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Yes, wiping herself is something Mom just doesn't seem to be capable of. If you catch her right as she leaves the bathroom you can avert a problem. If not, it could get ugly.

My mom will wipe her rectum with her hand if left alone in the bathroom, doesn't do it as long as I stay with her.
My daughter worked in an Alzheimer's care facility and would comment that the paitents seemed to have feces slinging parties almost every night.

hello shipmates.

i've been on the boat with the Captain for 3 days now and he's going through all the systems. We leave tomorrow for St. Augustine for a few repairs and then North.

RIP!! Almost There!! We'll probably do the renaming up in St Augustine!
easy peasy 2 day cruise. This boat really moves. Slow.

Build for Comfort and not for Speed.

Like me.

Flex!! got to do the Teak rails!! Wanna do some teak in Charleston?

Rosella, you hang in there, you'll be here before you know it. until then work like hell to make it funny and warm because it sux so bad.

Pirate, you and Rip the Stitch are going to have the West Coast handled.

Miz, SS, Linda, Tennessee battling those lawyers; Tennessee, please say hello to your daughter for me.

All of you guys. Deef,

love you guys and this is going to happen.

just be on the boat, baby.


lhardebeck, I know. Truth be told, I may never quit, but I'll need to hide the cigs I smoke on the porch when the price goes up that high.

Had a breather today my sister took my mom so that I could go to a graduation party didnt get home until now,
she os staying overnight even though I got five phone call while I was away that she was acting up had to tell her to be good and I would pick her up tom for church it was nice getting out

oh miz ill smoke with ya . im trying to cut way back down , soon it;ll be ten bucks a pack ! whatthehell ! that will just cuases alot of mean people on the rise ! steal , break in , rob your ciggy , shit ill have to hang on to it and hide to smoke , aint that crazy !
think i ll raise my own ciggy , :-)

AND drink some mean ole maragritta and soakin up the sun .
had about an hr nap , my body slept but my mind was awake , i hate it when it does that . i didnt feel good at all today , felt so weak and done nothing all day after grandbabies left .
oldest daughter called said mom !! i have a good fire going come on over ! ah no honey i dont feel good , sorry, snifff
i think my sinus is on its way to make me sick , when i feel so blah then its telling me im gonna be sick real soon . mmm guess i shall start takin some nyquill ugh ?
ask dad if he s ready for bed , he said no . i sat on the floor by him and held his hand . started to get teary eyes , im gonna miss him when he goes to meet momma , i cant stand it the thought of losing him , i ll be a basketcase ! thats when i ll have to hunt for barabra b ..
dad said he wants to stay up a lit bit longer , :-) . he s like a lit boy . bless his heart ,
miz i do hope u gets to go bye bye next weekend , it;ll do u some good . i know it did me good . but then it felt like i never went anywhere when i got home , its all a dreammmm.
lol ,

Smoke and drink! Yes! That sounds very good.

It would be very nice to be on that boat all together. Perhaps one day we will! Bobbie, thanks for the invitation!

Thank you, SS. :)

Rossella, dozing on the deck with a nice cold drink, getting tan and I have to have my smokes. Who knows, maybe if all this stress is over I won't need the smokes. But all that sure does sound good.

Miz, I'll keep you in prayer for God's will, and your heart's desire...

Rosella, I understand your jealousy of others going on vacations. I really do. I'm so sorry about your day today. Just think about the boat.

... and dozing on the deck!

Mary, my best friend and her hubby live in Wisconsin in the Dells and there's a Renaissance Fair up there also. Hubby's into that stuff. We have a Celebration downtown here next weekend so maybe we can get away and go to that. Music and stuff to buy and that good old carnival food. :) And, yes, I sure do need a break. My doc really wants me to.

Mary, your plan sounds like heaven to me. If only...someday I hope. :)

SS, I had an interview last Monday and I have a second one this coming Monday. They did up the pay a little for me so I think they really want me. My boss isn't going to be too happy with me because she wants me to get a job in the hearing aid business but I have to get something part time and start bringing in some money. It's 19 hours a week M-F in the afternoons. That works out well cause I can do my thing around the house in the morning and then go to work.


...dolphins! :)

Oh, yes! Boat, ocean, waves, sun, seagulls...

Mary, I'm with you on the boat. Hope you're having a great time, Bobbie!

Bummer for the flattened wicker box! Rosella. Sounds like you should be on the boat, too.

I am very nervous and impatient and fed up those days. I think it is because everyone is going on vacation and I can't. 4 of my cousins are in US, by the way. They are now in NYC and they will make a trip and will arrive to California. Other friends are on the beach, other ones on the mountains! I do not know if you are jealous of people that go on vacation. I am. On top of that, we had a very complicated day with my mother. I had to buy something in a shop and I brought her with me. Big mistake. I lost sight of her for 5 seconds and she sat on a wicker box. She crashed it and collapsed to the ground. The lady in the shop was very kind and was worried that my mother had hurt herself. She hadn't, but she had smashed the box, and a lamp had fallen to the ground. I was very lucky because the lamp did not get broken. I insisted on buying the crashed box (the lady of the shop said it did not matter - a fine person) (she made me a 50% discount.... I shall have to go back to that shop and buy something else). Then I went back to the car and my mother complained because she did not want to go home.
So, yes, I would need to go on vacation as hell.

Dang Miz ...
Don't you need a break?
What's in Wisconsin?

I think you should head to the east coast & intercept Bobbie's boat at an unknown port.
I wish we all could.
Imagine ....
Bobbie docking at a marina, hopefully not charging the pier, (private joke for captains)
& there would be a dozen of her faceless friends that suddenly had faces!
Waiting to board the Barbara B with drinks & Chippendale men.
oh - OK ... Chippendale guys don't hold a condle to our brains ...

Bobbie knows our lives, just not our appearances!
If dreams could come true I wish we could make it happen.

OK ... I am dreaming while awake. Need to take care of my dear Dad & finish my household trudge.
Maybe sleep tonight ...

Bless you one & all!

Your confidential friend,

AKA Rip the Stitch

Miz, what happened with the job? Did I miss something?

lhardebeck, little my FIL does is cute. Mostly I feel sorry for him. Sometimes disgusted. Long story...

Was hoping to go to Wisconsin next weekend but it looks like it might not work out. Sucks.

Pirate, my mom has gained quite a bit of weight since Dad died. I think it's mostly from inactivity. Where in So Cal are you? I lived in San Diego for 9 years in the '80s.

Pirate, you gave me some great ideas. Thanks!!

Wow, lhardebeck!! Where do you find the energy? I'm impressed!! I hope you got your nap. :)

s.s ur fil so funny about why theres no date on mine ! he sounds so sweet . i hated the graveyard , i was hoping dad wouldnt ask me to take him to other graveyard to see his parents and son there . whew . was kinda scared that he would just die right there in front of me . that long drive took a toll on him and me . but its all good after we stop at dairy queen , ate happy all the way home . takes him an hr to finish eating .

talk about craft stuff uhhh i have no enegry to do that . always start on something and never finish it .
babysat my 3 grandkids , oh boy wore me out ! 8 mos old boy and 2 yrs old and 4 yrs old girls . was sooo happy to see the parents come back in 3 hrs , now im ready for a nap . that lotta beer lastnight realy paid off the next day . im feeling edgey , feels like my house has gotten smaller , so crwod in here , i dont understand it , maybe monday i ll start getting rid of bunch crap and maybe my house will look bigger ? ya think ?
maybe i need a nap . good day to u all . xoxo

I feel for you. I dont think my mom has taken a bath in three weeks.

oops furnish = furniture

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