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SS amen to that.
I didn't allow any of that stuff for mom. Just Namenda, Aricept and enalapril for her blood pressure.

Drugged to make it easier for the staff is the rule not the exception. CooCoo's nest, as in One Flew over the...

Things are slowly coming together here and at least the heat wave has slowed somewhat and that will make it easier to work on the building.

I leave for the BOAT on the 21st because I just won't be finished before then and that actually take some stress off of me. She's safe in her slip and the Captain and his gf and me will work on her for a few days in Vero then up to St Johns for a new bottom job and then on to Tiger Point for new electronics and AC and then... North through the Chesapeake.

Everybody Please let me know when I am near one of you because we will go to the nearest harbor! I have to learn how to dock this big baby don't I? the more stops the better!

I remember someone saying Charleston and another saying Baltimore Inner Harbor... Can't remember what is what.....

We are finally getting some rain here in NJ. Thank you God.


Linda, you can keep a medication on hand for a prn (as needed) situation, just as the nursing homes do... Ask a trusted health care worker for a recommendation. Just doesn't seem like your dad is going to be too wild and crazy. He's kind of feeble, right? I know mine is. I'm not afraid of a little gruff. It's better than drug-induced stupor.

ss . i agree with you about takin some of the meds away from dad . theres so many ofthem and he s on 2 antidepressions , i thought ugh why ?? he dont need them , at least i think he dont ?
im afraid if i tak ehim off of it then he gets wild ? i dont know .
am sorry for ur dad , tired ole body , same thing with my dad , all he does is sleep .
i kept him up for a while today , trim his finger nails and toe nais while he watch the price is right . i ask him if he feels better he said oh yes i do thank you . he s asweetheart .
yes i hate dementia and alz , grrrr

we ladies need to go over bobbies and have her serve us that coffee !! i went to walmart and forgot to get eggs and forgot to ck out the coffee bobbie was tellin me . oh i was upset for forgettin them . i hate walmart ! they change so much crap around and im lost when i go in there its all new to me and id ont know where anything is , grrrr then went to marsh to get eggs and coffee heck they closed at 10 ! and it was 1030 when i tried to open the door , made a fool outta myself .
think i ll go have me a beer . xoxo

I think we're all dreaming, Miz.

We spent the morning at the nursing home. My dad sure is getting weirder by the day. He doesn't act like he knows me. He is really disengaging, more every week. I like that he was up, and walking, but he just wanted to sleep.

My FIL got a new room today. Last week he had yet another altercation with an elderly female resident who knows few boundaries. He hates that, and they put him on Ativan. Bad decision. He fell Saturday while trying to play catch with his grandson outside. We watched him go down on the grass. I suggested we take him for a drive, but he could barely get into the car. Once at our house, he could barely sit on the sofa, and just wanted to go to sleep. We got a call saying they wanted to move him, and we said we'd talk to him about it. He agreed. We also told them, "No more Ativan." Hubby called it, "...drugging him for their convenience." And wandering demented residents with little supervision aren't always appreciated. At least dad got a new room on a quieter hall today. Thank God he has an advocate to help refuse over-medication. We have to watch them every minute.

I think I'll press for my dad to be taken off some meds, as well. He no longer needs an anti-anxiety, since he can barely even function anymore. Perhaps weaning him more will give him greater energy? O, it's hard watching him fade. There's no stopping the progression of Alz./Dementia. I hate them!

Hi Everyone. Man oh man, that boat is sure sounding good to me. And bobbie, that coffee sounds heavenly. Right now I can only dream.


P.S. bobbie, I'll say prayers for your hubby's dad.

Mom refuses to wash up or change her nasty white shirt. Haven't got as much as Bobbi. Thanks for the laugh. God knows we all need one.
Any advice to get her to clean up would be appreciated. She tells VNA to leave. Actually it is more like " Get the hell out of my house".


Sweet SS!

Next summer. By the time I get the boat up here (NJ) it will be time to head South again. Next year we start early and head North and your way!


Hi Bobbie, we drove by Lake Charlevoix yesterday, and I thought of you. Can't wait to see the Barbara B! Coffee will be on. Stay cool till then. Hugs!

big hug back to you and yes i miss my other half like crazy, but his dad is going through surgery tomorrow so say a prayer. He needs to be with his dad and I need to wrap up the business here.

you let me know and all you have to do is let me know when and i'll know where the boat should be and we'll go from there.

I use French Roast combined with Espresso Roast, grind my own and use a French Press. oohhh baby.

love you guys,


im ready for that coffee bobbie ! i need it bad . waaaa dragin my hindend just so awful ! my coffee makes me wanna curl up with my blanket and sleep . i wanna paint the barn , plz what kind of coffee ure drinkin ?
that boat is such a beauty ! man oh man . when i was lookin at it i thought mm maybe i should not drink any long island ice tea lol . id prob have to wear lifejacket when slurpin away . id fall over and the dolphin would have to save my life ! :-)
are you and ur hubby ok ? you havent talked about him any . not missing him any ? my hubby left for 3 days to spend time with his bro and his 83 yrs old mom . i was missing him and felt all lonely and couldnt go anywhere .

pa is still not good , his heart beat last night was 56 and i just ck it while ago its 59 now . am thinkin its beating too low . wheres that coffee at ? he may need that . he s lookin so pale in the face . may have to take him back to the hospital . the nurse at the hospital said oh u be bringin him back cuz he reminded her so much of her gpa . :-(
when all this is over i may have to find ya so i can chill out in ur boat and have that coffee with ya .
griefin takes a long t ime to heal . it prob take me years to heal when dad passes .
my big bear hug to u bobbie , xoxoxo

Deef! I thought that you were in the Charleston area... my bad.

I want to take her north next summer so I can visit SS and Miz and DEEF!

I am still working my butt sore (low back killin me) to get the building empty.

Hot hot hot and I just want to live through this, just like we all just want to live through all of the caregiving challenges we face.

Still cryin once and again. The other day I went into a restaurant that mom and I used to go to and one of the waitresses put down a card and said, so sorry about your mom and I lost my mind right in the middle of the place. man, I miss her and I bang around this house talking to her and my daddy.
That same waitress said that everybody thought that mom and I were like 2 peas in a little pod. so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.

I wear a little dolphin necklace now... maybe you guys remember the dolphin story...

You all are so strong and speaking of strong, wait till you have coffee with me on the BOAT. 2 cups of this stuff and you'll want to paint a barn.

love you all and let's keep on keepin on.


Holy sh!@@! Bobbie! I don't know much about boats, but I can see this one is a beauty! Lucky you. If there is one place I would like to spend the rest of my life, it would be next to water, preferably the ocean.
When will you be out my way? Are you coming to Mass or just the New England area?
Linda, Miz, I don't smoke, but need a coffee as soon as I get out of bed! Can't get going without it! I'm with the rest of you when it comes to energy lately. It must be the weather. I got up this morning and felt like I was drugged.Now that can be a good thing, but not so much this morning. Had to get the trash out on the street for pick up, and just couldn't get going! I've actually been able to get in my pool quite a bit this year, already. The last 2 years, I barely got in because of Mom and the weather.
I will be picking my older sister up from the airport on Saturday. Can't wait. Haven't seen her since last summer, when she came for her 3 week stay. Mom had just gotten out of nursing home, so we couldn't leave her, and our other siblings wouldn't help out so that we could get away. This year I have Merry ( she is amazing!), so we will be able to actually enjoy the visit.
Austin, what a pain watering the plants has been. My water bill is going to be horrendous! The rates are so high now, we try to conserve wherever we can, especially with all the laundry from Mom!
Got to go get Mom up in a few. Take care everyone, and try to keep cool!

lhardebeck, I LOVE coffee. I'll wait. :)

oh austin i would love to meet you if ure a maxine . i realy think maxine is the wise woman !~
as john is a wise man , maxine is a wise woman . lalala
glad u went and watered ur husbands flowers . i was plannin to water my flowers but heard it suppose to rain tnite so i guess i ll save my well water then . use it for dishes lol ...

miz i be right on over and we shall smoke away . how about some coffee too ? :-) hubby gone to bed . messy kitchen , just dont have any motivation to do anything . guess the messy kitchen will be there tmr too . wanna come over help me ?

oh bobbie i just saw ur boat !!! beautiful woodwork ! looks like my desk rolltop desk . its so purtty inside and out ! whoa , saw those engine . my hubby would love to tinker around that ! no wonder they wouldnt let me see it ! jealouse they are . lol
pa s hungry i just fed him supper but he didnt eat much . guess i ll get him abowl of ice cream , that may make him happy man ,
then i ll go outside for a smoke and slurp coffee . wait for me mizz.

Well, usually my mom is just saving food for later on her dress. Smile. Tomorrow's another day. ;)

Hy guys have to get my butt outside tomarrow-did water the plants at church this morning the one we planted in memory of my husband really needed a drink it was lovely this year with flowers Maxine here-did I ever tell you guys about 10-12 yrs ago my son gave me a tee shirt with maxine on it I did not know about her at the time and I thought that is how he saw me then a few years ago he gave me a joke book about and I realized who see was and felt better-I never told him that story but did LOL over that one a lot,

bobbie, they're just jealous. ;)

lhardebeck, I'm having a down day too. Wish we could go out on the porch and have some smokes together. :)

trying to find barbara b , cant find her waaaaaaaaa. i did typed in what u said to do , boing shes gone !
all is well here , family gone back to hot fla . they stayed 2 days and went headin back . felt all lonesome again .
pa s doing good . woke up to a mess to clean , thank god my daughter was here just in time to help me . wink . just glad he got em all out !
today has been a lazy day , dont have the enegry anymore .
hope u all have had a better day than i did .
bobbie are you staying cool ??

Where ya all are??

LOL lhardebeck @ hubby stubbing his toes. :)

Hubby didn't take the job. The pay was way too low for the job and the dangers the job entails. Also, they are "working on benefits, hopefully in September". So...he will do his e-bay business for now and hopefully something else will come up. I need a part time badly but there doesn't seem to be much good out there. We are just taking one day at a time.

bobbie, the Barbara B is so awesome. I'm so excited for you. I'm worrying with you and the heat. We almost lost my dad once to heat stroke. Very scary.

Love to all of you. I'm so glad you're here. Be well. More later.


Thanks SS. this has indeed been a rough road.
The cleaning out of the building is hot on my mind right now and thank God we are getting a litle break from the heat. hope to get some heavy rain tomorrow.

I am determined to sleep on the boat Wednesday night, but we shall see..
something could pop up as we all well know.

love you guys.... never got that nap so now I'm up to sleep. Just pooped.


Congratulations, Bobbie! You certainly deserve a break for all your effort and hard work (as many of you angels do). I pray you stay healthy, so you can enjoy your reward.

Hello Maties,

yes. Officially! I am supposed to go down on the 14th, but we shall see because I am responsible for moving everything out of the building first.

The Quakers came today, bless their hearts, and took all of the childrens' books and some shelving and will return in 3 days to pick up more shelves.

Junk book buyer coming on Monday to take the mas market paperbacks and Hardbacks, like the Tom Clancy, Nora Roberts...stuff like that.

All rare books and doo dads coming here to the house and we are getting there Ship mates.

I have had heat sickness a few times and it hits me harder each time so I am protecting myself by delegating and hydrating.

Been at this hard core moving stuff since 7am so I need a nap.

You guys stay strong and before I go upstairs I want to see Pamela's thread. how awful.

Linda, glad your pa's bloodwork and all came back good. How's the toes?

Miz: prayers for you and your husband. you can do this!

SS....I'm dying in the heat but dealing as best as possible and not taking chances.

Deef! gonna be in your neck of the woods in about 6 weeks.

Maxine: you've got my respect working out in the garden. Whatta job!

You're right we need rain so badly, everything is brown and I know that my water bill is going to be frightening and I'm not even worrying about the lawn, just the bushes.

Where is everybody? SS is right... we've got some MIA.

love you guys and hang in there.

Meet the Barbara B

I know some of you have seen her before, but here she is again with her sold notice.


Pamela's thread: "Mom snapped yesterday, became incoherent...had to call 911..."

Praying for your hubby's interview, Miz. God be with him, and give him mercy and grace!

Bobbie, are you on the boat, yet?

Linda, nice to hear your dad enjoyed his visit. Too bad for the allergies. I can relate. Shots help!

Hugs to all!

howdy folks !!
company came and went . house got dirtier and clean and dirty again . now tons of flies to kill . its all good . now brother and his wife , son is headin back toward fla .
pa was happycamper . still dont feel good but he was happy . now he s napping , guess all the company wore him out. kinda got bummed out cuz i fix all kind sof food and nobody ate but my dad . i thought that be the last time i do that . my other brother came and didnt take his allgery meds , he came in and his eyes got red and puffy and throat was closing up on him , allgery to cat . dang it . so they left . oh boy my other brother felt bad cuz he didnt get to see him . oh well ...

bobbie !! the boat is officaly urs now . thats great ! it be good to get out on it and cool off ugh .
miz , praying that ur hubby gets him a job ! interview goes well and falls in love with him . was thinkin maybe he should stubb his toes first before he goes in . lol
uh pamela has new thread ?? where is it ??
good day u all . love ya xoxoxo

SS, yes, everything is okay here. Same old same old I guess.

Mom seems down and hubby asked her his name the other morning and she said she should know it but she didn't and she said she didn't know my name. Caregiver says she uses my name when I'm gone like when am I coming home?

I'm not having any luck finding a part time job. Hubby is at a job interview right now so please give us some good thoughts and prayers. That would help a lot if he gets it. Benefits and everything. He got a hair cut yesterday.

lharde, I'm glad your pa is doing good and hope you are having a good visit with your brother.

I have so much to do around here and no get up and go. I try to do one thing a day that I really don't want to do or that is hard for me. With each thing I reward myself with a break on the porch.

SS, what's Pamela's new thread?


It's hot in Michigan, but hotter elsewhere. How you doing in the heat, Bobbie?

Hi Di! Nice to read you. Austin, you, too.

Sure seems strange to not hear from lhardebeck in so long. Same goes for you, Miz! Everything OK, ladies?

There are lots missing. Just posted on Pamela's new thread. Did you all see it?

How are you, PirateGal?

Loooooooong time no hear, from some MIA. (If I didn't have part-timers, I'd name names.)

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