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Welcome home, new boat! What's her name, Bobbie? Congratulations, and happy sailing!...or something like that.

glad you guys like this boat because this is the one.

Please welcome our new boat to the family!.


Has she ever had a Sleep Study done? I think I'd go to her Physician, or have a Geriatric Assessment done, until you find out what's going on.

Hope everyone's weekend was OK. I know some of you are really struggling. I am praying for you.

I'm struggling, too, because my dad is slipping. His eyes don't look good since his fall, and I'm noticing some other subtle alarming symptoms, too. Think I need to check with his Physician tomorrow.

Maybe some of you have had similar experiences and can give me some advice or direction. Mom has been to the ER about 5 times this year. Each time it is with the complaint of feeling weak and a generalized discomfort in her chest. Each time we go to the ER they check her heart and stomach out thoroughly and they cannot find anything. They have finally started treating her for acid reflux with Prevacid and Zantac. She continues to have these spells and it never fails that they always happen on the weekend. I also notice these spells happen when she doesn't sleep with her oxygen like she is supposed to do each night. I am thinking she wakes up from the sleep apnea and then has panic attacks. Do you think I should ask her doctor about an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication?

wow what a awsome boat ! hope the oil doesnt do any more damages out there in the ocean ! so far its still pourin out leakin . getting scary here .
pa s lookin good . he s hungry all times today , wanna snack he says , smilin and lookin real good . glad his day is a happy one . wonder what tmr will bring him ? it got so hot today and i ask him if he wanted me to turn on the ac , oh no no he says , he s cold blooded .
ah well let s just enjoy begin all sweaty ok pa . yep he says .
hope u all have had a good weekend . xoxo

Hey Bobbie,

I worked my frustrations out in the garden and I'm exhausted. It made the old lady happy since she can't stand to see me have an idle minute.

The boat looks nice. I'll be ready and waiting in Charleston!

Have a good night everyone!

Thanks Tennessee, you are very kind but boy oh boy what an adventure that would be.

Bobbie,you need to run for president,you are a very good fixer and hell of a diplomat.

B/F has it too good at your place. Boo on him. If you're a light sleeper, there's no way you can sleep with a snorer. Change the locks and hide when he comes over. If he still gets in have him arrested for a B&E and at least you'll have a few nights of peace while he figures his way outta the slammer.
Of course I am not serious about that I just wanted to use the word slammer.

At the end of the day he's a guy. with guys you have to Spell It Out because he is going to have a real hard time realizing that his company is not what you want/need right now.

He's comfortable with the fighting over politics and the tv and that's all part of his 'habit'.

Pirate, just tell him. You stay away for: (however long you don't want him there). I'm sick and need to heal. You go and handle your own business for awhile and I'll call you when I can see you again.
Next Case, not open for discussion.

Pirate you know you have your hands full with your mom so give yourself a break. Tell dude to call me and I'll tell him! Gonna have to give it a rest there Rip Van Winkle.....

PS... he probably doesn't believe he snores.



Wow, so sorry you are hurting like this! SUX!
Can you get out and do something? Movie? MickeyDee's? Take $5 to the dollar store?
I understand your tears and so does everybody here. C'mon Flex we love you girl hang in there.
Ska-Roo these awful diseases because they get on us too.
Here's hoping and praying that this frustration is lifted from you and you can see the truths: This certainly Sux & this too shall pass.

Much love,

Hi ladies,

I think all of you are such wonderful people, angels on earth! I feel like such a horrible caregiver compared to your compassion. I get so frustrated with the ladies that stay with mom during the day that by the time I get home and see all the stupid things they have done in my home all day I am in a bad mood. Then mom sets in with her confused and defensive comentary for the day. Needless to say I'm not very calm by then. I don't know how I can afford to find more competent people to care for my mom. Even with mom's insurance I am paying $1000 a month out of my pocket.

Every weekend mom makes a big scene. I want to believe it is the disease, Parkinson's, but it really seems like she is playing me. I am so down and frustrated today I'm not sure what to do. Every weekend I am imprisoned by her supposed ailments. We used to enjoy each others company so much yet now all we do is disagree. I can't see what I'm typing because I'm crying, so talk to you later.

Take care evryone and try have a good day!


Hey Pirate,

Men are generally selfish creatures and society has long catered to them. Does he have a key to your place? If not, you don't have to let him in. If he can't understand your words, maybe actions will sink through his thick head. I know how exhausted you feel, especially when feeling sick.

Take care of your self first.


Hi Ladies,
I am sorry I took up precious space on this blog to change the subject from elderly to a pain in the ass b/f. It's almost 5 years and he's here all the time. He lives 30 miles away and still drives all the way over here. I guess I made it good for him. Yesterday morning around 6:30 I stood at the foot of the bed and asked if he was awake...and when is he leaving again. (had his daughter that day). He said around 8ish..I said do I have to wait till then (till I get some sleep). I went off, and he was an ass, and said something like I am not going to have to deal with it anymore..but as the morning lingered he did not leave...instead he played sick (that's the whole reason I was feeling horrible and really needed sleep was this horrible intestininal bacteria that is painful all week). I finally went to lay down and then he comes to bed and wraps himself around me till 10! I finally feingned I was getting ready to go to mom's and he finally left. I then found 1 Cipro that I had leftover from 3 years ago when I had something like this but worse. I took 1/2 and went to lay down for a couple of hours. Then went to mom' glad she not off her rocker right now. I can't believe how she can change from milling around and crying "I don';t know what to do",to be rational now. Was she playing me all that time or was her mind just not right, (maybe she was not really taking her psch meds). So when I was at mom's I made her and I breakfast...then made up her bed and she went to lay down. I did a load of my own laundry and a few things in the garden then layed down on the big easy chair you can tilt back (was dad's leans back and has heat and massage) So I layed down on that in the patio with a blanket and guess slept the best I could with the tv on and the parakeet going to town. Around 7 I checked my phone..and can you believe that cretin wanted to come over he had made arrangements for his daughter to be with her grandma and maybe lobster ravioli would make me feel better (he had left that at 5 something). I did not even bother to call him...geez does he just not get it I NEED SPACE. I already had to arrange having Tuesday and Thursdays alone so I can go to my mom's house after work and not have to race back home because of him being there. You would think my blowup yesterday would hit home. He said tonight he will have his daughter..l. hope so, because I really need some time away from him.

So sorry again, but felt I needed to follow up with this. I am a light sleeper and can't handle snoring at all. Sometimes he doesn't but I should not have to suffer for it. I will not suffer for him...I don't have another bedroom where I live now, another room with a couch but it's not a good couch. Geezus I just need some time away from him period. We get into fights over politics and the stupid tv. I don't know why he can't see what he does wrong. I have never been married and he's been married twice. So 2 other women kicked his ass to curb. He never has told me anytihing about his marriages or anything and he keeps his kids distant from me. It's not a good relationship in many instances. It was good at first but has changed. Well for right now...going to have a few days to myself..and going to make him stick to it..otherwise yes I will turn into a screaming meemee I did yesterday morning when I said I CAN'T TAKE YOUR SNORING ANYMORE. (what an ass an after that wanted to come over last I missing something here?)

I'm new to this venue. When I first found this site I couldn't help but notice the little button to send out hugs. I thought it was rather interesting. Now I know why it's there. I'd like send a hugh to each and every person here who is taking care of a loved one. You have no idea how special each and every one of you are. I used to work in a hospital ER/Med/Surg/ICU, and observed more times that I wanted to elderly individuals who had for lack of better words had been "dumped". Children too busy, or too scared, or too whatever it is that caused them to at least to the outside observer appear indifferent at best. It is a special person who takes on the care of a parent. G-d bless and keep each and every one of you.

I am sorry you got grossed out but just remember that is your mom but its not your mom. My mom is in the last stage of dimentia and by the time they get that far you see alot of stuff. Like number 2 in bathtub number 1 in garage waking you up in the middle of the night because someone is in there room or it is filled up with bugs. chasing people down the hall that are not there. It is sad but just remember its the diease.

My husband was wearing my underwear the other day -- now that's gross!

YES, I'm grossed out!! YES, I need to vent!! I think I must have PMDD or something. But...I will continue to kiss my mom's forehead and touch her face and wipe her bootie, answer her repeated questions a million trillion times, etc. etc. I can't fathom not touching her. Yes, SS, Alz really really sucks. I'm so sorry your dad fell. It looks like many of us are seeing a decline right now. My mom no longer watches her precious Cubs. Maybe a little now and then. I lay with her and tell her what's going on down to each pitch, hit, etc. I am really feeling depressed lately. I slept more today then I ever do I think. I already take meds so I'm not sure what to do. Life's a b&^(&, err, I mean a beach!! Where is that darn boat? I know I left it around here somewhere. Sorry, just a little crazy town tonight. Bobbie, I feel for you. My heart breaks for you. You know that you are a wonderful daughter and have done everything you could. Cherish each precious moment. :)


Unrelenting grief, Bobbie, ~can I relate. Many prayers and hugs going your way. My heart goes out to you, Bobbie. You take real good care of yourself, will you?

I got a call from the nursing home, saying dad fell today. No one saw it, but found him on the floor. They brought his dinner to his room because he was too scared to go down to the dining room. He was in bed when I got there, with his shoes on. He was not 100%, and I watch him decline all the time. I'm hating this. Alz world is not a happy place.

My husband is feeling better today, ~a little, so the antibiotics have helped. He is coughing less. Thanks for your prayers, Bobbie.

Love and hugs to all, SS

BOBBIE,We have a jackass and I have seen his mouth full of briars-very humorous.The two bedroom is many a relationship saver,so is two seperate houses.

Hello Sailors,

Love to all and Pirate.... just vent and no worries here. you are safe among friends.

Just reading about the pickle juice was enough to make my lips turn inside out. Now I look like a jackass with a mouth full of briars.

I slept a little with mom again today and she is just sleeping and getting fed. Not a whole lot more. The continuing grief is unrelenting. Thanks for the hugs Linda and Tennessee.

We handled the business today. Bad economy, etc, but we're out. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and I can stay by mom's side.

love you guys and as always thanks for the love and support.

SS, prayers for your husband so he feels better.
Miz: love you and you actually have no faults at all. How about that!

We all have challenges in our relationships. that's why more than one bedroom is imperative. my significant other can place in a snoring contest no problem and I either boot him out to the other room before he's all settled it or if he's already sawing logs I go. I don't love him any less, I just have to have sleep or I will turn into a screaming meemie. So Pirate; we all get'cha. has your b/f seen the screaming meemie impression yet? maybe it's time. Dark make-up under the eyes really drives home the point!

more later,


pirategal , drink some pickle juice and it will take care of u belly achin . vinagear is suppose be good for everything but since i dont like the smell of it so i drink pickle juice , it helps ,
about ur bf . sounds like he doesnt care about how ure feeling just only himself . i be kickin ass till he has a choice highway or me ? he needs to be kissing u and worshipin you cuz ure one good lady !

SS, I am so sorry your hubby is sick. He's in my prayers. Take good care, sweetie.


Pirategal, I agree with tenn. Caretakers have got to take care of themselves. There are support groups out there, I highly recommend you seek one out. B/f needs to understand that you need care too, but he's only going to give it if you demand it. If you still can't get it then maybe you need to reconsider the relationship keeping in mind that for many reasons we sometimes do things that aren't healthy for us. This may be one of those times.

Bobbie, I'm so glad you're not going through all this alone. Sara sounds wonderful. I know it hurts A LOT. Whenever Mom even talks about dying I cry. You will be okay, sweetheart. You have done so much for your mom and she is there with you and that's what matters. We're here for you. I'm so sorry you're hurting so bad. Love ya!!


It looks like maybe we have another bobbi on here. Thanks for posting!!

Piratess, there is absolutely no need to apologize to us. I'm sorry you're going through this. It really sounds like he needs to go away. I know it's hard taking care of an elderly loved one alone but you can do it. I did it for about a year and a half before I met my hubby. He's not perfect but our situation is tough. And, I am SO not perfect. And, he helps me with Mom and I love him. You have enough to be irritable about without him making you that way also. You don't need to be taking care of three people right now. You have you and your mom to worry about. I'm so glad you vented on here. Hang in there, girl. Like I said, I'm so sorry you're going through this. It sucks.


In defense of Piratess, I understand growing up in a home where Personality Disorders reign, and it affects us the rest of our lives. the light seeps in, and we get support, we can change. Without a married commitment, you suffer the consequences. (But no marriage, or man is perfect. Mine snores, too, but cares for me.) If b/f is not "the one," then do what you need to care for yourself, especially if he's selfish. It is the responsible thing to do, and you will be thankful for it. With one less person to worry about, you can make better choices for you and your mom. BTW, venting is good, if it motivates you to change.

Pirategal, Love brings joy,if you do not feel the joy in your life,he's a companion. Its better to be alone than to be irritated all of the time. You have to much to deal with already. The snoring he can't help,but dang why are you worrying about a grown man ,who I assume is healthy feeding himself. Slavery was abolished down here years ago.

Hi Bobbie, thanks for sharing your heart and thoughts. I'm so glad you have help with your mom now. God bless you!

Piratess, I completely understand where you are coming from. Glad you have some reprieve with your mom now. Sounds like you need reprieve from the b/f, and a change in your situation. Thanks for posting, and keep coming back. Will keep you in prayer.

Hi Gals,
I hope everyone is doing fine, well as can be expected. Well it's 5 am and I am up because I can't sleep because of my F'n b/f and his fn snoring. He's so selfish. I have been complaining for years and end up wearing earplugs. Well this week I have been suffering from some irritating tummy bacteria and my lower abdomin is painful from time to time. I was trying to snuggle to him and he got rude and just kept snoring no matter how many times I have woke him up. I have beeen made miserable by this man on more than one account. I think he is a user. So I am thinking now I have two narcisscist in my life. Right now mom is off her kick on the constipation and is acting right as rain recently go figure. So this idoit is really the worse pain in arse right now in my life. So tempted to give the boot. I know one thing for the next several nights I need to be alone so I can sleep properly to help fight being sick, Sigh, all the men in my life have been shit. So tired of it at my age. I need someone who is by my side and helps me. Not the selfish bsrtrd I have now. Sorry for the rant, so miserable right now did not know who to turn to.
dang starting to cry again damnit...and this flipping irritating pain...dang again. I so need to have some good sleep and not fight over tv shows and worrying about his dinner, sorry for the rant folks...sorry again.

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