
I realize it is best during this C-19 virus or even during the regular flu season to not touch one's face. Surprisingly, we put our fingers on our face many more times then we can imagine.

Heard an excellent suggestion to try to stop this.... after washing one's hands, put on a hand lotion that has a smell you aren't crazy about. Thus, as soon as your arm starts to travel up to your face, you will smell the hand lotion and come to a complete stop.

I tried it and it works !! But alternate between several hand lotions so you don't get nose blind to the smell.

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Sanitize hands. Keep towels and wash cloths clean.

I use Bag-Balm. It is lubrication after washing your hands... a lot and it definitely has a unique smell. My best to you all😊

onlychild, I don't like lavender, either. Must be an only child thing :)

NO gloves available-short supply. :(

NO, wearing a glove of any kind is not the answer - if you keep touching your face with the glove on it is no different than touching your face with your bare hand.

Tell me about it! I'm a sign language interpreter...AT A HOSPITAL! We HAVE to touch our faces at times to correctly sign. All I can do is wash my hands both before and after I interpret for a patient. That, and pray. :)

That "Kill Germs the Cajun Way" was so funny, I sent it to some friends. Thanks for the LOL cwillie

Grandma 1954,

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Odd, isn't it? I agree.

Katkat124...Grand kids

odd that we can not comment under a post...

Since breaking my elbow last summer, I can't get my left hand anywhere near my face, so I use my left hand to open doors, etc. when I have to go out. Not suggesting that anyone go and break their elbow, though...

I have seen several things online about ways to stop touching your face. They are written by psychologists. Try googling "ways to stop touching your face", and I'm sure you will come up with some of those results.

What is a grands?

Great idea!  Might keep others away too! LOL

This is brilliant and now I know what I can do with all the tiny hand lotions I brought home from a certain hotel chain to give my grands--they LOVE tiny things.

It's a citrus based lotion and smells like rotting fruit. I can't have my hands anywhere near my face--it's that bad. I'm gonna haul out my stash and use it on me hands only.

Even with no pandemic, it's a good idea to not be touching our faces all day. We don't even notice, do we??

FINALLY my grands who refused to wash their hands at all are now washing like crazy people. A small light from this.

I have heard about putting pepper on your fingers to help stop biting your nails? It's a habit for me to touch my face. I'm trying though, not to do that. I think that I got that from my mom! :)
Even the taste of hand sanitizer will get some people to keep their hands on their faces, maybe?

Thanks for this! What a great idea! God bless. 💖

I hate all the fragranced hand lotions. Some are so strong as to be sickening and bother my allergies. Hoping just washing my hands is the best defense

It amazing how much we touch our face, great suggestion. I have been using Jergens lotion and I love the smell. I actually have a habit of smelling the lotion that is on my hands. I am no longer doing it. I also stopped biting my nails. I have done this since I was a kid. You would think with the coronavirus I would bite them more. I even painted my nails with nail treatment and nail polish, feels and looks good. No more nail biting and hurt fingers. Yay!!

Wear a face mask, it will keep you from touching the areas that are vulnerable, especially when out of the house.
I saw a funny on facebook of a man wearing one of the cones that the veterinary doctors use on dog to keep them from licking sensitive areas after a procedure. I am not suggesting that - just a bit a humor. ;)
I like the smelly hand lotion idea. Most lotions from dollar stores smell pretty bad.

Good idea.
I have received hand lotions that smell like coconut.
I cannot stand coconut, both the smell and the taste.
Well, unless it's the coconut on the Girl Scout Samoa cookies. 😃

What a great suggestion! I have to say anything with a vanilla scent will give me a huge migraine. I hate it!! Will work like a charm. Except... I have to go to the store to get some!

What hand lotions stink? Lavender, definitely lavender for me. UGGGH gives me a migraine. Why do people love lavender? To each his own to determine soothing vs stinking, I guess hahahaha!


For help with social distancing there is this

LOL. My hubs has an answer for everything!
I showed him the hockey helmet with a cage for a mask.
He actually said:
"Why not try a motorcycle helmet, you can reach through that!"

Guess it will be the hot spiked hand sanitizer for him! (joking).

Roflol, and generally feeling like there could be burn out in my future. Or am I already in denile? Sp. d e n i a l .

Can't stop touching your face? Try this

Oh FF you are so right, it is nearly impossible! I told the story of hearing that we touch our faces about 45 times and hour,, I was driving to work,, hands on the wheel,, thinking this should be easy.. I swear I could NOT keep my hands away!

Making my own recipe hand-sanitizer now, cajun style. Just for hubs! He loves hot!

I think I've found the perfect solution


Hubs actually said this morning:
"It's okay to touch my face, I am home".

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