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a mixture of i/2 vinager 1/2 water in a spray bottle kills most germs and to wash hands a few drops of bleach in water is good to sanitaze hands before eating we do not want to know where those hands have been

Yep, godhelpus. Sometimes when I tell Mom to wash her hands, she says, "Both of them?". :)

Your pa's trying to get you to laugh! How wonderful. He loves you so much!
Mom's dirty little paws. Oh yes I know them well. My dainty thing thinks she's using a finger bowl when she washes. "Yes mom use soap" & "Wash the entire hand mom". "Blah Blah mom" is all she hears. Just like when we try to talk to a pet and just as defiant. Still we keep trying.

oh bobbie , getin ur moms nails done and makin her feel so pretty , bless ur heart ! she loves u so much ! i know in my heart she appreciates you for all u have done for her . cuz i know in my heart i apprecates you ! :-)
have a happy sunday sailors !
pa s not even tryin to poop . he s too busy begin whiney . i tried talkin to him he gets louder so he cant hear me . i thought oh ok whatever !
after he ate bfast i told him i realy wish u would try to poop . wa wa wa . ask him if his bfast was good . oh yes he said . he can talk when he wants to but if he doesnt want to talk or hear me out he s all waaaaaaaaaaaaa. id ask him whats the matter pa ? he say oh im just a mumble jumble . do u ned anything pa ? noooo . are u in pain ? noooo wa wa i had to leave the room . his wa wa is like a sirens going off in my ears . sometimes i feel bad so i go sit with him and watch tv . he sees me then its all waaa waaa . tried to carry on conferstation . nope . its waaaaaaaa.
damn why does he do that for , been doing that almost 3 yrs . i would have heart heart talk to him . pa u know u dont have to do that , just talk to me and we can do something . he says oh im just a cry baby . i said yes u are a very big cry baby , he d laugh and grin .
oh i love my pa .

Hello Sailors and Welcome Chris,

Pamela! Good to see you! I had to give out a star on that one because I could just picture you watching the playoffs in the head. Funny.

Linda, how's pa today? give him a smacker from me. Tell him he has a fan.

Chris, when my mom was going through the' I'll put my hands anywhere and then SHOW YOU phase', (enough to make you lose your Wheaties), I got one of those fingernail brushes from the CVS or wherever and whenever she was near a sink I'd do the 'let's wash our hands' routine. I tried to keep her hands as clean as possible but as you well know, surprises happen (go ahead and just change out surprises to sh#!).

When I took her out and got her a mani pedi, her behavior changed! She would NOT get her hands dirty because of those pretty red nails! it's all a mystery but you have to know your mom's not doing it on purpose but that doesn't stop you from wanting to scream and perhaps run naked down the street. (Don't do that. I got arrested)

Linda! that story with the socks, omg that is too funny. Can you imagine if you didn't catch it and everybody sat down to dinner? 'Hey, my chicken smells like a gym locker!'

Chris, keep coming back to vent. I will bet you that you can't gross us out! We, of course hope you will try because that's what this is all about!

Read through the thread and I'll tell ya, wow, we have all had our share and it's good to hear from someone new!

do you like boats?


chris i know what u mean , my mil does the same thing , im afraid to touch anything here when she comes to visit ,
she had wore her black socks and took them off outside cuz it was hot out and followed me in and i started to do the dishes well she had socks in her hand , started wiping my kitchen table ! i was shocked , i told her better put those socks in ur bags so u wont forget them when u go back home tmr . uhhh i wash that table down with soapy water !
thinkin geeze what eles did she do ? poor woman she is so kinded hearted with alz . sad sad .

i also will not eat anything that my mom gets her hands on. Like I give her a cookie jar that is all hers and I don't even let her help me wipe down the counters or put dishes away unless she washes her hands first. Cause I have seen where those hands have been and it's not pretty.

Hey Ihardebeck, if that prune juice doesn't work, you could always warm up some water and mix in some kosher salt, One rounded tablespoon per 8 ounces. That always does the trick, but you'd better stay close to the bathroom. When I take it I just move my widescreen into the

It works though.

Hi Maxine here I think I better stick to wine but a friend of my brother's make home made wine NY style OMG it was a hot day and hubby was driving me crazy drank a lot of his wine oh boy-I laughed half the way home did not even mind hubby being childish I said to him I have not had that much fun in ages-of course he got made, I have been reliving his last days and really get pissed at him the way he shut me out and was responsive to the others. Thanks a lot I was there for him for so long oh well I did as God wanted me to so that is what is.

Great to hear from you Pamela, and know you, at least, are OK. I can relate to your mom's decline, as we are watching both our dads slip. It's so part of the natural life cycle. Just praying our loved ones don't have to suffer.

I got a call from my cousin today, to say my Uncle (hubby of dad's sister) passed away this morning. He had been undergoing a second round of treatment for leukemia. His death came unexpectedly, but his struggles are over. We'll be traveling 200+ miles to attend the services, as soon as their kids can make arrangements to come in from MT, TX, and CO. Ugh for funerals.

p.s, thank you for sitting with ur moms best friend during the sad times . i know it means alot to them that u were there for them . wink , ure a good person pammy .

great to hear from u pamela !
am sorry that ur mom has gone down hill some . pa is too . now he cant poop right , tried everything . told him act like those poop is ur babies and grunt so hard to get em out ! aww bless his heart he tried . ill be callin his dr monday and may have to put him in hospital .
yes ure right about the long island ice tea . when ya start to feel good get up and dance ! dance like theres no tmr !!
happy that u quit drinking . my husband drinks and he has that ugly belly in front of him . they do put pounds on ya . i likes to drink too but not everyday . maybe on the days i am on the edge yeah ill grab me a beer . most ofthe times it'll be when theres gatherings and i ll drink whatever my moods fits .
on the boat oh my ill taste anything ! ah better not ill be pukin . long island ice tea be fine m thanks .
ok im going to the store to get pa some prune juice . i should have went long time ago but today my body didnt want to do anything . must be the weather . rain rain and its going to rain up to weds i think . oh friday ill be takin off to womens camp !! horray i cant wait ! it'll be vodka with grapefruit , yummie .
love you all ! xoxo

Maxine.... Bobby forgot to tell you that when you drink those Long Island Ice Tea's, make sure you get up every now and then and do a little walking. Don't just keep drinking while sitting down, because when you get up you'll have problemssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!

Hello everyone, Pamela here.

Been away for a tad making mom comfortable. She's not real well these days. Gardening has ceased and we spend most times inside, and sitting on the front porch. Moms speech is really scratchy now and it seems uncomfortable for her to talk. Most times she doesn't really want too anymore, or for any length of time. Very little laughter now, and there is really a solemn look on her face, as if all her hopes of recovery have gone. It's a sad thing but I continue not to be down.

Her best friend's husband died and although she attempted to go to the funeral, she couldn't. I went and stayed the whole day with her best friend. She's like a 2nd mother to me and I love her I truly do. She kept introducing me as her 3rd daughter. Made me feel so good and I believe my mom was real proud of me.

A few days after the funeral mom said she wished that could have been her so she would be out of her misery. I simply told her God's garden doesn't need her yet.

As you know this is Basketball Playoff time and I do try to be at home when the games are on because watching them at moms is uterly impossible no matter how much fare warning I give her. So now I work around the games.

Bobby hope you're doing well. Maxine watch out for those Long Island's, and Secret Sister thank you for checking up on me. I hardebeck you're still my girl and thank you to you too.

Hello to everyone that I've missed saying a personal hello too and hope all is going well with everyone.

On another note I quit drinking. Wow I feel a lot better, lost that xtra weight I was carrying because of the liquor, and my memory has improved tremendously. Just got tired of it, and I don't know that I won't drink again, but for now I just don't feel the need.

Continue to pray for my mom and until we speak again, a great big hug of hope and gratefullness to all of you.



I wholeheartedly agree with godhelpus. You are a blessing, and your sense of humor lightens my day often. God bless you, and all the other caregivers here. Hope you're all having a great weekend, despite the navigational situations.

B321, Love your sense of humor. You make me chuckle everyday & that's important. I know you'll be OK & make it through this painful time. God & your mom want you to be happy. This I know for sure. You are such a blessing & we are all thankful for your wit & wisdom. Sail on!

OK Maxine, here we go:

shiznit is a good thing. It's like saying 'you're the stuff!' The term came from Snoop Dogg, a rapper, perhaps 10+ years ago. The actual translation would be, "You're the sh!!" which is a good thing, believe me. somewhat crass, but this IS the Grossed out thread!!

OK: Long Island Ice Tea:
1 part vodka
1 part 1800® Tequila
1 part rum
1 part gin
1 part triple sec
1 1/2 parts sweet and sour mix
1 splash Coca-Cola®
Mix ingredients together over ice in a glass. Pour into a shaker and give one brisk shake. Pour back into the glass and make sure there is a touch of fizz at the top. Garnish with lemon.

One of these things will make you feel like you're bulletproof.
Two of these things will make you make bad real estate deals.
Three of these things will make you throw up on your feet.

Maxine, you're still a kid, don't let anybody tell you differently.


ok Bobbi321 what is shiznt if I am one I want to know what I am I told one of my kniting/cancer pad friends now that I will be 70 soon I should grow up and she said why? so I said you are right I do not want to grow -up also what is Long Island ice tea? I will get an education hanging out with you young people for sure maybe I need another glass of wine.

Good Evening Sailors.

KellyBean!! so good to see you and we'll hook up!! I figured that you've been working your buns off.

Welcome Cablaha! I read your wall and you are a genius. Everybody read Cab's wall.
Pirate! good to see you, bless your sexy little heart. It must be that picture of the pirate...
Linda! funny as always. Good funny writer. Kiss your pa for me.

I once drank 3 Long Island Ice Teas. I will not do that again.

Flex!!! good to see you again! the job stress has got to suck big time. I'm sorry for that.
I did remember there was someone in Charleston... good. mystery solved... and No, you did not mention that your bro is a ship's captain!! Tell Tell.

What kind of ship? Big fat one? Got a Coast Guard Ticket? Does he want to come and drive the boat?
I'm setting up the insurance that we don't move unless we have a USCG Cap on board. In about 6 months that will change as I drive the boat more and more and in another 18 months after that I hopefully will have my own ticket. But a SHIP!!!! omg.
If he gets us out of the slip and into the channel I can drive while he makes cocktails!! At this point in my boating career I don't drive if there's something I can smack into. Like a pier. So far so good at keeping the boat in the channel.

I just had a big ol crying jag and I'm surprised that the neighbors didn't call 911. I cry so hard that I actually howl. I don't mean to but it's a process and there you go.

I'm so happy that you guys are here thank you thank you.

Maxine, I love you gurl. You are the shiznit.

Miz? how's mom today?

Where's that Jolly J?

I'll probably turn in... It's wierd all alone here in this house and i sleep in mom's bed now because well just because.

A buddy came over and we uncovered the pool.... big inground pool and it is a mess. this was a real bad winter and cleaning and patching this pool is going to be tough and my poor body still hurts but oh well tuff ti!!y.


hey ill have a long island ice tea plz . :-)
diane . i feel ur worries about ur job , i took flma leave for a while then went back to work for a month and ask for another flma leave well i cant cuz i didnt earn enuff hrs to get another one , they decided to lay me off instead , they were willin to work with me cuz they didnt want to lose me . i work very hard to keep the production going and i respect my job , so many people get the temporary work and dont give a crap .
well they gave me 90 days lay off , i went back and told em dad still around and im not puttin him in nursing home . so i chose to be with
pa. pa said he would pay me what my job pays me so i could stay with him 24-7 .
i dont miss my work at all , i worked like slave in hot hot factory and the pay sucks , spent 10 yrs doing it , i dont miss it one bit , but i do miss my cowokers . all is good and things fell in place and its the path the lord wanna me to take , so
think about it and think hard , yes it is frustrated someone dont show up for work or calls off cuz its extra load for them and its not a easy task to do without u around . they need u just like ur mom needs u , so what choices do u have , i would be so boiled piss when someone calls off or left the buidling and im stuck doing 2 man s job , sometimes 3 ! .
i left for a good reason , my pa is a good reason ,
bless u diane ..
now where is my long island ice tea ??

There is a little humor in that somewhere!

A good bartender is what we need-how about sending some this way and to every caregiver out there. I am so glad I am out of the workforce -I still have nightmeres about my caremonsters but one got demoted after I gave them my diary and another has been told she has to go back to school-I love it. That caregiver sounds she needs a caregiver we had a bad agency but it was cheaper so the husband wanted that one now I spread the word to everyone not to use it-it is sad because it was named after the owners's daughter that died at age 17. I now know what to have others look for in hiring an agency.

Hi gang,

I haven't posted anything for a little while. Bobbie, thanks for checking up on me. I've been reading about everyone's challenges and and thinking "Wow, I'm lucky". So far I don't have the legal BS but my siblings don't live nearby. My brother really tries to be very supportive.

Mom has had a very rough time lately. She has had severe pain in the groin from her hip. She had a few days and nights where she couldn't sit, stand or lay down without very bad pain. We finally got her a cortisone shot on Wednesday and she is improving. I just have to keep an eye on her blood sugar since the injection reaks havoc on her diabetes. I was surprised that her PC doctor actually thinks mom could withstand a hip replacement at 83. Have any of you had the hip replacement experience?

I'm feeling kind of bummed out tonight because my boss says in one sentence she understands my situation and why I need to be off from work frequently, but then in the next sentence says she can't have that happen when we are busy. I have very mixed feelings about this. Part of me understands she needs o run a business, yet part of me says, if you are so dipleased with my work, fire me. Don't keep giving me the emotional guilt trip. Maybe I'm having a pity party, i don't know.

Bobbie, I may be your first port of call. I can be in Charleston in 90 minutes. Did I tell you my brother is a ships captain? He's also a good bartender.

Take care of yourselves my fellow caretakers.

Love you all,

Happy gardening, PirateGal! Is good help that hard to find. I'd say, gang plank was good for the one, but this one may need to shove off, too. Wierd, indeed.

harde, do you have a 99cents (or dollar) store around you. They are good for paper items, tolietries, cleaning items, and canned goods and sometimes have really nice veggies and fruits.

ohgosh pirategal . sounds like a headache with this new lady u got . she aint clean if she doesnt do the dishes right ! sounds ike she has dementia or alz on the way ! geeze does ur mom like her ?
hope all works out well for u guys .
im glad i dont have to worry about those , i hope one day i dont have to have someone to come in and sit with pa . the way the ecomoney looks i may have to go get a job ! hospital bills are pilin up when my husband had an open heart . went to walmart the other day 147 dollars plz , ugh i didnt even buy a weeks worth ! i just bought the stuf i needed .
oh i let the lord worry about that . he shall take good care of me , wink . xoxo


Hugs to all the fine lasses here! So sad to hear some of the vultures that want monies, and so sad to hear about the declining stories as well. It's amazing how the vultures circle in the human race ain't it? I think my mom's last caregiver was not to be trusted, so I am glad she was fired. My mom said 700 dollars was missing, and it could have very well have been. After this caregiver was fired she kept trying to be in contact, glad she finally stopped trying. I don't know if I am wrong about her or not, but there was just something that was not totally kosher underneath it all. So this lady we have had in the last month or so comes 4 times a week either a 3 hour or 4 hour shift it is alternated each day. She is a bity ditzy but I don't think I have as much to worry about. Yesterday I found she had thrown some clothes in the trash. I don't think they were my mom's but her' wierd, why throw that in our trash. She does some wierd sh#t, I tell ya. I end up rearranging the fridge everytime I come over, you would think she would leave it the way I have it, but no she rearranges things and then I go and rearrange it back. Also I have to rewash all the dishes she washes.??..they are still sticky after she washes. And she is forgetfull about locking up and had a tendency to deny when she does things wrong...heck everybody does things wrong buck up own say oh yes I am sorry I won't forget next time. Then I find she putters around outside in the garden, she sweeps up leaves, which is okay but then puts it in the wrong trashbins...between her and the gardner they drive me more nuts than MOM! Go figure...what a larf eh? Yesterday I was at mom's and her eye that is going mostly blind was buggin her, I put in a couple of regular eye drops and that seemed to clean it out a bit. I am so glad I decided to pop over there 2 or 3 times during the workweek after work! On the weekends I usually go both days. I spend time in the garden after I take care of any business for momsy. She is totally wondering what the heck I am doing to the garden. My b/f tells me it's starting to look more like me...cause of all the pinwheels, gnomes, animals I have out there. Sad thing she does not go outside at all, she's afraid of falling. I guess cause she knows what 'falls' usually preclude for the older folks.

My mom was telling me that her sister who is a couple years younger that her is telling her that she has to go for an ultrasound next week (possible breast cancer). I hope she is does not. My mom was kind of callous and cold about the subject, but that is probably the Narcissim which is her trait...sad that they carry that godawful trait to the grave!

godhelpus, thank you for the awesome Scriptural references! They're found in Isiah 54:17, saying: No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. (Not that I'm so clever, but found them with my handy dandy electronic Bible.) What an incredible promise. Thanks for pointing me to the only true judge of all. The battle is truly his. We just get to participate, and it is not always pleasant. Still, we stand strong, in him.

KelleyBean, so great to read your post. Good for you battling for your mom. Sounds like you're very busy. Congratulations on your new computer!

lhardebeck, best wishes with that digestive issue for your dad.

Bob321, last but not least: I think I'll follow your suggestion on the books. They look like good ones. Thank you. Aside from all your legal woes, when do you sail?

KellyBean you were sure missed sister that is one of the things that is great about this we keep track of our own. Back to APS if we all do the same and do not answer their questions just give them the name of your lawyer where were they when the husband was hurting me and the kids -someone made a social call and did not even scold him it was considered a family problem and me they wanted to lock up and I did not do anything wrong.

Thanks to both Bobbies for the reading material referals. You are both priceless.
Thanks to B321 also for the other info to SS. Helped me too.
SS, My heart cries out for your healing and wholeness dear. The Lord will repay you double for your trouble. I would say try to forgive but B321's advice sounds very realistic. God wants us to bring the battle to Him but we should do what we can also. Pray about it & He will guide you. You already know all this. "The getting of treasures by a lying tounge is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death" Prov. 21:6. "And every tounge that rises against you I shall show to be in the wrong" (not sure what chapter or verse).
Dive into the Psalms sweet SS. Pray them out loud!!! It took me years but I was able to let most of it go. That will help get the "ice in your veins" that B321 described. See wicked through God's eyes in His word & you'll find the only justice that really counts.

I'm going to start a thread about elder self-mutilation and would appreciate any advice I can get. IE: picking at wounds & not letting them heal.

Thanks & God's abundant blessings to you all.

Greetings all ye fellow sailors,
Well.. I'm alive lol that much I do know for now. Just got over a huge round of infection with mom. She couldn't walk or talk. Had a hell of a time with it. I'm working with 5 clients right now + mom. Keeps me pretty busy these days and very sorry I haven't been around. My laptop went caput so my brother got me a new one finally xD. Smooth sailing so far. hopefully this one will stay alive long enough for us all to reconnect. I've missed everyone very much!!

Bobbi, I did get your voicemail. I love you dearly, my friend!!

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