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Hi ship mates!

I've been super busy and haven't had a chance to catch-up on all the posts. I hope everyone is doing well and staying cool. Today was 101 in SC!

Mom is holding her own and looking forward to my sister coming to visit in August.

I'll try read through and see what everyone is up to. I hope moms, dads, pa and all you caregivers are doing well.


Hope everyone is coping with the heat ok need real rain so much maybe tomarrow take care everyone Maxine here.

You mean yours? Wasn't it already?

Hello Maties,

the Barbara B is ours.


Hi guys itis so hot here but most of you have it worse than me trying to get myself out to water veggies at least the lawns have mostly burned up so do not have to mow for a while-the sunflowers are doing well the ones I transplanted and all the squash seeds came up so an now transplanting them also.

lharde, hope you have a great visit with your brother, and he with your dad. Glad to hear your dad's OK. Don't overdo. Enjoy your visit!

hi folks , got pa in er and they cked out blood work and it shows he s fine old man . and had chest xray it shows no pn . dr said i can hear him gurgling but his lungs seems clear , send him home with a mouth wash called magic mary . mmm siwhs siwhs in mouth then swallow . hope he likes the taste of it . ugh 4 times a day whoa !
so he s fine !! well hell he acts like he s on his way out ! i told dr that and told him the first 2 atnicbodi put him into lala land . so he said that magic mary is good antibodi and keep him on the other one also . get rid of the first 2 antibodi . that puts him in lala land .
so will see . at least pa be spending bday at home tmr . before we left that nurse said i bet ur dad be coming back here soon . she kept talking about her gpa , she seen how he did and commet how my dad reminds her of her gpa . well hope its all good .
ok got brother comin soon , he s about 4 hrs away , need to make my house look half way clean .
ya all take care and love you all xoxo
deefer ure so lucky to have merry . findin a good person is hard to come by now days . think ill eat some bons bons and watch tv , lalala hahaha yeah right !!! do dishes do laundry run sweeper ah phone , oh pa what ya need , runnin around circles , never finish what i started . mmm go back to square one and start all over and still aint gettin nuthin done . whoppie my house is still standing . hey i mowed the grass yesterday wow , first time in years ! , hubby mows but he s gone to his moms for the few days , maybe come home tmr ? i thought yuk i hate mowing !!!
ill do house work and pull weeds outta the flower bed is good enuff for me . take care you all !


Thanks for your good wishes. Hubby is still coughing a bit, and dealing with drainage. He always takes a long time to get over anything. That was thoughtful of you to remember and comment.

Sounds like you are in the think of things with you mom. Thank God for Merry's help, and that you don't have to do it all alone. Doesn't seem like your family has a clue. You're a wonderful daughter. Keep up the good fight.

Miz, please read earlier post. These are a great product! Know what you mean about others comments. My sisters think I am living it up now that Merry is helping me with Mom 35 hours/week. She is also in daycare for 18 hours, 6/day for 3 days. So, if there are 168 hours in a week, and someone else has Mom for 53 of those hours, that leaves me with a mere 115 hours to deal with her. Piece of cake!!!
They don't get that Merry has to keep a constant eye on her and has trouble even fixing a meal for her without Mom getting into something! So I still do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. I don't leave the house without checking in with Merry to see if she needs my help. It takes 2 of us to handle her when she has a mess in her pants!
Just ignore those who have no idea what we are all about!
Linda, Mom has a UTI again, and the meds don't seem to be working this time. I doubled up on the antibiotic last night and will do the same tonight. If that doesn't work, I'll have to get her to the doctor, and you know how hard that can be. As for not pooping, Mom has major anxiety when she feels she has to, but can't. She literally goes catatonic, drools, and loses it until she finally poops! It drives Merry crazy! I sure hope this is Dad's problem. Maybe the doctor can help. Take care and tape those toes together. It will help keep them more stable. How's your grand daughter?
Bobbie, Sounds like you are accomplishing much, but remember to take care of yourself too! Aren't pools wonderful?
SS, Hope the family is over their cold. Hope you had a nice weekend!

Wow, deefer. That is so great!! I will definitely try them. Thanks so much for letting us know!!


Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend!
Wanted to share this with all of you who are dealing with incontinence. I finally found pull ups for Mom that actually work! They are called AbriFlex-Extra. I have to change Mom every night before I go to bed, because she is soaked!! Then when I get her up in the AM, she is soaked again. I was putting a heavy duty pad inside of her pull ups, and she would still go through. Also going through 2 disposable bed pads per night, not to mention 2 night gowns and bedding if she decided to take off the pants because they were too wet!!!!
I had tried all kinds of brands and got the last kind from a medical supply company. They were better than what I could get at the store, but not good enough. The AbriFlex were developed in Europe, and are a lifesaver!! No more extra pads needed, rarely any wet nightgowns, and a package of bed pads lasts 3 times linger!
I ordered them online from XP Medical. They come 84 to a case and cost $94.95 with no shipping charge. I had them within 4 days of ordering them. If you are having the problems I had, you have to give these a try!

Bobbie, excellent suggestion for her to call Hospice versus going to the hospital! At least they can guide her from here on out, and they'll be a tremendous support to family.

So, you're laying low... Sounds like common sense wins! How close are you to closing on the building?

good morning .
yes im going to call the dr and ask about the hospices , so that way nobodys stressing out .
thanks for the advices .
i was nervouse about not doing the right thing . dont want to be quilty knowin maybe he would have gotten better if he went to hospital . but then again he is in his right mind . tells me no no . maybe he wanna be left alone .
am callin the dr . will inform you all later xoox

Good Morning Maties,

Took the phone apart, stuck it in the AC vent for a few hours and then hit it with the hair dryer. Can't believe it, but the sucker works! for now.

Linda, I got home care for mom because it was too stressful to go to the hospital for her.
Baby, call hospice and tell them what's up and let the hospice nurses come out and see him. They are pretty wise about this stuff.
If he's declining all the hospital will do is stress him out.

Call hospice, set it up and get them in the loop. That way, no stress for dad, you're protected (thanks SS) and should be less stress for you.

SS, you're right about it becoming easier to get heat stressed. this happened to me a few weeks ago and I didn't have the pool open. yesterday was really bad. I know that the pool saved my life. Today is supposed to be hotter than yesterday and I'm not leaving the ac.

All the shrubs/plants got a nice long soak yesterday and I hope that tides them over....

Ow for linda's toes.



lhardebeck, sorry to hear about your dad's struggles. Can't blame him for not wanting to go to the hospital, for who does? But, if he's doing poorly, and needs help... Someone needs to be in charge, especially if he's not making good decisions, or able to care for himself. You wouldn't want to be "charged" with "neglect," so it may be a good idea to have him checked out. How about a clinic, instead?

No offense, but sounds like you need to follow your own advice, and chill a little, too. And careful with your toes!

I'll keep your dad and you in prayer.

oh gosh when does this nightmare ends ?
bobbie . you;; have to get ur a new ph . dang it ! now ya just wondering whos been trying to call you . try to slow down my friend , u only have 2 arms . one day at a time . i still wish i could come over and help you .
miz i know how ure feeling . we had people over for the 4th and had a vistors from tenn , old friend of my hubby s . beenbusy with them and trying to keep up with housework . now my brother and his lit family from fla is on thier way up .

dad s bday is coming up (thurs) now he s sick , am wanting to tak ehim to hospital but dad says no . no . im thinkin his bday s comin up and his both sons are comin thurs and suprise him well theyre gonna be suprise cuz dad looks like he s on his way out . im feeling bad cuz i should have takin him to hosp sooner . dad was good sunday he ate like there no tmr . today he couldnt eat , barely drink anything . no poop today . i said oh dad ure in worst shape , i need take u to hopsital he said noo noo and ask me what today is ? told him its tues , tmr be weds then after thatits ur bday 87 yrs old . , hospital dad ?? no no.
i told him if he s like that tmr am he s going to the hospital . i am in a mess . i feeling quilty for not forcing dad to go hospital . i know he s on his way out one day soon . i hooked him up to oxgyen and went out to smoke and thought of you all . :-( , happy to see you all tnite . sorry you all had a bady day too .
i went out to feed the dogs in my tong sandles , didnt see a lit hole the dog dug out , my bad toes fell in it . owwww . now im a limping like hell , throbbin too , trying to keep up with housework and not getting anything done . i cant focus to finish my job i started .
sit with dad on and off all day .
i dreed of whats coming tmr . we all hate going to the hospital . should i listen to dad , or should i force him to go ? guess ill ask my brother .
dad s been sick long time .
ohhh i am so tired and worn out , maybe a nice hot bath will do me good ? hell i dont even feel like doing that .
guess i ll go sit with dad . goodnight u all .
dont overdo plzz , its hot outside , chill out . xoxo

Miz, ignore those who discount your efforts. As my hubby says, "the ones who matter know the truth." I will add: and respect you for it. Keep up the good work, and dismiss the ignorant ones.

Bobbie, where do you get your energy? Closing must be your motivation, at present. So glad to hear you survived, but worry about the secondary effect of heat stroke. Now you'll be more susceptible to it. Did you have to purchase a new phone? Can't imagine it surviving the plunge. Sorry to hear about the flooded basement, as well. I'm thinking you're going from one disaster to another. I'll bet you dream of that boat just to keep you going. You're working hard enough to merit a very long vacation. Stay healthy, so you can enjoy it.

you're right about that!

i love it when folks think that you're just home hanging out watching the tv and eating bon bons with mom. clueless and they will always be clueless. Rise above them and then pee on 'em.

I almost died today, no kidding. I was working in the building, packing stuff to get moved out of there and it was 98 degrees up there with no ac
(AC not available). I felt myself going....I really did and raced back home (15 minutes) dizzy and weak and jumped in the pool (fully clothed) which saved my life, I have no doubt.

So I'm sitting neck deep in the pool for about 10 minutes and THEN I realize that my phone was in my back pocket.

Right at the crucial moment when we are closing on the building and I'm getting calls left and right.... no phone.

Supposed to be 104 out tomorrow. I'm going out long enough to pick up the once musty clothes and fabrics that are spread out on the front yard; that's one thing excessive heat is good for and to water the shrubs.

Y'all know that in the middle of all of this (mom, auction, packing and moving) the basement flooded. Hence clothes and fabrics on the front yard. Tobacco Road.

You're right Miz, this is no freakin' vacation.



I mean this is no freakin' vacation!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!! I'm so sick and tired of some people acting like the time I'm not at my job away from here that I'm not working. Do any of yall get that? I feel like I work harder here at home. My "job" is like my days off. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Hi SS and everyone. Our outing was very nice. Too short, of course. Hubby's sister has a very nice in-ground pool and deck out back. Got to visit with a lot of people. I'm exhausted today. Ifn I stay up too late, etc. I feel like crap the next day. I'm hiitin' the hay early tonight. Gots lots to catch up on tomorrow.

SS, I'm glad you enjoyed the fireworks and stuff. I can only imagine going through that level of decline. My heart goes out to you.

Hope everyone had a good 4th. I hope to hear from you all soon.


Miz, how was your outing?

We went up to Mackinaw City, which boasted of the largest display of fireworks in the State of Michigan. There were a lot of people there! We left a church potluck late and drove up. Found a prime parking space right in front of the fireworks, and enjoyed them from the back of our opened hatch in the van (there were a few sprinkles). Aside from the swelled traffic and tourists, it was fun. Probably won't do that again, though. Fireworks are fireworks, and driving over an hour to see them, then fight traffic isn't all it's cracked up to be. We can say we did it, though.

Wishing my dad could have enjoyed the fireworks with us, but we can't even get him to walk down the hallway anymore, except to eat (and that is declining, as well). Weird to mourn a still-living person in decline.

Dad #2 is combative with other residents again, and they are feeding him anti-psychotic meds to control it. Can't have him pushing and hitting wandering women on the Dementia unit. Sad :(

Hope you all had a great Independence Day celebration.

Thanks, bobbie and SS!! Last night hubby replaced the new old dryer with the old old dryer. It squeaks like the dickens but it works!! SS, so sorry your guys are sick. I hope you and your son have a wonderful time!! I haven't told Mom we're going today. I feel bad cause she's mentioned a few times how she hopes we can see some fireworks tonight. Ah well, she knows I need to get away sometimes. Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!! Love yas!!


Miz, Bobbie is right! Go, go, go. And enjoy your freedom.

That goes for everyone! Praying you celebrate what freedom truly means.

My guys are sick with a cold, so don't know what to expect today. The little one is much better, but hubby caught it, and seems to think he can handle more than he should. I'm trying to encourage him to stay away from others, lest he pass it to someone else. He refuses to take anything for it, saying snot, sneezing, blowing, congestion, etc. is the body's way of ridding itself. Funny, he gets sick, and stays that way so long, he finally goes to Doc for antibiotics. He takes forever to bounce back, and sees nothing wrong with maintaining his "healthy" schedule. Guess I'll have to mother him, saying, "Stay home!" instead of allowing him to take the chance of infecting others. He chose sleep over fireworks last night, and sounded worse at 4:30am, so I will veto any plans he had for today. Meanwhile, I am completely healthy, so will be taking my son with me to church, a potluck, and fireworks.

Happy Independence Day everyone!

Miz! Hit that pile of laundry with some Febreeze and then hit the road. Screw it!

Happy 4th everyone. Well, I'm off to vacuum the pool.....

I really don't feel like going tomorrow but I know I need to get away.

Thanks, bobbie. I think doing laundry keeps me sane. Sometimes it's really the only thing I feel like doing besides taking care of Mom. Old dryer was squeaking really bad but it worked. The dryer (that hubby bought at a 2nd hand store) worked until it got too hot and then shut itself off. When it cooled down I could start it again. Well now it's not starting at all. Wet clothes in there too. He has another in storage and thinks he maybe can fix this one. In the meantime it's piling up and we're leaving town tomorrow. Don't want the caregiver to do it. They never do it like I'd do it.

You bitch on Miz. I was always amazed at how much/often I was doing the laundry. Hate it when stuff doesn't work.


Happy 4th to everyone!! Tomorrow hubby and I are going up to his sister's house for a 4th of July party. It's about two hours from here. We'll spend the night at his parents. D@#$ dryer is on the blink. I got so much laundry and I hate it. You know how it is with an elderly person in the house. It piles up quick!! I'm so tired and frustrated. Oh well. I know it could be much worse. Here I am bitching and there are people that even don't have a home.


YAY! Part for the pool finally arrived and filter is running, pool is chlorinated and wire brushed. It will take about 2-3 days and it will be crystal clear. I'll just have to brush it 2-3x a day. Whew.

Changed the date to the 14th, so I have to have everything taken care of by the day before.

Big heat wave coming this week and it will be a killer to try and move books, so everything will be in place, books packed, etc then I get 4 guys next Monday and a big truck and we make short work of it.
I hope.

Linda glad you're baby's foot is getting better.

Love to all and Happy Fourth!


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