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Bringing in the New Year in countries around the world...

New Year is first celebrated on the small Pacific island nations of Tonga, Samoa, and Kiribati. New Zealand follows next in celebrating the New Year, followed by Australia, Japan, and South Korea, while the last place to celebrate New Year is Bakers Island.

Happy New Year already to some posters on Aging Care 2021.!

We did both the antigen and PCR tests. We're BOTH negative, which is great and something of a miracle, since we hung out with a family that had 5 members who were all positive and we did not know it. The youngest one kissed me full on the mouth---still, nope.

My horrid headache was a migraine and so that was dealt with. DH is planning to leave town on Sunday and my kids are losing their Sh1t, collectively. But WHO do they yell at ?


Like I can make my DH do ANYTHING. They think I have some say in what he does--they have not been paying attention for the last 40+ years.

I am not supportive nor non-supportive of this 'last trip'. He's refusing to go to a jobsite in Canada, and for that, I am glad, They are really tight on business people--he couldn't even have had a car--he'd be escorted everywhere for the 2 weeks he'd be there...that alone offends his lone wolf mentality.

We have 2 Drs. in the family, and they are IN LAWS so they don't weigh in on stuff unless specifically asked. And we already KNOW what they're going to say.

Dh is going to talk to our SIL about the trip ( the kids don't know he's been traveling for several months now) but in the end, he's going to go.

I honestly NEED him to go away for awhile. This WFH is for the birds. And we have months more of it ahead.

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