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I don't complain except on here and to my hubby. I love my mom dearly and have chosen this life. So it's okay.

People try to rationalize it. Like if it's so back then stick them in a home. That is so insulting. Minimizing what we do. I know it's sometimes necessary but those of us that choose to take care of their loved ones at home deserve some respect. Don't get me wrong. Having a failing loved one in anyone's life is difficult whether they are in a nursing home or not. But we deserve some credit. Good night. :)

No Sh*t, Jsomebody.

If they only dealt with the crap & constant needs.
I love my DAD. He is my best friend ... there aren't gentlemen like him any longer ....
I'd love a competent gentleman in my life but I have become so strong they fear my independence.
Dad shares my situation. Just feels helpless ....
like me.

And the rich get richer....

Pirate, I do not plan to write a book on my experience as a caregiver, because I know that nobody would be interested in it. Nobody is interested in our difficult and tiresome lives. People do not want to think about it. If they have an old and ill relative they try to give him to someone else. They do not think they will become old and maybe they will need someone to take care ot them. I did the same ( I did not want to think about these problems) until some years ago. So I cannot blame anybody. I think this is how the world goes...

That one is genderless I think, telling other people they have not got a clue about what they are doing or other person needs and having NO DIRECT EXPERIENCE THEMSELVES ... Unreal, no too real, stupid real.

My friend husband literally told her she was to look after his mom. He has run them into bankruptcy twice buying himself toys and the children? well come like third to him. after his car I guess.

I can't say I believe in Karma anymore either, so many people who "will get theirs" sure never seem to, and I mean that in a non denominational way. Some people just get away with everything and others.....wipe poop off the walls...

It was in the Seattle Times a couple weeks ago.
I was shocked to see the cheapskates that ran the "5 Star Fun" senior reisidents were so indulged.

gonna check out Million Dollar Mansion...I was born in Renton and lived in a trailer court and that whole area over there is unrecognizable to what it used to be before dot com money moved in

Why do so many men think they need to do nothing? Oh wait. I think we discussed this. Pisses me right off, it does. It's seems to always be the wife. Even if it's the husband's parent. Sad...

Well in my b/f's case he cringes about anything to do with my mom...such a slacker...his sister is back in Italy living with his I bet he washes his hands of any of the laborious stuff. I am waiting for my male cousin who had the big mouth well actually his f'n loud mouth g/f about my mom last year. Just wait till my mom's sister his mom goes into to see his f'n mouth then. Wonder if he will try to shove it on his loud mouth g/f.

My sister comes in tomorrow for a week so I better get of the computer and get her bedroom ready for her. Have a great evening everyone!

I know. I was raised on MS. magazines and though I know nothing is right for everybody, it does seem for the most part this is a "Female Phenomenon" It is still world wide, most common, that women take on the role of care givers to their own families and others and often the husbands family. It isn't always so and some men do provide hands on care for their families but it does fall predominantly on women and is regarded as rightly so. And gets the support and funding one would expect of something related to women.

Dtflex, you are right and the men have NO CLUE. Just wait until it is necessary for someone to take loving and caring care of them. Maybe then they will understand. Of course by then it will be too late. Hopefully they will be agreeable and thankful. OR, they will wish they had a loving relative to take care of them or to oversee their care.

Oh before I forget..(gotta get my butt of this computer order some Chicken Fettucini to go and drive to MOMMO's house so I can take care of the lawns etc)....Rosella and others re- BOOK WRITING. I have already started on my computer my hell with my mom and it grew into the hell that both parents threw at me by being the way they were. I also have a tape recorder with her earlier years rants at me - Her Narcisstic crazy rants that made me feel guilty to do everything for her. I had thought about writing this book and publishing this book. I know there are others out there with the same topic, but from what reviews I have read on Amazon, much of it is glossed over. What we and others like us is real books with real horror stories. Take for example the book "Walking on Eggshells" not from personal experience but others. It's time for a book to be written from the abused themselves not someone trying to make a buck on this subject on others heartfelt experiences.

I don't have children either but this is literally (aging) the reverse process of growing up and making strides, these ARE SET BACKS AND PLATEAUS. where things even put before the next loss of ability. People who don't do this have not got a clue, AND they are lucky. I have a friend who just dodged a bullet, Her husbands mother is in decline and wanted to move in with them and there three kids under 11. She stayed four days and went home and he has since reconsidered what he was asking ( asking of his wife of course, he had no intention of doing anything himself)...

Maybe I need to have a glass of wine and start thinking ok lyrics for poop soup

You're right Jen.
This is an epidemic situation. The sad story is many wealthy people are building facilities for their own benefits rather than our parents.
See Mercer Island Million Dollar Mansion.
Old story.

Anyway, I agree it needs to be addressed on a national level.

I was so sorry the caring staff at my father's facility were afraid of the managment who seemed to be controlled by, corporate rich guys.
Their jobs seemed to become political & financial rather than caring for our parents who enjopyed living there.
Their newspaper half page ads are disgusting. Throwing five dollar bills in the air!
Do you have any idea what a bus wrap costs? (busses driving around with billboards on them)

Screw the media presnetations & your stupid awards. Take care of of our parents who pay the huge rent for a crappy apartment, fancy lobbies, hallways & facadeas yet charge an escalated service charge like yogurt.
The low paid staff need to keep their jobs.

A friend's mother had morning medical care, meds, dressing, etc. Friend asked if they would please open a carton of yogurt with morning meds. They calculated the charge to be $1 a day for provided food!

That seemed extreme.
I wish the originall staff shared the original compassion.
I guess it's true that money changes people.


It's still a mans world and they still only think with and about their dicks! So what if we keel over taking care of the elders. I know that is a very cynical view, but just about how a feel tonight.

Jsomebody, you go!! People say the damndest things sometimes.


And if I ever have a cab driver say that to my grandfather again I will stop and get out of the cab. A. No he didn't and B.) I didn't shit my bed for four years running...

I think partly this only gets the pat on the back of talk shows and books about how to treat yourself to a home spa moment after wiping a parents backside because it so often IS women. You know women s work, more so woman's work inside the home, and you are right this is NOTHING like child care, children are small, must obey you and technically your property (till they are 15 when you both pretend you do not know each other).

It falls on women s laps and minds and so it is treated topically and vaguely, yes, were know you are tired, ma'am what with being worn out day and night and you get no help, but so what, woman's work was meant to be a drudge, now we will help your 75 year old father maintain an erection with medication but as for helping you in cleaning up the messes or getting government support or elder care leave from work....Tough...well you know you wipe it up daily.

Pirate, anyone that has not taken care of an elderly person like we have has no clue as to what we deal with. They can't know. And, if siblings come and stay for a week it's just not the same. I have not raised a child but I do know that with most children, they will grow up and learn to care for themselves. And the parent is the boss of them. It's so much different taking care of a parent or grandparent.

Let me say it again. Medical insurance for caregivers of loved ones. How many have quit their jobs to take care of a family member. Possibly saving the State thousands of dollars. How many women out there get medical insurance when they are low/no income and have babies. I rest my case.

RIP by all hell we matter, but no one seems to be doing anything. They yack away at it on talk shows, the news, and PBS specials, but no good answer is out there. Oh the poor 50 something working daughter that has to care for the elderly hooo hoo...but that's about all they say. I can't tell you how many times people on this site...WELL THEIR YOUR PARENTS YOU TAKE CARE OF THEM...THEY TOOK CARE OF YOU AS A CHILD. Yeah but we weren't little mental freaks that cannot be managed and already had a life with baggage and possesions..yadda yadda yadda..all the stuff we know. You cannot compare a child with an aging adult...some things yes and most things NO. Those babies did not have siblings to contend with or lawyers or Adult services or mental issues and all the rest of the crap. This is like the folks that have children that have deep mental and physical issues...and yet they are helped by government programs....go figure the unbalance of it all. I think there should be a law for all parents to have to write a will and submit it to the government so everything is explained and detailed out before we have to get to this stage! That would tidy a lot of mess up before you get to it when they are still RATIONAL.

I read the link about Oprah. It this is true, Oprah will stand by the side of the deadbeat brothers! She will think we are silly and we haven't understood anything about life.
Maybe I would look for someone else.
There is a very rich Italian singer. Some years ago, his grandmother said to the reporters that she had asked her grandchild to buy her a new pair of glasses because hers had got broken and she did not have the money to buy a new pair. Seems that the famous and rich Italian singer did not even reply to his grandmother! Blaaaaaah

I have noticed that there are more and more assisted living facilities in my area. Like a lot. Many of them advertise on TV. And, I don't live in that large of a city.

Ick on that link to Oprah's mom. I hope it's not true.
Who in the media do we contact?
20/20? PrimeTime? Dateline?

We aren't sensational but I think we matter.

Pirate, I agree, think it is inevitable, a larger and long lived aging population Baby Boomers, I am not one (39) are really gonna get hammered with it, the sandwich generation and all that, some looking after grandchildren AND caring for older relatives. It will be near pandemic, it really needs to be addressed on a national level truly. Something to invest it, respite care organizations stock will sore in the next ten years, but for only so long, not every-bodies 89 year old parent will see 99. No matter what The medicos try.

Dtflex, talk to your mom's doc. My mom's put her on an anti-psycotic and it has worked wonders. I know what you are dealing with and yes it will drive you insane. And, it wears them out I think. Hugs to you!!


Rossella, Same here there are tons of cats for adoption and dogs too here in the USA. I hope the mom and the little girl take a new little kitten to replace the one that is sick and maybe going to Rainbowland soon.

PoopSoup....should be a song from Doctor Demento...remember his radio show with wierd old tunes?

DT...DRUGS AND MORE DRUGS...does you mom have a prescription for psych meds. You cannot and I emphasize do anything with these folks unless they are on PSYCH MEDS. You cannot reason with them and they will drive you INSANE.

For the past month I have been seeing a lot of posts even more desperate than mine when I joined this site a year ago. Seems people are desperate for answers and have no resources to look. The government should step up and take note of this. They KEEP spouting this in the news..that the babyboomers are being hit with these old folks living so long and no one know what to do with them. Pretty soon NH are going to be tough to find an watch...and that will open it up for money grubbers to start opening up more homes and with probably CRAPPY goings on! You watch! If the government is smart which it is not...cause usually it waits for something bad to happen before they do something, they would start addressing it now.

Rip - that was mighty nice of you to try Oprah. I know someone from this site was going to contact law makers in their state, but I don't know what happened with that. I just wonder if anyone from Oprah will contact you. Seems they only get involved if they want to make a MEDIA HIT...with sensationalism..or if something happened to them. But I bet Oprah can put her mom in a really really really FANCY RICH PEOPLE NH...but from what I just found on the net...she still has deep issues with mommy dearest...which I am sure we can all relate to...but cannot push away cause we are poor or middle class...

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