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Tennessee, Linda and Kelley, that was very thoughtful of you to send it to Bobbie! You touched her heart in a tangible way. What a blessing. How was the service, Bobbie? Still keeping you in prayer.

My dad is doing worse today than yesterday. His Physician was called to see him, and she said they'd " some tests..." I left their crying and it consumed my thinking quite a bit today. I called dad's sister to let her know his condition, and posted a message on dad's Care page. I am not ready for more decline. I went out of town shopping today, and bought some flowers for my garden, and stuff at yard sales for my boy. Wish dad were up, eating and smiling. Maybe tomorrow? I guess I should be thankful I have him, regardless of his condition, which I am. He looks bad, and I don't like seeing it. My compassion is greatly stirred for him, as dad just doesn't look comfortable. Waaaaa.

Hi Bobbie and all. Condolences again Bobbie...I hope all the plans are working out for you. The angel sounds beautiful how sweet of you guys. Sorry I have been away. I have been kinda sick and finally getting over it. I hope everyone is doing as good as can be expected. My mom is still being good. I am SOO GLAAAD that the whole constipation saga is over. (and I hope it does not rear it's ugly head! lol).

wow what a suprise !!! must be the angels above ! . i told u i be right there in ur mind right along with you .
i truely wish i could be there with you as this moments .
hang in there bobbie . thinking of u always xoxox

Hello Sailors,

I just returned from the funeral home and there is an amazing,, beautiful ceramic angel there signed Tennessee, Linda and Kelly

You guys!! I cried my eyes out. thank you so much for thinking of me while you all are dealing with the challenges of your lives. was you guys, right?

Thanks again,

more later. viewing tonight, service tomorrow.

LOL. Thanks for the laugh. Yea maybe tomorrow will be better. Just got mom to bed she said she was tired so that means she will be up around 7:00 pm tonight thinking it is morning time. Hope tomorrow is better.
God bless everyone.

oliviajr , u made me grin , smilin , yes we prob could get em both to lean on eachother and u and i could give them weddgies but pullin up the back of thier pants . :-)
yes my pa does that his legs would bounce everywhere cuz his mind is tryin to get it to stay in one spot but its not happening . he stayed in bed almost all day , ask me if he could go to bathroom so daughter and i got him up and took him to the bathroom . well his brief was already wet . changed him and ask him if he wanted to go to living room to his recliner or go back to bed . he said wanna go back to bed . daughter said oh gpa u must not be feeling too good , he said no i dont feel good . poor guy .
maybe tmr he will perk up and get all the rest he gets today ??
will see ...
hope ur mom perks up too .

Sorry to hear about your father. As your father leans to the left my mother leans to the right. I wonder if we got them together and stood them up if they would be able to lean on each other and stand. My mom can't stand for very long either. Her knees buckle and her legs shake and then she breaks out in a sweat. Hope your father is doing better today.

Hi Bobbie, so glad you touched base, as I was wondering about you. Oh, how hard this must be. Praying for you about seeing your mom. Wish I were visiting, and wanted to, but keep getting calls from the nursing home concerning my dad.

They have asked the doc to see him because they are concerned about the way he's responding, which has declined. Today is better than yesterday, though. They are feeding him his meals, showering him, dressing him, etc. Sad. I trimmed his fingernails while there, as no one else is, even when requested. And I don't mind it a bit. Physical therapy evaluated him today, per doc's orders, and will be trying some strength training exercises to see how he responds. His gait has slowed, and he has difficulty rising from his bed without help. He walks with assistance. Had a good day outside with him, where he wanted to sit in the sun awhile, then on the swing, then in the shade. He would have stayed out and napped, if I wanted to stay the day. He has good days, and not so good days. Today was OK, but I see continual decline.

It still floors me that my sister drove 12 hours for her annual visit, and left a note for me (while I was at church, ~sneaky, huh?), saying, "Dad was GREAT." I see him every day, and have to say my observations are much different than hers. Is she kidding herself? Easing her conscious? Playing games? Nursing staff tried approaching her during the visit to talk, and she resisted. What's up with that? They weren't real impressed. I'm not either. I do know the girl and her son have run off with thousands of dollars worth of silver and antiques from mom and dads home, and she's conspiring with mom against me. Lovely family, huh? God sees and knows all, so I rest in him. Still, my mind imagines all sorts of things, especially in light of the wickedness they've already enacted against me. After being falsely accused of "abuse," I wonder who's buying that story? Mom, her cronies, my sister, nephew, and...? And guess who's done all the work taking care of mom and dad for the past few years, all their finances, moving them, visiting, taking them to dr. appts., shopping, etc. Almost makes me sick. One day, though, I will really rest with a peaceful conscious.

Everyone in mom's circle has an "opinion" about what should happen to her house, and with the assets. I was told by an aunt that I "should sell, while mom can still enjoy it." Little do the nosey relatives know that she doesn't own the house, but the bank does, and the new guardian isn't paying back the loan. And dad owns 1/2, so the nursing home would get half, in a market of a town where nothing is selling... So mom will not be enjoying much. And if dad goes first, mom will receive their joint annuities, and she'll be kicked out of her subsidized housing. Believe me, Medicaid knows all these things, and I do, but family doesn't know what they think they do. And they are jerking mom's strings.

Ths Irish have a WAKE in which there's a party to celebrate the life of the one who's gone on before us. Sorry the paper wouldn't print but you can have someone spread the word.
I put together a photo album of my dad's life after he passed. It helped me with the grief & closure. God bless & comfort you.
Glad your dad was hungry. That's a good sign. Sorry it hurts for him. He's so fortunate to have you. Such a blessing you are.

good to hear from u bobbie321 !
ill drink a few for ya ! coffee or some good ole hard stuff ? :-)
glad to hear ur hubby s comin in tnite .
daughter and i got pa out of bed and took him to bathroom , he couldnt stand up to swing his hindend over to ttoilet so we took him back to bed . got him all cleaned up ., he said im hungry ! want sasuage and gravy . he loves those stuff . bless his heart .
he still smiles he seems happy and knowing he is begin takin real good care of . i love my pa .
just heard that one of the ladies on golden girls , just passed away rue mcclanahan . think thats the sexy one . massive heart attack .
oh my ....

Hello Sailors,

Linda I am so sad to hear that you are worried about your pa. Saying prayers for you and everybody here for all of the challenges we face. Your pa is a king and I bet he wants to hang out with his Princess (you) for some more good times!

SS and Miz and everybody thank you so much for thinking of me. some folks have called and I haven't even been able to answer the phone.

Today I have to take the rest of the photographs and some other stuff to the funeral home so they can do their thing.

Today is the day that I see mama for the first time and i am losing it here and don't know how I am going to handle this.
Nik gets in tonight and hopefully he brought me a suit or it's demin time again. I thought about mom but forgot to pack a suit for me. who cares anyway.

I'm trying to get going on the house and yard and I just don't care. It was always for mom and to get a rise out of her when she saw something fixed up.

Sara just now left for good. she is a very sweet lady but the grief was too much for her so i told her to go to her daughter's and laugh with her Grandson. She left me her Turkish teapot as a gift which I thought was very very kind.

Trying to gear up for the Funeral Home.
Not going to lie: this sux a bowling ball outta the closet.

We tried to include "BYOB" in the obit but the newspaper refused to do it.
I also wanted to add "We Got Ice" but the funeral director gave that a thumbs down. Turns out that there's rules for this stuff. Who knew?

Mom wasn't much of a drinker but she loved a party. I hope it doesn't kill me to see her. She's got some sharp threads to work with so I hope she looks great.

more later and thanks you guys,


Prayers for you and your pa, lhardebeck.

Anyone heard from bobbie321 lately? Praying for you, dear bobbie.

pa and i are at home alone during the day . in the evening my daughter may be here and my husnad comes home from work , he goes to bed early everynight , so i do it all by myself , if my daughter is home she does helps me out .
his hands are in a tight ball . i told him to strech out ur hands . says it hurts , i feel his under hands wow i can feel the tightness in veins . poor guy he says it hurts . i gave him a soft pillow and told him to sqeeze that pillow if he needed to . he ask for a darvocets and gave him one . black circle eyes , he looks bad but he was calm and talked to me like everythings a ok .
miz thanks for the prayer , it means alot to me . xoxo

I'm so sorry, lhardebeck. Hopefully he will be better tomorrow. I'll say a prayer. You're a strong woman. Is there anyone to help you through all of this?


i have one too but i find it waste time to me . guess i should keep trying it . pa sure is leaning real bad on to his left side . legs barely stand up . i told pa oh my gosh i am carring you . told him if he s like that again tmr he is going to stay in bed .
i hope he s not stroking out on me . he had a smile on his face and seems happy but cant funtion on to getting up and stand whil i just hang on to him , hope tmr be a better day .
hate to see him going downhill more ;-( . makin me nerouse if he passes away soon . i dont wanna go thru it . its a sad sad times . i feel like he s doing what bobbie s mom did . sobbing ,,,,

We have one of those. I need to start using it.

I've seem physical therapists do it in a pinch. A belt is much better though, safer, sturdier and easier on the hind parts

I'm afraid I must confess to at least giving my mom a mini-wedgie from time to time. I was told it's best not to hold them by the arm cause they could dislocate a shoulder. So...sometimes I grab her by the top of the back of the pants if she's going downstairs or something. She never seems to mind.

For those that have to deal with pand p you know what I mean if they still make sitz baths that would help with cleaning up a little gentle soap in the and they can soak awhile it would probably feel good to them also. I was a nurse and at times suctioning made me sick.

Dear godhelpus, just had to let you know that I read your post that I almost fell out of my chair laughing. You certainly do have to get your giggles whenever the opportunity presents itself especialy when you're a caregiver. I'll never forget when my mother had gotten well enough to go to the med/surg floor from icu (she really should have been dead) she was encouraged to TCDB (turn,cough,deep breathe) to prevent pneumonia. Well, she was coughing up all kinds of crud and to make it worse used the suction (as she should) to dispose of the secretions. Well it made a really gross noise, my brother looks at me and says "mmmm chunkey" we all busted out laughing so hard (my family has a gross sense of humor) that we were hysterical. The nurses came running in to see what was going on, we tried to apologize (while trying to breathe), and once we told them they were laughing too. It was a blast, felt sooooooo good to laugh!

gpdhelpus, I love your wedgie story. Wow, we have a reprobate to deal with too. Only thing is, she thinks she's a saint. Ahhhhh, NOT! And the other family members add to the mix in very unpleasant ways. Thank God we've been able to avoid them for awhile. I know that sounds bad, but the alternative is most disagreeable. We like peace, truth, love, joy, and friends. They seem to like anger, bitterness, blame, strife, and hatred. I'd say avoidance is the smartest thing we have thought of yet. Love those boundaries.

I'm thinking a lot of Bobbie, too. Haven't seen you post for a while, have we? Still praying for you. Wish I were driving to join you, but we can't. I'm with you in spirit, and my heart is breaking for you. Please know you're not alone, and we care. Hope you are doing well, even though this is such a trying period. Miss you, friend!

As you can see Bobbie, gross out has not stopped; we all have something gross to deal with, and we'll all have to deal with grief, too. Some more than others, and each in their own way. Such as is common to man.

My husband is a Marine no longer in service, but "once a Marine, always a Marine"). He is wonderful with the gross stuff & makes a joke of it. I'm not big on gross humor but he does make it sooo much easier & sometimes I have to laugh.
Recently (not so gross) mom went to the NH for rehab from the hosp. I took her to save her $125 transport fee & was not too happy with her highness at the time. On arrival the attendant lifted her from the car to the wheelchair by grabbing the back of her pants at the waist & gave her a wedgy in the process. I HAD to laugh & told the young lady that I would have to remember that in the future as "she might put forth a little more effort if she thought she was going to get a wedgy". The girl promptly appologized and I told her "no, I think it's great". She didn't know mom was such a malingering gold brick that plays people. Of course mom didn't speak to me the rest of the day which in and of itself was a blessing.
When I got home I told my hubby of the wedgy & he made a "wedgy face". I know it sounds cold but that has been the joke at our house this week & it makes me laugh. We have been subjected to sooooo much from this reprobate of a person that when I see a little Divine Justice I feel somewhat vindicated. Sometimes I need that and He knows it.

Miz, Boy do I hear you! I can't tell my husband the gross stuff either. I agree about the teeth. I gag when Mom takes them out of her mouth. I'd rather clean poop than her teeth! Hard to believe that you get so used to some of the grossness, that it doesn't even faze you anymore. But we do all have that one gross thing that we can't stand.
Let's hope tomorrow is a gross free day!

lhardebeck, yep the food in the teeth would be gross. It's good you have a sense of humor about it. We have to or we would go crazy. I try to tell hubby things but he doesn't want to hear about the gross stuff and I can't blame him for that. :)

miz . yes i give my pa his cranberry pills , it seems to help .
aww ur momma blew her nnose and u got gross out yuck . its always something every day to get gross out ,
i pulled pa s teeth out ewww all kinds food is in there now talk about gross , i ask pa if he was saving those later in case he got hungry he said yes , haha . bless his heart .
bobbie i know ure busy and ur hubby is prob there with you by now . soon the funeral is comin up and i will be right there in ur mind along with the service . my shoulders is slumpin down some , feeling your pain . i remmy 20 yrs ago which feels like just the other day when we buried mom . just kills me to have to walk away and leave her behind . tellin myself it is just the body but her spirits is up in heaven along with her love ones and her lord .
god bless you and give u strength on the worst day and then on out . xoxo

Wow, crystal. Nine years? No reason for any guilt for you. And as for the anger, that is SO normal. I too worry about my future even though I have my hubby. It costs so dang much to live these days and our financial situation is dire. I pray for your health also. I have health insurance but it breaks the bank every month. Hang in there, sweetie. So glad you're here. :)

So, someone suggested AZO Cranberry for Mom's urinary tract health. I called the doctor's office and he said that's fine. She seems to be feeling better lately.

I got good and grossed out today. Made the mistake of looking at what Mom blew out of her nose today. I think that was worse than the poop or anything else. I about gagged. I'm feeling sick just thinking about it. Oh, what we go through. If I've offended anyone, don't re-read what I wrote. ;)


P.S. Bobbie, thinking of you so much.

Hi gang,

I took mom to the doctor and he has refered her back to the orthopaedic doctor. She really needs to have another cortisone injection in her hip but she has been fighting it because she says it makes her feel bad. The severe pain isn't fun either. Tough decisions for her.

Since I was off from work I took her to lunch at the marina so she could look out over the lake. She seemed to enjoy this and ate well. While we were out I got a call from the new agency that is supposed to start taking care of mom while I work. They will be here this afternoon to do an assessment and make sure they match her with the best caregiver for her needs,

Bobbie, I couldn't help but think of you while I was looking at all the boats. The Barbara Bee will be a lot of comfort to you. Take it one day at a time.

Have a good day everyone!

God bless you all, caregivers! Bobbie, one moment at a time, calling on God's grace. Miz, you, too. What's worse Bobbie? Frustration or grief? We all have our struggles, and so do those we're caring for. They need compassion, and that's what you provide. But so do you! This is no small task, and not for the faint of heart.

Have a beautifull day as hard as it may seem..Just think if we were all blind deaf and mute we wouldnt have this beautifull site to vent and share upon.and i think we all have a gross subject to share .we just have to look at what we may be like for our future people who will get all of our gross moments in the furure sad to say..I just found this site its wonderfull to have a place to share..It is always harder on the family and caretakers to care then the person that usually doesnt know much more than pain and sometimes its just nice to change the subject as gross as it gets.just when you think your at the grossest believe us something grosser comes along..

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