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...... and Bobbie, I'll bet you have all of us in stitches over that one! Sounds like you and your Mom had a great little visit there. So glad to hear you sounding with a smile, my dear. Have a wonderful day, Bobbie.
I'm sure this not only comes from myself but from all of us for you mean the world to us all on here! God bless you and keep you safe in His loving care today!

Good Evening Sailors

Good to see you Miz!

i hope and pray that your hub's back is going to be ok. hang in there little angel.
i don't have kids either and man, I dodged a bullet on that one.
Love OPK (other people's kids)


I spent time with mom today and we looked at the chart for the entrance into the Chesapeake Bay. I picked out the shipwrecks and obstacles and channels and lights.
FYI: I've been studying and I've come to one conclusion. All of this info is how to keep from poking a hole in the bottom of your boat.
Navigation is how to get somewhere and then not poke a hole in the bottom of your boat.

Mom had a good time with the chart and she talks on and on but you can't understand her so i fill in unnecessary details about whatever we're on about and she and I take that as conversation. I just tell her that we're going on the boat and if ya yak you're sleeping on the foredeck. she gives that a 'humph' and an eye roll and I take that to mean that I will be sleeping on the foredeck and she will be in my bed, and of course I take exception to that and say that she'll be the one yakking and I'll be inside having a beverage and she gives that an open mouth silent laugh followed by the stink eye.
We can keep the place in stitches.


Madison, you're a sweetie. Hubby has tried ThermaCare or something like it with not much help. His chiropractor told him to use ice. He's feeling better now. He's been resting. I hope and pray it's fine by the time we go on our short trip. There's so much to do around this house but his back has to be better. I don't want it to land him in the emergency room again.

pirate, I don't have any kids either and I regret it too. I just know that I was never in the right situation/relationship to have one. Hubby doesn't have any either. He doesn't want any and I'm 51 so... We have enough trouble taking care of ourselves. ;) Mother's Day used to really get me down and then someone told me..."You have a mother." and that is true and she's lovely. I guess I'm Mom to my kitties. They're pretty easy to take care of too. Gotta get through the calls from/to siblings tomorrow. Oh joy!! As far as the gross stuff goes for me lately, I'm thinkin' the belches gross me out more than the poop does sometimes. But, that's okay. At least I don't have to clean those up. Love yas. Happy Mother's Day to the moms. Hugs to you all.


LOL bobbie. Made me smile. :)

Hi guys Maxine here this is the first holiday so to speak Mother's Day that I do not feel wheepy having my son here makes a big difference and the grand-daughter will be comming home from college next week and finally have her room free of junk -just need to vacume and dust it-I plan on working outside tomarrow if it is nice after church happy Mother's Day to the Moms.

I'm looking at the preceding post and figuring that I had had a LOT of coffee when I wrote that one.

Gross Out Story:
Over at mom's today and I take her to the potty, have her pants down and while she is arranging herself, she becomes unbalanced and i pop my right leg under her so she doesn't fall. now jeans smell like A**.
back later to see if anyone is around.


Hello Sailors!

Welcome Holly! Please come back often! You are funny!

Good as always to see you Pirate! So... what costumes did you and you b/f wear to the Faire? You are an angel with your mom's garden and i bet it looks wonderful.

Yo Deef! thas right, we're going to write a book! On the boat!

Hey SS, yup gross out time with the hankies and napkins, etc etc. arg. hang in there Angel and hug that little genius of your for all of us!

You guys might remember from past posts that my mom's a drooler. Super soaker. just have to pop a towel under her chin and deal. When she looks a little embarrassed I just say: you're the one I want to be with if we get lost in the desert! and she'll laugh and drool a little more. urp but hey what are you going to do?

the caregiver is in the house in nj and is cleaning it up for our return. I told her to make herself at home and she is happy to be moving into this big pretty house and I am happy that I don't have to take care of this place on my own anymore! Thank you Jesus!


It's Saturday! Hope everybody is having a good day with all of our various and assorted challenges!

Crew Call!


Don't know why Pirategal's post prompted this, but I get so grossed out to see my dad pick up a linen napkin and honk into it. Yuk! He got his handkerchiefs confused with napkins, and didn't use them properly anymore, so I removed them. Alzheimer's doesn't careabout propriety .

Good to hear from you pirategal.

Hi ladies, sorry I have been away so long. I tried to go to CafeMom but it takes to long to download, I was going to repy to some messages. So forgive me. No I am not a mom. I wish I was I regret not having a child, but I always still think about adopting an older child after mommo is gone.
Yeah its amazing on how the crying "I don't know what to do' and the constant bray about the constipation has ceased up. She still mentions it but not like before. She went finally this Monday to get her blood test that the Digestive doc wanted. That next appointmet is next Friday. I guess I will take her. I will see how the story turns then. So far I am appeciating the break from her insesant phone calls, she still calls but at work I have set my phone ringer to 0. Which on the bad side I miss calls, but thankfully the phone tells you missed call and can quickly re-call that number.

So yes I am thankful for the break, I don't know how long it will last because she has done this before, so I am taking advantage of it cause it cause me a lot less stress and more importantly anxiety. I think one reason she may have calmed down is she has a different caregiver that is quieter and is the same one for the 4 days she has one. I thought at one time I was going to need to increase but since she is doing so good, thought I would leave it as is. I usally go over there on Sat and Sun to do gardening, chores, food prep, cleanup etc. Last weekend b/f and I went to the Renaissance Faire (peasant I thought I was going to need to hire a babysitter for her, but since she was doing so good I did not have to. I told her I was going to be busy that day and she was good with it, did not make a fuss like she usually does. The only other thing I can think of is I changed med times a bit. She was not taking her nightime meds at all, and in the nightime meds there was the only time it was prescribed the med to help with depression. So I stuck that in with her breakfast meds. So now in her breakfast meds she has all her prescribed meds. Funny thing I still keep the nightime med container out with the breakfast one and still keep it filled and nope she won't touch by adding that one pill (which is really 1/2 a pill) I placed that with the breakfast meds and now she gets the entire spectrum she is supposed to have. That could have also help make the difference.

So yeah the gross stuff, the gross noises. My mom is a bit messy with eating, however she is doing much better lately than when everything was going downhill. She is using a lot of napkins and papertowels when eating so I am glad she is capturing some of the mess on her own. Her cognition of things has been better lately as well. I don't know why everything is so much better but heck I am so glad. It could have been that I added more vitamins to her diet. Giving her a multi (you know Centrum Silver) every now and then and also having Boost in the fridge.

Her craftiness has elevated as well, she will hang up from talking with her sister if I show up in the house, yeah she cannot talk about me then, or any other thing she has manifested in her head that oh I should not Oh well. I never could understand my parents and how they where it always seemed them against me. I could not understand how parents could be that way. My friends in school had parents that where much more supportive, and I saw that and could not understand it but just withstood it hoping for love one day. Sigh sad ain't it.

Anyway, I digress. I have been doing a lot of gardening at my mom's house it's starting to look nice. I had the gardener rip out a lot of stuff. There are large trees that have to go, but she won't let them go, so I have to wait and garden around that till later. I bought raspberries, and blackberries yesterday. I bought red and yellow calla lillies, I have a hanging fushia and purple and white carnation I found at Trader Joes. I bought two Flowering Maples (abutilon---check em out online) one pink and one wine red...whew. I am going to put in some seeding containers some Russian Sunflowers seeds. I have a gazillion more ideas but I won't go through all of that here.
I asked my mom the other day if she has gone outside to see what I have done and she says she can't see it, but she is constantly peering out the front windows to activity and neighbors on the street.
She has had that habit forever, peering out the windows at neighbors. I always hated it when I lived there and when I came to visit....sure you have to look outside from time to time to check on weather, visitors arriving, mail, big noises,parking situations etc, but always the peering I always hated it. Behind her bed there is mini blinds that she props up constantly so she can peer outside right at bedside level, it creeps me out because from the outside of the house you can see this mini blind ajar constantly...and so it creeps me out cause I know what it stands for....her spying. So everytime I go over there I re-set the blinds so they are flush again, nope she won't leave it again,constantly it gets reset to her spying advantage...IT CREEPS ME OUT.!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH

Okay one last topic the gross stuff. Several months ago my mom spilled a bunch of orange juice on the kitchen floor and it seems it stayed sticky no matter how many times I mopped. I guess some of the stickiness stayed in a couple of little rope rugs in the kitchen and on the bottom of the sneakers my mom always wears, so I catch her stick and unsticking her sneakers to make a squeaky noise...I HATE IT. It's like something some bouncy little kid would do. Okay over and out.........see ya on the boat of paradise.

I've found that you have to have a very strong stomach to be a caregiver. Some of the things Mom does could turn your hair white. I find myself leaving her presence often. I'm sure we could all come up with enough funny stories to write a best selling gross-out book! Happy Mother's Day to all of you and your Mom's!!!

Holly, noise, antics, habits, all add to the condition they're in. My FIL chokes on his food, and sneezes it back out all over the place. Hard to be around. They say it's all part of the process of decline, and they can't really help it.

The noise thing gets me too. Both my parents live with me and my family. It's a two-person band at mealtime. Dad kills his food with his spoon - why he's so brutal to the icecream is beyond me, and the chomping and slurping is unbelievable.

Piratess, Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes! Are you a mom, or should I wish your mom a happy day? It was interesting to hear your mom in remission from her previous behaviors. Perhaps you'll have some pace for awhile?

Madison, your words and thoughts are refreshing. I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for your prayers!

I am struggling a bit, as things aren't well with my terms of her treatment of me. The last year was very difficult.

Meanwhile, my little boy is my joy. Children are precious gifts from above, and I am thankful for him. We will do something together to celebrate. I sure do enjoy being a mom. I got my Mother's Day gift nine years ago, and he's still a blessing!

I wish you mothers a blessed Mother's Day! Hope you have a meaningful celebration. And for those of you who miss your mom, my prayers are with you.

thanks for your kind words and thoughts and prayers!

Happy Mother's Day y'all!

PirateGal~ So good to see you back on. I have prayed for you hoping all was well. We have not seen you on in a while. Yesterday was a slow day for everyone as I read no postings after mine on Thursday. When I returned home last night I prayed for everyone; mind wondering if everyone hit low spots all on the same afternoon, you know? --but so good to see you back on and that your Mom's doing so well! Praise the Lord!
SS: How are you today, sweet lady? I hope you are having a great day and things are well in your world?
Miz: I hope you are feeling so much better. You are most likely going through anxiety over the trip which can tire you also. Take care of your sweet self. Has your Husband ever tried the pain relieving patches? Such as ThermaCare? (Walgreens' - Walmart should carry them)
If not, I would not advise him to put it on while he is in the seated position, in a recliner or on long drives because the heat can build up between the patch and the skin and burn him, as it did my Mother. But good, they are. The 'heat' providing ones did her no good/ it was the ones with the mentholating ingredients in them that helped her the most.
Read the instructions carefully though: there are a lot of cautions for certain people with certain illnesses, such as diabetes that should not use a pain relieving patch. Hope he makes the trip to and from without much or any pain. Travel safe and in God's care.
deefer: Hope you got the problems of your appliances/and bathroom fixtures behind you now. These things are what can knock schedules out of kilter: like water heater, commode and washer and dryer problems. Nothing seems okay until those problems cease. Keep going with your star-gazing; being out in the dark, alone and with God can bring you to the closest sense of having God right beside you. It's like nothing else in the world matters right at that moment. It's yours and God's time. The time where you've given Him and He cleanses your soul from worry and stress. As for TV, I do not watch TV. I used to with Mom. TLC was our favorite. I stay busy and do not light unless I sit to write to you, my dear Friends.
I hope you all will have a good afternoon as I am off to go spend the afternoon and early night hours with my 'Precious'. Peace be with you and kindness remain in your hearts.
~~ madison

Hi to you all,
I need to go back and answer a question to Bobbie; on a previous post you asked if I like boats. Yes ... BUT to an extent though. As long as they are anchored to something very secure! LIKE LAND! [lol] I think they are beautiful and do want to take this chance to commend you on the knowledge you have on boats and in boating! It's not every day one meets a woman who knows so much about boats and boating; you are a gem to the 'face of women'! Actually, I can swim; truthfully have not done it in about 20 years (so who knows if I could even dog paddle by now) but have always had a fear of water deeper than a foot over my height. No childhood traumas or anything brought this onto me; it's just a fear, I guess. As long as you all are still hooked to earth, I'll be glad to climb aboard 'til you're off to sail. And Happy Planning to you on your Summer BarBQ's! If you like videos, remember the camcorder to catch the good times and a few of your Mom's punch lines which may bring you comfort and laughs some day in the future by watching them. These are the days, that once each one passes, there is no returning or getting them back and memories fade .... sometimes so quickly. Things we think we will remember forever are no longer 'there'.
195Austin: Hope your moving things, junking is behind you. I commend you too as I know what you've most likely been going through in this dept.
My Mom saved everything, all her life which made me go 'the other way'; I did not save things. After cleaning her house, which took me four trips and two days at a time doing it (her home is 115 miles away from mine), I would come back home each time and go back through my home with a clean sweep! And I'm still getting rid of things! Mom is here with me in my town now, in a nursing home 5.5. miles from my home. There is no one who tends to her home which is why I made the trips last fall to clean her home. (You always think there is a chance they may go home again-you never get that thought out of your head.... :( I have lived enough through Mom's 'going down' to learn that life is not about what one owns but what one stores in the heart. My Mom did not intend to lay this burden on me, nor my family of clearing her contents which are so many but it will have to be done some day. I do not want to leave this on anyone so day by day, I keep my eyes open for anything that describes 'junk' and it's in the trash or shredder.

Well ladies, I guess you have been wondering where the heck I have been. I do pop in sometimes and respond to some of the posts. But my momster has been pretty darn good in the past few weeks....hurrah! She has not been whining, no crazy talk, no emphasis on constipation. Just like an old momma should be. She discusses stuff and talks about things and eats what you give her (of course it's items she likes), and has been pretty good all around. Just keeping my fingers crossed that this keeps up because the other side of the roller coaster I NO LIKE! LOL

Hello and good day to everyone! I wonder if you all experience the same as I when you sit at your computer, pull 'us' up and read up on everyone and all of a sudden, no matter what is going on in your lives that you feel a unison of peace and comfort? I have a powerful sense that each one of you feels this. A sense of comfort, unconditional love, no judgments and above all, 'support'. I could thank you (and this website) every single day for this gift I receive from you all, and it still would not be what my heart could speak in thanking you all for being here --- It's as the adage goes, 'All for one and one for all' .... That is what we are!
But here I am, at least for a short while. Thank you for your love and support over our day, Thursday as my sweet Mom received her two units of blood. She did well on the transport to the Infusion center; we had a good-good day! She has slept for so long, almost three months to be exact. When the first bag of blood went into her, she started waking up and was so very conscious of my being with her. How I hold to those moments as only you all can understand. And again, I talked and talked; she doesn't talk but lies there and listens to me and smiles at so many things I say. Beauti-ful! Oh! To bring a smile to her sweet face is to know I've related 'To MY Mom'.... and I always thank Jesus for allowing me to receive these times with her. She is doing well today; still more alert than she has been all these months. But as I know from the past many infusions, that as of about 12 hours (for some reason medically, I'm sure), she will go back into a slower/lower mode. It always happens.
This is my post on our day. I will separate my posts as not to make them long ones but I will be b-a-c-k ....

always a pleasure to read this thread . end up smiling at the end .
you all are a pleasure to know and sure hope someday one day we all could realy meet at the boat !

Aw thanks, seriously.
Love ya Miz.

I love my sailor friends! God bless your day!

bobbie, you are truly a work of art and an angel. You write so well and send so much encouragement to those in need. I can see that boat and all of what you described. I'm glad things are going well with you and your mom. I'm so happy for you that you have each other. I can't wait to hear her punch line!! Your post to me really made my day better. Thanks so much and hugs to you and bless you!!



We have missed you so much and I can see why you're exhausted. Take it easy on yourself kiddo and use a lumbar support pillow for the mister's back while you're driving. bless his heart.

Start taking things off your list that don't involve death or bankruptcy!! Can only do so much before you can't do anything at all and you know I know what's it like to prepare to leave and travel. Can't do it all and you have to get some sleep!

OK: We're on the boat and we all can see that you are exhausted so we tuck you in the capt's berth below and in the front of the boat. It's a Queen Bed and there's a nice flat screen so you can watch something boring and drift into sleep. You sleep like a box of rocks for about 5 hours and wake up ravenous and there are the most delicious aromas coming out of the galley. You get up and have a nice wash and come up the companionway and into the Galley and we are all there laughing and thrilled beyond belief to see you. Your husband comes in from the cockpit and he's happy and his back hasn't hurt him in months and months. We spend the rest of the day talking and eating and laughing and having one or two adult beverages and then we all go to sleep and then we do it again.

All will be well little sailor. you're on the boat, baby.


hello Sailors,

It is so good to see Madison and Deefer (don'tcha hate the credit card companies!?!) and the rest of our shipmates hey there Maxine!, sharing their lives with us. Bless you all and I continue to hope that one day we get to meet and have some boat fun!!

Mom is happily getting ready for her return to her house. She is bright and alert and working hard to communicate and yesterday when I was over there, mom set me up for a few stories to tell the caregivers. I always tell people that we are going to take our act on the road....
One day I'll tell you guys about the most perfect piece of comic timing I ever witnessed when mom tagged a punch line of mine in front of a room full of people. the story was pretty racy and for mom to top the punch line was truly hilarious. Can't tell story here... they would hang me!

I have hired the live in caregiver and am arranging for mom's 'stair chair' to be installed so it is hopefully ready when we return Tues night.

I am getting excited because i thought that mom was almost a goner so the fact that we have some more time together getting into trouble is making my year. Big BBQ at our house this summer!!!! oh boy BBQ Farm Animal Rib Cages!!

My thoughts and prayers are with you all, SS and Madison and Deef and Maxine and Lilliput over on another thread is dealing with very stressful times.

We will prevail! We are in Good Hands and you ladies and gentlemen that know your Bible are a blessing!!

OK Crew Facing the day!! checking in later.

How's everybody doing??


So...I'm tired today and I don't know why. I decided to give into it and not do much besides the usual have tos. I got to go out to dinner and shopping with a dear friend (my boss) last night. I really enjoyed it and Mom was fine when I got home. Did her usual bedtime routine and she didn't get up once which is good. :) I'm looking forward to going to Minneapolis next week. We're leaving at 4 in the morning. Ugh!! But, we have to get there by 2 pm in order for me to get new hearing aids at no charge. Mom got up and went to the bathroom on her own today. As she was coming out she said, "What does a family got to do to see her daughter?" It took me a second but I realized she meant me. We went and sat in the living room and enjoyed the Jimmy John's I had ordered for lunch. It's dark here...possible thunderstorms. Call me crazy but I love them. I'm sorry I've been away and I'm sorry I haven't welcomed the new folks. I welcome you now and love you for taking care of your loved ones. Sure could use that boat today. A nice relaxing lull you to sleep movement on the water sounds like heaven. I need to get flowers and get them planted. It ain't gonna happen today and probably not until I get back from my conference. Maybe I'll buy them before and the caregivers could plant some with Mom. :) Hubby's back is better today. We're so hoping it's not hurting him for the drive to Minneapolis. That's about 10 hours of sitting and it hurts the worst when he's sitting. Hugs to you all. I love yas!!


Thank You Dear Ones for your love and support!
I am off to Infusion where Mom and I will have the whole day together; she will be receiving two units of blood today. 2 is what was ordered unless something has changed. Blood transfusions take a long time. Have been told it may be up to 8 hours in that one little room. We've been through this before but it's been a while since we had to do it through Infusion and not in a hospital room. As she will have nurses on hand, of course- I will be her keeper and aide today. Pray for me please that all goes well and I hold up. I'm in one of 'those families' where it is 'only me' - Will change that: it is my Husband and Son who would do anything for her as they always have in helping me but today may hold personal spots with us not having a nurses' aide on hand, so this one is on me.
God will not take us where He will not go with us. I pray you all will have a beautiful day. Enjoy yourselves and laugh a lot. Laughter will heal the soul. Good day to you all. ~~ madison

Yesterday started out bad! Forgot to pay a credit card bill on time, a leaking water heater finally died, and my toilet flusher is ready to let go! But, my husband and I started Weight Watchers, we got to take a walk last night, and at 10:00 I was in the backyard lying on my swing, looking up at the Big Dipper and all the beautiful stars that were shining! It was sooo nice to just let the day go and stare up at the night sky. Now that the weather is better, I think I will skip TV and start watching the real show! I highly recommend it to all of you. It definitely was a magnificent sky!

Hi guys Maxine here I have been very busy getting rid of more junk cleaning out another room since my grand-daughter will most likly be spending some time at my house along with my son-another story-another time- so I have to get in gear to throw out things and move other things for now into my shed-and to get rid of more of his clothes also getting to spend time with a neighbor who is very supportive and getting my flower garden and rock garden and herb garden going and weeding and mowing the lawn etc. it is great to be able to do as I like after all those years of caregiving-it has almost been a year since God took him away from all his pain and dispair- it still seems strange at times and am blessed with friends and activities to keep me busy. To all of you and esp. shipmates I hope you have a nice Mother's Day and welcome to the newbies on this site-you have come to a great place where you can piss and moan all you need to and you will find friends. Some of us can give you advice and info and all will give you love and friendship.

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