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Pray for me. Today is the day I take her back to the Geratric Doctor, where I have the paper for guardianship my husband picked up yesterday, following through for once. My MIL is giving me a hard time, saying she is weak, doesn't feel well, was up several times last night (I know, I told my husband NO, she didn't need to drink 2 glasses of applejuice in the evening, but she wanted it - bad decision, but he gave it to her). Just praying I can get her back and forth without bowel accident in car or doctor office as I have to deal with in the past. It's awful. She won't wear a diaper either, only these urinary pads that she claims won't leak. Well, we have proven that is not true several times. LOL

Ohio, based on your response to my comment about maintaining a separate bank account, PO Box, and storage, I think after that incident when he threw you out - You Knew that if he can do that to you, he would never hesitate to do it again - If You Don't Follow HIS Rules. For crying out loud! The money you used was not even his money but from YOUR relative! What does that tell you? He's a Controller. It His Way or the Highway. Well, you did try the highway but he went after you and slightly manhandled you into the car. Ooh...that's bad. I think before you confront him, make sure ALL your possessions are gone. Also, alert your immediate family members verbally and by email of your intentions of leaving him and WHEN...Just have ALL your bases covered. Would he cause a problem when it's time for you to exit? Would it be best if you ask your lawyer to be there when you do? Or have one of your sons drop by and Together you leave? You would know how best to handle it since you know your husband.

Good for you for standing on your grounds! Your MIL is scary, very scary! I thought my mom was bad, she's much, much worse! You take care! And Be Careful, very Careful while in the same house with MIL.

I so agree with mrsribit: It's not stealing. You are married and the assets are joint. That he would not pay your car payment while business was so slow and you couldn't even try to make a living because you were taking care of his mom if shameful. Would you have done that to him if the roles were reversed. OMG, no!! You would have been thanking him and hiring extra help and keeping him from the burden you have carried. You would have taken every step to give him some peace from a parent whose needs and anger are relentless.

Instead, he chose to keep you down, deprive his mom of needed assistance and to punish you financially at the same time.

Do what you have to do to give yourself a fair start. Leave him a note and tell him what you have done so he knows right away what he needs to cover. Tell him what you expect to have in a marriage and how he fallen way short. Make sure he understands there in no reason to talk if he can not admit that he has failed you and will do better in the future. No if, ands, or buts. This is where the rubber meets the road. I'm sure you can find a way to explain how much it would mean to you to have someone do as much for you and you have done for him. Squeeze it in, but make the bottom line very clear.

You are an awesome loving person. We all love you and want you to be treated fairly and with genuine love. You deserve nothing less.

Hugs, Cattails

Ohio, I am simply amazed at how you have taken control. Don't give up. I see a strong woman getting stronger every day. I agree with Cattails. You have paid for so much for HIS mom. He should have been paying for it and making it possible for you to work. He owes you financially and you will probably never see anything that you don't have access to right now. You need to take what you can before you leave. You need something to start off on. It isn't stealing, you're married! He should have been paying for so much for so long. It's getting back what he took from you. He should have at least made sure you didn't pay for his family.
No matter how you do it I see a great life for you ahead and family gatherings with your kids and grandkids all over you!

Ohio: YOU ARE AWESOME. YOU ARE AMAZING. YOU ARE INSPIRING. I am so proud of you. Seeing an attorney on Tuesday, getting your stuff out of there. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! I am so relieved to see you taking steps to protect and care for yourself.

Have you ever considered how ridiculous it is to have to take photos of what you do during the day, just so your husband will believe you. I'm glad you are doing it, but that your word isn't enough, is just beyond my understanding.

Listen, there may only be enough money in the joint account to pay bills, but if you take that money and leave him a note, he will use his stash to replace it so he can pay the house payment, etc. Consider it compensation for caring for him mom and just a little bit towards a settlement of joint assets.

You might want to take photos of his various cash stashes or even help yourself to some because he has probably stashed more in a private bank account that you don't know about and will have no ability to prove he has in the event of a divorce. So don't be so noble. You have to live too and get on your feet.

I know this is hard for you, but you are doing the right thing getting your valuables out and making a plan.

I can't tell you how relieved I am that you are taking action on your behalf. If you and your husband can work things out in the future, that's fine, but he has to realize that you have every right to define what is acceptable to you in the way you live. Don't settle for less than what you know in your heart is right. You do know what is right and it's been missing for a long time.

Love and Hugs, Cattails

MY MOTHER IN LAW IS INSANE AND TRYING TO TAKE ME WITH HER!!!!!!! That is my thought for today. I don't know if I am allowed to say that here, don't want to get reported for bad behavior and thoughts being posted. Just yelling my thoughts to the world not knowing what to do first.

Elisa1961. I am not doing well today, sorry to say. My efforts on finding my MIL assistance & an attorney to help my husband get control of her affairs has resulted in him throwing it in my face. He first cancelled the appt with that attorney for today, then changed his mind and is there now. I have had a day full of my MIL today, and I am so drained, zombie walking. Can't wait for him to get home so I can say "all yours", like I did on Saturday. I never did that before. Never had nerve to.
I don't want to bring anyone down here, I have brought this on myself and will figure out what to do, trying to cover all bases. I still love my husband with all my heart, still don't understand why he doesn't love me the same way anymore, I will always care about his family, whether I am married or not, I would still like to work things out. But now have stronger faith IF he goes 2nd shift and continues to shut me off and not help with his MIL - I want more out of life that this. I feel like I am slowing dying, my life sucks. How can he deny his mom needs more help than I can provide. Banging my head now on wall. She has started a new one at me - did I mention that she is hiding knives in her room? Also making faces at me where she puts her hands, thumbs in ears, like na-na-na-na -na??? Saying lulalulalula? What the heck! 2yr old tantrums now.

bookworm84. Probably, I believe that one. I have said things and backed off, not following through because I am so tired. No fight left some days. There is nothing in the joint account except what goes 100% on bills. BUT I do know where there are a couple stashes of his in the house that I have evil thoughts on - although I know I could never follow through and take. But I can think and grin. Ha - you just made me smile, lol.
I already have my own bank account that I use for real estate (that was my excuse after I was thrown out of house that time, never ever will I allow myself to be so darn helpless again) and a PO box in place if I need somewhere for bills and checks to go that has been established now for 5 years. My jewelry has been stored off home site since then, so not here for him to take like he did his ex.
I am boxing up my longberger baskets to put in storage. They have been in the basement, which bothers me - but this will be good to get them away. I have about 100 of them, collected them during my earlier marriage.
My photo albums are being boxed up tomorrow, going to my son's home for safe keeping.
All that is left will be my furniture, real estate office/equipment, videos' & all my kitchen things. I have already packed up my tupperware - I did a hit and run from my first marriage, had everything packed and gone in 3 hours. I can do that again. I haven't wanted to think this way, but after finding knives now in her room, knowing she hates me, with a husband declaring to go on 2nd shift, not being able to work and make money, I quit.

Yes, Jeanne Gibbs, seeing one on Tuesday. I need to know my rights. Thank you for caring.

cattails. I am in shock he is following through on seeing the attorney in regards to a POA or Guardianship over his mom. I sent him texts with photos of my day that has sucked. From what I gave for breakfast, to taking 2 hours trying to get her into the shower from excuses and she reeked, from taking her house coat away with poop all over it, from finding yet ANOTHER knife in her room (this time in her pillow case), to helping her find her flashlight that she accused someone of stealing (it was on her nightstand), to getting lunch, to her accusing me of hiding her check book, to not giving her the mail (she didn't get any), to sanitizing my bathroom after she was in it, to doing laundry for her - my whole day has been wrapped in her needs. But once the husband hits the door tonight, I'm out of here til bedtime. I see a divorce lawyer on Tuesday, so I am doing what I can til then. I am a walking zombie today, I have no feelings which is strange. I exist.

Ohio al, how are you holding up? Hope you ok. Thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

I'm so sorry. He obviously thinks you're exaggerating. That you're still acting like "a princess." .... Also, when you see lawyer, check if it's okay that you withdraw some money out of the bank account (if your name is on it, though) or what action you can take before he withdraws the whole amount. Open a new account under just your name and deposit the amount. Don't spend it case he decides to get nasty. Have all your bases covered. Sneak away all your valued possessions, etc...

yeah, what Cat said ... but see a lawyer FIRST

Ohio: He's the loser here, not you. Remember that. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have someone like you on my side. You do more than should be asked and even then you do more. You have gathered all this wonderful information for his mom's care and he just leaves the room and signs up for the 2nd shift.

It's his loss and he will come to understand that. You need to look out for yourself now. Give him the information you have gathered regarding his mom's care and tell him you are going to visit your children.

When he pitches a fit and tells you that you can't come back, tell him yes you can and the police will be by your side. Let him know that you have demands too and if he wants the marriage to work, he's going to have to meet your demands.

Tell him this is the real world and he's not a little prince.

Ok, I've vented. I'm sending you lots of love and hugs. You are a star and don't you forget it.

Love, Cattails.

I am so sad tonight, I can't write. I'm hurt that he would consider doing this to me, 2nd shift? And he has the choice? I know where I stand. I quit.

Ohio, sounds to me he's taking this second shift not for more money, but he will be completely free of any responsibility for his mother. If he's not there in the evenings, then you can't expect him to claim any responsibility. Girl, you've gotten pro active. And with your actions he'll be forced to make decisions. Your in his face now, what he considers his personal space. Never mind that you haven't had your personal space in over a year. So this is his attack plan. You will really be stuck with everything. I can just hear his conniving mind working. So hopefully? Third times a charm. Ohio gal, why do you even try to fix this relationship?

Ohio: From everything you have said about your marriage, your husband is a total head up his butt idiot to let you go. At some point, he will know that and you are not the one to say never. That's his position, not yours.

You have taken his uncontrollable child and brought her up to a new level. If she continued to live with you, it wouldn't be fun, but you would not be the one to give up. Same with his mom.

Your little prince needs a big attitude adjustment. That he would chose to go to 2nd shift because he doesn't like the group meetings is pathetic. Think about what you do everyday.

He is his own worst enemy. He pushed you out the door one cold winter night because you, the little princess, went shopping for a winter coat. And when you walked down the driveway and away from the home, he got in the car and came after you.

This 2nd shit crap should be a deal breaker. Give him all the information you have gathered for help with his mom and wish him well. Call his bluff and lay out your demands. You take the lead and tell him what it is going to take for you to stay. If he doesn't care then that's your answer. My guess is he will be driving up the road chasing you to where ever you have gone and trying to get you back.

Make a decision. Step some ground rules. Either he follows them or you leave. I hope you can say this with some certainty that you are right, because you are.

My heart goes out to you. Your hubby needs to get his head out of his ass and he may not do that until he is forced to see reality.

Love and many hugs to you. We are all on your side and greatly respect you.


OhioGal08, why do you even try to fix this relationship?

mrsribit, Thank you for the encouragment, blog post and article. I guess I am kinda down today, since my husband has announced he is making the decision to back on 2nd shift. Claims he doesn't like his foreman who is insisting he is at his job site at 6:30 am on the nose, for team meeting. He doesn't like team meetings, feels they are useless and waste of time. His 2nd shift foreman didn't insist on these meetings, plus he feels there is more overtime so more money can be made.
Why do I even try to fix this relationship?

bookworm84. Yes, I was overwhelmed and felt so alone, not knowing where to turn with a husband not offering any help or relief. I am angry today, he announced that he is not liking his first shift foreman & is going to go back to 2nd shift after August.
My life was pure hell with THAT shift! I might as well be a single parent to his mom. Example: his shift is from 2:30 to 10:30 BUT that shift gets the most overtime, so he worked any and all hours, usually 12 hr shifts, so he got off at 2:30 am, getting home around 3-3:30am. Not always would he go to bed, sometimes staying up another hour on the computer. Didn't care that he woke me up everytime he came into the bedroom, light sleeper here and it takes me a long time to go back to sleep. He, on the other hand, has no problem in sleeping in until 11am. Then showers, eats breakfast, checks emails, then leaves for work around 1:30 or 1:45pm. That gave absolutely NO TIME to help with his mom PLUS I had no one to watch her in the afternoon so I could show homes.
Which cost me major dollars lost in income.
I also could not do anything at all in the evening, except sit here. When I wanted to have a night out to go to the movies with a couple friends from work, he didn't like it, even when I had his daughter here to cover babysitting detail.
I think he is doing this because I have him doing more care help with his mom.
He really doesn't care about my feelings if he does this. Why be married?

mrsribit, Yes we were cautioned about the elderly & I would leave it to the professionals, just calling 911. We live so far out, the response time will be long but her quality of life now is gone - what does she have to look forward to? She still feels that she can live on her own, she was doing just fine. I stole her independence away so she hates me. I keep a watchful eye and "tell my husband what she does" so she hates me. I won't let her eat a belly full of cookies, honeybuns & ice cream where she gets sick, so she hates me. I won't let her take a shower alone, so guess what? yeah, she hates me. I can't win no matter what I do.

Elisa1961 and Waddle1. I will rent those movies and watch this weekend. Thanks.

Ohio, I am am a member of Weight Watchers online. It is a site that among other things we have the option to make friends with others online and can encourage much in the same way we do here. One of my friends posted on her blog on the site and I wanted you to have the option to read it. I've copied and pasted it below :

Believe and Have Faith
Written by moonstone722 (marcee) on 6/26/2012 2:58 PM

Whenever I tell my husband I don’t believe I can do something, he tells me I don’t have to believe it. Just believe in him because he believes in me. He tells me to believe in the one who believes in me.

Over this past week there have been so many people who are discouraged with their participation in their program. Some want to quit and others are determined work the program. Some years ago I read this article and wanted to share it with you.

5 Reasons to Believe in Yourself (Article by Carolyn Jelango)

Sometimes people will ignite your passion for achievement by believing, championing and supporting you. But then a time comes in the journey of life, when you have to rise to the occasion and face the challenges of life on your own.

It is therefore important to believe in yourself and in your capacity to
perform to the best of your ability. When faced with any situation, always
believe in yourself because:

1. No one else will.
If you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect anyone else to
believe you? How can you convince anyone if you can’t convince yourself? Your self-confidence and esteem stem from a strong belief in who you are and what you stand for. It is important to remember that you are your number one
supporter and fan.

2. You owe it to yourself.
Do yourself a favor. The best thing that you can do for yourself and have no regrets about is to pamper yourself by believing in yourself. It's a great feeling to have affirmative thoughts about yourself. Believing in yourself is a ‘yes’ thought which goes a long way to accelerate positive progress in your life. You are your own best friend; expect good things for yourself.

3. Life is what you make it.
Believing that you can make it happen for yourself is an important step
towards making a life that you like. You must believe that you can do it and
that you will succeed.

Napoleon Hill rightly said that it takes a person half their lives to discover that life is a do it yourself project. A lot of the decisions you make and things you do depend upon you; so arm yourself with self-belief, make the right choices and make it happen.

4. You have dreams and aspirations.
Do you have dreams and aspirations? What will happen to them if you don’t believe in yourself and in your capacity to fulfill them?

If you have a passion to fulfill your dreams and aspirations, don’t allow them go to waste just because you don’t believe in yourself. Within each person there lies an intrinsic ability to turn situations around if only they believe.

5. Others are watching and waiting to applaud you.
It’s amazing how you gain respect in the eyes of others when you achieve
something that you truly desire. You become an inspiration to others who may have been looking up to you, as you believed in yourself and in your ability to make things happen.

So, for those of us who don’t believe they can do this, who don’t believe they can reclaim their lives, or whose belief is shaky right now, I believe in you. I believe in myself, and (in case it did not register), I believe in YOU!

Ohio, you did a lot in regards to your MIL in such a short time! Wow! I'm so proud of you! It's obvious to me that you're a fighter, pro-active. I think in the beginning of this thread, you were overwhelmed. Now, you have goals. I'm glad. Like everyone said, please keep us updated.

Lisa, I had always wanted to do volunteer work since I was a teenager. For Years, it was one of my "to do" list in life. Howver, after experiencing it first hand every day for Years, that is one item I threw out. People say it's different when you caregive to non-family member. I think my problem is I no longer have patience. But, I think it's great that you want to volunteer. Go for it! I think you will learn A LOT of first hand experience that will definitely come in handy when MIL is at that stage. You won't be learning piecemeal nuggets of great ideas like we did.

Ohio. One thought. Your MIL has said she wants to die. I'm sure she wouldn't make it happen but sounds like she would be DNR if asked. That is short for do not resuscitate, I'm sure most everyone knows but making sure. The reason to clarify this is that at your MIL's age her bones are fragile. If you tried CPR compressions you would likely cause rib fractures, a very painful condition. This could lead to disaster. She needs to be able to go when it's time. My father died in early April. He was sick and refused to let me take him to the doctor. He was shivering violently and had pain right below the rib cage. He had the right to say no to medical help but told me in answer to my request of what to do, that if he couldn't talk to me any more that I would have to decide what to do. I called 911 when he became unresponsive. When he was in the ER they found that he had a gall bladder infection that became septic, or throughout his body. It caused heart failure. I had the doctor give him medication that kept his heart beating and brought his blood pressure up from 59/29. The surgeon wouldn't do the surgery because he wasn't stable. His blood pressure wouldn't stay up. All of the fluids he got couldn't stabilize his BP. We realized that we were just prolonging the inevitable and felt that after talking to the doctor we should stop the medication. Before we could have the medication stopped we told Dad what we thought we should do, and he just let go, he passed on his terms. He was ready to go. I don't regret not calling the paramedics earlier because he had the right to decide.
I don't know if MIL is alert enough to make an informed decision but would you want to have someone do CPR on you if there was a good chance of broken bones or being on life support? Think it through, talk to the doctor if you need more info. You will probably want to decide what you want for yourself too. You want to make the decision before you lose the ability to decide.

Ohio, we are suspecting my mil has ALZ. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on. I want to be educated as much as I can since I have no hands on experience. I have read exactly what you were advised to do. Also another important one. Never tell them they are repeating theirselves. He or she thinks they are telling you for the first time. Instead, act like it's the first time your hearing it. Pointing it out to them causes anxiety. Again, this is what I'm reading. I have no hands on experience. What do you think Jeanne. Was she given sound advice and am I headed in the right direction. Ohio, my next stop is the library this week. I want to educate myself. I've even thought about volunteering at a local nursing home one or 2 days a week. In comes some experience, but how rewarding to spread a little love and hopefully relieve some loneliness for ones who dosen't have family, or the family who simply live too far away to visit regularly. Wow, I finally spoke out loud. I think I'm gonna do it girls!!!!

JeanneGibbs, I never know what your post is going to say. I start with one eye open with one eye sorta shut, afraid of what you are going to You should be a writer. Your way with words is like sitting across the room from you, like having a conversation one on one with you close by. See, I can't explain it like I want to - can't find the right words. It's late anyway, no telling what gibberish I might type now. It's been such a long day. At least no antics from MIL - doing the happy dance today!! And I was able to get many tasks underway. That was exciting. Like FINALLY - maybe I can get something accomplished for her and myself.
OMG - yes, my husband and I are 100% total opposites when it comes to personality traits. But we have so many common interests - my life has been fun, for most of the time. He is loud - I am quiet. He speaks without thinking - I have to think before I talk, wanting to say the right words instead of blurting out. He uses his hands when he talks with gestures - I usually quietly stand, with one hand on table the other holding something. Now that brings up something that is a strange habit of mine. I am almost always holding something! A book, a towel, a piece of paper, my cell phone, hardly ever am I walking around with NOTHING in my hand or under my arm. Why on earth am I thinking about that now? It's late and I am tired. Maybe that's why.
Ok, I continue. He has blonde hair, mine is dark brown. He is short. I am tall. He has blue eyes. Mine are green. He makes fast quick decisions usually saying no first. I have to think before making a decision, usually saying let me see or let me think about that first. He can lash out and call names, pure anger. Then forget it ever happened just as fast as it started. I can't forget, it lingers on for days. Not that I am holding a grudge, but hanging on to guilt wondering what did I do wrong to bring this on . That's another thing, why do I feel it's always my fault? Ok, getting way off subject - I try to stay so positive in my negative world. He is NOT a positive person, like myself. He is negative to me. Always. Like, why on earth are you doing that? We are both educated with college & degrees. In fact, I can brag here, I carry a 4.0 for my paralegal degree - well, almost finished it. Two required classes to go. I was working full time and going to school evenings, plus raising a family. It wasn't easy, but I was determined to try another field of work. It sounded like it paid well. I've been wanting to go back and finish.
Ok, stopping now. Good night everyone - let's see what tomorrow throws my way - and it better be roses, not thorns!!

Yep, definitely, short simple sentences. The fewer choices the better. It is a burden to have to make decisions when your brain isn't working right.

If the loved one likes to feel in charge and making choices contributes to that, then make the choices simple. Don't say, "what do you want to wear today?" but say, "Would you like to wear your nice red sweater or the cute blue one?"

Do NOT give a choice unless you are prepared to accept their answer. If you say "Do you want to take a bath?" then be prepared to respect the answer "No." Don't pretend to give them a choice and then not respect the choice they make.

Too many choices are overwhelming. "Would you rather watch television, or take a nap, or should we go for a walk?" is waaaay too much to process. "Should I help you find something on tv?" is enough to have to decide at once. And some days it is too much. "I'm going to turn the baseball game on now," might be quite enough. And then watch whether that seems to be pleasig them.

Are you afraid of coming across as too bossy? That is kind of you, but, really, reducing the amount of mental processing your MIL has to do just to get through the day is a kindness. "Breakfast is ready now" is not bossy. It is helpful. You'll say it cheerfully and matter-of-factly and it wouldn't seem bossy at all.

If you want to help her exercise her mind, work a simple crossword or jigsaw puzzle with her. Don't make her jump through mental hoops just to get dressed or groomed or fed! Doing a little puzzle can be fun. Figuring out what to wear and when to eat and whether to take a walk can just be burdensome.

But, try it for yourself and see how it works for you!

Yes, I've seen "Enough". "Sleeping With The Enemy" is another good one.

Ohio: I've reread all the post here again. Since the beginning I have had this same thought. Years ago Jennifer Lopez made a movie called "ENOUGH". She wanted to raise awareness of abuse that women all over the country were subjected to. Not only the physical, but the mental too. Go rent that movie please. Has anyone else seen this movie? The male lead was a controlling, mentally abusive man who kept his wife under his thumb. He would not allow her to keep her friendships after they were married, no contact with family. Not allowed to work. Stay at home mother. Honey your husband sounds like he has so many of those traits it's scary. Just my thoughts. You may feel perfectly safe with him. It makes me worry. Stay strong and be safe, love to you, lisa

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