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DT - I like to refurnish furniture as well. But my favorite is finding old style dressers and then screwing furnish wheels to the legs and then a quick clean a quick sand, get the handy dand spray paint out...spray...then get out stencils and stencil them with cute country romance/country chique look. I have two like that i keep crafts stuff in. One with bunnies rolling hearts and the other with rose vines. I took two huge ugly 1970's end night stands that where huge (big bulky squares) and screwed them together and then screwed some short table legs to it on the bottom, then spray painted it parfait pink and then stenciled ivy leaves around the front face and then went over them with a more stippling paint with gold highlights. Painted little blue birds flying between them and then at the base of the unit painted a Kewpie holding a flower. I never did finish the piece cause I wanted to add a frog looking up at the Kewpie and some music notes around the birds. I am debating if i want to keep this chest when I finally move to my mom's house. Don't know where I would put it and the legs where never that stable. LOL. Maybe I will think of something by then.

rip went to the website...whereabouts are you? Pics will not open for me on that webby. Maybe my home puter with dialup is prob, I can try again at work on Mond.

Deef and Rip we definetely need to bump heads together when this is all over. I have seen all kinds of internet craft companies with women becoming success and Oprah loves to help interesting talent. Wink Wink... Headstones...have you gals heard of hypertufa? I discovered that recently on GardenWeb, where I have been when you gals have not seen me for awhile cause mom was sailing along quiely. Well now she's declining more. With hypertufa you can sculpt it. I will find some links that you will enjoy plus a link to a landscaper who found out one of her groundsman was a scupltor at heart and scuplted the most beautiful pack of hounds...doing all kinds of stances...just stunning. I have seen some nice animal headstones as well that are half scuplture half headstone info.

Dang it Harde you make me SO JEALOUS with your camping and bonfires and now what a two wheeler. Okay I know where I want to go for a camping tree to go see Harde! Beer...who doesn't like beer...especially with my german heritage I love a good beer!

Yes mom,...poor mom. I can see her declining but heck her mouth is working pretty good at times. The other night she said in a pretty matter of fact manner to set up her tv for the 'off timer' for two to three hours. Well geesh...I remember when she didn't want any tv...she goes from one extreme to another sometimes....hmm maybe like kids do. Yeah just thought of that. WOW. Well this morning gals I have got to get out NICE AND EASY and use it. Been past due for a week. Then need to bake bisquits for mom. I brought her some of my bisquits from last weekends breakfast and boy she went nuts and could not stop talking about that and the Farmer John sausages I had brought over as well. So I need to make bisquits at home (cause mom's stove is filled with all kinds of kitchen metalic items - gotta go through all of that stuff) and then make sausage over there. My b/f tells me to hurry up and go to my mom's early so I can get home early...I guess he doesn't get it yet ,even though I told him she's declining and slowing down. Boy when I mention NH to mom she does not even look at me...she doesn't like the idea at all. I wish she would give in, she keeps dropping hints in the past few phone calls that she's lonely at night. Geesh she should be sleeping. She says she's not sleeping well. I guess there will be some nights I will ending up sleeping over there. In a NH she could have a roommate and people buzzing around everywhere. The NH I am thinking of is just 1 blk from her home, it's parked right next to the hosp. She doesn't like to get up and move around any more. The other night when I was there I asked if she was hungry and she said yes, I said what do you want, she said coffee and toast. So I said well are you goijng to come out and she said no. I said well if you can't get up anymore I think a nursing home is best because neither I nor the caregiver will be able to pick you up. She is about 4"10 and 180 lbs. I don't know why she is keeping her lifetime weight...she hardly eats anything. But my dad with cancer still had a ton of weight on him when he died as well. Go figure,anyone have any light to shed on these heavy folks at death? I have to watch my weight too...!

Bobbie hey Bobbie you out on the boat man oh man I am jealous...need to plan a yacht party in the future, complete with party lights and champ!

Oh Deef and Rip...I am in Sunny So CAL by the shore...wink at Bobbie

Rip & Pirate Gal,

I'm not quite as crafty as y'all but I do (or used to) all sorts of crafts, sewing, begining quilting, crossstitch, refinish furniture, crochet etc. I'd have a blast with you guys. I'm is SC so still a long way from MA and WA. Rip my sister lives in Seattle so maybe one of these days I'll get to meet you when I visit.

BTW Pirate, tell your bf that Valium is a lifesaver after a particular harrowing day of caregiving. As long as you aren't taking it daily and/or drinking on top of it, you know what you can tell him.

Keep the creative juices running..And hopefully that will be the only thing running :)

Last time we took FIL to the cemetary, he looked at he and his deceased wife's headstone and asked, "Why isn't there a date on mine?" Uh....., not yet, dad!

PirateGal, my grandfather used to wash his urinals out in the bathroom sink....lovely, I don't know, lazy or so old they figure it is just pee, snot, feces.....

did somebody say beer >>??
had plenty while ago over the bonfire ,
run in the house and ckin on pa , hes all smiles watching his lit tv in his room . ran back out have more beer ,
took the jeep out and rode around in the field my husband drove , what a blast
ran back inside ckin on pa , he s sleeping like a baby ,
ran back out slurp some more and took the 4 wheeler out and zoom around the field , dizzy head ahh time to go in for good ,
now hubby is fryin up some squash , ewww i had a candy bar , its good , now im ready for bed , its gonna be a long day tmr , goodnight u all , xooxox
ps took pa out for bfast this mornin then he decide ed he didnt want to go home , he wanted to go find momma , well drove almost 2 hrs to tak ehim to where momma is , ( at the grave yard ) he just stare at the tombstone , my moms name on it and next to him his name on it , he just stared at it , i felt bad but hey he ask where momma is so i had to show him . then he wante dto see where gma and gpa is so i found it and he stared at it and was sad and confuse but perke dright up after we stop at dairy queen . he s all happy now , i dont think he remmy that trip . buty boy i do ! got home i put him to bed and i went to bed , gosh i was worn out , after i woke up ahh its beer time ! and one beer after another , it s a good friday after all . xoxo

PS .....
I need to create Pet Tombstones.
I have the technology, & scrap granite ....

taking a chance since I don't have a web site ...yet.
I am on her link.

Wonderful dream that they made come true

You guys are in!
Seattle area ... called Woodinville.
Wine country.
I have sand blasting equipment, vinyl cutters & tons of material & substrates.
My life is on hold with Dad here.
My shop was so much fun!
Creative stuff at every phone call.

Every Friday evening people would gather at my shop,bringing beers for the refrigeator, Wine from the local wineries, we would sit at my computers & design stuff, then go into my production area & make things happen!

We'll talk more more
Things can happen! Money is there for the clever.
Not saying I'm clever, but simple silly me made it work... for a while, until ....THE MARRIAGE

Stay tuned ...
I thnk we have a good thing going!

Oh man! I've hand painted better signs than that! I painted a sign for a lilac garden walk, craft shop welcome and many others. I've painted with oils, water colors and acrylics. I knit, sew, quilt. make my own jewelry and do some woodworking. I've tried just about every craft that has crossed my path in the last 40 years. I've been hand painting glass X-mas ornaments for the past 10 years. It would be great to get our talents together and make something of them!
In the meantime, we'll be up to our elbows in pooh for now. I'm in central Mass. Where are you?

Oh man RIP what state are you in...we should become partners....I would love doing stuff like that as well.

There was a couple of ladies they were showcasing on tv with their advert idea. They were making.....get damn...simple an idea....they were making FANCY GARAGE SALE and BABY IS HERE designs for lawn signs...heck they only had 2 friggin designs...heck RIP we could expand that idea no problem..I have a really good creative marketing mind!

Heck here is there webby...... I know I could design signs better than those!!!!!!

I have computeres running vinyl cutters & thermal printing.
I letter BOATS ... hint, hint to Bobbie, trucks, airplanes, make banners & architectural signage. - altho I don't spell b/c it's Friday & I am having a beer.
Thats signs for the interior of apartments, hotels & commercial buildings.
Boring ....
But designing logos is my real love. Then seeing those vehicles on the interstate makes me feel great!

In 1987 I invested in commercial space - 1000sq ft. Developed a clientel & purchased equipment, always paying it off. I finally started seeing a good profit when I married at 40.
2 step kids & a husband had me working part time.
They were worth it.
Mom became ill, Dad became needy, Mom died ...husband took off ...
but I still maintain a business even in this economy.
I sound pathetic right now ... I feel it.

Anyway, my talents are creative & I am developing several business concepts involving Special Needs kids, pets, etc.

Please, remind tme to tell you about the:
Red Cat Society
The K9 Express.

Both serve seniors & disabled or disavantaged kids/ adults.

On the artistic side, I hope to design decorative Rain Chains for gutters rather than downspouts.

I have my Special neighbor pressure washing my deck w/ my friend supervising. Need to "approve" his work.
Kid is a kick!

Mopre later.

Keep thinking! We can do this~!

Hi Sailor-Gals,
RIP - ART BIZ..oh please please indulge me with your story!!!!

DT - Yep my b/f keeps giving me grief for using Lorazapam...but I told him RELAX I am only using it for the rough times. He also said Valium and sent the WIKI link to me with all kinds of hideous side effects and such...baloney...the pill is about as big as a seed bead..only .05 % just gently puts you to sleep.
MIZ - A NEW JOB...CONGRATULATIONS...have fun with it...explore!

DEEFER - ARTist yourself as well. Yep DEEF and RIP...perhaps we need to get our 3 heads together later and come up with some type of artistic venture. I do all kinds of things very versatile with crafting. I can take an old piece of furniture off the side of the road and make it a new fun piece, to building stuff for the garden, to painting, to sewing...I love all crafts! When this is all over...going to do the same RIP and put my talent to use!

BLUE LIGHT SPECIAL..... those big round store brand containers for butt wipes are cheaper than the name brands. Also 99 cent stores and dollar stores carry baby wipes as well. I know the poopieness will continue with the decline..oh joy...but right now the poor caregiver has been faced with the worst of it. I have had poopie butt issues with her, but seems the caregiver has been hit up with more. Seems my father before he passed did wierd stuff when it comes to tolieting now mom is following suit...but why does it have to be SH1T! My dad before he passed had the gross habit of getting up out of his easy chair in the patio and going behind the garage and peeing into an old stove pot with a broken handle and then pouring it over the wall (otherside is a parking lot to a business complex).....gross. I tossed that thing as soon as I could.....! Why do old farts have such gross tolieting issues...I HOPE GOD strikes me down if I do anything like gross. I want one of those Japanese toliets the washlet....

Miz, poor dear! Your post doesn't sound loopy, though. Hope you're feeling better soon.

After lunch today, Mom said her hands felt numb and she was very weak. I got her to bed and checked her blood sugar. It was 384. I gave her 40 units of insulin and will check it again in a little bit. I hate stuff like this. Never sure what to do.

It turns out that I have a UTI. They gave me the same meds they gave Mom. Aren't we a pair? :)

I have a second interview on Monday and will go from there.

Pretty exhausted today. Stayed up late with hubby to watch a movie. I should know better.


I know, but it was my moms choice to use the washcloths and she will pay for there replacement herself, and I bought a box of pop up Huggies...maybe she was worried he'd be upset, but the fact is she was wiping feces off of hi m from a bout of diarrhea before heading out to the doctors office emergency type appointment.
You can lead a horse to water....
You know washed hands plain Vaseline and a pair of gloves has been touted as a good remedy for severely cracked hands, like we can afford to be that slippery! I am just thinking for your sake, we ALL had a stomach bug last year out of no where, all ate different things and I am sure it was hygiene mess related! I may have a rotten life but I will not kill myself over his care!

J, Sometimes my hands are raw! Have found some heavy, non-flush-able wipes that also come in handy. Walmart, not too expensive. Got to do what you got to do!!!

deefer, we are throwing away a lot of wash cloths here all of the sudden, immune might be a good thing. just remember to wash your hands, like every time you go in or come out of their presence.

Got it on wikipedia Lorazapam is not quite a tranquilizer but it has sedative properties I have a prescription and use about thirty a year. At a very low dose. No side effects noted. It does help at the end of a particularly stressful day to ease out to sleep especially if you are twitching from stress and irritation and worry...

Good morning everyone! Let's see what today brings.
Pirate, Mom sh!ts her pants numerous times a day. She fights us when we try to clean her up. Thinks she can do it herself, and only succeeds in getting it on us, her clothes and the toilet seat! I've actually become immune to the task! Not to sure that is a good thing!!!!
Miz, Hope you get the job. Chalk it up to a new challenge. It's a good thing to get a job in these tough times.
Bobbie, So happy to hear you are finally out to sea! Enjoy every minute of it. I just love the ocean.
Dtflx, Only had a migraine twice. The first time I suffered. The second time I took a friends suggestion and went to a chiropractor. He had me fixed up in no time! As for Mom seeing people that aren't there, my mom has whole conversations with people that aren't there. It's been going on for over 2 years now. At first it would scare me and her, but now it's just a part of the disease and treated as such. Dementia comes in all forms and we just have to roll with the punches.
Pirate and Rip, I have always had artistic talent, and finally started cashing in on it when my daughter was born. I was a stay at home mom for 17 years, and earned a decent wage teaching folk painting classes in my kitchen. I cut all of the wood pieces in my workshop in the cellar and had 5 classes a week with a total of 35 students when at capacity. This I did for 12 years, along with craft fairs, and consignment in shops.
When my daughter graduated from high school, I got a job and sort of gave up on my talents for a few years. Got burned out for a while.
Now I would love to start selling my work again, but do not have enough time to get as involved as I once was. I did manage to get enough inventory together to do a X-mas show last year. I did a combination of painted pieces, jewelry, and knitted scarves. What i didn't sell, I gave as gifts for X-mas. I would really like to get back into painting water colors and doing more jewelry. If I could get enough inventory together, I would like to have an online shop. Just a dream for now.
What are your artistic talents?
Well, almost time to get Mom up and dressed. Talk to you all later. Have a good day!!!

Congrats Miz! It will be good for you to have something to focus on other than caregiving.

Pirate, sorry for the short answer last night about the lorazapam. As usual mom needed me right at that moment.

Bobbie, enjoy the boat! The water is always so relaxing.

To our new friends, welcome. I've been trying to catch up on all the posts.

Deef, Tennessee, Ihard, Secret Sister lots of hugs. Each day I wake up wondering what do I face today. Getting very concerned since mo is seeing people that don't exist. I'm going to call her doc today since this is getting to be a daily thing.

Lastly, anyone have suggestions on how to get rid of a migraine headache? I am going on day four and I can't function if all I can do is stay in bed with a pillow over my head to block out the light and noise. I'n getting sick just typing this post, but just felt I needed to connect with y'all.

Have a good day everyone and remember, be good to yourselves too.

Luv ya,

horray for u miz , i know i always get scared when everythings new to me . hopefuly it;ll be a breeze for ya .
oh bobbie ! ure floating around wow , so happy for you ! have a happy adventuring . are u traveling alone on the boat when u go to charleson ? dont be picking up any hitchikers .. lol . watch out for whales ! am so happy for u bobbie .
wheres the other bobbi at ? mmm hate that when they dont come back like they used to . makes ya wonder .
woke up at 330 , pa fell sleep in his recliner as i fell sleep on the couch . pa woke up waaa so i get up and tak ehim to bathroom then put him in bed and stub my dam poor toe on his night stand grrrrrr , hopple around moanin goanin . i dont think my toe will ever heal now . who puts shoes on at 330 in the morning ? i dont hahaha . saw my husband gettin up ready for work . ahh nice to hang out with him and wave him good bye .
started a laundry , got me a new front loader washer , i think its ok but i like lots of water so i know my clothes are realy washin and cleanin but with front loader its lit water and im feeling like uhhh its not clean . am kinda sorry i went got one of that , maybe i need to get use to it ?
i have well water and am always worryin about runnin out of water cuz i do tons of laundry everyday . thought this front loader will take a load off my mind , well its not helping cuz im thinkin its not enuff water !!! :-)
you all have a good morning !!! xoox

Bobbie, I'm so glad you're in heaven! Wish we were all in heaven LOL

Heaven sounds good, Bobbie! Good for you!

Miz, Congratulations!

Linda, thanks for asking. The guys are doing fine today.

Pirate, my, can I relate to what you're saying about the folks. Sad! :(

bobbie, I'm so glad you're on the boat. So happy for you that you have that. :))

Hi Boat Buddies!! Well, my interview went very well. The pay isn't much but I think I really need to try it. They upped the pay a little for me and I still have to have another interview but I think they really want to hire me. It's 19 hrs. a week. Afternoons Monday through Friday. I'm pretty scared. :-|


Dear shipmates,

I am on the boat. it is Heaven.
We have a fix list we're working on and we took the boat out today and I docked it like a pro. Beginners luck. that means the next time I'll probably smack everything on the way in.

I know that you guys are suffering with the issues that you all are dealing with. I know those issues and how much they hurt.

Linda... get the books and enjoy every moment with your pa.

Miz: hang in there

Tennessee: what do you call 500 lawyers on the bottom on the ocean?
A Good Start.

Out Italian friends: what great posts.

Pirate: bless your heart. Way tough times.

Deef! Flex! Everybody and where's Maxine? pamela?

love you guys,



I think Lorazapam is Valium.


Priate ~
we need to share the artistic ability syndrome!
Dad need me right now ... as always ... but I made a business FINALLY with my gift.

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