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Hi everyone,I've missed alot of animal stories.We've had a few animal crisis of lately also.Our family member lucky dog[who rode on the wheelchair with my dad,later upgraded to4-wheeler ]got ran over.Couldn't believe it,still can't.I felt like my dad got ran over, it was his dog,I was suppose to protect.The snake ate the chicks.The bunnies got out and got eatten by the dogs.The dogs who seemingly made friends with my daughters black cat decided to do her and her two kittens in,I think can't find them.The black bull I got last year appears to be gay or disinterested in the girl cows-----no babies.I'm sorry for the animals that didn't make it and thankful for the ones that did.Besides my daughter, animals are about the only things that make sense to me anymore.I'm glad to see others with animal friends and family.A very large owl in hanging out nearby,do they attack cats?Our cats were out door cats,my daughter saved it when she was 3 or 4-her first real pet,she's hoping it'll return,I have a feeling something bad has happen to her.

Diane: Beautiful poem. But, it's not easy!

Hi gang,

I wanted to share this beautiful poem with you.



enough money within her control to move out
and rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...


a youth she's content to leave behind....
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
retelling it in her old age....
a set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...


a good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored....


a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself..


how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship....


when to try harder.... and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...


that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but it's over.....


what she would and wouldn't do for love or more....
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...


whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...


where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming Inn in the woods....
when her soul needs soothing...


What she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year

Poor Cleo! Our poor precious babies.

Thanks to Miz, Rip, Godhelpus and Verystressed for your kind words over the loss of my Rusty. I took him to the vet Saturday morning and held him as the vet gave the injection. It was quick and painless. I held him for the longest time afterward just bawling my eyes out.

I lost my 21 year old cat Tyson on April 30th, so two of my babies in such a short time. Rosellla, like you I have loved and lost many kitties over the years. I am such a sucker for stray animals. At one time I got overwhelmed and had 13 cats!

My sister is in town visiting from Seattle. I hadn't been on the computer since Friday so it has taken some time to catch up with everyones post. Sounds like our human loved ones are doing better than our pets.

Bobbie, can we have pets on the boat? We need at least 1 cat for each bunk. Don't work too hard on the Barbara B. It is supposed to be enjoyment!

Have a good night everyone and I will check-in tomorrow.

Love y'all,

I watched the promo. I shall probably order it. Thanks

A friend sent me a link to:

She said it is helping her family with dealing.
Might be something to look at.

Give her a gentle hug from me!

CLEO is home and healing thank you all for well wishes. Still do not know how it happened but her one foot had all the nails pulled out. but she is doing OK.

Godhelpus, thanks for sharing your warm fuzzy story! Here's hoping you ALL have a great week! Hugs! :)

Jen, Cleo had a very bad experience, but at least it is something that you can cure! And she will be alright. So, these are good news, after all!

It's nice to have a good weekend sometimes. Maybe we should deserve some more of them!

It was nice to hear a good brother experience also! Glad you enjoyed yourselves.

What a lovely mmessage!
Isn't it nice having a pleasant weekend?
Thanks for sharing!

Hello caregivers & critter lovers. Guess we need to pray for the furry friends too.
Took me an hour to catch up. WOW.
Had a garage sale this last weekend & my brother made a suprise visit from Florida for the first time in ten years. He gave me two hours warnign...he was supposed to let me know in advance! We NEVER have company so in the middle of the sale I had to excuse myself & house clean. When he got here the first thing I said was:"Thanks for giving me enough time to clean the toilet jackass!". We all laughed!!!
What a lovely, delightful lady he has fallen in love with!!!! She is wonderful! Mom was on her best behavior for their visit and it was a great weekend. Lately I was wondering if I'd ever have another.
Bro's new girlfriend said she missed the chipmonks as they have none in Fla. It just so happened that I had gotten 10lbs. of food for our backyard menagerie that morning, so I filled ALL the feeders and we had a feeding frenzy for her enjoyment. Our little friends were just about to riot as I had run out of food two days earlier. We had 8 or more squirrels of all colors, a flock of sparrows, cardinals, jays, cowbirds, nuthatches, chickadees & others all in the yard. Our little wild kingdom was quite amuseing for a few hours.
Of course our large cat was the center of attention as he should be...or so he thinks. He came with a "rap sheet" from the shelter & doesn't play well with others, so he is our only inside pet now. He tucks us in every night and just as we are ready to fall asleep he walks over my husband's face dragging his "dew lap" belly. My hubby curses, I laugh & we nod off. It's a good life today.
GOD bless & keep you all.

Let us know as soon as you can!

Thank you for the support, just waiting now...

Poor Cleo!
SHe will be better inside, & probably willing after this.

There are "missing kitty" posters around this neighborhood. Heartbreaking ... Coyotes & raccons. I installed a cyclone fence which helps, but they still hop over. (the coyotes can't)
I am so happy to have mine settle down on our beds every night.

Good luck!

J, poor kitty! Awwww.

CLEO is 8 and now at the vet. Sedated. I have no idea what happened but all the claws on her back left paw have been pulled out as well as one on her right back paw. The vet said a fight or she got caught on or in something!? We get her back about 3 PM Pacific Time. BAH what happened! No more outside time unless we are right there!

Cats know, but figure THEY are the priority and if you must read a book or type on that clack clack thing they at least should be acknowledged as more prominent in your thoughts.

It's 4 in the morning here. I think we are 9 hours apart, with West Coast, and 6 hours apart with East Coast

Ha Ha!!!!
My cats are always on the keyboard !
Or smothering me in bed,
You have travelled more than me.
As I said ... the west coast awaits Rossella with her special Tattoo of Alberto, who travels beond, yet along with you.
Hopefully, when you arrive in the Pacific Northwest, Dad will be around to greet you!
As with the animals, birds & human friends.
Right now I must feed Dad!

What time is ir there? 15 hours apart?

State of NY, Vermont, Rhode island, Boston, Washington DC, Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh), that's as far as I went. Last trip in '92. When Nancy got married she lived in New Jersey and then in Pittsburgh; I have not gone to the States since she has moved to CA. I have always seen her in Europe since then.
I have many photos but of course they are not in digital form; I shall have to scan some of them.
My cat Gwendolyn (Guendalina) keeps scratching my face, she hurts as hell. She is one of my cats who lived in the street before I adopted her, and she can't overcome that trauma, yet. She has a violent way to show her affection. Cats know they MUST NOT pass on the keyboard, so they do it all the time.

Pancakes ....
Waffles rule!
So you have been over here, Rossella ... to the East Coast ... when young?
Hmmmmm ...
Now that we are "seasoned" ...
Wait until Nancy & I share you with the West Coast! Her home area in Carmel is awesome!
I believe we have several "GrossedOut" West Coasters here.

Not certain who they are?
Help! Who live in the Pacific Daylight Time zone?
Bobbie will need the info next year as she cruises up our coast.
Stressed Out ... join in. Please???

I don't have a boat, but a couple of guest rooms which I can offer.
WE girls can dream .....

Pancakes were the first thing I ate in my first trip to the States (1981). I had landed the night before. At 7 a.m. i woke up, as awake as a cricket (effects of the jet lag) and I said Nancy that I wanted breakfast. She wanted to kill me because she wanted to sleep more. But she took me to a café and I ate a pile of pancakes! How can you forget these things? NYC was just waking up, we were in Greenwich Village! So young!

Alberto is with us all!

Get used to the new image friends! Rossella & Alberto!

Cheers to each on both sides!

Sh*t ... Ratzo just tripped a beer onto the new keyboard. I had opened it for Dad but ... just had to post.
My new habit!
HaHaHaHa ... I should have had the beer!

waffles and pancakes...yummmmm!!

You don't see a lot, but he is in the position of the Sphynx

'll try to resend tit.
Ratzo is helping with the new keyboard.

I don't find the right size... I shall keep trying

Rossella ~
Alberto is with us all now!


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