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Tennessee and Daughter!

who else in the crew am I missing?


Hi Maties,

Cap and his fam just left and I am alone on the boat for a few days. Nice. love his family. sweet sweet sweet. I finally have some Grandkids!
I'm going to stay quiet today and start brightwork tomorrow. Radar later this week/weekend. (gotta order parts)

ladies, hang in there.

Jsome, rossella, farmangel this boat's for you too.

Miz: you're the stuff. You'll dress up the foredeck in your bikini! Got a nice spot for you all picked out. have a good time tomorrow with your new job.

Rip! SS! Linda! Deef! Flex!


Bobbie, love you, too, lady! And I like the "What next?" name. I need a little dinghy, as it would be fitting after dealing with a mom like mine and Pirate's. I'd sail to a quiet spot in the middle of a lake and ask Calgon to take me away. Or, I may follow linda and Pirate's car in search of Bobbie's boat. Sounds absolutely dreamy! Just put it on autopilot so we can all catch up with each others' lives...

Welcome to the newbies on this site! Miz, hope your weekend is good before your big day Monday. Again, congrats! Glad you and hubby got an outing. Rosa, I sent you a Tea Party invite on FB, just for fun. Ciao!

pirategal . my body aches alot too , till yesterday my neighbor came by and i was admiring her bracelet , i ask her if that was a maginet kind she said uhh dont know but its suppose to keep ur balance up , she had me try it out and had to hold one leg up and arms strcehed out and she would try to move my arm down while i try to keep it up , i stayed pretty balance up then i took it off and tried it again , i lost my balance , i said oh hey that stuffs good ! my tennis elbow aches well not any more . this morning i woke up mmm feelin pretty good , body s not achin as bad .
i had some bracelet its copper with magnet on it . i havent wore it in a while , this new one its rubber thick hard rubber with a big round designs on it its called power.balance . i love it !! i kept going all day and in fact i reranged the family room around !
pirate , sounds like ur b/f has alot of secrets in his life and doesnt want u to have any part of it , i think all relatiosnhip should be openminded and be part of eachothers lives , how long have u guys been together ? im heading for 31 yrs marraige next month , damn how time flies !
if u guys are happy then im all happy :-)
u are a very hard working lady . ill come by and get ya and take us to bobbies boat . ya just sit and relax and i ll do al the driving wooohooo.
dreamy of the roadtrip to hunt down bobbie s boat . .....

hey bobbie , sure hope u get ur barbara b going good , purrr like a kitty .
wish u a safe journey out in the open sea . be careful and may the lord sail right along with you and ur momma dolphine swims right along with ya too . ill dream of me sailin along too .

good night you all xoxo

Hello Fellow Sailor Girls,
My sympathies to Diane and Rossella for the loss of their kitties. My g/f at work has 3 cats - she is a cat lover and two of her older cats is always dealing with kidney problems as long as I have known her. Seems it's a big cat issue. I heard it's the ash they put in catfood, so it's best to buy the best food or make their food. I still feel the pain of putting my own sweet babie to sleep several years Jackie Girl...Jack Russell terrier. She was so damn smart. I miss her so much.

When mama goes and I inherit the house I will be able to get dogs again...yeah can't wait. It will trully be an enlifting adventure to when I can finally call a house my own and can do what I want with it after renting for 30 + years. I have so much to do here. Everything needs work on. But first I have to clean the whole place out including the garage. Today I cleaned out 3 kitchen drawers because my mom had a gazillion utensils, many items repeated. I went through it all and sorted the worst in shape or moldy into the trash - duplicate or items I would never use for the thrift shop - the rest washed and put back into cleaned out drawers. I know the entire kitchen will have to be remodeled and all new cabinetry will be put in. That will be an adventure - remodeling.

For awhile I have noticed that tucked away under a coffee table in the living room is a box with a Belgian waffle maker. I bought a box of Krustease Belgian Waffle mix and made waffles....boy they came out good. Mom had already eaten her two toasts and scrambled eggs and coffee and did not want any more to eat today, but she came out later in the late afternoon and I warmed her up a waffle I made earlier with butter and strawberry jam and she scarfed it down. I really like how easy it was to make these waffles and they tasted really good. I also bought
Wild Maple syrup..yum. I think I shall make some more waffles this evening so they are already to go for tomorrow.

I also noticed that while mom was done eating the waffles she must have coughed cause I found sputtered everywhere bits of waffles...yelch. When I got over there today there was all kinds of stuff on the floor, pieces of bread from sandwich, pieces of cheese danish. After she had the eggs today - of course some eggs find their way to the floor. She never sits right at the table always cockeyed. I try to get her to sit more in front of the table but it's hard moving her chair with all that weight she still has on her. She trully is going out on the long road. Geesh I don't know if I want to live that long to be so sluggish.

Geezus my body has been aching the last few days and I don't know issues are driving me nuts...oh heck she's calling for me. It's 7:30. Well I don't know what she is moaning about. Something wierd about don't close up the house -and leave space. I just looked at her funny with a scruntched up face and said OKAY. I don't know what that was about...I think really nuthing...probably checking to see if I was still here or just to be able to call me at her beck and call. I thought it would be about the phone being off the hook cause I am using dial up. The other day she said something to me that was wierd as well about everything being alright with the pharmacy and I had already picked up the meds that were ready two days before. She did say the nurse called and said she had a bladder infection and that meds where coming on Monday...have to remind myself to see if there is a message on the phone. Maybe it's the bladder infection...? But at this point I don't know why these stupid offices just give you a good amount cause from what I hear from you folks out there this is a constant thing. I think it's because their kidneys can't flush out all the bad crapola anymore. Well I guess I am going to say bye for now. I may come back on later tonight when I get back home. At least b/f is with his kid today - probably at Orange County Fair...creep. I will hear about it always later..he never tells me up front if he's doing something with his kid...oh cause I can't be around his kid. Another freaking sick story..... see ya laters....sailors!

I feel like howling like a coyote, but I don't have the time and the strength to do that! The full moon does not help.

me too , so bored , outta my mind . took my dog out for a walk , wish i could keep going farther but cant do that . gotta be closer to home .
at least its nice outside i guess i ll fix me one mean coffee and sit out and enjoy it .
pa s doing ok , ask him if he has to go pee , its always no , but when i got him up he was soaked , ah its all good atleast no poopy soup .
have a good evening u guys ,, xoxo

Yes, fresh air helps and I get plenty of it walking from the house to the clothes line and back a half dozen times each day. Wish it was a full moon this week-end, I love to look at a full moon and with the nights being cooler now it would really help my disposition, but alas, no full moon, guess I could go out and listen to the coyotes howl. I need to get at least a half life. Sorry, I didn't mean to rain on anyones parade but yesterdat and today have really been a blister.

Sometimes nothing helps but usually just getting out of the place you are and breathing some fresh air can change your mood. For a while any how...

Yep, J. I really need to get outside and do some walking. Doc says so and I know so. It's just giving myself the kick in the butt to do it.

A little vitamin D wont hurt, just don't burn. It is a real thing that the sun makes you feel better. Sun and Sea, wish I could be there too.

Hello Fellow Caregivers and down right wonderful people. I start my job on Monday. I'm excited and nervous. I hope Mom lets me sleep those nights before work days. I'm exhausted today. Hubby and I went to a big festival here downtown last night. Came home and I had a hard time getting to sleep. I think I was barely asleep and I hear frantic pounding on the wall. Jump up and hurry into Mom's room and she asks, "is there any medicine I need to take?" I'm like noooooooo, you already took your medicine. At least she apologized for waking me up. :) She's a dear but it's so trying sometimes. The festival was fun but hubby and I decided that everything is such a chore. That's our new saying. I have a dear, long time friend in town. She is going through her parents house. Her dad passed away and her mom is in a NH. Her mom's memory is failing fast. Wow does this all suck. bobbie, when all is said and done, i'm getting on the boat and i'm laying my ass out in a bikini even if I look like a wrinkly beached whale. I want a tan tummy. I love to lay in the sun. I know it's bad for me but I don't care. I'll smoke too and maybe start drinkin' again. Who knows. I need to lay down but duty calls. Love you all. Need you all. xoxoxoxox


Hello Maties!

I have tried to keep up with the posts.. my respect to everyone!

Oh Diane, I'm so sorry for you and your kitty. sux. It is best but still hurts bad.

Carol, thanks for dropping in! Great to see you and thanks again for this wonderful site. Totally saved my sanity and the sanity of many many others. If you see Joe, tell him whassup and we love him.


We are still in St. Augustine while the boat is refitted with new radar and autopilot.
will probably be starting on the brightwork in the next few days and that will take awhile but I just want to do a little at a time so i don't kick my own butt.
We are docked at a T-Dock (end of the pier) and Cap greased her in like a soft kiss.
He took a 500+' Navy ship through the Panama Canal so he's pretty amazing. his family is coming out today and may stay over one night and then take him home while I stay on the boat and we work on her.

It's a whole new world.

Caregivers, even though my mom died a few months ago now, I am still not back to myself. Please please take care of yourselves while you are still in the trenches. i know that I didn't eat right. Mom did, but i did what we all do and put myself way in the background while fighting for her health.

I'll be on the boat and the crowd will be gone for a little over a week so I will be able to check in more often.

Where's Linda?

hey SS love you girl.

hope Pamela is OK

Pirate! I know it's all driving you nuts. i wish you could come out for a week. Of course, then you would have me driving you nuts

Flex and Italy's Rose, sorry again about the cats. awful sad.


Good to see from Maxine and godhelps, you're both such sweethearts.

RIP the STITCH!!!! Ready? I can choose the font now and have access to the transom as of this am. Still want to?? Will measure the current letters. Cap is putting the dingy on top so i will be able to prepare the boat to be renamed. There's a de-naming ceremony and a naming ceremony. Don't want to piss off the ocean.

Cap and I decided that the dingy's name will be: Now What?

Miz! start the job yet?

OK, more later, IF you guys want to hear..... i know it's not about what I started out talking about but there's some pretty gross stuff on a boat too lemme tell ya........ and besides, I want to keep my friends!!!!!


Seroquel is wonderful! That is our family's motto. After a variety of different doctors, prescribing a variety of different meds that either did nothing, whipped Mom up more, or put her in a stupor, we were advised to try Seroquel. The woman at the Adult Day Care Center said to talk to the doctor about it. They weren't going to allow Mom to stay at day care because she was too active. Our GP prescribed the Seroquel and WHAM we had a new Mom! He said that it is easy to change the dose...if she is going to Day Care and needs to behave, we give her an extra one in the am. What a great drug! Saved us all. She loves the Day Care and is very social. We are hoping she'll be able to add in another day. Without the Seroquel it just won't happen.

Sorry about the cats...pets are hard to lose.

Keep fighting the good fight ladies!

Thanks, Carol!

Just another little note for those of you interested in how Agingcare works.
We are able to keep it free through advertisers. A nice Guy named Joe started Agingcare because he was going through the same things as you are.
We want to give you a format to vent, inform and support each other. We also want feedback because it helps us make changes in the community - for you. Of course, we offer information through articles and tips. In the end, those offerings are also meant to support those of you who identify with certain topics.
We'll never be able to personally help everyone, but our aim is to offer support and to offer you a format to support each other. So, have at it folks. You are awesome!

Our captain?
Hopefully sailing happily on her yacht!
Snuggled safe on her berth

Thanks for your prayers, Diane. Hugs, all. Where's Bobbie321?

Diane and Rossella, sorry for your kittens.

Diane, I lost my friend's cat yesterday for the same reason, kidney failure. You do the best thing to give him the euthanasy. It's such a painful disease. My vet does it in two stages: the first injection, he makes him sleep (sleep in the true meaning ot the word) and when the cat is asleep, he makes the second injection that kills him. It is much better, they do not realize anything, they do not suffer at all, they are not afraid. I euthanized this way the two cats I loved more in the world.

I'm sorry.

Watch the caregivers with the pain medications. One of my caregivers stole my loritab after I had my hysterectomy.

Mom is tucked in bed for the night. I think she wore herself out with the excitement of my sister arriving today. Plus with the rainy weather she was very painful with arthristis just about everywhere.

Mom may pour on the guilt, but at least I don't have the added personality disorders. I'll will say an extra payer for you Pirate and Sis.

I have a sad job ahead of me tomorrow. I will be taking my kitty named Rusty to be put to sleep. He is 17 years old and is suffering from kidney failure. He won't eat and he hates for me to give him the subcutaneous fluid. I guess the kindest thing I can do is to give him peace.

Take care my friends and have agood night.


Pirate, thanks for turning me on to that site, except the subject is so depressing! I don't know how you keep it up after all these years!

Rip, that was quite the story you shared. Wow.

The neurologist told me that when she is very agitated I can give her 1/2 pill of Seroquel during the day (which I did only once, because it was necessary). When we are home she can't fall from the balcony because we are ground floor. (from every point of view) I doubt she can climb the roof as I wrote one day, that was a joke.The possibliity that she is hit by a car while we are out exists, so when I go to the supermarket and I leave her in the car, I ask a very nice Nigerian boy that I know (and sells things out of the supermarket) to keep an eye on her, and when she tries to get out of the car he goes there and convinces her to stay where she is. (you do not have an idea how much it costs me in tee-shirts and socks that I buy from him, but he is a really nice person and he deserves it). We never leave her alone, I mean, maximum we are in another room or in the garden, but the front door is always kept under control. The Alzheimer are roamers... They always try to go back "home"... Do you watch Sex and the City? Miranda's mother-in-law escaped because she wanted to go to the Bronx zoo. And she ate pizza taken by a garbage bin. It's just a movie but it is perfectly true!
Anyway, this is the situation by now. I know it can only get worse, so the next years I shall probably have to keep her more sedated. We live day by day!

oh ... more in common!
My mother passed Valentine's day 1997. Dad was devastated & drank.

Thanksgiving Eve he finally collapsed. I managed to transport him to the hospital where they ran tests. Turned out he had an aortic anyrism which required major surgery. He was so despondent I was surprised he consented.

I remember my then husband & I were at the hospital. WIth his usual wit, he glanced at the yellow IV bag leading to his arm, looked at his pathetic hospital "Thanksgiving" meal & started playing with the little green peas.
"Look at the vitamins they are sneaking into me! Now they're hiding them in the food!".

Hard to convey the humor of the remark, but all of us started laughing & couldn't stop.

After surgery he was in ICU for a long time. When they dismissed him to a standard room his then, primary physician, had him so doped up on Ativan that hje was almost comatose. Lasted over 2 months, but during the time I visited every day.

I think he reacted to the meds b/c he became very agitated & so they strapped him down. Had a babysitter too! Oblivious most of the time except for recognising me.
After 2 months of daily madness knowing my Dad was in there somewhere, I begged the doc to lower his dose. No way. Doc knew best.
A social worker even sat me down & said "He is a vegetable. Do not think he will ever recover. Accept it."

I started visiting the hospital every day at med time, identified the drugs & slipped the sedatives away. After 3 days he looked straight at me & said:
"Where the hell am I, Mary?".

Then he siad "Who is that poor guy dying in the bed next to me? I feel so bad for him".
His compassion was back too.

He was released to a nursing home 3 days later after his miraculouys recovery.
Spent a week there & released to my care. Wanting him to remain independent I arranged for him to stay in the AL facility, which had recently opened at the time.
They were wonderful, then.

He had his own apt. complete with his adoring cat. He still drove, even had an assigned parking space ... ran errands for my business ...
the ladies all adored him.

I just don't know what to think of modern medicine. His teflon stent (sp?) was suposed to be good for a few years ... almost 13 years ago.

Now he is back with me, still funny & lively.
He doesn't remember a bit of the months he was strapped to the bed with an attendent.
I certainly do!

I have the old computer running but it won't accept my keyboards. This one is so funky I don't dare transfer it.

You'll see some promised photos soon.

Pirate ... find that Funny Farm web site!
Report need to get the doctor to prescribe something that will knock her out a bit..something that will sedate her mildly...cause she will get into something nasty one day and will hurt herself like fall off the balcony or something, or run into the street in front of a car.

DAMN Rossella you mommo needs some HEAVY DUTY lol lol lol. I am so glad my mom is on psych meds cause she was driving me batty too. Not so much with hiding things and doing wacky things like your mom, but instigating things out in the street with neighbors. She is way past that stuff now..too old now and decrepit for that....but I do have to watch her little zings she likes to toss at you or command some coffee or setting the tv off timer (which i got her spoiled on). Tonight I will have no mommo...tommorrow I am sure around 10:30 in the morning I am sure I will get that call...'ARE YOU COMING'. I can't wait for the day I am not commanded anymore.

Pirate, our caregiver did not steal money. She stole my mother's gold and all the embroidered sheets and tablecloth that my grandmother had handmade, (and they were wonderful) so there is no doubt she stole them. When we had to empty my mother's house to sell it, and buy the one we are living in now, we did not find ANYTHING left. Ah by the way this is funny: my brother and I spent whole days filling boxes (before moving), and when we left my mother alone in the evening, she took everything out of the boxes. (this was before she broke her leg). So my brother and I started to put the full boxes in a room that we locked, and we hid the key (and you feel ashamed that you have to do this to your mother, but if we had not done so, we would be still there packing and unpacking and packing and unpacking)

How was my day today? I am still very stressed about the cat story, so today I was very impatient with my mother that hid the TV remote of the living room so well that I cannot find it anymore. So I took my TV remote, which is in my room and I put it in a place that I hoped she could not reach, but she stole it while I was cooking, together with my cell phone. And I found the two of them calling my cell phone from the normal phone. Sometimes I do not feel laughing about those things because It is such a waste of time and energy to fix all the mess that mother does from morning to evening. You can't watch her 24/7, it's impossible; while I cook I should drag her in the kitchen with me, while I go to the bathroom I should bring her with me... She does not want to. They TIED HER UP while she was in the hospital, they tied her with a string to the arm of the chair because they could not watch her constantly among all the patients, some of them suffered from the same dementia. My mother was taken to the hospital because she had broken ONE leg. In the hospital she broke the other leg because one night she climbed over the bars of the hospital's bed! She still is a slim and athletic person, in spite of everything! This is why they had to tie her up. And they gave us the permission to place the caregiver next to her all day long. It is almost incredible what a person in these conditions can do! It seems they possess superpowers! I shall buy some kryptonite!

RIP ... here is the was developed by a woman whose mother was a Narcissist. The articles end with people posting their views and their horror stories... would feel at home at this website...with mommo and her PD...

Rossella I had to laugh when you said the amazingly wonderful caregiver ended up stealing everything. At one point one of my mom's caregivers she thinks stole 700 bucks...but I could not prove that point my mom was doing wierd thing with the monies and hiding things and doing wierd things with hoardes of chocolate. I mentioned it to the caregiver and to her supervisor and to the owner of the company cause the caregiver was always really flighty....and was fired shortly I don't know. I have since took over the monies! I don't really trust the caregivers..and this one I had to end up giving a key to the house to so she can get in, cause my mom said she could not figure out how to open the door anymore...baloney! I never know what is truth or not with her...she likes to cry wolf..even though I tried to explain to her that crying wolf can be very dangerous...because people will not believe her if something really happens for real.

Rip....I know the sound of 4 young squirrels battling with each other sounds like..I miss it...haven't had any young ones around lately just some older ones I spoil with peanuts. The crows get all the leftover meats and pizza's, anything substantial..the little birds finish off any old bread or they love rice (cooked of course)

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