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Gonna see if Mom wants to go sit on the new furniture now. Boy do I ever need a nap. I got a call from one of the places I applied to for a part time job. Blah blah blah don't need anyone right now but they will keep my resume on file blah blah blah. That's how I feel...blah.

SS, our caregiver told me about some things you put over the cat's claws. They're plastic or something.

Hubby also bought a used dining set for the back patio. It's pretty nice. Rattan or wicker or something. The table top is glass and scratched up but it's not bad. He got a real good deal. He also bought a new used dryer cause ours is screeching so bad. He got started to put install it but then decided to finish tiling the floor back there and now he's napping so the kitchen is a disaster. It might be a pizza delivery night. :)

lhardebeck, you oughta see my desk chair. It's leather like and scratched all to heck. Did your nephew's dog get caught by a mouse trap?


miz , my nephew bought a new leather furnture and was worried about his dog gettin on it . someone told him to set bunch mouse traps on it and he did , it works ! that dog dont dare get near the leather furntiure ,
but as for a cat , ouch it be limpin like i am .
cats are harder to train to keep em off things . my cat louie loves to get on my husbands recliner and he knows its a no no , but for me he doesnt care and i dont care either , but when he see s my husband oops busted he crawl down like im in trouble !! and i get in trouble for letting him get on , he has long white hair and grrr hair everywhere ! he dont have front claws so im not worried about him tearin it up .
we had a cat before oh mygosh the back of my couch , chairs would all be nothing left but foam hangin out of it ! she got old and had to be put down , then fell in love with my white kitty and hubby just had a fit ! so took them claws out , i felt bad but hey if im keepin it in the house those claws gotta go . maybe those hairs gotta go too ! :-) hes going to get haircut friday . long hair all tangled up and its pullin his skin , poor guy !
he will feel better and be happy . me too .

austin how was ur bday ? good i hope .
ss i wonder if it was just more than a uti also . today he ssleeping , yesterday and day before he didnt sleep at all . so now hes sleepin like a baby . :-) thank you s.s . xoxo

Miz, I hope you and hubby enjoy your new furniture! How about your mom? Is she up for it? Can you cover it to protect it from the cats?

lhardebeck, what a trooper! You know, maybe it's more than UTI causing your dad's symptoms. Just a thought. Hope you take care of you. He may not be mad at you. I've learned not to take things with my dad too serious. Some moments he's fine, and gives me a smile, and sometimes he doesn't. I can only do my best, and let his negative reactions go. You are doing a great job, and his reactions may not always reflect that, but you know, and God knows. Take care!

hi there folks .
doing good here , got pa out of bed , he s happy about that . kept him in bed yesterday and he wasnt too happy , he couldnt even try to get up . i cried lastnght watching him . cuz he s in lalaland . he told my daughter that he talked to his son who died in camper fire few yrs back . and ask her if she seen him , she said no i didnt see him he said well i did and we talked . she ask him what ya guys talked about ? he started mumble jumble , didnt understand him .
dr put him on antibodi , i think that made him loopy . or its the uti thats makin him loopy . anyway i cried when he wouldnt look at me . it was like he s mad at me . i ask him if he was mad at me he wouldnt answer me , i said oh noo u are mad what have i done to make u mad at me ? he said oh im not mad . but i know he is , told him in the morning we;ll work very hard to get u up , he said ok . so morning came and we did it and only to hurt my toes again by puttin pressures on it . oww owww , now that made me have a headache ,
i picked greenbeans out of garden while ago and now i feel like i need a nap cuz my poor old toes just a achin .
i dont want to go get it xrayed cuz it cost money . plus nothing they can do for it . other than t ellin me to stay off of it . cant do that.. got pa to take care of . ah i ll be ok . just gonna be a long road to recovery .
pa sleepin on the recliner , happy to be in living room . bless his heart .
have a good day you all . xoxo

bobbie , my heart goes out to u . ure griefing . missing your mom so much . i know my friend , i cried for about a year . missin my mom . i accept it now and know shes in better place , get away from this mad mad crazy ass world here . she had suffer enuff . cancer was eating her up inside. how i remmy hearing her cries and moan and cried , shoot more morphine till she passed away . i still miss my mom and always will . i love my mom , she s the best mom ever ! just like my dad .
it takes time to heal so its ok to cry .
bet ur moms on that boat waiting for u to go for a ride . :-) xoxo

Hello Everyone!! We got the new patio furniture and hubby put it together yesterday. It's nice!! :) Now we just gotta keep the cats from snagging it up.

bobbie, those tears are healthy. I'm glad you're allowing yourself to grieve. I'm also glad you're keeping busy. That helps. Do you have any pets? They can be so comforting.

Gotta get in and change Mom. Had poopie fingers this morning so am not looking forward to it. She's such a dear though. More later. Thanks, everyone, for being here.


Sorry, Bobbie321. It must hurt to be missing her so much. What happens on the 9th? So, I take it you're still out East? You plan on staying there for good? When do you get the boat? Hugs!

Miz, thanks for the other note you left :) I responded there.

Hello Mates,

Linda! Ow! your toes! I know it hurts real bad but your wrote about it funny!
Sorry your dad is doing the lala. You have to be so pooped omg.

SS you have my respect with how you can keep up with all of the demands made on you. Your Dad and everybody that you care for are extremely lucky.

Miz: I know you're depressed and I'm so sorry. It hurts so bad and that's why they call that book 'the long goodbye'. Someone on here wrote about it i think.
It's gonna take me some time before I'll be ablle to read that.

SS I am not resting as much as I need to. We are on the crunch through July 9 and I have to run 2 different crews for what we have to accomplish.

We are tracking so far and thank everybody here for being here for me and everybody else. Amazing caregivers.

Hey Bobbi: that's a great organization but remember that the first appointment could be 2 to 4 weeks away so you want to set it up way before you're going to need it.

I was layin down upstairs in mom's bed crying and I just needed to come down here and say hi to the boat mates.

Thanks you guys.


Hey lil, what state do you live in? I just received information about a new service that provides physicians that make house calls. They bill Medicaid/Medicare and other insurances. Their corporate phone number is 888.742.4695. It can't hurt to talk to someone. Sure would be easier than trying to get your pa to the dr. Oh, the orginization is called Visiting Physician Organization

Hi Miz! I think of you often. Haven't seen you on FB much, either, but glad you're keeping up here. Glad hubby is better, and that your mom is doing OK, too. I agree that it's been quiet around here. Hope all are doing well. Hugs!

SS, my weekend was just okay. Mom seems to know me. She's just been pretty quiet. I've been depressed. Hubby is better. I hope the conference goes well for you tomorrow. Am thinkin' of ya. :)

Where's everyone else?? It's quiet on here.


lhardebeck, you may want to quit banging it, too. Turn on the lights, or wear steel toed boots.

How was your weekend, everyone?

Dad has his quarterly care conference tomorrow, and I've asked some tough questions concerning his diet, activities. I'm sure I'll hear all the "yeah, but..." answers. I'm going to ask for Facility/State guidelines, and see how his care lines up.

lhardebeck, I'm thinkin' should have your foot X-rayed. Sounds like you might have broke something, Sweetie. Toe pain can be so bad. I feel for ya.


good morning ! havin a bad weekend , my toes are so sore , stub it on stuff all weekend ! this morning i hit my poor old toes on pa s hospital table ! ohh talk about pain .
pa s wantin to get up out of bed , tol dhim no cuz he s bouncin everywhere and leanin backwards too much for me to handle . made him upset . kept talkin about needing to get up and go pick up his car ! told him its outin the drive way . ahhi gotta get up he says , and here i am holdin in my tears cuz my foot just throbs and i am only one home with pa . daughter is gone to spend the night with her sister . am hoping she come home soon . so we could get pa up.
throbbin by walkin back and forth to make sure he doesnt try to get out of the bed . he was up all night and in the lala land . actin like theres something in his hand . eating or drinkin whatever its in his hand . i ask him what ya doing pa ? he mumble jumble . dont understand a word he s saying . i slept on the couch so i could be close to his bdrm . didnt sleep worth a crap and wake up and went to ck on him and wham ! my poor old toes on hospital table . sniff i hurt so bad waaaaaaaaaaa.
the dr wants me to take him to have a test done on him , swallowing test he didnt pass and want him to see neuoligist , (sp) . im thinkin ure kidding ! how am i gonna get this man up and take him to hospital for those test which he refuse last year .
whats the point in all this . he s in lala land ! i think i need to go hospital and just lay there till my toes gets better .
limpin so bad makin my other leg ache cuz of all the weigh on it . only weigh 120 lbs ,
hope u all have had a good weekend . AUSTIN happy birthday , hope ure havin a good day .

SS, I'm so glad you had a good day!! :) Happy Birthday, Austin!! Linda, feel better!! Love you!!


Austin, I want to wish you a very happy birthday tomorrow! God bless you!

lhardebeck, ouch! Hope you're feeling better soon.

Bobbie, are you resting much?

How's everyone else?

Wait till you see pics of the boats we saw in Charlevoix tonight! The one must be a 100 footer! It was a gigantic yacht. I'll have to post them on the Poco. Maybe Monday, cuz I'm sleepy right now. Got a pocket full of Petoskey stones walking along the shoreline. We watched the Beaver Island boat come in, and the bridge go up. My boy's been begging to "go to the lake," so we took him for a short while. He's every bit as important as giving attention to our two dads, and it seems we see them often. It's nice to do something fun with the little guy, for all he's been through with the grandpas. Come to think of it, we liked getting out a little tonight, too. Lots of fudgies, and art fairs going on there, and in Boyne. We pretend we're tourists, but go home, saving money on motels, LOL.

Ihard -I so hope hubby is good to you you are such a joy and your Dad is so lucky hope those toes are better maybe an ace wrap not too tight might stop the trobbing and try-right-to keep feet elevated when possible-finally got cleaning done today would rather be outside hope to be able to help the grand-daighter take a trip to see her young man this summer-she can wash my windows in exchange-her grandpa would like to see me spend money on her-I am very frugel for my self so it is doable-already told her Dad I want to do it.

happy birthday austin ! hope ure enjoying your day .
my tummys upset and my 3 lit toes are throbbing , black and blue now , all swollen . thought it was just 2 but this mornin its 3 , hope it snot 4 later on , lol makin my other leg hurting achin cuz im usin it more than the other one .
ahh i ll be ok tmr . hubby and i went out fo cycle ride , it was nice . cool off for us . didnt ride too long , the seat on the cycle is not comfertable .
pa s good today ,
think i ll go lay down , not feeling good . waaaaaaaaaa

bobbie, hope that pool water is cold. So refreshing that way. :)

I haven't tried the vinegar on the fruit flies yet. Too lazy to go to the store right now. I thought we had some. We probably do SOMEWHERE. ;)

love yas!!


Hello Mates,

I am using the wrong termonology if I refer to us as Sailors because the boat is a MV. Motor Vessel. Maxine had it right!

happy birthday Maxine! sorry that's the one year anniversary. Think about the boat......

Miz, SS, Pirate... always good to see you. You know I mean everybody so if I miss someone...

Tennessee thanks for the post on the wall. I'm going to figure out how to get you guys on the boat!

I'm still crying but it's getting better. Can't think of crying when you're having an argument with a weed wacker.

We are still working hard still getting this house ready to recieve the entire collection of books. I have less than 7 days to go.

We did pool work yesterday and still on today because it is so hot that when you jump in the pool it could save your life.

Linda: Ants: Optigard. Ant Gel Bait.
Figure out where they are walking (trails) and just put a little line out (Imagine caulking) and they will find it and eat it and take it back to the colony and it will wipe out entire colony.
I put some out and came down in the middle of the night to get a drink and when I put on the light, about a hundred ants were having a FEAST!
I left it all alone and next day no ants and haven't seen any ants since.

just Google Optigard Ant Gel Bait and a place where you can get it will come up. 37.50 for 4 tubes and you will NOT have ants period. and the stuff has a good shelf life and a little goes a LONG way so you won't have ants next year and next year and next year........ totally worth it, I had tried everything.

hate ants. hate flies too. I actually will become combative and cuss and chase a fly until I get him.
My mom told me a story about when she was in the army and they showed them a training film about hygiene and there was a shot of a fly Magnified a million times lighting on a pile of sh!! and then they followed said fly with the sh!! stuck to its feet (you could see it perfectly) and it lit on a Major's sandwich and then he took a bite.

Now I know about film making and how they had to set that up. Back when I was a kid that story had a HUGE impact on me. Mom was a great flyswatter and I got her a Texas Fly Swatter which still hangs at the top of the basement stairs. Big Mo Fo.

Back to work.

love you guys,


Pirate, I'm all over that three day cruise!! Or longer!!

pirate gal , u sound just like me , i told my sis in law when all this is over we re going on a road trip !!! where i dont care !! anywhere that makes me happy pooie ....

oh no smores , just beer an dhotdogs , an di think i broke my last 2 toes , wham it on the wooden chairs ! what the #%@#! , no reason at all . just wham it cuz i was feelin happy an dfeelin good , uhhhh wrong now im gonna go bed and hopin that i gonna wake up feelin good ?? ya think ? my daughter sai doh u beter be ok cuz we re going to yard sales in am ! like 7 am , i laugh told her we cant leave pa in bed wet and hungry , gotta take care of him first .
man my two babie toes are throbbin , guess i better go to bed , goodnight you all . ps , pa s sleeping like a baby , whew !

Pirate, our caregiver likes to put things away. Like in cupboards. And kitchen utensils are all over the kitchen. It seems to me like common sense to put things back where you got them. I don't say anything cause she's so wonderful otherwise. I understand how ANNOYING it is though.

lhardebeck, hope you had a fun bonfire.

Maxine, I'm so sorry. The one year anniversary is a hard one.

A friend of mine just got back from Branson yesterday. She brought a bunch of brochures about it and now hubby wants to go there. It's like a six hour drive. Ifn there's a pool, I'm in. :)

I wish I was close to harde..I love bonfire..hoooooowwwwwwwl!!!!! lol. Yep a nice toasty hot dog would be nice and a cold brewski and some good chatter. Yep it's been a long time. I just get to go to one day events and now that is not happening since I go to my mom's house all day on sat and sun nowadays. I told my g/f when it's over we are going somewhere!!!
I did around 5 years ago go to Wisconsin for 4 days...and she threw a big hissy was all about her (and her narcissm). Oh well waited this year will wait a little longer. Selfish B/F is in Italy for over a month...he never asks me when he goes..he just takes his kids. I am cut out..some sad excuse that his momma won't like an unmarried woman in the house...some crap like that. That's okay one day he will get his when I boot his ass outta my new inherited house...lmao!

And best yet...maybe all of us ladies can hook up and go on a real 3 day cruise or something! I'll buy the champagne!

lhardebeck, how about a s'more?

Happy Birthday, Maxine! Austin, I'm saying it now, in case I forget between now and then. Praying your day is a blessing, sister! And sympathy for the year without hubby.

didnt do nothing at camping but sat around and drank and cook and yack away . wanted to go caneoing but the girls was chicken out saying water too rough and too high and heard rumors someone drowned . so ahh forget it . we just stayed and enjoyed begin lazy , played cards and dices . and got ate up by chiggers , no matter what kind of bug spray i use they seems to love me even more !
itch itch itch is what i been doing . bam its time to go home . :-( zoom time just whip by .
my daughter help me put pa to bed , his legs bouncin around so it takes 2 of us to lift him . he didnt want to go to bed , i told him she is leavin and i need her to help me out . so he s ok now he, has his own tv in his room .

hubby wants to have a bonfire , says its a full moon out and we shall have a bonfire . lol , gonna lite up those lanterns with oil in it to keep those varmits away ,
maybe have a hot dog too . yummie . have a good evening folks . xoox

Hi boat mates and everyone I did not go to knitting today it is a year today really tomarrow but he died on Fri morning but did do my errands have to clean the house my grandson is comming over next week-had fun buying food for my son today-we both spoil each other my birthday is Mon going to be 70 I can not believe it went to see our Aunt yesterday she is 93 and lives alone and her spirit is so great I hope to age like her-it is so hot here in the NE lots of storms yesterday in this area-my litle garden is doing good-Maxine here.

Pirategal, you can go to the beach with me that way, too. Wow! I can't imagine not going anywhere for 11-1/2 years. I can't take sitting still for that long. Even my son likes to put up a tent in the back yard once in awhile. Now I feel spoiled. 'Bout time for a vacation for you, I think.

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