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Hiya Sailor Folks,
Yeah Italians..what can you say there is good and bad in everyone but the macho stuff still sucks. We have it here at work with the men they still look down on us especially if we outshine them at work.

Have you guys tried's a really mild sedating medication for anxiety...I take my mom' to help me sleep at night due to all the stress from work and her. Well gotta wrap it up here at work - go home change - go to mom's. Today the caregiver said she crapped her she had to clean her and she put stuff in the wash so when I get over there will put things in the dryer. The old woman can't do much anymore..she should really really go to a NH now...but is a stuborn ass. I will probably have to wait till it is so obvious that all social services/doctors/caregivers/govt' agency says it's best. How stupid...but she was never bright and very old country it ain't funny. She was in this country since she was in her late 30's you think she would have smartened up! But neither of my parents did, and for that one fact alone set me back in my life a lot. My father did not want to encourage my artistic ability and shat on it...and never wanted me to have a house except the family home...which needs to have a TON done to it....great! I have really seen my parents in a different light as I have gotten older and really see what their hinderances did to my life...very sad! How un-educated, selfish, narrow minded folks from the old country can devastate a child's life.

jaye is the one that is on umm i wish my mom would die .
well her daddy died but still has her mom .

man i am so tired , muscles in my back shoulder blade is throbbin , daughter said u want me to beat it ! i said oh yes plz , she rub on it and said oh mygosh i can feel the tightness there . i was getting cranky so pop me some soma s , whew man am i creeping like a 90 yrs old woman ,
went to the store with my daughter she laugh and laugh cuz i was so slow . then shes drivin too fast going home , my head sure was swimmin , told her to slow down !
miz !! hows the interview going ?
s.s hows ur your 2 men in nh ? prob the same ? my dad s still the same .
ohgosh i need to go lay down , feel like ive been ran over by a lit choo choo train . goodnight u all xoxoox
oh is bobbie in fla now . ? today s thurs , wow she lost me i dont even know where shes at or what state , nj or cailf or fla . mmm i wishi have her enegry ! xoxo

Yes ... who is Jaye?
She needs a bunch of hugs & some distraction.

Who's daddy passed?

So did I, it is the inevitable if painful release of burdens but also the terrible pain of the end of a lifelong connection to a loved one...I imagine most of us here understand what she is lhardbeck is feeling...

just gave jaye a hug , father died sunday . now takin care of her mother .
said thier heart aches . bless them .

Even at four generations removed, the Italian thing is accurate. They'd look right at it, lament and just keep on with it.

Though I recently professed a loss of faith, and I have I read a little card in a cab for those of you interested, it was a picture of the traditional 14th century long haired "Jesus" image and on the card it said:

"I didn't say it would be easy"

"I said it would be worth it."

So if that helps any one I am glad.

Hi everyone.

I'm overwhelmed trying to keep up with all the posts, so welcome to all the newbies! I'll just answer a few that deeply touched my heart. Tennessee, yours did especially. Praying for you. The lawyer thing is a nightmare. Hope I don't have to deal with one again. As for Italian men, I think men all over the world can be self-serving kings, unless tempered. Same for women. Pirate, hang in there. Deefer, you, too. Miz, how's the interview? How's the boat, Bobbie? Hope it's a perfect Calgon moment.

We're thick in campaign mode here. Our church is hosting a very important House & Senate debate on Saturday. My family & I are personally endorsing and campaining for 4 candidates in our District. It's a whole new world away from the monotony of Alzheimer's.

Got a call from the Social Worker at dad's NH last night. Mom asked why she's not being contacted with updates. Since I'm dad's guardian, and she is legally "incapacitated," and has one to, they asked what to do. I told them, "Have her call me..." LOL She won't. If she visited her husband once in awhile, she may find out what's going on. But, I'm glad she doesn't interfere more. Kind of like government. She just wants to control everything. It's not happening on my watch!

Hello to those I missed. (There were some gross stories reported.) Have a great day, ladies!

Deefer: I did not know you had the Seroquel in US, I thought it had a different name there. My mother takes Seroquel to sleep, 2 pills x 25 mg; she does not take it during the day otherwise she would be dopey, as you say. Is Xanax antidepressant? I am going to ask my doctor what he thinks about it, for my mother. Tks for the hint

Wow!! Lots going on with everyone. I've been busy and didn't have time to read posts the last 2 days.
Took Mom to the neurologist yesterday. What a F'd up morning. I got up feeling lousy, so went back to bed for a while. I expected Merry at 9:30 to help get Mom ready and out the door by 10. I got Mom all dressed and fed, and went to check on her. Of course she had sh!!t in her pants, and Merry was late, and I hadn't gotten ready yet. Here I was with sh!!t on both my forearms, all over Mom's pants, and it was almost 10. Merry finally showed up and cleaned her while I got ready.
The doctor is in Springfield Ma. and we are 40 minutes away. We finally got on the road at 10:15 and ran into traffic and construction all the way. There was no place to park when we got there, and we were already 5 min. late! I had Merry wheel Mom in and head up while I parked. Of course Mom was called right away!
She wrote a new script for xanax, PRN up to 6 /day. Yeah!!! That should calm her OCD down when it gets really bad. I had her put Mom on Seroquel for daycare, because they couldn't handle her, but it made her too dopey. So now they can just give her extra xanax as needed. Got to love that stuff!!!
I'll be 59 on August 19th and finally got the courage to have my hair cut really short. It is now about 1 to 1 1/2" long all over. I love it! Easy to care for and dries in minutes! Should have done it years ago!
Rossella, Mom take 15mgs of Remeron every night. Doctor says it's like drinking a glass of wine. She has been a good sleeper her whole life, and still is. She is in bed by 6:30, and I change her around 11. Then she does not get up until the next morning when I wake her. Thank God she no longer tries to get out of bed on her own. I have 2 cats, and they are the best comfort when I am having a stressful day. they seem to know when we need their attention.
Linda, Where is your mind at? I think it's out there in space somewhere with all the rest of ours. we shouldn't panic when we forget. There is just too much going on in our heads all the time. I just forgot about my sil birthday. I felt really bad, but they understand. Are you all like me? When you shut down, you don't hear or process anything?
Rip, Pets are our saviors. I'm liking your posts a lot!
Pirategal, Don't ever feel guilty or think you are a cold person because of your thoughts or what you say. We all feel the same way, just do the best you can and I hope we can all get our lives back someday. As for menopause, I went through it for 9 years, and still had the curse when I turned 56. This year, the stress brought it back for 3 months in a row! Many doctor visits and test later, things have calmed down again. Husband and I have been on Weight Watcher's for 12 weeks and I have lost 16 lbs so far. I feel so much better now that I am eating right again and exercising. I am only 5'2" and hit my limit when I saw 165.5 on the scale. I didn't weigh close to that when I was pregnant with my daughter. It does pay to try and take care of ourselves. Sorry for the lousy work place.
SS, Not dementia for you either. Just too much going on in your head all the time.
Miz, Did you get the job? Remember, get a repeat urinalysis for Mom after she has been off antibiotic for 5 days. Sometimes it takes 2 scripts to clear it up.
As for the subject of man, They are the way they are because of the women that raised them. If you have sons, do not raise them to expect special treatment from their women. My mil made a mess of my husband, then I took over where she left off!!! It took me 20 years to figure out what I did wrong. I still do a lot for him, but I no longer jump to his tune!!!
Lawyers, My favorite saying, " The only good lawyer is a dead lawyer!!!" Shame on them for using their profession for their own profit, by feeding off of people that don't have anything to begin with!
Mom is at daycare, and my 8 year old niece is here with my sister, so I'll say goodbye for now.
Take care everyone!

MOONJAC,I agree it is better to take care of those things sooner than later-could save alot of heartache and trouble.I was naive my dad told me my big brother would help me with stuff,but it didn't work that way,he used his lawyer abilities to attack me instead,I think it goes back to him thinking he's king again.A man the other day told me a woman didn't need anymore than 15 acres-about choked on that one.

Miz, if you trust your doctor and he says you can double the dosage, it means you can do it! He signs the prescritpions so he is taking the responsibility of what he does. The doctors are very careful when they prescribe this kind of drugs.
When I understood that one pill was no more enough, and the doctor told me I could double the dosage, I did not increase the dosage abruptly but I added 1/4 a pill and I went on like this for a week (1 pill + 1/4 for a week), so that she )mother) got used to the new dosage. The following week I added another 1/4 of a pill. (1 pill + 1/2) and so on...I passed this way from 1 to 2 pills very gradually The dosage I use now is ok.
The product I use contains quetiapine as active principle. If helps her sleep well and it does not have collateral effects. She is well awake during the day. The doctor said I could increase the dosage even more, but I think that by now it is ok like this...
i don't make these decisions myself, I always ask to her family doctor + the neurologist + the psychologist... When I see that they all agree, I do it!

My dad saw dead relatives in his room and he got mad in the ICU,saying they were being rude and walking up and down the hallway without speaking,he would yell at them as they would pass by.The nurses said it was typical end of life stuff with the brain shutting down,but I like to believe it was love ones preparing him for heaven.

I have missed most of the discussion about lawyers but fully understand the need to get things taken care of by elderly parents. Mine are 85 & 87 - both very independent until recently. Now Dad has dementia, a recently fractured pelvis, and I have had to move him to a nursing home. My mom has macular degeneration, will not have her hearing checked (its getting bad) and refuses to see a doctor. But back to the lawyers and planning - have you checked into finding a CPA that also happens to be an attorney? There are many out there that have an accounting practice but also can do the legal work necessary for wills, living wills, medical directives, etc. They can also help structure things to avoid (legally) as much tax repercussions as possible. Yes, I am a CPA and work for a CPA/attorney. He is not listed in the "yellow pages" as an attorney but can take care of all the legal requirements necessary. He does handle things that relate to tax, business entities, etc. A suggestion - I'm not fishing for business here.

Lharde, my mother's grandmother (who was very very old when she died) SAW dead relatives in her room, she talked to them and she was angry that the other people did not see them. It makes you shiver. I think it is part of the illness. It if were not tragic it would be fascinating.

Hardebeck,In my case the lawyers were working for my brothers to get a percentage of the land and trees,my brothers were out of nothing,and when they sue you,you have no choice but to hire a lawyer,thats why its a rackett.They love money and they love assets.If you have assets,your a automatic target.They told me I could have murdered someone and came out cheaper.Thats why they are slizzy-land pirates thats what they are to me.They steal and they call it a job.My lawyer told me today he loved people with very deep pockets.My paperwork actually fills up a room and it its all nonsense.My sense of justice is shot.

I was looking for some miss placed paper work today and ran across a box of various cards that my dad had saved and I was astounded at how much money he was giving to various people, I knew he beleived in charities but there were letters I never saw before promising to pay him back or thanking him for money.He paid for my nephew to go to Panama[and not FLORIDA] that I didn't know.I fired several people houskeeping and such,I am beginning to see what they were really mad about.There were gravy trains going on that I was not aware of. I was going through menapause taking care of Jeff[the doctor said the stress of him dying brought it on-then it subsided and then when my dads health declined it hit with a fury again,it was rough.I think everybody should take care of a bedridden person atleast once,might make them a better person.Siblings who don't have hands on are perfectly clueless.

Thanks so much, lhardebeck. :)

I had quite the busy day today. I went to the grocery store, went for my doctor check up, went to the dry cleaners, went to visit a friend in a nursing home (and picked up a check from her for my hubby taking care of her yard), took the kitties for their check up and shots. My big worry is that Mom's depends was not wet at all. I don't know if she went to the bathroom while I was gone or not. I had her drink plenty of water this evening. Never thought I would hope for a sopping wet depends in the am. :)

My best friend and her hubby LOVE Italy. Her sister got married there.


rossella, I am going to ask Mom's doctor about a sleep aid. He did say I could double up on the anti-psycotic if I needed to.


mizz,, hope ur interview goes well in the morning . i sure hope u get the job you want . i hope ur husband finds him one soon . heard on the news lately that job fair is a joke ! a waste time for everybody to stand in long lines for hours and getting nothing , its so sad !
my husband used to complain how he hates his job , now i dont hear him complain anymore . he said never know whats going to happen when u walk into that building . alot of em have been offered a packages to leave , change shift , transfer , take vol layoff or ure fired !
they havent said anything to my husband , he s been there 21 yrs , theres some guys been there lit longer and theyve been offered one of the choices . SCARY .

i dont see how lawyers can keep a business going when they charge anyone outta the ass an hr ! greedy i say !! hell fire them all ! put them out on the street and see how they can afford to get a lawyer themself .
i never had one and dont plannin to have one either . knock on wood !

pa s good today , i ask him if he wanna go bye bye , he yelled NO !! i stay here wait on ur momma ! she;s been dead 20 yrs . last night he ask me if i saw my grandpa i said where ? he said in myroom he was just here , i said that picture of ur dad is he the one u saw ? he said yep thats him he was just here . i said no i havent seen him yet . makes me wonder if he is realy seein them and theyre comin for him ?

bobbie.. is that written somewhere in the eleventh hour >>??
ah i see lighting out now , gonna storm here in a bit , i sure hope so , my flowers are crying for good ole rain .

miz i hope and pray for u to get the job tmr , xooxo

SOUND FAMILIAR-THERE SHOULD BE A LAW AGAINST SOMEONE NOT HELPING HAVING ANY CONTROL Tennessee, I second that motion!! As a matter of fact, I third and fourth it!!

I didn't direct my previous post to Tenessee re family & lawyers.

My Specail Needs friend is here helping my with the yard.
He is a blessing, innocent at 19. Autism, maybe.
He is watering my yard & happy to do it!

Pirate: yes, probably he is afraid of his mother. But this is not his fault. (it is his mother's fault! Italian mothers - not only Italian ones - sometimes are too pushy, even if their children are grown up) The fact that he keeps his children and x-wives away from you, maybe it is because he does not want to complicate his life too much. You have every right to be sorry, but (I am not trying to defend him) I can understand him. For me, too, It is difficult sometimes to keep different parts of my life together and I prefer to keep them apart from one another, to avoid difficult situations. For example when you have two friends or relatives that you both love and they cannot stand each other, what do you do? I keep them separated. I don't know, but it seems to me it does not happen very often that one person can live happily in an enlarged family which includes mother, exes, present fiancées... What do you think?

Harde...why is it that most of us are going through MENOPAUSE and CARETAKING at the same makes everything doubly worse. I read on I-Village about menopause one time that all your complaints (physical wise) are doubled during meno....they weren't kidding...

Rossella...yep I believe my b/f's mom did spoil him. He goes back evey two years and takes his kids never once asked me to go...cause he would have to explain to momma who I was I guess...what a rat. He does treat his little girl like a queen and gives his son a hard time...which I don't get. But I don't even get to meet his kids..he keeps them away from me. And he keeps his x-wives away from me as when any holiday occurs he is with the x's family and I cannot come and I am alone with my old mom...nice eh...well one day I will surprise his butt bucca and kick it out the door!

Yeah mom is telling the caregiver she is not sleeping at night...yeah cause she sleeps so much during the day....oh well.

To Rip: So it is all true what you see in "Boston Legal", "Ally McBeal", "Raising the bar".... "Eli Stone"?
Are you amazed in my culture about US television?

Hi Tennessee! Well I have not understood yet if all the men in the world deep down are like the Italians, but the Italians are absolutely machist. (I do not know if this word exists, but I think it is understandable). This is quite annoying, and if you meet an Italian man who is different and he treats women with respect (!!!), you are very happy! (these men are very appreciated and have a great success with women).
Anyway, Italy is a beautiful country to visit, it has a great tradition in hospitality, the food is delicious, and if you come, you will certainly have a good vacation. My friend Nancy who is American loves Italy and she comes as often as she can. Waiting for you!..

I'm so sad for your predicament.
If you come to the NorhtWest I'm not sure it would be any better.

How do they justify $350 -450 an hour & stillo be sleeze.

Let those AH's spend one day caring for our parents & watch them disolve, like the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz.
One day ....

I stand in the shower making poetry about draining piss & cutting up food.
Caring for Dad's every need.
I should write it down.

I wrote a 13 page poem about my Class 3 Fear Smear. A pap smear that was bad.

Another story - my specail needs neighbor kid is here helping me in the garden ... 5 minutes of focus at a time.

ITALY, I think alot of moms spoil their sons and make them beleive they are kings.I have 2 kings in my family.I was brought up Church of CHRIST and they enforce that belief system-I don't go there anymore.My Italian boyfriend was really king like,but my daughters dad who was part Italian couldn't be beat.I've had alot of Italian friends in my life male and female-I had alot of respect for them-thats why we would like to go to Italy-hoping before my daughters 12th birthday.

Hi Rip,My dad was disappointed in my brother also.When he was young my dad thought my brother would help the down-trotted and be a lawyer to help people,but he changed.My nephew at first wanted to be a lawyer,but my dad wanted him to do something honourable.The way people suck up to him is sickening and it has gone to his head.It seems like something happens to their sense of conscious along the way,I've seen it happen to alot of people that make attorneys.My problem here is I can't find a lawyer or judge whose not partial to him,surprised he's not handing out autographs. I did have a positive experience once with a female lawyer,but she didn't do cases like this one,you know how they specialize.The bad thing is my lawyer knows I hate lawyers,so i'm sure it doesn't help.I think all lawyers are deaf-at $250. a hour.I bet they are twice that in CALF. They are $350. to $450. a hour in Memphis.I would never date a lawyer...I sure will be glad when all of this is behind me.As bad off as my dad was,there was a chuckle here and there,but not with these lawyers.

Tennesse ~
My eldest bro is an attorney too!
Dad & I are very disappointed with him. He lives in California which a good thing. I gave up having any conversation with him years ago. He always has DRAMA in his life & is deaf to what we say. Long story.

Have you tried a LADY Lawyer?

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