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my granddaughter is coming along good . the hole onher foot the dr sew it up , will have to go back tues for check up . poor baby shes crawling around now instead of walking . she s still in so much pain and the meds seems to work but still hurts . sew up the hole top and bottom . its all bandaged up . speedy recovery im hoping .
oh yes ballone is a perfect spot on the patio set !! happy bday to mom !!
pa s got bday comin up this comin thurs 87 yrs old .
bobbie u sound like u still have so much to do . dang it ! wish we all caregivers could just come and help ya out . my heart goe sout to u .. love you all !! have a happy 4th july and happy weekend . xoxoox
p.s thank u so much for ur prayers !!!! xo

Hello Maties,

Linda, I hope your granddaughter is doing better with her poor foot.

SS you rock with the yard sales.

Pirate: you're a good daughter hanging out with your mom. might as well fix up your old room (that's what I had to do). It is wierd being my age now and sleeping in the room where I was 9.

MizDemi! Happy Birthday to your mom and congrats on the new patio furniture. That stuff is great for lifting the spirits!

I am still working my tail off getting this house ready to take the thousands of books that will be coming this week. Many books will be donated to the Friends' School (Quakers) but we still have a BOAT load of books.

Hope you guys have a great weekend and check in so we all know what's up with everybody.

I am still kinda wierd. Waking up alone in this house. Went to the graveyard yesterday to visit my mom and dad with a roll of toilet paper and just sat there crying. (that's where the toilet paper comes in)

eh, what are you gonna do?


Miz, you can put balloons near your new porch furniture; that will keep them off! Happy Birthday to your mom!!!

We're having a yard sale in another city today. Yesterday we did great at mine. My son made $65 selling some of his outgrown toys. I made $130 so far. Hope to unload a whole lot more today.

Hope you are all having a great 4th of July weekend!

Thanks so much, deefer!! :))

lhardebeck, please let us know how your granddaughter is. I will say prayers.

My mom turned 92 today. Before she blew out the candles she wished for another birthday. :) She had a good day. Several phone calls and cards. Sat on the porch. We had cake and ice cream and hubby recorded her and me helping her to open her presents. I know I will always cherish that. My sis sent her the most beautiful bouquet I think I have every seen. It had a balloon attached to the top and our kitties are deathly afraid of balloons. Poor things hid all day. I cut it off and put it in another room and closed the door. Gotta take care of my babies ya know. Love and hugs to all.


Harde, I am sure with all the reconstructive things they can doe these days they should patch her up good! Kids heal fast and well!
ICYHOT instead of KY heck now they are selling the warming gel now with fireworks so maybe they were on the right track...LOL, just a bit on the overload side...weeeeeeeeeeee!

Well folks.....hope you all have a good 4th of July weekend! I will be at my mom's practically all weekend. I am thinking I should get my old bedroom cleaned up so I can stay overnight there more. My old bed needs to be gotten rid of cause I see mildew spots on the mattress due to not being used in over 30 years. I can't handle mold, mildew or dust head just swells up! So I am thinking about buying a nice bedframe twinsize and a mattress set for in there.


Ihard I am so sorry for your grandchild you are all in my prayers I live in NY - lower hudson valley had a nice birthday my son spoiled me and got to see my grandson

Finally able to relax a little now that Merry is spending 5 days a week with Mom. Wish I could lend her out to all of you too! It feels good to just sit and read a book, or have a friend visit and go out to lunch together. It's been over 2 years since I've been able to do that. I know it has been a lot longer for some of you, and my heart goes out to you!
Linda, sounds like your dad had a whopper of a UTI! Glad he's better. What a difference those antibiotics can make. So sorry about your toes. been there myself. Had shoulder surgery last May and 22 staples for 4 weeks. Was not supposed to use the arm at all, and wear the sling constantly. Unfortunately, my sibs only helped out for a week, and the sling was off ! I still had to deal with Mom every day and help her dress, etc. Good thing I'm a fast healer! Your poor little grand daughter! I hope she is alright. Good thing kids bounce back fast!
Miz, New furniture sounds great! Poopie fingers, not so much. Keep up the good work with Mom.
SS, So sorry for you and your dad, but glad Mom is leaving you alone. You have been through enough.Take care.
Austin, Happy belated Birthday! Did you say you live in New England? I am in central Mass. in a small town near the Quabbin Reservoir.
Pamela, Yuck! Need I say more? Mom does that once a week. I think they get plugged up and let go when their tank is full!!!
Bobbie321, So glad you are getting things done. I have already been in my pool more times this year, than the last two put together. Rest is good. Going out to eat is better! Love the Icey Hot story!!!!!
Everyone take care and try to take time for yourself.

Thanks SS. don't want to find TOO much rest.....

Feeling better because now I'm going to the diner in the am and getting a good bfast.

linda! omg. poor baby. ow. Angels go sit with her and take the hurt away.

Another day of processing stuff. moving forward slowly.

You all hang in there and love you


Wow, lhardebeck, that sounds awful. Will keep her in prayer.

Bobbie, I imagine you are tired, after all you've been doing. Hope the rest is refreshing, and that you'll find more of it very soon. Hugs.

bobbie 123 ue killin me ! i busted out laughin about the icyhot next to ky . did the indian dance woohoo! damn .
well got bad news and need ur prayers !
my 2 and half yrs old granddaughter is in the hospital for children , a dirtbike fell on her and the brake handle went right thru her foot ! hubby said it looks like a bullet went thru her foot and the bottom of her foot is blown out , xray shows no brokenbones , just all the muscles and tissues etc in her foot is a big hole . lost alot of blood ,
so i am watching my other 2 grandkids here , theyre stayin the night while my son an dhis wife stays up at the hospital with thier middle child ,
got8 mos old boy and 4 years old girl here , my daughter is helpin me out . thank god for her !
prayers plzz . goodnight all xooxox
bobbie thanks i needed that laugh . xoxo

yeah, I'm glad you're thinking boat. I'm dreaming of it.

Hello Maties,

I fell asleep. been working too hard and had to finally just go with it.
I got my helper to stay home for a few days so I can organize the stuff that he brought up from the BASEMENT.....oooohhhhh.

Lots of glasses and mugs and little appliances and decent clothes that are going to be picked up tomorrow by the Viet Nam vets. saved one of my dad's suits and haven't gone through mom's upstairs clothes yet.

Linda's toes, Bobbi gets a job with whammo toe.
My left low back is killing me with all of the lifting and bending.

Thanks for the hugs Miz. you're the stuff. It was very profound for me and has literally changed my life. I'm understanding that she isn't suffering anymore and that she's free and with my daddy. Miss them both like crazy.

Thanks for the love Linda and glad your pa is feeling better and chowing down.

SS hope you're doing well today.

ok..... gonna put some icy hot on my sore back.

did I ever tell you guys about a girlfriend of mine who had the icy hot in a drawer next to the KY? Well, it was dark, they were excited and she did the dance of 10 Indians for about 3 hours.




Where is everyone?? Don't make me come after you. ;)

LOL lhardebeck, maybe so. I'm glad your pa is doing better. :)

wow bobbi , u lucky dog !! lol . yes they sound like good people , u had em laughin and fell in love with ya .
hey miz maybe you should stub ur toes too maybe ya get a job ? wink .

pa s lookin good today , walked in there his eyes were open , i said well hello there and good morning , he smiled said im hungry ! i said yes i bet you are ! let sgo bathroom and get ya all cleaned up for good ole bfast . ohh my he was happy camper ! hes lookin better , thank u jesus ! he ate so much and got a full belly there , sausage gravy and scramble eggs . his favorite meal of the day .
he stood up straight and tall and walked few step to get in his recliner . that made me happy . usualy he had to be lifted up and carry him , grr i hate it when that happens . didnt hurt my toe today so thats a plus !
have a good day u all .
bobbie123 , hope ure getting the job done at home . bet ure missing ur hubby and ur home , it'll all be over soon . wish i could come and help u speedy up so u can go back home to ur honeybun . get ur whip out and make those guys work a lit faster , wink ..

Bobbi, they sound like a great group of people. :)

Hey lhard, had to share with you about the toes. Several years back I was running around barefoot (guess we both know that's a dumb thing to do) and jamed my foot onto a protruding corner so that the corner jamed my toes apart. Hurt like a big dog! Had to go to an interview (at a job I really, really wanted) wearing my business attire accesorized by my flip flops and a cane. When I walked in to a panel of 8 interviewers, I quickly called attention to my predicament. Told them what happened, apologized for the "inappropriate" business atire. They all commenced to laughing and I got the job...moral of the story it sista, work it!

pamela !! haha thats wonderful that ur mom can poop em all out , for a while pa wasnt poopin and had me worried , till i bought some fleet and he went poopin it all out and says now i dont need the depository uh , i said no u got lucky !!
pa still sleeping , so had me a lit break outside slurpin my coffee and smoke about 3 ciggy and thought to ck my mail and will be gettin bfast going here soon . poor old toes still dont wanna heal . i wish wish i didnt hurt my toes , its bringin me down !
i shall get me a steeltoe boots ! i had one but it fell apart after workin in it for years .
you all have a good day and enjoy them poop ! one day u ll miss it , NOT !! xoxo

Oh ewww, pamela. Talk about a nice gift for you. :P Sorry you had to go through that s@#$.


Talk about gross, and needing to vent, I changed pook 6 times today. I called my sister and asked her what in the world did they feed momz yesterday. She said red beans and rice. I went in the fridge, took the rest of those beans out and THREW THEM OUT! Yuck!!!!

Thank you, sweet sister!

SS, I'm glad it was uneventful with your mother. I can somewhat relate to having to deal with someone that I don't particularly want to. Keeping your distance is best. Hugs.


Thank you, dear Miz. I appreciate your support. I almost forgot to mention that mom showed up during my visit. Today is their 53rd Wedding Anniversary. The encounter was uneventful, and she behaved. Though I don't trust her, or her "friend," who are both...well, some things are better left unsaid. I wish I didn't have to deal with her, but we share my dad (her husband). And she doesn't treat him very nice. She'll answer to God one day for the way she treated him, and me. So, I just keep being...loving daughter. And I keep my distance from mom. She's on her own planet.

SS, I'm so sorry. It is sad to see such a decline. All you can do is be your sweet self with him...the loving daughter that you are. I'll pray for you and for him.


lhardebeck, because your dad's doc wanted him to see a neurologist, I thought it might be something wrong. You sure it wasn't a urologist? I was speaking to the smelly urine issue. Yuk subject, but that's what the gross out thread is all about. If he won't follow through, maybe he knows something is wrong, too. Or maybe he's better now???

My dad had a quarterly review this morning. He scored a zero (0) on his mini mental exam. I had to ask, 0? When they showed me the test, he didn't answer any question. He doesn't comprehend a word we're saying. Save, look at that... or come with me... That's it. Ugh :( sad!

oh haha i did thought about the plastic thing to put on louie s nail but i cant imagin even tryin to do that . he would have tore me up bythe time i get one in , nanaa paininthebutt .
i ask my nephew if his dog got trapped in , he said no , it went off and it scared him .
spray bottle mmm my gfriend did that but it didnt work on her . they turn around do it again when she sets the bottle down . lol .

Thanks, Austin. I did that to keep them off the kitchen counter but I had not thought of it to keep them from clawing the furniture. Great idea!!

Ihard thanks for asking I am having my greanson overnight tonight and my son got me cand a abeautilul plant and took me to a hypnosis specialist for sleep disorder that is grandson. To train a cat put water in spray bottle and spray in the face when they are bad -they hate and do remember the next time. It is too hot -haven't done much outside for a few days

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