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Let's bring the waffle maker and the pancakes maker on the boat

Jen - I was writing to you as your post about kitty came in. If I leave my "add your comment" things disappear.
Yes with Rossella.
How old is kitty? Is he / she drinking & eating.
It could very well be the heat ... mine lay about snoozing everywhere over 80, usually hidden under bushes in the shade ...

but if kitty isn't alert to food & normally affectionate, not being so ... keep watch.

Diane, how are you? Have you done it? I am so sorry. You have made the right thing.

The cookies turned out good, Splenda changes the consistency and actually make them softer and a smoother cookie.

It is a bit warmie here but we finally got some rain over here in the weed belt!

Rossella -
Please use your wonderful Alberto tatt as your icon. He is in your heart.
We will adjust & love you more.


There you are!
How were the cookies you baked for the ...
It's chilly over the hump here. Cloudy, drizzly & 60 degrees ... heading your direction if it makes it over the mountains.

How are things going? When does GP get outta ther?

Oh Miz... my favoured animal of all times was a black cat named Alberto. I don't actually see him, but I feel his presence and I know he still protects me. He was the living being that has loved me more than anyone else in the world and in my life. I am sure he will be the first I will meet "at the other side of the river"... he will ease my passage!
Jen take the cat to the vet!!!

I reach for several lost cats every night. The saddness is sweet in a way. We cherished them & they cherished us.
We had our special time together which will never be forgotten.
Stoic me still whimpers for them in the night.

I wake hoping Dad's special cat is resting on his bed.
Sometimes Ratzo, pictured in the photo with Dad, is snuggled against me b/c another household cat is in bed with Dad!

Keep writing Miz!

I feed our local birds and the one squirrel who comes across the roof tops to find nuts or apple or toast crust, I threw out a cookie once that was gone fast! My cat has been sleeping a lot lately but it is hot. I am starting to get worried.

I can so relate, rip and rossella. I still miss my kitty girl so much. I used to see her at the foot of my bed sometimes in the dark after she passed. I would talk to her. I love animals so much I can't eat them.

I have lost so many cats and dogs that you cannot count them, but I remember them all, and when I see in the street a cat who looks like one I lost 20 years ago, I call him with the name of the cat I lost 20 years ago... Crazy. And tears come in my eyes. You never get used to it, even if you have lost so many of them

for anyone wondering about Rossella & my communication - we share a passion for animals (& people) which has become a true bond with each other, so very far away!
Sisters we have never had ... until now.

Rossella was aware of my darling Huskies passing before anyone else. I felt safe to share my sorrow with her, knowing she understood.

Thats the kind of relationships this site has developed - Joe (Thank you very much)

I read an article in the Seatlle Times this morning about a guy called the Hyena Man in Ethiopia who has created a truce with the beasts & the village if anyone is wondering.

Yes I howl ofteh, It's summer, there are stars in the sky, I am still an human being!

more cute photos soon. They are venturing into my bedroom for the peanut cache! PipSqueak make friends!
Butterflies are here now ...
God ... I love nature!
Are you still howling tonight?
Loved that post!
Did I send you the article about the guy who feed Hyenas?

You are so lucky to have squirrels. Here, they live just in the woods and are too shy to get close to the villages. It is also very difficult to see them in the woods.

Oh ... ER & Chicago Hope. Wonderful shows!
The ex cop in me misses "Third Watch" & "High Incident".
I don't know how the world of translating entertainment works. I am just glad you are here & have the talent for it.

I watch way too much TV these days, on call for the master. I hear him walking the hall upstairs which is wonderful!!!
Not that long ago he was walking / running 2+ miles a day with Hawkeye! (we have always been active)
Lately he just sits until his back aches.

Time for his evening beer & cigarette before dinner ...

Oh my ... a young squirrle is peeking into my office window with a longing look ....
they have found another peanut source now that the windows are clean.

Of course there is a kitty peeking out from my side (the inside) behind the computer moniter curious ...
such simple pleasures we have!

Bobbie ~
seek me out for lettering!
If it helps, I'll throw in a couple of custom sand carved glass tumblers for your dirinking pleasure.


Dear Maryp, do you think that if I could choose what to translate, i would translate sit-coms about the Kardashians sisters, or about Kendra ex playmate? (Kendra is a nice girl, by the way, and she is not stupid at all). Melrose place is not the worst thing that happened to me. At the beginning I had to translate documentaries of hunting and fishing. That was even worse than the Kardashians. Now, I refuse them because they make me feel sick. There is a lot of competition in this job, and if you do not take whatever they give you, you are out. The big names, of course, take the best movies. But, in general, they deserve it because they are very good! I'm just an average translator, but it's okay as long as I work!
Ah yes I will always regret that I did not translate a single episode of ER, which was my passion. Just a few of Grey's anatomy.

I'm glad you like the thread. I'm so glad that there's the ladies out here who know what's what. Saved my sanity and was good for mom too.
sorry you are having puter probs. Just another 'straw' of frustration to load on the caregiving camel. Back hurt?

Thanks for being a polisher! Here i need to do the exterior teak and paint. The interior is in good shape and nice and clean but i'm not a constant doing the after guests laundry now.
Speaking of whales: I'm watching Whale Wars on animal planet. Lots of good boat stuff.
Now something is on that just said 'marauding feral hogs' which I thought would make a good name for a band.

love you guys,


I was going to tell you ... my attorney niece & husband (not the lawyer's daughter) is with the Peace Corp in Africa. Too remote for internet access. They have telephone access every Saturday at a set time. Since my brother seldom communicates I'm not sure where. Their 2 year stint is over soon.

Also, Lori, cop / horse friend's youngest son is in the PC too. Hondorous. He emails her daily. He emailed her an hour after the announcment Farrah Fawcett had died. That's how she found out.
The world has updated!

I hope we find you something different to translate soon.
MP is too much nonsense. I remember reading something about how Courtney whoever, the one with the dazzling smile, said she felt uncomfortable with many plots. I tried watching a couple shows, but Animal Channel won.

How current are the show oprions? Can you select which you choose to translate?
How would you ever translate MR. ED, the talking horse? He still is on late night here!

Funny thing, several years ago, Lori & her nurse sister Cathy, spent a vacation week in Hondorus with their church rebuilding homes.

I think our generation is very lucky because we have known such different situations and lifestyles in our lifespan. BTW don't worry, there are still kids who like the wilderness, the sport, the simple things. Have you seen the photos of my nephew who went to Kenya with the scouts to build a new room in a school of a village? It was a great experience for them, and they did not see TV or computers for 2 weeks...

New keyboard ... still skipping as I type the words & the sentence disappears ... more computer notsense. Probably a stupid setting.

Rossella ~ I just had a horrid thought about the sticky (the new keyboard isn't & i always cover or hide the others when not in use ...

what if it's POLLEN invading our homes? I have beautiful tall fragrant Asain Lillies & Roses outside my screened office window.
NO! I refuse to believe it. Too much like a horror film ...

I'll blame the cats ... A sign hangs on my front door: "Warning: this entire premise is covered with pet fur!" adorned with photos of some cats.

Montgomery Creme, the curly fur Monkey looking cat, is out on the back lawn leaping up at swooping Dragon Flies! (do you have them there? i hope to have good photos of the Hummingbirds soon)
Man, can that cat jump high! I hope he doesn't do a backflip!

Oh - oh ... Pip Squeak is joining the challenge ....

I was glancing at the morning paper & noticed an article about young couples with children trying to afford homes. The accompaning photo had a shot of a small living room ... the focal point being a large TV ... but what got me was the dozens of brightly colored, plastic children's toys EVERYWHERE in that room!

Egads ... I remember getting one specifc toy on special occassions & simply adoring it! A stuffed animal was magic!

No wonder families are agitated all the time now! If I had to walk thru a room tripping over plastic riding toys or noisy little machine cars ...
I loved my quiet little, spring loaded, wooden Hobby Horse! I'd ride that dude for hours!

If we wanted to make noise- we were sent outside with old playing cards & clothes pins to snap on the wheels of our one color, speed bikes - which we valued & protected!

The sound of those cards sputtering in our spokes may have driven the neighbors nuts ... but they were sweet about it. Always Lemonade or Cookies for the polite neighbor children ...

One of my neighbors with 2 small children has every large toy imaginable in their back yard. Bright multilevel swingset. 3 ft deep pool.
Toys everywhere ... especially under the netted Trampoline!!!

I notice them bouncing around in there with their little friends, screetching loud enough to pierce an eardrum ... like little Monkeys on their nets in the zoo ... while the parents seem oblivious to their noise!
They must wear Ipods or sound reducing headphones.

i often hope one of them isn't screaming in pain. The parents claim to know the different sounds ...
It's a differnt time for children now.

I thought I was indulged way back then ... I had PETS! a sturdy bike, a great rope swing, woods to roam, a wonderful treehouse that we all built ...
a true community of not so close neighbors in a somewhat rural area ...
Even tho some of the neighbors were odd (who isn't) we all got along.

Now I am one of those peopel who drives up the cul de sac, remotely opens my garage door, pulls the car in, shuts it from inside & emails my older neighbor friend.

Why? B/c of one AH guy who thought he ran our local area. Complained about pets & kids other than his own. *His were awful. He is gone now but our habits remain.

Another story.
Thanks all, for sharing a bit of my memory lane. I really miss the days of not hearing the traffic & noise associated with progress.
We were very lucky to have those special times.

Ah! I forgot! This morning my mother poop souped. Then she did not want to take a shower because she did not need it. But, when she got into my car, she said "Your car is very dirty" and she started plucking the little hair from her seat!

Bobbie: If I get onboard I want to be the ship's boy who polishes the brass! I remember one of the first Mickey Mouse stories (sort of a Moby Dick story where Mickey saved the whale) and he was the boy who polished the brass, and he liked to stay on the deck during the storms!There was a big chinese cook who felt seasick. Those were great stories!
Rip! You talked about one of the greatest doubts of my life. Why do the houses get sticky? Shouldn't the dust be like powder? Why everything becomes sticky? (I thought it happened only to me). Are there tiny pieces of glue falling from the sky and we never realized it? Please somebody give me an explanation.
Security cards: Are you sure your father/mother did not hide them? (one day or another I will say that my mother has stolen my head)
Last nonsense of the day: I am translating some episodes of "Melrose Place" (2009 series). The characters are evil, nasty, selfish, real son of b***ches. They would not take care of an aged relative. They would take all the money out of him/her and then they would throw him/her in the ditch. The evil side of me smiles at this idea!
Enough! 'Nite to everyone of U

Hey Miz ...
You made the 2,500th post on this thread!
Thank you Bobbie for bringing us all together!

I've been feeling really lousy the past few days. Physically. I'm chocking it up to exhaustion, hoping it's not illness.

Missing my faithful dog & kitty who both passed 3 weeks ago ... phone fighting with the medical community to follow up with Dad's tests, trying my best to scrub down & organize this filthy house Everything feels sticky!!! ... moving way too much heavy furniture which I shouldnt due to a back injury & no excerise b/c no relief for Dad ... I can't imagine allowing a stranger to see this mess ...
my promised men "helpers" like to come over ~ play & anylize rather than
help with stuff I despartely need done ... like heavy equipment & furniture ...

Now my computers as messing with me!! I've had several keyboards crap out this week ... they will go to a friend who teached children ESL who use broken keyboards to help them learn ... good cause.

Lately Dad has been barking orders at me with a growly tone. This happens, easily after watch westerns & war films. I get so fed up with his frustrations & self imposed limitations which, since he has decided to isolate himself, he takes out on me.
I keep reminding him to speak to me as he does the pets. Kindly in his normal deep voice ...

He is better today.

I log on here to vent knowing there will be understanding & friends. I read your kindred posts, feel compassion, especially delight with the humor ... whenever I see the first comment of this thread "awwwwwwww Lord!" I know I've found my temporary respite.
I'd better post this before this keyboard, which keeps stalling, gives it up too.
Quick run for groceries & maybe a newkeyboard.

miz . when we were buyin our home i couldnt find my ss card , i looked amd looked , had bunch crap piled up in my billfold , i empty it all out and found my ss card but it had my madien name on it ! i was shocked ! i ask if i could use this card cuz it is my ss card but diffrent lastname , they said yeah that ;ll work . whew !
now i am wondering what happen to it , havent seen them in a longtime . guess i better start lookin for it .
hope tmr is a good day for ya wish u the best luck . xoox
as i was talkin about the power balance bracelet , mmm i dont think its workin now cuz today i felt like i ve been ran over by a bus . so weak i am . kept pa in bed after bfast , he s leaning too much on the left side i told him im weak too pa how about we put u back in bed instead of in recliner , he s all for it . we took a long nap too , woke up still feelin like sh#t . maybe a nice hot bath my help perk me up some and get rid of that achin body . maybe i overdone it yesterday by reranging the family room around . ah i dont know . im just tired of feeling body aches .
wheres that boat at ?? xoxoox

Hi Maxine here Ihard-you have such a tender heart-Pirate girl joining you in decluttering my house and it will be 5 more years paying off my husbands spending habit so will not be replacing things lots of stuff getting thrown out and the maybe stuff put in the shed that my son put shelves up it I love my wafflemaker-I make a zillion at one time and freeze they are good for desserts with berries etc. Bobbie do stay with us I am not a constant caregiver any more but love the friends I have made here Farmangel rain on us anytime it is still too f ing hot here and no rain-its good I have a good well. Take care everyone

bobbie, I am so there, girlfriend!!

Hubby and I have searched high and low and we can't find my social security card. Man, I hate when I can't find something. Gotta go to the SS office tomorrow before work. I hope they let me start without it.

Just waiting to read, "All aboard." Or is it, "Let's set sail..." Something like that. Seems you have lots of willingness Bobbie! :) Hope your adventures are good medicine!

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