story I think cats are so smart -mine had to adjust to the husband being home and then in the hospital and nursing home and home again and various family members comming and going and me comming and going away-he probably needs therapy by now. Anursing home near has a cat in residence who seems to know when the residents are getting ready to pass on and the cat gets into the bed and spends their last few hours with them so they do not die alone. Deefer I use the 0ne year rule if I have not used something in one year out it goes and if it is a maybe it goes in the shead for now-after 45 years in the house there is clutter plus a husband adicted to TV ads I am enjoying getting rid of junk it works better than xanax-a thought for all of you get your own credit cards and get your name off your spouses asap-I am paying so much paying off his bills because I also had a card he had-the only company that said I was not responsible for his bills was a company that we did not owe anything on.

Bobbie, I am really surprised you left my name off that list of passengers...geez! That's fine I can go solo...been doing it all my life it seems.

Boy dayz are getting rougher work has turned into the epitome of HELL. If I had 10 to 15 years more to go here I WOULD QUIT.

Mom is back to her whining a bit more....last night she tried to lay on the guilt trip "I'm so bored"....I had previously tried to call her twice the phone was busy - she must have been talking to the only sister that talks to her. Then immediately called me and tried the quilt trip. I said don't you start I am not going round and round with you. I just am not...and wrapped it up. I don't feel sorry for her anymore..not in the least...she's had 86 good years on this earth...let me be already!

PS - Mouthy here again wit Ratz on lap -

The K9 Express would also cater to homebound people with disablities & pets. Senior or not.
I know several wheelbound people with dogs who wish they could run off leash. You KNOW the dog would always have an eye on their person!

My van doesn't have a lift. I do have a scooter so they could roam the park with their animals ... Hmmmm ...........

Thanks ~


ah!!! All of us seem to be Pet Lovers! Doesn't surprise me a bit.
It's natural for us all to be loving & caring by nature. Otherwise, we'd likey be snobbish & wealthy! Caregiving hardly pays the bills ...

Y'all may know my father & cats spent a few years in an 'active' senior luxury apt. complex with AL, tho AL wasn't their primary focaus. Income mattered to corporate & the cost of AL was huge.

Many of the residents had or wanted small pets & were 'encouraged' to have them. My 3 social dogs were are a highlight to many people who insisting we stop by their place for a "Furry Fix" whenever we'd visit.

Most wanted a pet of their own but for reasons like physical disability or inability to provide food, they were alone b.c the institutions service fee & $400 deposit was too expensive.

The Mary Mind went into thought mode ...
I wanted, & still do, create the "Red Cat Society" matching isolated seniors with rescued cats. They (the cats) are overflowing the shelters.
Cats are quite adaptable to small iving quarters (Bobbie) ... yet the issue of care?
OK ... A group of dedicated volunteers who can provide the cat, do tri-weekly check up on care (bringing food, nail trimming, litter box duty, etc.) so the homebound people could have their own darling kitty.

Many of the local shelters could bring adoptable cats by the facility once a month. If the cat doesn't work out they are usually happy to take them back. *I've rescued dozens over the years & several are happily living with seniors. Ratzo, pictured with Dad, is one of them.

The Cats would arrive with Red Collars (indicating fixed & rescued), litter boxes, kitty bowls, some food, ktoys & a Catnip Cache. If the kitty finds a home - wonderful!
My original thought was to have high school kids be the 'dedicated' kitty carers & receive community service credit. Local schools weren't interested. All kind of reasons.
Mostly kids were too busy texting their social calendars.

Second thought is the Specail Needs Population. Perhap a group home needing an activity. Round up a van of trustworthy able people to shop for food, diviy it up, do the dirty work & enjoy the benefits under supervision if needed.

People like the idea but my life is too complicated to develop it

plus I know there are people better than me to organize groups - the shelters too busy caring for incoming animals, yet are willing to adopt to seniors (cats would be adult, social & offered for no cost to the seniors) ...

I have 3 cats living back here that outlived their seniors, but the time they spent on an elderly lap & bed ....

A grant writer friend suggested a non-profit shelter write it up & submit it, but again, they are too busy saving animals.

Any ideas?

The other service I call the K9 Express, which is a handicapped bus to take the disabled (I hate that word) & their pets to the local off leash dog parks. During slow times, mid morning.
The seniors could watch their little dogs run - Lord knows they need it! - even if from the bus.
Again, the "special' population would be ideal to toss balls, scoop poop & tend to the happy dogs. under supervision.

A friend who drives school busses suggested it would be a great deal for drivers who have that 5 hour break after the morning run. Especially if there was pay involved. They are first aid certified & know the equipment.

Most metropolitan bus companies have retired handicapped busses for sale cheap ... a smart business person could develop this idea & make a propfit, I'm told.
Again, federal grant money is an option - but the economy tanked on us all.

So there it is folks.
I wish these ideas could fly ~ altho it might not be appropriate to us on this thread.

I'm curious of YOUR thoughts??

Sorry for being so long winded ... I've seen so many seniors would would love these types of services ...

Welcome to all the newbies on this site!!! Hard to keep up anymore...

Deefer, thanks.

Tennessee, O, my, sweetie. What a heartbreaker for you and your little girl. I don't like attorneys either. God hears the cry of your heart, and won't forsake you. They will get theirs one day. Stay sane, hon. Hugs to both you and your little one. Maybe yours and mine can meet and do the Tae Kwon Do together sometime...

When we first gave Mom Seroquel it seemed to hit her hard, but she got over that quickly. Now it just calms her a bit. The doctor did tell me there is a similar one that doesn't make them too sleepy. Not sure what it was. Did you try anything else.

We really needed her to stay in DayCare, even though it is only 2 days. Glad we persisted, she does love it now.

Thanks I needed the laugh. My mother does the same thing. She doesn't know the differents. I bought a lot of extra tooth brushes to keep on hand.

OUST man...It is wonderful....

OK so far here, waiting on dr calls, keeping eye on CLEO.

Thank you all for your support and concern and listening to me grouse.

Your right, cant be surprised anymore! When my grandmother leaves the bathroom and that OH SO GROSS smell gets to you, you know you are in for a mess!I love her, but I dont wish that on anyone!

This sucks!! Got a headache, can't take aspirin. Hungry, can't eat!!
So, I will try to catch up with everyone.
On the subject of state aid to caregivers. Mass. has a program called Caring Homes. It is for people who live with and take care of family members. You can get paid up to $50/day, as long as they are on MassHealth Insurance. Unfortunately, the case manager from our elderly services says that all the RICH folk around Boston find ways to get their parents on this, so their $ does not get used up!! This causes a shortage of funds for the real needy! Go figure.
Rip, Like your attitude and stories! My house is also cluttered and messy. My sibs can't understand why I don't get it cleaned up, what with Merry coming 35 hours a week. and 3 days of daycare. I guess I don't need to clean up after Mom, cook all her meals, do the mountains of laundry, keep track of her many scripts, etc., etc. My sister was here for 3 weeks and couldn't believe all that is involved in caring for an elderly parent. She told off a few of our sibs when they made comments about how I deal with Mom and everything else. Cleaning up after myself is the hardest!
Dtflex, Hope your sister is able to give you some relief. As for Mom's meds going missing, keep them with you. Just dose out what she needs for the day. Sorry about Rusty. It is so sad to lose a pet!
Austin, If you find an easy way to de-clutter, let me know!!!
Jsomebody, Sorry you have to put up with mom and grandpa. You are too young to have so much on your shoulders! The sprinkler is a great idea. Hope kitty is feeling better. Mine are in the house all the time. Too many sick strays in the neighborhood. As for phone calls, I miss then all the time. I forget to take my portable with me when I'm with Mom.
Farmangel, Wishing for a full moon is nice, but deadly for dementia people. Mom is always nastier during a full moon!
Miz, How's the new job? Bikini? Haven't been in one of those for 30 years! It would be a hoot though!!!!
SS, Sorry about your Mom's caregiver, even though she probably deserves her! Merry is like one of the family, and even brings her grandchildren with her once in a while. Mom loves kids, and they are good company for her, especially since her own kids and grandkids don't show up.
Moms1, I got Seroquel for Mom, but it makes her too sleepy. Daycare was ready to throw her out because she is sooo OCD, that she can't stop for 5 seconds. i get a call at least once a week to tell me she got into trouble again! Even 2 zanax 3 times a day, doesn't slow her down.
Linda, Pa leaning left again? Mom does that too. Sometimes it means a UTI, and others, she is just tired. Not sure how to deal with this at times. Mom can't sit still, and is in a wheelchair because she can't walk alone anymore. She is always bending to the floor to pick up tiny pieces of food, lint, etc. By the end of the day, she is unable to stand up straight.
Bobbie321, Do you need a chief cook and bottle washer? That would be me, just let me know when you are near Mass.!
Pirate, Sounds like you are running out of rope! Body aches I know well. Mostly it is from lack of REM sleep. We all need that deep restorative sleep to heal our bodies after long tiring days. I have RLS, so I do not sleep well and have constant pain. Stress doesn't help! As for the caregiver, you shouldn't have to clean up after her, but if she is good with Mom and doesn't complain. don't get rid of her. Another will be hard to find. I at least have some support from family, I wish all of us could be there to help you!
Rossella, I know what you mean about slim and athletic Mom. Mine is 114 lbs. and strong as an ox! She has been hallucinating for more than 4 years. She talks to people at the table and even offers them her food. She has a baby at least once a week, and accused me of hiding her kids in the attic, yesterday! As for the remote, we looked for hers for 2 weeks and couldn't find it. Merry came in one day and handed it to me. Mom had put it in her bag one day, and it took Merry 2 weeks to notice it! As for your brother, I have 2 of 3 that don't visit very often. Their excuse is they can't stand to see her like this! Wish we could use that line!!!
Hope I didn't miss anyone. I'm off to do errands, then home to prep for procedure for tomorrow.
Take care everyone.

SS.MY daughter has a little Yorkie and they do not shed and are suppose to be o.k with people with allergys.Thats what I'm told anyway-it is true about the shedding.The lawyer was suppose to call,secretary called instead,I told her it is diffucult to work with someone who changes what they say from conversation to conversation.Two weeks now stress is caused by trying to retrieve her toys she had from her dead father and SANTA clause.Any decent lawyer or judge would order those toys back to her and this is the brother who never spent one night caregiving-called or even went to the funeral.the legal system could care less about my dad-me or my daughter,but they loved being able to profit from you.This is a bunch of overly educated big ole men,hurting a child through her toys.My own lawyer tried to fix it where me and my daughter would be down there alone with that boy,no neighbors,no law enforcement.For some reason they do not have to abid by the same rules as us.I am pretty sure ya'll are as sick of hearing about those aweful people as I am talking about them.I feel more dirty having to deal with those lawyers than I EVER felt cleaning up poop for my dad.His poop was cleaner than those poor excusses of mankind who think they are so above us all.Atleast cleaning up poop has some honour about it.I felt good about my self before I started reading these posts and even better after the fact.I am glad to know there is compassion out there still.I hate the numbers of siblings that don't contribute,but am glad I'm not the only one.My first biggest obstacle was getting over that my family wasn't perfect as I first thought, It took me two years to get over the fact that the brothers only cared about the monetary gain and not our father,BUT ITS LIKE YA'LL SAID WHY WASTE TIME ON WORRYING ABOUT DEADBEATS-THEY ARE WHO THEY ARE.Caregiving is hard enough as is..Suppose to get the toys tomorrow,we will see what happens.

Just the other day, a gentleman who works with our dads at the nursing home, (who's also Mayor) and a great all-around guy said he misses the Eden Philosophy being utilized there. When my dad first moved there, a neighborhood cat roamed the halls from room to room. There were also two resident poodles. The seniors loved them all. He said he misses that, and thinks they are important for the residents. The cat got sick, and went home with a nurse, to later pass away. The puppies started biting, so had to go home with another nurse. And so it goes. Family can bring pets in to visit, with some limitations. I know the elderly patients love the pets and children, too. It adds spark and life to their day.

Godhelpus, thanks for being refreshing! Love your posts.

Tennessee, hope your daughter is feeling better soon. Will say a prayer for her.

Verystressed, I was too but not so much now after finding the wonderful folks here in this forum. They have been a true blessing. Hoping you become Lessstressed here.
SS, Happy Tuesday Sis.
B321, Hi Capt. A ship's cat is a must. My brother had one on his boat. He lived on his boat so the cat never left.
Jsome, Thanks again.
Tenn, Sorry to hear your sib is that way. We may not get justice in this world, but if they only knew what was waiting for them in the next......Eternity is a looooooong time.
Sounds like your Dad is a wonderful character. My condolences on his pup. They can be so tender when we are ill.

I printed off a copy of the Maya Angelo poem. Great thing to look at and read now and then.

Owls can attack cats if they are big enough. Sorry you have had so much sadness lately. I have had a few pets and it never gets easier losing them. It takes a piece of your heart every time one passes away.

Furry kids are soooo wonderful.
Our boy coos like a pidgeon when we touch him during He lays on the back of the sofa between us under his "heat lamp" but he's getting too big to perch there. He is also a long haired black cat, but there is NOTHING magical about him. lol. He has a 17" tail & carries it quite proudly strait up most of the time. Our little coward does a low crawl into the basement whenever there are loud vehicles or thunder. Trash day is always traumatic for him with the three trucks that come by.
Tenn, Sorry about your daughter & will pray for health to return soon. Close proximaty at camp to so many other kids....
You have to stimulate all mammal foundlings if they are not yet weened. We found some abandoned kitties once and I had to stick their faces into the food to get them to eat. What a mess!! At first I put them under the faucet to clean them but was affraid they would get pneumonia, so I put them in my lap & let our 85lb doberman lick them clean (she thought she was a cat anyhow & LOVED babies). Within 3 days they were grooming themselves. lol. Must have had something to do with the tounge that was as big as they were.

D?, I would think that owls could/would go after kittens but not full grown cats (too big). Hope your wandering kitties come home soon. When I was a child my monsterous tom cat had four families on the block and he got three square meals a day from us. Mom would even fry him an egg for breakfast. He would also chase dogs out of our yard. lol

What a timely poem. "the childhood was not prefect,... but its over..." How very profound and woke me right up!!!! Thank you. I REALLY needed that. As the Bible says "Forgetting what lies behind and pressing on toward the future". Sometimes the King James version is too subtle for me but I get it eventually.

GOD bless all of HIS children....the furry & feathered ones too.

That was a great cat story,I feel as though I'M a bad cat parent,i don't think I ever had one to make it to ten.My dads dog[lucky] was a great comfort to my dad,He would sleep with him and seem to know if he was feeling bad,he would snuggle against his back and when daddy became completely bed ridden and he had a [movement] in the middle of the night-Lucky would be covered in poop also,so he got a few 3 o'clock in the morning baths along with my dad.[my brothers resented the dogs also]My dad had 22 stray dogs,he or we were caring for-LUCKY was the only house dog,thats why he was lucky-he was consistently saying ' The more that I'm around people the more I liked my dogs'.He said he named her after Lucky Stripes cigerettes,that he smoked before going in the army.He would say'LUCKY,LUCKY MY LITTLE GIRL,LUCKY,LUCKY LUCKY MY LITTLE PEARL----- BOBBIE,Did you go to the fort.Elizabeth a 10 year old ghost likes to hang by the gates of St. Augustine.She wanted to be the gate keeper,we haven't seen her ,but we still look for her.My daughter wants me to inform you about the great chocolate shops in the old district.Right now my daughter would like to go to Flagler college,but she still has a couple of years to decide.We were getting ready to head to St. Augustine last thurs. but the lawyer found a reason to see me friday,then he cancel at last minute.You know lawyers are very important,its always about them and their schedule,no one elese matters.I don't think she got mono at camp,the doc.thought she got it at school and the hectic fun at camp-kicked it in.She said you can carry the virus around for months without having any sign,they had several people with mono at school.She said she hasn't ate or drank after anyone,so I don't know how she got it. A couple of weeks ago I lost my dads house and farm,I signed everything to be signed,the brother the lawyer signed all of his papers,but the brother who did the sueing has not signed his yet-still dragging it out.Even though it is not a done-deal legally yet,because he will not sign,he has forsale signs everywhere.I think it is cruel how they are letting him prolong our misery and not go on with our lives.I know that his lawyers want him to sign,because they don't get paid until he does.I can honestly say that was the poorest value I ever received for my dollar.Paying someone 250.dollars a hour for poor service and no control,Never returned phone calls ignored E-MAILS-didn't know what was going on from minute to minute.If you paid a dollar for a bad hamburger,you can take it back-How do you get you money value from a lawyer-once you sign on the dotted line,they spend money on what they see fit,they ruin lives daily-for profit-they stick together like the bunch of theives that they are.I will be happy to rid myself of these legal crooks-I tell you what- a suit does not make a man.You can throw some varnish on a piece of crap-but it is still crap only varnished.Bobbie,I hope you are getting to enjoy St. Augustine while you are there.

Where are you adding these pictures? Am I missing something??? Welcome VeryStressed. I hope you'll find less stress hanging out here. I'm loving all your animal stories. I grew up with dogs, and once had a cat. I love petting other people's fuzzy pets. We don't/won't have one with all the allergies in our fam. Bobbie, how goes the boating life?

Hubby and I are hosting a Tea Party Patriots Yard Party this Friday. We are first timers, and will be merging another city's dis-banded group with ours. We have state and national coverage, with an open invitation, (many invited) and 5 confirmed guest speakers. We know of 40+ people coming for sure...and I'm all excited!

Wow again!! Finally took sister to airport on Saturday. The 3 week visit was great, but very tiring. Going to be a lot of poop soup around here tonight! I have a colonoscopy scheduled for tomorrow morning. Yuck!!! All I do is clean Mom's poopy butt, now I have mine to deal with!*#*!
It has taken me a while to read all the posts again.
We are cat lovers too. Someone moved out of the neighborhood 3 or 4 years ago and left a female to have at least 2 litters a year. I found a 5 week old female roaming in our yard almost 2 years ago. I kept talking to her and gave her a name so she would come when I called her. She was very tiny and probably the runt. After about 2 weeks she let me grab her. She immediately began to purr up a storm. I put her down, and fed her, but she wouldn't let me touch her for a couple days. I finally called the vet and asked if I could bring her in to be tested if I could catch her. My daughter has 5 rescues that roam between our 2 apartments and could not keep her if she was sick.
My husband cannot stand to lose pets, and after our last lop eared rabbit died, it broke his heart! He said no more pets. Well, I caught her again and took her to be tested and brought her home. My husband came home that night and luckily she wrapped herself around his legs and cuddled right up to him. It was love at first sight.
Mamma had another litter the last week of July 2009. This time we believe she only had 2 kittens. One was caught and placed in a home. The other was kept hidden by Mamma until late fall. She has always come to our back door for food, and eventually steered the little guy this way. he was staying in the neighbors garage during the cold winter nights, and came here to eat. It took me several weeks to get him used to me, and my husband. Other strays started to bully him and my husband decided we should take him in. Hello! This is a man who said no pets for years!!!. Well, it took me a few days to lure him onto the back porch. That was Feb. 1st. He went nuts when the door closed and even bloodied his mouth when he crashed into the window while trying to escape.
Long story, short, the vet couldn't see him for 3 days, so we put food, water, litter, and blankets with a hot water bottle, on the porch for him. We named him Butterball because he was so small and round. Not anymore! He is a gorgeous 12 pounds of beautiful gray tabby! Also, has some tan in his markings. Vet says this is very unusual for a male. He eats constantly, is very lovable, and talks and chirps all the time! we are so lucky to have them in our lives. I have added Butter and Brindle"s picture for all of you to see.
Pets are the best thing! They love us no matter what, and can be very soothing in stressful times.

Hi Bobbie, thank you for the welcome! I must have missed something or didn't go back far enough...Bobbie, I am SO sorry about your Mom!!! Are you OK??? Can we do anything for YOU???

Rip! hit me back on the e. lost address.


Good Morning Shipmates,

verystressed, welcome home kiddo. Hang with us and vent on and laugh and cry.

That was a great cat story. I've had cats and dogs and a bird and a couple turtles and am still thinking about getting an 'able seacat'. Still mulling it over.

There's a cat on a boat on the next dock and I was thinking about going over there and seeing the reality of enclosed area + cat.

Tennessee, I hope your kitty comes back soon and I'm sorry that your daughter was made sick by the camp. jeeze.
Still in St Augustine over this weekend!! Got room for ya both! Drive out Fri night. We'll be sea trialing radar on Sat or Sunday (cool boat ride) and then back to the dock.
When i get the boat back to NJ I want to find a place on the boat for that beautiful angel you sent for my mom's funeral. Thank you again for that. It was the single gift my mom recieved that made me go WOW.
Leave it up to you to know that you have to wipe a fawn's butt. Your depth of knowledge is amazing.

ok Miz: how was the first day??
SS: what's up my Northern friend?
Jsome. how's it going?
Hey Italia! When you coming to help me polish the teak?? Ok...there's some brass too.....
Sorry about the kitty. Ow sux bad.

Rip! going out to measure the letters now!


Hi everybody!

I have been reading this thread for some time...started at the beginning & got to post 500...and have now started at the end & am going backwards, so I feel I already know each of you! A few of us have talked before. Is it ok with everybody if I stow away with you guys??

I am an avid animal lover! Recently lost our kitty, Bandit, of 20 years. She was AMAZING!!! When my favorite aunt found out that she had cancer she came to live with me & my husband, who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. My aunt had always had a great relationship with Bandit, who she called BlamBlam. My aunt declined pretty fast and we had to bring in a hospital bed that we set up in our livingroom so she wouldn't be sequestered by herself in another room most of the time. Bandit had such a wonderful intuition & would hop up on my aunt's bed. She mostly stayed at her feet & my aunt said that it kept her feet warm. Some people, my ultra clean Mother, would want Bandit to get down, but my aunt, we called her ML, would say to leave her alone & she was a comfort to her. Bandit would get down only long enough to eat & potty & then would go right back to ML's feet. She stayed like that for months until 3 days before my aunt passed. Bandit hopped down & wouldn't get back up on the bed. Since she was 20 years old I even picked her up & placed her back on the bed, but she would then hiss at me & jumped down as if she knew what was coming! My aunt passed & Bandit passed not long after that. It's as though she had fulfilled her mission in life!

Thanks for letting me share that...I know all of you will understand!

Diane, lovely poem! Thank you for sharing it :)

The fawn was a male so we released him,didn't want to neuter him.Males can be dangerous.We let him go when we thought he could maintain and after hunting season.I wish that cat would stroll back up,she was very smart and always cautious of those dogs,but lately started to take chances.I haven't found her body,but her desire was to be a house cat,so she was always at the door wanting in.The only thing that slowed the dogs down was the heat,we had one cool night,thats when she disappeared,thats why I'M thinking dogs.In the woods,it could be alot of things to get them also.I didn't realized cats lived so long until I read ya'lls posts.My daughter thinks black cats are magical also.

You are having difficult times... What happened to the fawn, you released him after saving him?
About your cats, they could be hidden somewhere because they are afraid of the dogs. They could reappear, even after one week or more. I had a cat (a neutralised female!) who came home every 10 days or two weeks, she stayed a while and she left, and she went on like this for years; I think she had another family, maybe two more families besides me.
Another story: a neighbour told me that my black cat went hunting mice at his house every night. I was very surprised because he never hunted mice when he was at home with me. I guess he behaved like this because he knew I was sorry that he killed mice, and he did not want to disappoint me, so he hunted elsewhere. Cats are so strange... But they are so resourceful. And black cats are magic.

Rossella,your tattoo looks like my daughters cat,was your cat black also.She hasn't read too much on here lately,she came home from camp with mono,pink eye and a sinus infection-all in one week----don't know how that has happened.Isolated her,now she's ok. and in school again.We usually take a trip to St. Augustine right before school ,but because of the mono,we didn't do it this year and she saw where Bobbie was docked in St. Augustine,thought her timing for getting sick-sucked.I told her once she gets underway good in school,she can share some St. Augustine stories.Back to animal stories,we rescued a fawn one time and do you know you have to wipe its behind to make it live or it can't relieve itself.You have to stimulate the glands-we used wet wipes-so elder care can come in handy for other things also.

Tennessee: Oh, my goodness!

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